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Warhammer Preview - AdeptiCon 2023

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16 hours ago, Stormwatch said:

Hi, I’m new here. Maybe something unexpected, but I did see that in this artwork it looks like an soul grinder update, fitting the more recent chaos model series. Normally most wh artwork today is very accurate…


Hello and welcome! Good spot! While it’s entirely possible that it’s a new Soul Grinder GW have also definitely eased up a bit in recent years on their art having to match the models exactly


I think most of us can also agree that’s a good thing that 7th edition era of art would god awful 


Would be cool to see though this art makes it a LOT less goofy looking 

Edited by WARMASTER_
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On 3/17/2023 at 5:46 AM, Nova-V said:

Who is to say it was even meant to be an Adepticon reveal? It could be one for Warhammer Fest or even one to keep momentum up into 10th.  If the leak had been next week it would have been easy to spot a rushed hole filling bit of fluff in the preview but as it is they have time to adapt their marketing strategy to paper over any gaps so we will likely never know.

I think a lot of these leaks happen on purpose more often than not. I think GW seeds trusted NDA sources with info to build hype, In the old days yeah we got GW leaks left and right. People would hack their systems and pull data and feed us excel spreadsheets full of leaks. These days we get a “leak in the middle of the night” and they already have the Warcomm post up with cinematic edited videos in less than a few hours half day at most. 

also you’re telling me that I’m supposed to believe that ONE random dude got sent a brand new Dante Model in a brand new Dante model packaging and he waited to post about it until he had painted the whole thing. 

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9 minutes ago, darkangels91 said:

I think a lot of these leaks happen on purpose more often than not. I think GW seeds trusted NDA sources with info to build hype, In the old days yeah we got GW leaks left and right. People would hack their systems and pull data and feed us excel spreadsheets full of leaks. These days we get a “leak in the middle of the night” and they already have the Warcomm post up with cinematic edited videos in less than a few hours half day at most. 

also you’re telling me that I’m supposed to believe that ONE random dude got sent a brand new Dante Model in a brand new Dante model packaging and he waited to post about it until he had painted the whole thing. 


I think that has more to do with they have the videos set up and ready to roll for ages. The reason you don't see as many leaks as before is because it looked like GW did a deal with the main leakers and that started sending out advanced copy preview stuff which then got expanded to their Youtube program. The main leaker used to post on here but I can't remember the name, Atlia or something along those lines.

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33 minutes ago, darkangels91 said:

also you’re telling me that I’m supposed to believe that ONE random dude got sent a brand new Dante Model in a brand new Dante model packaging and he waited to post about it until he had painted the whole thing. 

My thinking exactly. There's no way this was not planned. Since it was painted reasonably well too...


And there's almost no way GW is having such a problem with leakers. Rules I can believe, some grumpy playtester taking out frustration by leaking stuff. But models and other releases are definitely fed by GW themselves. That's why we never hear any Black Library leaks. Since the budget for that division doesn't exist ...

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4 hours ago, System Sound said:

My thinking exactly. There's no way this was not planned. Since it was painted reasonably well too...


And there's almost no way GW is having such a problem with leakers. Rules I can believe, some grumpy playtester taking out frustration by leaking stuff. But models and other releases are definitely fed by GW themselves. That's why we never hear any Black Library leaks. Since the budget for that division doesn't exist ...

I never assign Malice where human error [In this case clearly a very faulty picking system] can be attributed! Don’t forget about the Cadian upgrades that where on eBay before they were even announced recently 


In a company as big as GW mistakes will always happen [I work in production for a luxury car company based in the UK and they happen weekly]


Black Library has far fewer moving parts for leaks but they still happen, Most big releases of this year have been on the internet a week or more before their respective release dates [Ive seen them]


Ex GW Employees like Peachy have said on podcasts [after leaving the company] GW HATE leaks when they happen so I really can’t see it 

Edited by WARMASTER_
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15 minutes ago, WARMASTER_ said:

Black Library has far fewer moving parts for leaks but they still happen, Most big releases of this year have been on the internet a week or more before their respective release dates [Ive seen them]

Recently every single BL release that has an ebook version is "leaked" a week in advance. But that is due to some retailers not carrying for GW pre order window.

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18 hours ago, Stormwatch said:

Hi, I’m new here. Maybe something unexpected, but I did see that in this artwork it looks like an soul grinder update, fitting the more recent chaos model series. Normally most wh artwork today is very accurate…


Man, that artwork is awesome! It's included in AoO:Vashtorr? It's their battle outside aboard the Rock? Because it's really cool to see Vashtorr and Be'lakor there fighting each other, since they're supposed to be rivals.

