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Just now, phandaal said:


Personally I am ambivalent about the name. If I bought them, I would probably call them leapers too.


That said, no one owes you an explanation for their preferences, so maybe try getting less worked up about people having a different opinion.

No they don't, but I can ask. I'm not overly worked up either thanks but when some comments ignore the mini largely just to go "stupid name doesn't seem like it fits", I'm left wondering what game they've been playing.

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5 minutes ago, Halandaar said:

I actually really like that name, instantly made me think more of animals being named after scientists who identified them, which seems fitting, after all they aren't going to give themselves names in Imperial Gothic are they! 


I totally agree. It feels like a much more scholarly naming, as though they have been theorised and described by a biologist called Von Ryan then linked to the Tyranids or were named after the planet they were first sighted on then the name has stuck. It gives it a more victorian scientific/biologist feel and especially apt seeing as they named the Tyranids after Tyran. It makes it feel established in the same way the connection was eventually made between Ymgarl Genestealers and the Tyranids.  



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1 hour ago, Captain Idaho said:

So they're just repackaging Lictors and calling them a stupid new name?


What's going on in GW's creative department?


These have the same compound eyes as the Deathleaper - I'm assuming old DL has maybe gone away due to copyright on the name? These are probably a dual kit with the Lictors, you make 3 lictors or 3 vRL's. 

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I could go either way. I think I do like it. I mean there's a much larger context of established naming conventions here:  Tyran Primus = "Tyranids." This illustrates/captures an interesting tones in the setting - Imperial officials are so small minded they don't fully realize the extent of what's coming. 


But it's certainly common for discoveries to take on the scientists name in ordinary life too. 


I think I'm in for Tyranids as my 10th Ed. army.

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1 minute ago, Xenith said:


These have the same compound eyes as the Deathleaper - I'm assuming old DL has maybe gone away due to copyright on the name? These are probably a dual kit with the Lictors, you make 3 lictors or 3 vRL's. 

It might be deathleaper was eventually "verified" by Von Ryan as a separate strain across multiple fronts, so ceases to be a special critter.

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1 hour ago, DeadFingers said:

Changed a bit since the olden days, haven't they?



Indeed. I like more this picture than the new miniatures. Looks more frightening. Like and hybrid of Creeper and tyranid.

By the way, they existed at the beginning in the old CCG of W40K


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Maybe it’s the colour scheme and angles but I’m not grabbed by these guys yet. I also find they have too many mouth bits going on. Their limbs just look a bit to floppy.

Still, I expect there will be plenty of other stuff that I do like.

Edited by Zoatibix
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57 minutes ago, Dagoth Ur said:

I mean, I'm just telling you what it says in the article, friend. No need to get this riled up. 


The comparison between various flavours of termagant is a bit disingenuous I'd say. This strikes me more as a pyrovore vs biovore thing, but who knows. 


Oh I'm not riled up. Nor disenguous.


The models, thematically, are just Lictors. The article even says so:



...or by ambushing with more subtle fear-inducing organisms such as the Lictor. Added to this last list are the Von Ryan’s Leapers.* These creatures are the ultimate ambush predators, though they’re just as dangerous when jumping out from behind things that aren’t bushes.


They're just variant Lictors. Does the Tyranid Codex need that or other stuff?

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I love how people get smacked down with easily googlable facts harkening back to 2nd and 4th ed codices and forum posts from 2005. "Gee Dubz need to get a hold of their creative department!", lmao, I'm crying here :D


Absolutely excellent models, dynamic and aggressive, very promising for what we can expect from the rest of the Nid side of the 10ed box. Love seeing GW creatives remember the roots.

22 hours ago, Captain Idaho said:

They're just variant Lictors. Does the Tyranid Codex need that or other stuff?

They're variant Hormagaunts, it's already been shown in the codex images. And yes, they do.

Edited by Tyriks
insult removed
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I wasn't expecting these to be shown off, but it's a very welcome surprise! I think they look great and will make a great addition to my 10th edition Nid force. The name doesn't bother me either and I do remember them from the 3rd edition codex (my first codex ever)


So was it these that munched on the poor gravis apothecary?

