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=] 12 Months of Hobby 2023 [=


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So there's going to be an upcoming event in which I attempt to paint way too many DRG LoV Space Dwarves with way too little experience in doing so. :tongue: In order to tip the balance a little more in my favour, I'm going to paint a second of my Kin. I did have a picture of the unpainted stuff on sprue, but it came out really blurry and could have been anything from kroot to chaos marines (both of which I still need to paint at some point...) So instead, here's where I'm up to so far with Dwarf no. 2:



This one's an Ironkin - robot legs are the giveaway - so I'm giving them an enclosed helmet since they're probably going to be working alongside Imperial forces in the actual games we play. I doubt intricacies of the lore like that will really appeal to either of my Kill-Team playing nephews, but it matters to me.



Working on the lore for my LoV and I'm really thinking I should go fully Mega-Corp with them, so they're not called the [Name] League, but something like [Name] Industries or [Name] Corporation, where the company basically owns the entire League.


Of course, it'll have to be a slightly silly name, or it's just not paying proper homage to Deep Rock Galactic. Hmm. Something to think about while I paint! :biggrin:


Oh, and the official vow:

I, Ace Debonair, vow to complete one (1) of my Hearthkyn Salvagers to the best of my ability before the end of June. May I be forced to hug actual trees until the elves  Eldar approve of me if I fail.




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So, these guys were really fun to paint.  A good diversion between the mind numbing buildings...




Please excuse the super large images but one Kataphron Destroyer and...



One Techpriest Enginseer.


Now to finish the last set of buildings.  Well, the last set for now.



Edited by Brother Argent
(Adding before pic of building I forgot to before painting...
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Nice work - they look great :smile: 


11 hours ago, Brother Argent said:

Please excuse the super large images

I think the board's Abominable Intelligence spotted what you were trying to do :smile: (translation: it looks like they were auto-resized down and aren't giant :biggrin:)

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Vow Complete! :biggrin:


On the matter of the League's Name, I'm thinking of going with a company within a League, with some slightly cheesy name like Dyna-Mine Corporation.


The idea being they've bought out several other factions within a League, and are as such a Big Deal.


Kin from those purchased guilds/companys/other purchases use majority Dyna-Mine colours, with a little nod to their previous livery.


Like for example, this friendly Ironkin member of Dyna-Mine's Engineering Corps, whose shoulder armour is partly in a cheery shade of crimson.


I also figured out a quick way to determine if a Kin has a Bolter or Ion Blaster at tabletop distance; the latter won't have Hazard Stripes. Easy peasy!





I like these hats, but Votann are like Battle Sisters in that their bare heads are so characterful I probably won't use all of the helmets.


More pics in the spoiler below!








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June pledge is complete!



Additional picture of him chillin with his brother, getting ready to stomp some heretics!


Edit: update to my plodding along goal. I am now down to needing one additional dreadnaught (an ironclad) and one more battleline squad (Heavy Intercessors) and my Demi-company will be complete.

Edited by Paladin777
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1 minute ago, TPS said:

Hey, so I've been gone for a while, had a lot going on when the forum moved and kinda forgot about it. Until 10th edition came around that is. 

Is it possible to jump back in here right in the middle of the year? Got a box of shame ready to be built and painted! :)

Absolutely, and welcome back :thumbsup:

Anything previously vowed but not completed will still be a Stubborn Completion (just remind me though .... )

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So my first June vow is complete (well, has been for a week or so...)




(I did just need to add the before pics to the original vow as I never put them there from my gallery... :facepalm:)


So, like many of my fellow hobbyists out there I recently acquired a copy of the Leviathan Box set from my local Independent.  On Saturday I picked up the gloriously heavy box set and carried it lovingly home.  I began the correct and proper Litanies of the Openification and prepared to enter hobby Nirvana.  At which point my kids and wife took it and wrapped it for my birthday on the 4th July as the deal to get it was it would be for my birthday...


So, in celebration of the return of Hive Fleet Titan (name possibly being changed) and the deployment of the mighty Interdictors First Company I shall..... continue with my Imperium subscription with vowing, to begin with, the first Tomb Blade



These models are rather... meh...  But will still keep it rolling.  At least this way I can vow my Leviathan content for the Call to Arms Event.  And I will try to roll up these issues quickly so I can hit the CtA full force.


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I, Sviar, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of June pledge to complete 1 Valhallan by month's end. 


In the beginning of june I had a complicated eye surgery. It is not yet fully healed, but good for small paining sessions. Hence the small vow. I have already started on the mini.


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5 hours ago, Sviar said:

I, Sviar, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of June pledge to complete 1 Valhallan by month's end. 


In the beginning of june I had a complicated eye surgery. It is not yet fully healed, but good for small paining sessions. Hence the small vow. I have already started on the mini.


 Happy to hear you're on the mend :thumbsup:

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I have forgotten to paste the completed vow (two drones with clear bases are for my Piranha):



To paint something of better quality this month, I will extend my June pledge by painting one Cybernetica Datasmith to shepherd my bots for the glory of the Omnissiah by the months end.




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So my next vow is complete; 1x Tomb Blade




I was thinking of moving onto my next vow of a Kataphron Destroyer but I am thinking at this point I would be best leaving that a few days for the Call to Arms event.  I will need something to keep me going for the first few days till I get my birthday present...


So I think I am calling it at that for June.  Roll on July...

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