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Welcome to the start of a project I’ve been brewing for the past 3 years in the back of my mind. This project is an attempt to bring the Visage of the Visions of Heresy 1st Legion to the tabletop.





Above is my first proof of concept images, a decade ago when I first joined the Bolter and Chainsword I was an avid Horus Heresy Fan and was always rushing any ideas I had without taking time to really indulge my creativity, this time after a massive Hiatus I decided to look back on my fondest memories of the hobby and bring something from my childhood into the community, my beloved First Legion and Sons of the Lion.


I welcome you to join me on this adventure of recreating a beloved army and concept of the angels of Death and the emperors first. We will be diving into Abrahamic lore and naming conventions and going to be setting many rules for the project in order to expand my potential and force me to learn new skills.


Till the next update…







They call us his angels of death,

If it wasn’t for his coming we would have been the kings of men.


Samyaza , Praetor of the 127th Expedition reclamation Fleet, order of the Hexagramatron



If a soul (if such a thing exists mind you) reincarnates, such a soul would have taken thousands of lifetimes to reincarnate and refine its craft to even reach the same level of skill as our Brother.


Azazyel , Librarian of the 127th reclamation Fleet, Keeper of the Grey Keys, Master of the Sebaot of Akkard.


++—0.00100100110.01–++ <PictCapt Cataphactrii Terminator Squad Penemsue, Ist Legio Astartes 127th Rec Fleet, Recovered from archives of the Rock circa M33> Status Unknown > Fealty Designation Undiscovered > Questionable Records suggest Fallen> ++—0.00100100110.01-++

Edited by GhostMalone
  On 7/11/2023 at 1:55 PM, Firedrake Cordova said:

Sounds like an interesting project, and looks like you're off to a good start! :smile: 


Thanks brother, it’s taken a while to find my feet but I’m back into it and just slowly chipping around at my first core 5000 points.


  On 7/11/2023 at 3:44 PM, Naryn said:

Really excited to see where this goes!


Hopefully you won’t have to wait too long I have a fair bit in the finished stage I just need to get back into writing, formatting and aesthetics.


  On 7/12/2023 at 12:09 AM, Baeltor said:

I like the terminators. They look better than the usual cataphracti. Modded?


Every Model in this army will have some form of Concersion to try tie it all into a cohesive Narrative (named characters/units exempt) I want to really capture the age and reaper of death motif with this army and make it look as close to the visions of heresy artwork as possible.


  On 7/12/2023 at 7:55 AM, Pearson73 said:

Those Terminators look excellent, really nice use of parts!



the Sgts I’m working on for both core squads most likely will be swapped out at a later date not a fan of the monopose standing stance so when I figure out what I can and can’t achieve with the plastic kits I’ll hopefully have more dynamic looking models.


I truly have enjoyed the feedback and still have a fairbit of tidying up with seems and stuff which I’ll be doing in between posts, all the trimming filing drilling etc will be done as this is a slow burn project and making sure I really do reach my potential.


I’ve set out a list of rules for this project;


•Going to take my time and pace, I always rush to get a final product which causes burnout and drains my creative battery because I settle for less then I intended with my initial Visualisation of the project.

•Looking to ensure every model has some form of conversion/individuality to add character, each piece will be part of a cohesive narrative while.

•Tilt shields are a must on every infantry unit.

•Each stage of the project must be decided/ completed prior to further purchases.

•Build phase and basing before we paint.

•Units must have a dedicated transport (not necessarily immediately but will be included in second stage).

•No primaris 40k bits unless heavily converted and show no sign of newer mks of armour.

•Legion specific units have to be used at least once during the lifespan of the project (second stage onwards) must include one unit ie: deathwing.

•Every time I try a new technique (Sculpting, painting, basing, posing) I am required to detail every individual step for the process and my thoughts during the process regardless if I fail or suceed, in order to reference back and gauge growth over the lifespan of the project.

•Each Stage has to contain a New HQ Choice.

but yeah big ramble just wanting to get it written out somewhere to reference, so if you read all this here’s your prize;




  Reveal hidden contents

Next Up The start of the Deathstar

To be one of the First isn’t an honour as some of our Cousins would have you think; it is an Obligation, a responsibility to ensure that you maintain the ideals that Humanity wishes to exemplify as we retake the stars in the name of Our Gene Sire and his Lord Liege.


Humanities Superiority, its Ingenuity and its morality, to spread the Imperial Truth and reunite our race whilst we are being used as Humanities shield and sword against the horrors of a wild galaxy are hunted to extinction.


Some of my brothers in the Legion refer to the Lion as our father but do not be mistaken, we are cast in his image and as such we see much of ourselves within him as he does us within himself.

And that right there is truly the most terrifying thing, the decisions we may enact in order to win a conflict with no question of the morality of our methods and ways, the enjoyment we take in the hunt against the Xenos or even that of the metaphysical manipulations of the universe. When these feelings come to the surface level of my consciousness I have to ask myself if our father feels this at his core, and if he does I can’t imagine lies he must tell himself to hide the monster that resides underneath.