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44 minutes ago, Urauloth said:

I could see them making new legs to do new defiler and soul grinder kits. I'd be a bit surprised, but this would be the time to do it, having just made a model of the guy who forges them.

The defiler has a special place in my heart, but it's definitely showing its age and doesn't really fit the melded flesh and machine aesthetic the other daemon engines have. So yeah, it would be awesome to see a new defiler/soul grinder kit

Edited by Doctor Perils
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2 hours ago, WARMASTER_ said:

Hello and welcome! Good spot! While it’s entirely possible that it’s a new Soul Grinder GW have also definitely eased up a bit in recent years on their art having to match the models exactly


I think most of us can also agree that’s a good thing that 7th edition era of art would god awful 


Would be cool to see though this art makes it a LOT less goofy looking 

I was wondering because the soul grinder in the image shares the same design philosophy with the (newer) helstalker, venom crawler and of course with Vashi. Not that bulky, edged, not the big knives on the legs, more joints within the claws and more organic... and the image reminds me a bit of the time there was a first artwork with a tiny venomcrawler in the background, years ago, which exactly looked like the model later.


Edit: Thanks for the welcome everyone :) WH fan since 1995

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8 minutes ago, Stormwatch said:

I was wondering because the soul grinder in the image shares the same design philosophy with the (newer) helstalker, venom crawler and of course with Vashi. Not that bulky, edged, not the big knives on the legs, more joints within the claws and more organic... and the image reminds me a bit of the time there was a first artwork with a tiny venomcrawler in the background, years ago, which exactly looked like the model later.

You could absolutely be right! As you say it’s happened before and with Vashtorr just coming out I could see Dark Mech + More Demon engines on the horizon

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Aside from bikers, which were rumoured but sadly didn't happen (yet), and tanks, which still depend on the base loyalist models, the Defiler is the one CSM kit left that could really use an update. The chaos crab deserves some loving too.


Sadly, I don't see that happening in the foreseeable future, much less at Adepticon where there's already a pile of rumoured and teased reveals that could potentially happen.

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I'd be a bit peeved if they brought Epic back but didn't do Any Xenos factions at all.. (Orks,Eldar or even Chaos)  On one hand I'd like to buy it to support it and help expansion & show popularity but then on the other hand if they only end up keeping it as Horus Heresy... then I'd definitely not want to buy into it at all... :confused:  Gah!! Damned if i do, Damned if I don't... :laugh:



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Epic works great starting out HH, then expanding out with campaign books that cover new armies... such as Orks, Tyranids and Eldar.


It doesn't matter if they're based in a time outside the Space Marines as they can still use the same core rules.


This was how it was done many moons ago when Epic started out and it worked a treat.


@Chapter Master Valrak has gotten my hopes up for HH Epic and anything less at Adepticon will break my heart. You hear that Valrak! My heart is in your hands.

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Epic at Adepticon would be cool, but not sure it's time yet :D


It makes sense they would do Epic HH, given Titanicus is HH and that's kind of where that studio is doing things right now.

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30k is a fine starting point, but i dont trust that theyll grow the game from there properly, i mean look at Titanicus which specialist games seems disinterested in supporting the last year or more rather than bringing in some xenos, or even more new Imperial/Chaos engines in plastic.


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I think that instead of making another specialist game that will be expensive to buy and would likely take a long time to paint up, they should expand Titanicus itself into a revised version of Epic.


Titanicus is a much better scale for getting good details in models and you could still have large formations of Marines and tiny Landraiders.


The models are great, and I think they deserve more support.

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Im starting to wonder if the "Exodites coming but no idea were" rumor by valrak is in fact related to Titanicus/Epic HH and not 40k at all , the dinoriding side of exodites have a stronger relation with epic (the 4 unreleased models) and are also linked to horus heresy (promethean sun novel) and the old eldar knights were the pre-2nd edition incarnation of exodites, I could see GW marrying these two concepts into one (like they did with squats/demiurge ) where early exodites still used their knights, that seem all but gone in the 40k era exodites.

Its also a much smaller endaevor than to add the full eldar lineup into epic... possibly requiring only 3 kits ( big knight, smaller knight.. dinoriders sprue ) wich does fit another very reliable rumor regarding eldar releases for 2023.

Id prefer them in 40k, but, I also loved the bright stallion type eldar knights... a couple of these and dinoriders by their side would definitely draw me to those games ;)

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