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=] Call to Arms: Chaos Stronghold [=

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Sorry for the delay on my recap, but I was about half way through it yesterday when B&C decided to eat it - so here's take 2!  Probably for the best, actually - I was in a bit of a foul mood yesterday and am in a much better position to properly compliment peoples' work today.


This is my 3rd last recap, as there are less than 2 weeks to go.  For those who have completed vows, please be careful when considering to revow - if you think life might make you unable to complete, it is better not to jeopardize your work so far by failing to complete a revow.


No pictures from me this week - did paint diligently over the weekend, but didn't complete my remaining Master of Possession as I'm not happy with the flames.  Hoping to get that sorted and my vow completed next weekend.


@Boc and @gaurdian31, thanks for the complements!  I'm glad you like my colourful semi-demonic friends!



@Muskie - Glad to hear you have been painting, and I hope you can power through and complete your vow.  Your work so far has all been great.


@Boc - Love your cultists, the muted yellow goes wonderfully with the vibrant red you've used as a spot colour - makes for a very unique and eye catching take on a very common unit.  Your final vow, BTW, is insane and its great to see you making progress on it.


@Brother Captain Arkley - You had mentioned possibly vowing some World Eaters, that still in the cards?


@renegadeguard - Your psycher came out wonderfully!  Did you manage to work out with Grotsmasha how many points he is worth?  ANd congrats on finishing a full 3 vows - any chance of us getting a photo of them hanging out together?


@Dwango - Your tan robots are all awesome!  Is that freehand or transfers for the tiny glyphs?  As well, what did you use for the face plates on the bigger bots?  That lid seems like a perfect solution to your missing base woe.


@sitnam - Love your completed Goatiestness!  Thanks for all your completed CtA vows - any chance of seeing them all together?


@Trixie - Your bases are a great composition of contrasting but complimentary colours, and I'm looking forward to seeing your completed bikes on them.  And don't put yourself down about your painting speed - you paint about the same speed as I do, but your models are way nicer.


@crimsondave - Great bunch of rhino's!  Your Lord looks great too - he definitely likes axes. :biggrin:


@legoman - Your completed chaos guard look great - particularly like the scarring on the sergeant's forehead and his back banner.  Looking forward to your final models.


@Cpt.Danjou - Your demons are looking great and are looking like they are getting close to done.  I think we all understand having to grind through painting stuff we just don't find as enjoyable and I hope you can keep up your stamina to do so.


@gaurdian31 - Looking forward to seeing photos of your completed Lord - given all the Lords painted for this event, it almost feels like a Lordly fashion show.  :biggrin:  Also looking forward to seeing your 2 psychers when you get them done.


@spiros14 - Lovely bunch of cultists you have there and congrats on finishing your vow!  I for one would love to see a group shot of all your vows together if you were to take one.



Not so many silent people this week, which is great.   @Tallarn Commander@Metzombie and @Teetengee - hopefully your vows are coming along.  So come post whatever you have done so far and we'll cheer you along!

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Fabulous Bill and pal are done…



Just wanted to note this was a truly fun model to paint.  I highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys painting.  Thanks to the painting coach YouTube channel.  I almost totally followed his instructions.

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@Dr_Ruminahui thanks bud! The face plates are from the wardog/carnivore kit I believe. 


The base has worked well. Managed to complete it along with the Magos' ride. Bit of cleaning up to do mind. The Myrmidons are just about done too. Just the 2 Magos to do. 


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15 hours ago, Dr_Ruminahui said:



@Brother Captain Arkley - You had mentioned possibly vowing some World Eaters, that still in the cards?




It was to be a test of a possible Zerkie army, but I am still waiting for my Wave 2 of 2TC paints as I was a late pledge. So not sure it will get done.

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16 hours ago, Dr_Ruminahui said:



@gaurdian31 - Looking forward to seeing photos of your completed Lord - given all the Lords painted for this event, it almost feels like a Lordly fashion show.  :biggrin:  Also looking forward to seeing your 2 psychers when you get them done.


Got more work done on the MoP . Picture of my Chaos Lord in the spoiler.




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21 hours ago, Dr_Ruminahui said:

@renegadeguard - Your psycher came out wonderfully!  Did you manage to work out with Grotsmasha how many points he is worth?  ANd congrats on finishing a full 3 vows - any chance of us getting a photo of them hanging out together?

Thanks! :) 

@Grotsmasha what do you reckon? Is he 1 point for infantry, or 5 for character?

I'll try to get a photo of them all together at the weekend. My photos are awful - I really need to invest in a good camera, I'm actually really disappointed in how they've come out as the real life models look so much better than I'm capable of taking pictures of 

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I, Metzombie, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint the Spartan and mobile Plaguefurnace Patient Zero for Xpts(is this one big enough to count as a superheavie?)for the Glory of the Chaos Daemons and Chaos Stronghold on or before September 2023, or bear the badge of failure until year's end."


I also want to declare this as an entrie for the Master of the Forge badge.

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This fella nearly finished... or maybe out half way! But I am going to do enough to him tomorrow for the vow and then come back to him later. Then I will have a few days next week to do the Lord, then finished! Phew!


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LESS THAN 1 WEEK LEFT!!!  So, if you have work left on your vow, keep at it!  Or if you are thinking of revowing, only do so if you are absolutely certain you can make it!


