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Echoes of the Warp

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Considering how faithful the chaos terminator update was I doubt GW will change anything for loyalist Terminators, besides we already had a modern sculpt in the SM Heroes and the limited terminator Chaplain couple years back and they are the same as the old ones. Nothing suggests that they will change the classic design in some radical way and I'd be surprised if they do.

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3 minutes ago, redmapa said:

Considering how faithful the chaos terminator update was I doubt GW will change anything for loyalist Terminators, besides we already had a modern sculpt in the SM Heroes and the limited terminator Chaplain couple years back and they are the same as the old ones. Nothing suggests that they will change the classic design in some radical way and I'd be surprised if they do.

The CSM Terminator argument doesn’t really hold weight - why don’t CSM have landspeeders? Both factions have units that are unique.

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43 minutes ago, Orange Knight said:

I really don't believe that GW would release a 40k kit as part of the main Astartes range that isn't going to be Primaris. I could be wrong of course!


I think that, more and more, "Primaris" isn't a distinction that GW's going to be giving a lot of attention to anymore, both in rules and otherwise. I can see these Terminators just being released as "Terminators" without anything indicating that they are anything but that.

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23 hours ago, phandaal said:


The lack of Crux is because it is a mirror image. What you are looking at is his right shoulder.


The presence of a Chapter Icon on the right shoulder is itself evidence of a Crux, as the badge is only on the right because there is a crux on the left. 

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3 minutes ago, Lexington said:


I think that, more and more, "Primaris" isn't a distinction that GW's going to be giving a lot of attention to anymore, both in rules and otherwise. I can see these Terminators just being released as "Terminators" without anything indicating that they are anything but that.


Possible, but they still announced Dante's crossing of the Rubicon Primaris with fanfare. 


The Terminators could be something similar. "Veterans cross the Rubicon and take their armour with them" lol

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Just now, Orange Knight said:


Possible, but they still announced Dante's crossing of the Rubicon Primaris with fanfare. 


The Terminators could be something similar. "Veterans cross the Rubicon and take their armour with them" lol

Yeah that's what I've proposed in many of our discussions on the subject so far. If they rescale the armor, they should let Primaris use it, and then it's up to personal preference what you feel like they are at that point. Kind of a copout of everyone wins, but honestly that's the right decision to make on their end.

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4 minutes ago, WrathOfTheLion said:

Yeah that's what I've proposed in many of our discussions on the subject so far. If they rescale the armor, they should let Primaris use it, and then it's up to personal preference what you feel like they are at that point. Kind of a copout of everyone wins, but honestly that's the right decision to make on their end.


There never should have been a "winners and losers" situation in the first place. If what it takes to undo that is for everyone to win, even better.

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1 hour ago, Orange Knight said:

I could be wrong of course!

Hopefully you are. GW did say that they're not replacing Firstborn, and Terminators are an iconic unit. Don't need their aesthetic watered down by Primaris additions.

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1 hour ago, phandaal said:

There never should have been a "winners and losers" situation in the first place. If what it takes to undo that is for everyone to win, even better.

Exactly - if GW wasn’t trying to have their cake (keep people from being mad about a re-scale) and eat it too (convincing people they needed to re-buy whole armies in a new scale) with this re-scale, they wouldn’t have established a situation where people felt like they needed to spout “But my GW-fluff-daddy says that these Marines are better than those Marines and even wrote me separate rules so that I’d feel ‘superior’ too when I play with my action dollies” and wouldn’t have then had to use an inane pseudo-superiority counter attempt of “Firstborn” as if it was a battle cry so the folks that didn’t want to convert over to a new Marine size could try and feel better too…


Looking forward to seeing new Terminator models, and new Tyranid models, though!

Edited by Bryan Blaire
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From the images we’ve seen it looks like the Indomitus pattern is staying the same. If this is the case (and I hope it is) then it would seem to make sense to just say the armour can be used by either type of Marine. Regardless of where you stand on Primaris I think we can all agree that Terminators are awesome!

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1 hour ago, Master Commander Ajax said:

From the images we’ve seen it looks like the Indomitus pattern is staying the same. If this is the case (and I hope it is) then it would seem to make sense to just say the armour can be used by either type of Marine. Regardless of where you stand on Primaris I think we can all agree that Terminators are awesome!