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3 minutes ago, Captain Idaho said:


Oh I'm not riled up. Nor disenguous.


The models, thematically, are just Lictors. The article even says so:



They're just variant Lictors. Does the Tyranid Codex need that or other stuff?

If we're honest? Not really. They don't have many infiltrating units, they also tend to scale defensive profiles and size to offense, so afragile but deadly warrior size unit isn't common.

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5 minutes ago, Kastor Krieg said:

I love how people's ignorance gets better of them and they immediately get smacked down with easily googlable facts harkening back to 2nd and 4th ed codices and forum posts from 2005. "Gee Dubz need to get a hold of their creative department!", lmao, I'm crying here :D


Absolutely excellent models, dynamic and aggressive, very promising for what we can expect from the rest of the Nid side of the 10ed box. Love seeing GW creatives remember the roots.

They're variant Hormagaunts, it's already been shown in the codex images. And yes, they do.


Or maybe, Lictors already hit the concept of ambush predators and this is the same sort of thing as GW introducing Reivers, Infiltrators and Incursors and people find it unnecessary. 


It's ok for folk to not like something, turns out.

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I would much rather have seen a return to the 2nd edition Golden Age Lictors than yet another Inverse Rule of Ninja where we get more sort of Lictors but they are all a bit suckier. 

However, looking at the screen grab in the OP these guys are Warrior sized so there’s a high probability that there’s a variant Lictor build a la Zoanthrope and Warrior kits and their Hero Form.

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2 minutes ago, Zoatibix said:

I would much rather have seen a return to the 2nd edition Golden Age Lictors than yet another Inverse Rule of Ninja where we get more sort of Lictors but they are all a bit suckier. 

However, looking at the screen grab in the OP these guys are Warrior sized so there’s a high probability that there’s a variant Lictor build a la Zoanthrope and Warrior kits and their Hero Form.

Might help on the scale:



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Magus Biologis: It appears that Tychon-V is facing an invasion of Gestalt Swarm Beings; Tyranid bioforms detected. Confirming second sighting ever of stealth-swarm life form “Von Ryan’s Leaper”.


Guardsman on Tychon-V: There’s fething Leapers everywhere!


The name is fine, it’s the context of the usage of the name that matters!

Any new models are good models in my opinion.

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I do like that, similar to the new Termies, the design seems to harken back to the old Nid models while sticking with the modern aesthetic overall.


That said, a cross between a Lictor and a Hormogaunt isn't the most creative new addition. I love it when we get actual new stuff (as opposed to just "existing thing holding a different gun"), especially with one of my favourite armies, and I think Tyranids have boundless potential in this regard. These feel more like a compromise between two existing units, which doesn't wow me so much.

Edited by Tymell
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24 minutes ago, Captain Idaho said:


Oh I'm not riled up. Nor disenguous.


The models, thematically, are just Lictors. The article even says so:



They're just variant Lictors. Does the Tyranid Codex need that or other stuff?


Why not both? 9th Edition Necrons got loads of existing units updated and then a bunch of new ones introduced as well. The idea that these being introduced somehow precludes the introduction of other units in other roles seems misplaced at best.

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10 minutes ago, Captain Idaho said:


Or maybe, Lictors already hit the concept of ambush predators and this is the same sort of thing as GW introducing Reivers, Infiltrators and Incursors and people find it unnecessary. 


It's ok for folk to not like something, turns out.

Lictors operate individually, Leapers operate as a pack.


The same way we have Tyranid Primes and Warriors or Patriarchs and Genestealers.

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1 hour ago, RedFox said:

Can't say I'm a fan of either the name or the models...


I prefer when tyranids are more like aliens with guns than insectoid monsters

Absolutely not. All the other aliens are armed, why do these ones need to be?


I absolutely hate that a Hive Mind alien race from another galaxy is armed with guns (magazine-fed, no less!). Especially when their thing is that they eat Biomass.


I get why they spit acid and plasma, but I absolutely hate that they need guns. They should be like these guys, all teeth and claws.


I’ve never really been a Tyranid fan, like others have said though, I’m seriously considering keeping the other half of the starter box, having seen some of the new Tyranid models.

Edited by Sky Potato
phone cut off half a sentence when I posted
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