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Upcoming BL Stuff - 2023


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....looks like I might actually be correct in my assumption that they'll drop unannounced novels on us for June's lineup.




Children of Teclis will be coming to Black Library pre-orders very soon, so keep your eyes open for further announcements.


And they even opened it with an extract, which we normally get on the BL store page. That's fairly new, and indicates that it's really right around the corner.

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3 minutes ago, Ubiquitous1984 said:

Is it my imagination or are there a lot more AoS releases this year than in recent times?

Someone with more patience then I would have to do an actual analysis, but yeah it does feel like we are getting quite a bit of AoS. Or maybe it’s because I read the last three non-Gotrek novels released.

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4 hours ago, sitnam said:

Someone with more patience then I would have to do an actual analysis, but yeah it does feel like we are getting quite a bit of AoS. Or maybe it’s because I read the last three non-Gotrek novels released.

Here you go. Don't think it's that great for AoS. 3 books + one Horror one if you count those



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7 hours ago, sitnam said:

Someone with more patience then I would have to do an actual analysis, but yeah it does feel like we are getting quite a bit of AoS. Or maybe it’s because I read the last three non-Gotrek novels released.

No time for fancy tables, but the numbers are by year from 2015-2023. Numbers in () are including non-BL releases (Hachette for novellas and WD/GW-online for shorts, mainly)

Novels: 0, 6, 4, 8, 12, 5, 8, 11, 5
Novellas: 8, 1, 1, 6, 4, 4(5), 1(3), 4, 0
Shorts: 23, 32, 12, 21(73), 52(70), 37(48), 37(57), 26(28), 9(12)

If they keep the pace, we're looking at 12 novels and 22 shorts. Not too dissimilar from 2022.

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Glad Fall of Damnos is getting its audiobook. With how Knights of Macragge had one already, it's nice to see the two main novels from Kyme being covered. Still missing the novella (and the Helsreach sequel novella as well; and The Eternal Crusader by Haley, but here's hoping...), though.


Looking forward to listening to some of the SMB novels I never got around to picking off the shelf!


Ciaphas Cain: Choose Your Enemies is also coming, which is good, because I never bought a print of that one. I'm still holding out for an all-omnibus collection of Cain; Sandy Mitchell better write more novels to make that happen.

Edited by DarkChaplain
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I really hope that BL/GW does something about the scalping issue or really just fix their website. How :cuss:ing hard is it to program their website that once you have an item in your cart that its reserved for you for the next 30 mins to an hour? To me it almost feels deliberately malicious on their part to have had this issue on going for so long as well as not talking about it while still advertising their products with high production quality youtube videos and interviews. The massive flood and crashing of their website has nothing to do with popularity and likely has everything to do with automated bots acting faster than humans constantly spamming their programmed buying macros over and over again essentially acting as a DDOS attack which should be considered Illegal. 

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11 minutes ago, Nagashsnee said:

Nice, with this and SoB getting some new novels I'm glad BL is expanding outside SM stories for the IoM witht the ocasional Custodes and Inquisitor stories. Would love for GW to do massive releases of novels for other factions too.


Give me more necron, tyranid, ork, tau, eldar and votann lore and novels. I've heard IaD, TDK and the ork novels currently published are some of the best xenos novels written.

Edited by Jscarlos18
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2 minutes ago, aa.logan said:

Much smaller print runs of the LE’s too- 1,750 maximum.


I’m going to try for the Fall of Cadia, mega editions tend to launch mid-August I think, and I’ll read or listen to the others but I think my LE days are properly behind me now.

I felt the same way, but the medal and little booklet, i am such a sucker for things like that. Of course price will also play a role, but the one great thing with BL LE is that you almost never have to worry about losing money if you regret your purchase. 

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Fall of Cadia is about 5 years overdue already, glad it's finally happening but the limited edition window is pissing me off.


Honourbound getting a collector's edition re-release on top of its original release's model accompaniment and no sequel anywhere in sight.


And we already knew about the Minka Lesk omnibus and sequel, that getting a special edition announced months later is kind of strange.


Creed: Ashes of Cadia is also a novel they announced at the start of the year that they've been eerily silent on since. This one receiving a *limited* edition instead of a *special* edition also just means another 6 month delay, meaning that it's getting increasingly unlikely for the hardback/ebook/audiobook releases hitting in 2023.


And Gaunt's Ghosts print on demand is still so strange to me. Those books had multiple Omnibus releases already. Keep those in print instead, BL/GW. It's not that difficult.


Bottom line: They announced one new novel. One. The rest are price-gouging re-releases or limited artificial scarcity scalper fodder.

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1 hour ago, DarkChaplain said:

Fall of Cadia is about 5 years overdue already, glad it's finally happening but the limited edition window is pissing me off.

Now if only they'd do the rest of the gathering storm stuff and warzone fenris, that be great...


But I can bet, that this novel is only being written because Trazyn is involved and Rath did an amazing job writing him already.

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It was a strange feeling as I read through the article.  Excitement at first (Fall of Cadia) then a bit of head scratching (Honourbound LE) and ending with some confusion.


Happy we are getting something new from Rath.  Really enjoyed his stuff so far.  Wondering how that medal will look alongside my existing ones :teehee:.  Also looking forward to Shadow of the Eighth.  Hill is another author I really like.


The head scratching is why we are getting a LE for Honourbound instead of a continuation of the characters adventures.  Not sure if some of the other LE are necessary either, but who am I to say?  


Confused with why most of these releases were either LE or HB (or both) but Longshot is just a MMPB release.  I suppose Rob Young is a relatively new author (only two shorts that I recall) so that may be it.  I was also taken back by more PoD Ghosts novels.  Then I saw they were in HB format.  There are a lot of book collectors out there who prefer this format, especially if they can get them in matching trade dress, so GW aren’t going to leave that money on the table.  I will have that wall pennant.


On a more serious note, BL has definitely decided to chase the LE cash rainbow hard imho.  It certainly explains why we initially were fed these releases and then heard nothing for months afterwards.  I reckon the HB/PB releases were about to go when the decision to drop LEs as well was made.


I also wonder if the Fall of Cadia book is the start of a series collating the background book series like Arks of Omen, etc, into a single central narrative?

Edited by Felix Antipodes
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1 hour ago, Felix Antipodes said:


On a more serious note, BL has definitely decided to chase the LE cash rainbow hard imho.  It certainly explains why we initially were fed these releases and then heard nothing for months afterwards.  I reckon the HB/PB releases were about to go when the decision to drop LEs as well was made.

As I understand it print runs of books have to be scheduled well in advance these days, so the decision to do LEs was probably made quite a while ago, before any of the books were printed. I don’t think GW could’ve scheduled and fulfilled multiple new orders in the 6ish months since the regular editions were announced. So the better question might be ‘why on earth were these announced only as hardbacks to begin with?’. 

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I wish they'd made it clear when they recently released the first three Gaunt's Ghosts as print-on-demand HBs that they would continue with the same style for further volumes, as I'd have got those ones too to get a full set; too late now. (Given their track record with format-releases, there was no reason to believe more were forthcoming.)

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13 minutes ago, DukeLeto69 said:

Errrr wasn’t Justin Hill’s Cadia Stands about the fall of Cadia?

Happy to be corrected as I have not read it myself, however my understanding is that novel didn't touch on things like the Blackstone Fortress, nor the involvement of key players such as Abbadon or Trazyn.  Hopefully this new novel sheds more light on their involvement (especially the latter: I wouldn't be disappointed at all if the novel was basically a glorified Trazyn story).



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