So long as proportions don’t suck, I’m down for that.


I honestly think the rumours of the keyword going are true and it’ll all just be cosmetic with the lore getting more vague as to what kind of marine is in any given squad 

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3 minutes ago, Blindhamster said:

I honestly think the rumours of the keyword going are true and it’ll all just be cosmetic with the lore getting more vague as to what kind of marine is in any given squad 


Then you just need to make MkX the universal standard for all Astartes (Primaris or not) and it paves the way for new Tactical, Devastator etc kits in the future. Could see it happening.


I'm fact I'm going to end up stuck with another 10 Intercessors from Soulforge King so to hell with it, might as well build some Devastators!

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Its been a few years but certainly someone i talked to from the studio said they dont see a big divide between hobbit and primaris marines, they are all just space marines. Now obviously that wasnt borne out by the 9th ed codex (For what could be a lot of reasons) but i wouldnt be surprised if the primaris keyword just went away as rumours suggest in 10th and people can just decide if they want well proportioned minis or not for themselves ;) 

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3 minutes ago, Mechanicus Tech-Support said:

Part of me always felt(as in I have no proof) that the primaris/firstborn thing was just a stop gap measure, their idea to get around the yelling that would occure if they just came out and said they were rescalling and reimagining the SM line.

As much was pretty much said by Peachy from before he left GW in one of the Painting Phase videos he was part of.  GW basically did what I said above regarding with the corporate thought that, according to Peachy, “everyone would organically move to the bigger Marines”.  He didn’t indicate that they had a specific end game for the divide, but may not be able to or is unwilling to reveal what that was/is.

Edited by Bryan Blaire
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For me a primaris marine is just a measure to keep pace fluffwise with the enourmous threat of chaos marines which are arguably harder, better, faster, stronger in fluff, regardless of them being worse on average in the crunch throughout the editions.


It's just that they also introduced;

A new Mark of armour that is exclusive in crunch, but not really in fluff.

New weapons that are exclusive in crunch, but not in fluff.

Squad Organisation exclusive in crunch, but, arguably, not in fluff.

Organs that are exclusive in fluff, but completely disregarded in crunch.


So in the end you have multiple changes introducedd at once that are perceived as one big change, instead of multiple smaller ones.

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Looks like TDA is the last bastion of hope for FB lovers. Funnily enough (wink wink) the rumor regarding the keyword Primaris being removed started right here and of course there is absolutely nothing to factually support the outlandish claim either.

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Seen the teaser on facebook and almost missed the tyranid faction's symbol. My excitement is growing by the day, can't wait for adepticon/warhammer fest for GW to finally unveil the new units. Would have loved for it to be a surprise without the rumours, but since I still don't know which are most likely to happen this is not so bad.



  • Swarmlord (Bestest and goodest bug in the setting! Want him as a monster from the worst nightmares that should righfully be feared)->Faction leader/centrepiece
  • Hive Tyrants (Still look decent)
  • Old One Eye
  • Carnifexes (screamer-killer/thornback)
  • Red Terror
  • Deathleaper
  • Lictors
  • Gaunts/gargoyles
  • Genestealers (Almost guranteed due to terminators)
  • Biovore/pyrovore
  • Spore mines(not too urgent, since we can still get them from harpies/biovores/tyrannocyte)
  • Rippers
  • New units (Norn-Queen, Shrikes, others created from scratch)
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I would be happy to see redone first born indomitus terminators I could use with my HH mkvi dudes.  A Kit could have extra shoulder pads so you could have crux for 40K and no crux for 30k.


I would also like primaris sized terminators for 40K.  Preferably pretty vanilla with a storm bolt rifle and power fist, classic heavy weapons +1, and maybe a new heavy option like a lascannon or multi melta version of a cyclone or something. Heavy intercessors just don’t cut it as terminator replacements.

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18 hours ago, Nephaston said:

First of those countdown images shows the western fringe tinted in purple. Not much but maybe we can infer what planets/region/crusades are affected by this.


A bit of purple actually seems to be encroaching into the Segmentum Solar which is a bit of a big deal! A big deal that was actually revealed in Psychic Awakening: Pariah i belive? Along with the tease for "Ships belonging to the SQUA-!" (Squats).

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