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=] Call to Arms: Chaos Stronghold [=

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9 hours ago, Dr_Ruminahui said:


@gaurdian31 - Thanks for the group shot - they all look great together.  Look forward to seeing your trio of characters take shape.  I think that's our 4th hammer lord of the event, and the second with a non-standard head.


@Dr_Ruminahui I just have to give them their helmets, otherwise what is going to stop people shooting him in the face! Great work on your possessed!


Great work everyone!

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15 hours ago, Dr_Ruminahui said:



@renegadeguard - Love your mutantchans - particularly those with insect heads, they are super creepy.  Oh, and the guy in the big red cap with the toothy grin - where's his head from?


Thanks! It's an old 90's multipart night goblin head with the nose shaved off

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On 9/11/2023 at 4:45 AM, Dr_Ruminahui said:



Lots of people silent this week - hopefully they are all busy beavering away at their painting.  @Brother Captain Arkley.


I might have a test WE this month but I doubt much else... I am starting the Ultramarines rebuild.

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For my third vow, I, Renegadeguard, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint this Primaris Psyker for 1 point for the Glory of Chaos and the Chaos Stronghold on or before 30th September, 2023 or bear the badge of failure until years end.


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@Dr_Ruminahui I'd put the main colours down in a zenith style pretty much as soon as I posted my vow. Got some more bits done now too. Suddenly realised it's a new scheme so thought I'd best to a tester. 


One completed thallax conversion.


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My Minotaur of Mutability is done!








Even though they aren't part of this competition, I wanted a shot with his brothers





I think I'm done with pledges for this year. I might pledge a single cultist if I get the energy, but between his contest and the 20 Beastmen I did earlier this year I'm a bit Chaos'd out. 

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Not much to report. It's been a busy week and my University course has started again. All I managed was the finishing touches to these bases. Next week I hope to finish the riders and the vow as a whole.


Everyone else smashing multiple vows is so impressive.... I'm still doing the 6 jetbikes I started months ago.






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Finished my final batch of traitor guard… just my Lord and Dark Apostle to finish my vow…


I now need to work out how to get another 3 traitor guard troopers to round out 2 units of 10 for my army (without paying £6 a model on eBay!)


I also went back and looked at my original vow to check what I had left to do, and was pleasantly surprised I hadn’t vowed the traitor commissar and ogryn from the blooded box. I will hopefully be able to start them, but finishing them would have been a rush so pleased to not have that pressure! 

Keep up the good work everyone, some great things being achieved and looking forward to the end to see shots of everyone’s completed projects! 






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44 minutes ago, Boc said:

Just in case I don't get around to more painting tonight (been feeling super fatigued yesterday and today), here's the latest assembly line pic of how the Accursed Cultist horde is coming along. 



That’s a brutal amount to batch paint! 

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27 minutes ago, Cpt.Danjou said:

some of my work this weekend.




I hate painting these.



Why the hate? I haven't done a seeker but I did some blues riding on my Mutalith and I found them fun to paint. Mind you, I went for a real contrast heavy look with gryph charger grey and not the classic look

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9 hours ago, sitnam said:

Why the hate? I haven't done a seeker but I did some blues riding on my Mutalith and I found them fun to paint. Mind you, I went for a real contrast heavy look with gryph charger grey and not the classic look

because i have about 30 more of them, and I find them boring. The seeker is fine, except, the daemonette's claws might have the worst points to glue them together, and I have always hated to build daemonettes, the Diaz ones were not much better.  :)  :)

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Finished up legs/lower body of my Cerastus Knight Lancer over the weekend. Just now leaves the upper body, armor plates, and basing for the unit.

Love seeing all the awesome models being posted here! It's super inspiring to help stay focused and get some paint on some plastic!

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Cultists all done and ready to sacrifice themselves in the name of the dark gods!




This completes my meagre vow for seven points. I won't make any more for fear of screwing up the timer, but thank you for organising this painting comp, it's really helped motivate me get my models done.

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