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+++Unit of the week+++



Rubric Marines

This thread is only for tactics for Rubric Marines, not for pictures, there are other places for that.

How to best use Rubric Marines?

  • Wargear?
  • Legion?
  • Which stratagems are worth throwing out?
  • Any solid unit combos?
Edited by Cpt.Danjou
Some spelling errors.
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Put the Black Rune on them and watch as they absorb absurd volumes of fire.


Also put the Black Rune on them if they have Warpflamers, because your opponent will try everything to kill them before they get into burn everything range.


Also also, Core is not a faction keyword. Warpflamers + Contempt Over Caution is quite fun, if you have the CP for it.

Edited by Kaiju Soze
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