I have finished my Master of Possession - the flames didn't work out quite like I had hoped, but they are good enough I don't feel I need to redo them.




And here is my entire vow together.




This will be my only vow - I know how slow I paint and besides I have nothing in my paint queue that is screaming to me to be painted.  To all those I vowed as my competitors based on points value painted, you beat me fair and square - I guess Slaanesh didn't send you enough sexy times. :tongue:  I'd like to think I'm still in the running for best converted with my possessed, though.



And now for my penultimate recap!



@Muskie - Love the 3 figures you finished, that blue spore effect is both brilliant and fanstastic.  Good luck with those last 2 figures and keep at it!


@crimsondave - Your Fabulour Bill (or did you mean Bile) is fablulous, though from his army colour he looks like he's absconded from my own army.  Strike force has been dispatched to repatriot him. :tongue:  He certainly does leave the dirty work to his minion.  Your hellbrute is also excellent.


@Dwango - Your dark mechanicus turned out great - its a force to be proud of and definitely going to be a top contender in the conversion vote.  Though, I do have to dock you marks for pledging a bunch of terrain in the xenos forum rather than here - rest assured, all traitors get their due, sooner or later. :tongue:


@Brother Captain Arkley - I know you were thinking of pledging some WE that are coming in - be cautious as to whether that is something you can actually complete in the few days remaining.


@gaurdian31 - Your lord is looking very stylish (and protected) in his helmet - nicely done!  Your MoP is also very nice - I like the choice of purple flames, a very different (and better, IMHO, given the red of your models) than the yellow to red usually seen.


@renegadeguard - I don't think you need to complain about your photos as they look great - they look better than my models do in person!


@Metzombie - Glad to see you getting those plaguey boys done - really like the bit of blue you've used as a spot colour on some of them.  Your vow of your chimney spartan with 1 week left is very ambitious - you may have to paint like a demon to get it done.


@legoman - Loving your dark appostle - he looks pretty close to being done to me, is it just some highlighing left?  Looking forward to seeing your lord when you get him done.




A bunch of people we haven't heard from this week: @Boc@Cpt.Danjou, @Trixie and @Teetengee - we are in the final stretch, so keep at it!  I'm looking forward to seeing your complated vows later this week!

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With the blessing of the powers that be (aka Grotsmasha) I'm holding an unofficial sub-competition within the Call to Arms 2023!


What is it?   The Lordiest Lord Called to Arms in 2023!


No really, what is it?  I'll be holding a vote of all the Chaos Lord entries made as part of this year's Call to Arms.   May the lordiest Lord win!


How do I enter?  You paint a chaos lord as part of Call to Arms 2023, all of them are entered unless you tell me you don't want your Lord to be.


What is a Chaos Lord?  The Chaos Lord and Chaos Terminator Lord entries from the Chaos Space Marines Index.  In practical terms, its probably anything you entered as a Lord.  I am excluding demon princes and named characters, though - so Peturbo, Abbadon and Lucius as all not Lords.


When is it being held?  Immediately after Call to Arms is over - so, I hoping to get the pole up (never done one before) in the first few days of October.


Where is it being held?  In the Hereticus Astartes forum, either in the Chaos Stronghold thread there or its own thread.  I'll post a link here when I set it up.


What can I win?  The winner earns the officially unofficial title of Lordiest Lord Called to Arms in 2023 and the esteme of their peers (esteme not guaranteed).


Don't I get a banner at least?  Not from me, no - I have no skills in the creation of such things.  You can make your own or coerce someone in doing it for you, though.


What happens if there is a tie?  I'll be the tie breaker, but I won't vote for my own entry.



Here is a list of the persons entered so far, with a link to their post containing the post the picture I will use for the voting.  If I've missed your Lord, please let me know.  If you want off the list, please let me know.  If you have a better photo for me, please either post it here or message it to me.   

@Cactus - here

@crimsondave - herehere and here

@Dr_Ruminahui - here

@gaurdian31 - here

@Brother Captain Arkley - here

@legoman - here

@Dwango - here

@Teetengee - here


Hmm... I thought we had more than that, so I'm sure I'm missing at least someone.  I know @legoman has one still in the works, which will be added here if he gets it in before the deadline.


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4 hours ago, Dr_Ruminahui said:


@Muskie - Love the 3 figures you finished, that blue spore effect is both brilliant and fanstastic.  Good luck with those last 2 figures and keep at it!

I have until October 3rd right? Because I painted a lot this weekend and I have chance...

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Demon Prince done.  That finishes my third vow of 4 BL Rhinos, 1 BL Helbrute, 1 BL Demon Prince, 1 IW Chaos Lord (Majorkill mini kitbash), and 1 Fabius Bile with acolyte (aka Fabulous Bill and pal) for 39 points (pending Grotsmasha audit.) This was really fun.  I’ve never participated in B&C painting event before.  Hope we do it again soon.






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16 minutes ago, Muskie said:

The daemon prince above is nice @crimsondave I did paint hard this weekend, but six days, the damn Plague Surgeon has a lot of details. I'll try. Do I have until midnight Saturday?


I would assume you have until midnight IDLW (last time zone) but I didn't see it in the rules.

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