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Echoes of the Warp

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Maybe they decided a longer time to market it, especially as it isn't a surprise to anybody at all given they work on a fixed cadence.


Especially if Boarding Actions carries over as is, that part just keeps going without stepping on their own toes.

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Assuming they'll release it in June (Jun 3rd preorder, Jun 24th release?), we'd be 12 weeks away. 
Also 7 weeks away from WH Fest, where they would showcase the box and its content if it were to be released one month later in June. 

I'd say we are in full hype season for 10th.

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You want to know what got me? The message is "intercepted" from the WESTERN fringe, IIRC, the Tyranids invaded from the Eastern Fringe.  Could this seemingly small detail hint at something MUCH worse for the Galaxy?

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3 minutes ago, Grotsmasha said:

You want to know what got me? The message is "intercepted" from the WESTERN fringe, IIRC, the Tyranids invaded from the Eastern Fringe.  Could this seemingly small detail hint at something MUCH worse for the Galaxy?

Yeah, they've basically flanked the galaxy at that point.

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3 minutes ago, Grotsmasha said:

You want to know what got me? The message is "intercepted" from the WESTERN fringe, IIRC, the Tyranids invaded from the Eastern Fringe.  Could this seemingly small detail hint at something MUCH worse for the Galaxy?

Could still be Leviathan, since their hive fleet tendrils come from below the galactic plane.


Or a whole new hive fleet.

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Good lord, I’m gonna be able to hear people screaming in joy about this at Adepticon all the way from the Infinity tables, aren’t I? :P


Figure that, like last year’s Heresy release, we’ll get a nice, slick trailer for 10th, and some information, with more followup later/at Warhammerfest.

Edited by Lexington
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So could the ‘Nid critter seeing the Terminator be the Norn Emissary thingy?  Not sure how to take that - it could be a redesigned ‘gaunt as well?  Or a Lictor?


Or maybe it’s just a big brain bug?

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5 hours ago, Orange Knight said:

I am now convinced that these are for the 10th edition starter and not kill team or Space Hulk.


Simply put, the rumour that first mentioned these has been too accurate thus far for me to doubt the rest of it...

Do realise that he also spoke about Space Hulk definitely coming back as well, and he speculated based on the info he had that it would be at the end of the kill team season (despite himself apparently completely forgetting this) so that still leaves it up in the air ;)


Unless you dont mean valrak in general but only his Arks of Omen source .. but that rumor sounded like a given and done deal.. I dont think the latest 10th edition rumors came from that same source... remember his stuff comes from a lot of different sources.


the Missilelauncher primaris/Dreadnought source for example is not the same as the Arks of omen source.


as for the tyranid itself.. it could be artistic license or it could be that they completely overhaul the tyranid look, but having a "nose" like that, the deep eye hole, the cheeks and in general a subtle human skull shape is not a tyranid thing, its a genestealer thing.

Compare for example the latest tyranid miniature ( parasite of mortex) with the latest pure genestealer miniature (patriarch) or the below (despite both being older.. I put images in a spoiler tag to not mess up the page.)









or tyranids from spacemarine II ( though I personally dont think videogame developers have inside knowledge of 10th edition new designs/redesigns, but other people are convinced they do)



versus genestealers from a spacehulk videogame




It could be a very extreme redesign of tyranids, or a very specific tyranid that looks more like genestealers (or a model thats a homage to the 2nd edition coverart hive tyrant) while the rest keep their old design language.. but as its just as close (closer imho) to genestealers it would make as much sense as a redesign/new kind of genestealer as that affects a much smaller range. ( 3 models; Genestealers, Broodlord and Patriarch .. all 3 of them actually being possible candidates for an update.)


And again, I myself am not that convinced either way, just offering arguments for the road less taken in a discussion ;) Im also not argueing that this will be spacehulk instead of 10th edition having tyranids... I just really can see them putting out both. We will know soon enough.


Most of all I hope this isnt Gallowfall (but I highly doubt it would be.)



Edited by TheMawr
forgot and image
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My thought process behind why I think it isn't Space Hulk is as follows - Space Hulk (the concept) basically is part of Warhammer 40,000 with boarding actions. Not much more than that, but a 40k game with this stuff can basically be a space hulk sort of game, so the real outcome if it goes like that is that it ends up being a bit of both, but it's Warhammer 40,000.


As for more concrete evidence one way or another, unless they've completely reimagined them and all design language is in the bin, I don't see how that Tyranid in the video/image even remotely resembles a Genestealer. It doesn't quite look like any particular model, but with that strong plate over its brow, it's much more resemblant of warriors.

Edited by WrathOfTheLion
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Honestly I don't care if it's SpaceHulk, Killteam, Boarding Actions & 40K inclusive product... It's great stuff no matter what Game type you follow I'd love to play a SpaceHulk themed Boarding patrol with some New Terminators [insert your favourite Faction here] Vs. Tyranids...




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9 hours ago, Kallas said:

If these truly are proper Firstborn Indomitus Terminators, I will happily agree that Firstborn aren't going anywhere, at least for the foreseeable future.  Would still be nice if people stopped actively lobbying for some peoples' collections to be removed from the game though.


Still, some actual solid, concrete evidence in the form of models that GW are sticking to their original statement that Primaris are not replacements would be extremely welcome.

Although I was always leaned more on the side that FIrstborne aren't going to be replaced entirely by Primaris, belief in that has shaken me more than a few times over the last couple of years. But now I'm pretty sure that Firstborn are going anywhere for one simple reason, how successful HH 2.0 was.


If N1SB's last quarterly GW analysis is accurate, and given that his write ups in the past have always been excellent and through, 30k's move to plastic and 2.0 is a success and means that we potentially have now a 3rd mainline game that will be supported for years to come, if not indefinitely. 


Having some Firstborne be usable both in 30k and 40k makes business sense, IE Indomitus Terminators. 

Edited by m0nolith
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I am aware of the rumblings about Space Hulk returning, but the Terminator in the art appears to be an Ultramarine, so I'm pretty confident at this point that it's tied to a 40k promotion.

Also, the logo is tied to the main 40k game and the Tyranid isn't a Genestealer.


I would add that I was pretty skeptical of these rumors personally, and you can even see some posts on this forum where I question the source or what has been sighted.


I'm still surprised that a Terminator refresh is coming before the Primaris Assault Marines, especially as we've seen art of those tied to the new SM2 video game. I wasn't intending on purchasing a new starter set as my collection is pretty extensive, but a Terminator refresh is very interesting. I'm eager to see what lore is tied to these models.

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