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=] Call to Arms: Chaos Stronghold [=

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2 hours ago, Muskie said:

The daemon prince above is nice @crimsondave I did paint hard this weekend, but six days, the damn Plague Surgeon has a lot of details. I'll try. Do I have until midnight Saturday?


I will be locking up at 11:59pm on 1st October in the GMT +10 timezone, and will give 24hr and 12hr notices :thumbsup:

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@Dr_Ruminahui thanks buddy. I have more to do as I have a 3k list. I think I'll be doing some wardogs and a knight next. Already part painted so no good for here. 


Ah my main pledge was in the xenos forum so that's where my terrain went I'm afraid.


Would Azrakh the annihilator count towards the lord event? He's named but not a 'famous one' as it were. 

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9 hours ago, Dr_Ruminahui said:



With the blessing of the powers that be (aka Grotsmasha) I'm holding an unofficial sub-competition within the Call to Arms 2023!


What is it?   The Lordiest Lord Called to Arms in 2023!


No really, what is it?  I'll be holding a vote of all the Chaos Lord entries made as part of this year's Call to Arms.   May the lordiest Lord win!


How do I enter?  You paint a chaos lord as part of Call to Arms 2023, all of them are entered unless you tell me you don't want your Lord to be.


What is a Chaos Lord?  The Chaos Lord and Chaos Terminator Lord entries from the Chaos Space Marines Index.  In practical terms, its probably anything you entered as a Lord.  I am excluding demon princes and named characters, though - so Peturbo, Abbadon and Lucius as all not Lords.


When is it being held?  Immediately after Call to Arms is over - so, I hoping to get the pole up (never done one before) in the first few days of October.


Where is it being held?  In the Hereticus Astartes forum, either in the Chaos Stronghold thread there or its own thread.  I'll post a link here when I set it up.


What can I win?  The winner earns the officially unofficial title of Lordiest Lord Called to Arms in 2023 and the esteme of their peers (esteme not guaranteed).


Don't I get a banner at least?  Not from me, no - I have no skills in the creation of such things.  You can make your own or coerce someone in doing it for you, though.


What happens if there is a tie?  I'll be the tie breaker, but I won't vote for my own entry.



Here is a list of the persons entered so far, with a link to their post containing the post the picture I will use for the voting.  If I've missed your Lord, please let me know.  If you want off the list, please let me know.  If you have a better photo for me, please either post it here or message it to me.   

@Cactus - here

@crimsondave - herehere and here

@Dr_Ruminahui - here

@gaurdian31 - here


Hmm... I thought we had more than that, so I'm sure I'm missing at least someone.  I know @legoman has one still in the works, which will be added here if he gets it in before the deadline.

Hi @Dr_Ruminahui, do you think i would be able to enter my Dark Apostle. As a Word Bearer the Keepers of the Faith are at least on par with a mere Lord?! Thanks (and no worries if its starting to make it too complicated!)

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Looks like a lot happened over the weekend. Good job everyone! Got the sorcerer done pics below:



@Dr_Ruminahui I always go with purple for warp fire. It is why I went with purple for the Dark Apostle and crew as well. I figure they are heavy into the warp stuff. Your multi color flames on the Master of Possession look really good in my honest opinion. 

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"I, Brother Captain Arkley, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint 1 Zerkie (test) for 1pt for the Glory of World Eaters and the Chaos Stronghold on or before 30th September, 2023 or bear the badge of failure until years end."



Edited by Brother Captain Arkley
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WIP on my Lordy Lord. Will hopefully finish base coats tomorrow and apply some washes, then some time for a little bit of detail and base on Friday, just in time to compete vow for Saturday! Will then go back and touch him and the Dark Apsotle up (that sounds slightly Slaneshy....) Luckily I think I pledged exactly the right amount, anymore and I wouldn't have finished.


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On 9/25/2023 at 12:33 AM, Dwango said:

Would Azrakh the annihilator count towards the lord event? He's named but not a 'famous one' as it were. 


Does he have actual rules as a named character in 40K or 30K?  If so, no.  If not, and he is a "named character" only in the fact that he has a name (so, "in name only" :biggrin:) like the guy from the Dark Vengeance box, then yes and I will add Brother Captain Arkley and his Azrakh to my list of contestants.


On 9/25/2023 at 5:26 AM, legoman said:

Hi @Dr_Ruminahui, do you think i would be able to enter my Dark Apostle. As a Word Bearer the Keepers of the Faith are at least on par with a mere Lord?! Thanks (and no worries if its starting to make it too complicated!)


