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Tbh, for me, it can be redesigned TDA armour as long as it has that helmet. Very happy that looks the same.


As long as the Marines in the box have no iconography, that’s great for everyone. But as a UM player I hope that the fact that the background is UM vs Leviathan means there’s some Primaris Tyrannic War Vet models coming (although an old CMV rumour saying no new units/models with the chapter supplements means that’s unlikely…)

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17 minutes ago, Dudley Nightshade said:

@TheMawr and @Bryan Blaire, the screenshot, beginning, and end of the video all say Warhammer 40,000.

I'm not saying it is Space Hulk. But if it is, and they used a Space Hulk logo it'd be an announcement rather than a tease.

Using the generic 40k branding keeps us guessing.

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23 minutes ago, Dudley Nightshade said:

@TheMawr and @Bryan Blaire, the screenshot, beginning, and end of the video all say Warhammer 40,000.

Are you arguing that Kill Team or Space Hulk don’t take place in Warhammer 40,000?  I mean all my Kill Team stuff has the Warhammer 40K logo right on it.


This doesn’t explicitly specify a specific game line it exclusively has to be for.  We’re all just speculating at this point (well, maybe not Valrak, he may actually know).  It could be other things, doesn’t mean it’s likely to be, but it could - we don’t actually know based on this teaser.

Edited by Bryan Blaire
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33 minutes ago, Bryan Blaire said:

Plenty happy to get new Terminators models that are pretty faithful to the existing ones in any form, whether pure upscaled Indomitus or a remixed version - as long as they are visually Terminators and bear the Crux, it’s all good by me.


Not sure that this specifically teases any particular game line just from this simple animation, it will be cool to get those models no matter what (well, as long as they aren’t in blind boxes).

They have a purity seal and a white helmet, which is 40k UM, and it has the 40k logo vs the KT one. They may be usable in 30k though, depending on how the sculpt ends up.


As for the Crux, I think they may switch to decals like they did for BGV, but that's fine for me.

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19 minutes ago, Marshal Reinhard said:

Space hulk is Terminators vs Gene-stealers


The tyranid in the teaser is not a gene-stealer, but looks to be a warrior or possibly larger.


Wich I acknowledge the sentence after the one you quoted.. but you do raise a good point, as I looked closer and this tyranid image actually has much more in common with genestealer design language than non-genestealer tyranids. ( especially for those who believe that spacemarine 2 developers know what future models look like, though I myself am not part of that.)

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4 minutes ago, Marshal Reinhard said:

Both of those games have their own logo's?

All of my Kill Team logo’d stuff specifically has the 40K logo on it as well…???  And is found under the Warhammer 40K logo on the GW site…???


If it were to be a new Space Hulk (which is unlikely, but could be), we don’t have any knowledge right now of exactly how they might brand it - chances are, like Kill Team, it could incorporate the 40K logo into the branding as well.

Edited by Bryan Blaire
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2 minutes ago, Marshal Reinhard said:

Yeah, the 40k logo is part of the kill team logo, but not on its own? Doesn't feel like you're being really genuine here.

I’m being completely genuine - I need empirical evidence that this is specifically something to say that I know what it is for.  Do you have insider knowledge of what is coming from GW without any doubt that you know specifically what this teaser is for?  If you do, would you please share it with the rest of us?


We have rumors, which no matter how accurate, do not make this a specific announcement of a specific something from GW - it’s a teaser.  We don’t know specifically for what yet, other than it uses Terminators, Tyranids, and takes place in 40K.  So we continue to speculate…

Edited by Bryan Blaire
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2 hours ago, Doghouse said:


Yeah but it could be Space Hulk in the form of an expansion of the boarding rules.


2 hours ago, Marshal Reinhard said:

Maybe its both? Or the focus on Baal comes later, and isn't specifically tied to the release of the terminator kit, but rather a range refresh of BA units. 


UM vs Leviathan ties nicely in with Space Marine II


The 'Eavy Metal team usually paints up examples for a few different chapters. I wouldn't be surprised if a release box has everything in Ultramarine colors, but there's a squad of Blood Angel terminators sitting around the studio to use in a Boarding Patrol/Space Hulk White Dwarf article.

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28 minutes ago, WrathOfTheLion said:

They have a purity seal and a white helmet, which is 40k UM,

Just to say while this is an Ultramarine, a purity seal can be any basically any chapter and many codex chapters have white helmets for veterans… Ultra logo on the shoulder pad definitely gives it away though lol 

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45 minutes ago, Bryan Blaire said:

I’m being completely genuine - I need empirical evidence that this is specifically something to say that I know what it is for.  Do you have insider knowledge of what is coming from GW without any doubt that you know specifically what this teaser is for?  If you do, would you please share it with the rest of us?


