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I just realized these are basically an updated Death leaper modelwise.
They have the three eyes and also have the talons instead of the more hand like claws of the lictor
Also there was a rumour the Death Leaper was going away so these could be the replacement?+

The name is similar too

Edited by Matrindur
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14 minutes ago, Dagoth Ur said:

These are a bioform distinct from lictors - these being pack-based predators while Lictors seem to retain a more solo-approach. Says so plain black on white in the article.


11 minutes ago, Captain Idaho said:

The name is in-universe. These creatures weren't really discovered by anyone.


Exactly. "These are totally not lictors," says the lore. "Basically, they are lictors though" says the model.

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7 minutes ago, de Selby said:

I like both the name and the models. They are distinct from lictors so I can field both without it looking weird, and the name reminds me of rogue trader days when tyranids existed on the borders of imperial 'science' and names could refer to the point of first contact, some historical incident, or another in-universe tidbit. I'm glad they aren't called Jumpdeath Clawbeasts or something.

It's exactly this. "Von Ryan" will either be the name of someone who encountered them first, or the planet they were first encountered on. This is exactly the same way that Tyranids are named after the planet Tyran where the Imperium first fought them properly and Ymgarl Genestealers are named after the planet they were encountered on. 

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I think the name is a decent example of "show, don't tell".


We (old fogeys) know that Tyranid units all have Imperial reporting names - they don't have a language after all - but having some names that are clearly someone's term for a unit, rather than looking like it might have come internally from the faction, makes that very clear for newcomers to the hobby, without having to state it explicitly.


I guess the ideal would be if GW had started out with a name scheme similar to NATO reporting names for Soviet hardware, but that would have had to have started years ago. It would be very cool if all flying 'nids began with an F, all shooting ones S, all melee ones M etc...

Edited by painting.for.my.sanity
minor clarification
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I quite like the name and I remember hearing/reading it before but I'm not sure where. It strikes me as a name that would be more fitting to a character type creature, I think it fits right in with Old One Eye and The Red Terror though admittedly I don't know where those guys stand lore wise anymore. Still I think it's fine for this unit. The models are nice too. I wonder if Lictors will become a slightly bigger, more powerful creature, a step up from these guys though just as sneaky.

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Sweet models, cool name. All these throwbacks have me really considering not selling the Tyranids when I buy the new box set.

Just now, CL_Mission said:

I quite like the name and I remember hearing/reading it before but I'm not sure where. It strikes me as a name that would be more fitting to a character type creature, I think it fits right in with Old One Eye and The Red Terror though admittedly I don't know where those guys stand lore wise anymore. Still I think it's fine for this unit. The models are nice too. I wonder if Lictors will become a slightly bigger, more powerful creature, a step up from these guys though just as sneaky.

Yep lictors are bigger.

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If they're in packs, perhaps they're smaller than lictors.

28 minutes ago, RedFox said:

Can't say I'm a fan of either the name or the models...


I prefer when tyranids are more like aliens with guns than insectoid monsters


Total opposite, insectoid nids are the business. I got into them with 3rd, though, when Carnifexes looked like beetles and Hive Tyrants looked straight up like the queen from Aliens.

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I think they’re awesome. Name and all! Reminds me of the naming conventions from WWII with the Japanese aircraft and like others have mentioned, this was carried through the Cold War. A local name for foreign enemies.


I also think it’s awesome they bridge the gap between small and large. Feel like you can build an all shooty nid army or an all melee nid army or even a mix. Nids are so varied you could almost build an all flying army or all slithering army or an all legged army. That kind of variation is so cool from a personalization perspective. Love it!

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Hopefully Lictors will be released at some point after. 


Just now, Stupidity said:

I like the models and the name. The actual unit seems a little unnecessary though? Is this a thing Nid's needed?



It's just the way GW does things, when they update a range they will always release new units alongside refreshed ones, where some older units won't get updated until the future. 

Edited by Bradeh
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I just don't get the name complaints. It's not like the doom of malantai, ygnmarl genestealers and the parasite of mortrex don't all exist. Other supposed tyranid (race named after a planet) genus include the catachan devil, the fenrisian kraken etc.


It's not like land raiders are named after a person either and that's accepted. Why make a fuss? 99% of the time people will refer to 'nid leapers' which is fine?

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8 hours ago, Mogger351 said:

I just don't get the name complaints. It's not like the doom of malantai, ygnmarl genestealers and the parasite of mortrex don't all exist. Other supposed tyranid (race named after a planet) genus include the catachan devil, the fenrisian kraken etc.


It's not like land raiders are named after a person either and that's accepted. Why make a fuss? 99% of the time people will refer to 'nid leapers' which is fine?


Personally I am ambivalent about the name. If I bought them, I would probably call them leapers too.


That said, no one owes you an explanation for their preferences, so maybe try getting less worked up about people having a different opinion.


Edit: looks like this post is setting a personal record for doofy-face reactions. If it helps alleviate the confusion, just imagine that I too am expressing dismay for people looking at something and coming to a different conclusion than me. Apparently that is much more relatable on this topic.

Edited by phandaal
High score? What does that mean? Did I break it?
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