Its for the "Lordiest Lord", not the "Lordiest guy trying his best (and actually not doing too bad) to be a Lord", so no.  For thematic purity, I really can't include various "almost" Lords as doing that makes it increasingly difficult to draw a line and then it becomes simply the "characteriest character".


On 9/25/2023 at 10:19 AM, Boc said:

I mean my Tyrant is a character if that can make him count as a Chaos Lord lol


No!  Bad Boc!  (whaps with newspaper) :biggrin: 

Edited by Dr_Ruminahui
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"I, Dwango, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint 1 World Eaters praetor (Chaos Lord) for 5pts for the Glory of the Traitors Forum, Khorne and the Chaos Stronghold on or before 30th September, 2023 or bear the badge of failure until years end. 


Kill. Maim. Burn.


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15 hours ago, Brother Captain Arkley said:

"I, Brother Captain Arkley, heed the Call to Arms and pledge to paint 1 Zerkie (test) for 1pt for the Glory of World Eaters and the Chaos Stronghold on or before 30th September, 2023 or bear the badge of failure until years end."



Have to pull out of this vow, work has decided I need to make a trip to Germany for a week :(

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21 hours ago, Dr_Ruminahui said:


Its for the "Lordiest Lord", not the "Lordiest guy trying his best (and actually not doing too bad) to be a Lord", so no.  For thematic purity, I really can't include various "almost" Lords as doing that makes it increasingly difficult to draw a line and then it becomes simply the "characteriest character".:biggrin: 

Yep understood, good incentive to find the time to get my Lordy looking good!

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And vow #2 complete. This was a sprint. Pictures are trash but it's late and I'm tired lol. Very happy with the overall result. There's more detailing to do, but since I'm going out of town starting tomorrow this is done enough to count




And other part of the vow









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No one's saying nothing? I've had to work a lot, but I did the math, I should have until Saturday 7pm MST. So I'll try. I should get one done, but it is all or nothing, going to have to bust out a lot of contrast paint and washes, but there is so much detail on the Plague Surgeon, lots of finicky bits.

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Vow finished! I don’t think I am going to have time to do anymore before the deadline. Both guys could do with some more time spent on them though so I will do that next week.



I had lots of fun with both of them - attempting some wet blending on flames/tabard things on the Dark Apostle, and blood effect on both. I like how the tube things on the lord came out - I wanted them to look like they were always pushing through his body and out into the armour and back, which is why they are all glossy and bloody and (hopefully!) gross looking. 





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And here is the group shot with the full vow!


This has been a great experience for me - this is my first foray into warhammer since about 2010. I find it pushed me to keep to the timeline I set myself. I have also loved all the chat on here, seeing the likes etc is really nice, and it's been great to see other people's completed models (all of which have been brilliant). 


I also now have a fully completed combat patrol so may even try and get a game at the local GW!


So thank you everyone and special thanks to @Grotsmasha for arranging (as well as anyone else involved) and also @Dr_Ruminahui for the weekly updates! 








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I can only echo @legoman this event was really inspiring. Everyone has been doing great work! And thank you very much to @Grotsmasha for running this and @Dr_Ruminahui for checking in with everyone and posting the great weekly updates. The updates really kept me motivated!

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With just over 40 hours remaining, I will not yield. I have been beset by the trials of the other gods (Slaanesh: marriage, Tzeentch: work schedules and my glue transforming into a weird blob monster, Nurgle: illness) and surpassed them, so now I come to Khorne's trial, to blood and brass, to the mini now prepared before me.


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Not at all happy with them, but I declare them done. I give you blue blobs of Tzeentch, and slithering daemon of Slaanesh.




I am done for this year, and I had a blast. Thank you for doing this event, great work.


It seems I can't count or that I have so many of these little smurfs or maybe both, anyhow I had forgotten one, luckily I saw it on the table with its rimmed base, only the ones for the vow have been rimmed.



Edited by Cpt.Danjou
One forgotten Blue Horror added, and I can't spell.
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I got up early, but not as good of light as yesterday in Alberta. I'm mostly done. I set an alarm to take the picture with half hour to spare, but honestly there are only a few bits that are still Wraithbone. But I think I could have done a bit better if I wasn't rushed, picture coming soon. It is too bad the Plague Surgeon isn't lordy enough, I have to get his face right, that is the top priority for today, that and rusting metal, so much rusty chain to do. We'll see who else is cutting it close, but in my defence I painted a lot (of hours).

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Still waiting on a late delivery of Iron Warrior transfers so I can't do the gloss/oilwash/weathering I want to, but I reckon these should count as done for the glory of the Chaos Call to Arms. Paint on everything and ready to play them in my next game.




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