We have rumors, which no matter how accurate, do not make this a specific announcement of a specific something from GW - it’s a teaser.  We don’t know specifically for what yet, other than it uses Terminators, Tyranids, and takes place in 40K.  So we continue to speculate…

I think while it’s completely reasonable to speculate if this is for Kill Team + Space Hulk I think it’s also highly likely that this is part of the 10th box set 


Valrak’s rumour was very specific that the box set would include new Indomitus Terminators [Painted up as UM] + Tyranids and as he’s been 100% right so far it’s not really a stretch to assume he’s right now 


Space Hulk is also very much Terminators vs Genestealers and the Tyranid in the trailer was specifically not a Genestealer. The Terminator was also an UM which would be a change from DW or BA as the Imperial faction 


Killteam while more probable than Space Hulk again wasn’tin the rumour and has its own logo they’d more than likely use 

Edited by WARMASTER_
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A new Space Hulk was rumoured a year or two back with new Terminators so it's not unlikely that this specific teaser is related to that instead of the rumoured 10th edition with new Primaris Terminators and let's not forget the rumour of the 30k Indomitus dual 40k kit. It's kinda nuts how much and how many different Terminator rumours have been banging around I'm just glad we are finally gonna see them actually come to light and I'm willing to bet all of it is true. I'm saying it's space hulk.

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8 minutes ago, Marshal Reinhard said:

Well, you do have some. Namely, the teaser has the wh40k logo, as opposed to the kill team or whatever logo.



I think that we’ve already been over this, it’s really not confusing guys (and I’m sad if you think it is, because that’s not good for ya :laugh:) - empirically - the Warhammer 40K logo is on every single bit of Kill Team boxes, books, etc., as well, and we have no idea what logo stuff they would use for something like Space Hulk, etc.  They may even be being cagey, because as this is a teaser, they don’t explicitly want to say what this is for - i.e. they don’t want us to officially know (which itself leaves it wide open for speculation).


So the fact that it has the Warhammer 40K logo, which GW uses on other things, to sell that other stuff, because it’s set in the 40K universe, is not convincing in and of itself as any specific meaning other than “What we are teasing here takes place in the Warhammer 40K universe.”

Edited by Bryan Blaire
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21 minutes ago, WARMASTER_ said:

Just to say while this is an Ultramarine, a purity seal can be any basically any chapter and many codex chapters have white helmets for veterans… Ultra logo on the shoulder pad definitely gives it away though lol 

The purity seal and white helmet meaning to seal the deal it's not 30k given previous rumors that it'd be directly for them, although the nid does an obvious job of that.

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1 hour ago, spessmarine said:

they had been doing something "remember space hulk? good times" stuff recently

like this https://www.instagram.com/p/CpUptITsFgT/?hl=en


Wich also explicitely uses the 40k logo instead of a spacehulk one in the second image despite the intention obviously being talking about spacehulk, I only noticed now that there was a second image. First time I saw the post I only noticed the first (wich potentially seemed more like a meaningless community post... the second image has a more "this is also a teaser" vibe) Im now in a 51% this is spacehulk and 49% this is 10th edition spot. (if the options are either of the two) I dont even go over 90% certainity even when GW announces something officially though :p by now I wouldnt even be suprised if GW announces something on sundays next week preorders, then dont have it in next week preorder and never mention it again XD

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Or is the 10th ed box ( You know well the rumors) or something related to Space Hulk ( o directly, a new edition of Space Hulk) or something between/ mixed. That's my bet.

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49 minutes ago, Bryan Blaire said:

Are you arguing that Kill Team or Space Hulk don’t take place in Warhammer 40,000?  I mean all my Kill Team stuff has the Warhammer 40K logo right on it.


This doesn’t explicitly specify a specific game line it exclusively has to be for.  We’re all just speculating at this point (well, maybe not Valrak, he may actually know).  It could be other things, doesn’t mean it’s likely to be, but it could - we don’t actually know based on this teaser.


It turns out GW is historically inconsistent on this. Space Hulk 2016 does not appear to have the 40K logo on it, whereas previous boxes did, according to this article:



Kill Team does have the 40K logo. Necromunda, from what I can see, does not. Maybe that has to do with model compatibility (and they just forgot for the last round of Space Hulk).


I suppose there's no inference to be drawn here based on a look at the entire set of game systems. It seems that GW has gone out of their way to associate this teaser with 40K specifically, but who knows :ermm:. Probably easier reading tea leaves than guessing GW's intentions based on something with so little detail.

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5 minutes ago, AGRAMAR said:

Or is the 10th ed box ( You know well the rumors) or something related to Space Hulk ( o directly, a new edition of Space Hulk). That's my bet.

Could be… Arks of Omen are made from space hulks, and they certainly have done a bit of work getting that terrain out there, and made an entirely sub-version of 40K game play for it.  Maybe what Abaddon is doing starts drawing one or more Tyranid Hive Fleets to it.  It could all tie together… as if it is all as planned.

Edited by Bryan Blaire
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