For every hunt ends in a kill, and sometimes that kill isn’t easy or clean, we only present it as a victory because any less would be unbecoming of humanities first, it’s Paragons, it’s Dark Angels.




++—Recovered Pict of Brother Samyaza Knight of the Order of the Dark Throne and Leader of the  127th reclamation Fleet, prior to the return to Aldurukh M31. Last known image prior to the sundering of Caliban.—++





Stormwing Tactical Squad led by Sgt Satanail attached to the 127th Rec Fleet during the the Fall of Aldurukh



Edited by GhostMalone

I've been really enjoying this series of posts so far - I really like the idea, the modelling is great, and the background is a nice bonus!


I honestly think it will be a very special project once it's completed :biggrin:

You've done an excellent job converting the Praetor, he looks every inch the knight commander of the First. Digging the background too, exploring the darker, unflinching side of the legion. On that note, the hooded tank commander certainly looks sinister. 

As with the rest I do enjoy the strong theme you've managed to evoke with the miniatures. They form a coherent whole that's much more monastic than your usual marines. I in particular like how ornate your terminators are.

  On 7/18/2023 at 10:30 AM, Firedrake Cordova said:

I've been really enjoying this series of posts so far - I really like the idea, the modelling is great, and the background is a nice bonus!


I honestly think it will be a very special project once it's completed :biggrin:


I’ve been taking my time trying to get the theme just right, I don’t want to just straight up be like Ayo these are knights in space, I wanted to make them seem like hunters, stalking the forests and bringing death to their foes in whatever manner suits, no nobility just straight up efficiency.


  On 7/23/2023 at 8:09 PM, Torbenos said:

As with the rest I do enjoy the strong theme you've managed to evoke with the miniatures. They form a coherent whole that's much more monastic than your usual marines. I in particular like how ornate your terminators are.



appreciate that man, I’ve even gone back to the tacticals and added some more pieces, should have another decent sized update this week, just waiting on some Forgeworld Bitz to arrive and then we’re laughing.

Hunting, some people consider it integral to our survival if this is true then what is more integral than the survival of your species? So remember what we do isn’t wage war against the enemies of humanity…. We go to hunt them, any method that is necessary, be it bait, siege, stalking or annihilation.


We are the First Hunters of Humanity, we are Death Incarnate the reaper of humanities past given form by the emperors gene cults.


- Excerpt from the writings of Aspien, Ironwing Sgt of the 127th reclamation Fleet.





Have you ever smelt the ionisation of the air around you when your Quarry has been reduced to naught but ash? It has a metallic tang about it and it’s something you’ll get used to.


- Dreadwing Support Squad Sgt Gremory Addressing the Noviates from Aldurukh prior to the Muster of Davio II.





Evil is an abstract! It's a human construct. But true to his irresponsible nature, Man won't own up to being the engineer of evil, so he blames his dark deeds on my ilk. But his selfishness is limitless, and it's not enough for him to shadow his own existence. He turned Hell into a suffering Pit - fire, wailing, darkness - the kind of place anyone would do anything to get out of. And why? Because he lacks the ability to forgive himself. It is beyond your abilities to simply make recompense for and regret the sins you commit. No - you choose rather to create a psychodrama and dwell in a foundless belief that your God could never forgive your 'grievous offenses'. So you bring your guilt and inner-decay with you to Hell - where the horrid imaginations of so many gluttons-for-punishment give birth to the sickness that has infected the abyss since the first one of your kind arrived there, begging to be 'punished'. And in doing so, they've transformed the cold and solitude to pain and misery. I've spent eons privy to the flames, inhaling the decay, hearing the wail of the damned. I know what effect such horrors have on the delicate psyche of an angelic being. Would you like to glimpse pain eternal? Look...



Edited by GhostMalone

If I'd wanted you dead five minutes ago, you'd  have died five minutes ago.


Cataphactrii Terminator Squad SGT Baraquiel Addressing the captives from the Yaruk Belt incursion.






Edited by GhostMalone

So more updates incoming, just waiting on Australia Post to bring in the goods!


but in the meantime starting to get the display case up and start getting the army display ready.



been trialling some schemes for painting but haven’t yet decided on how I want to progress.

sneaky little previews of what’s to come as well ;)

  • 1 year later...






The Blog Lives!!! So I know it’s been ages but this project has been continuing in Private.


Ill try get more updates happening regularly but yes I should have something good for everyone so enjoy.

Edited by GhostMalone

So I Guess I can give a bit of an update now I have a chance; why did my project go quiet? Well I had my first child, a beautiful little Girl who i am completely engulfed with.

Probably the only acceptable reason I can offer, but with that said god have I been slowly in the background building and collecting a force, I’m at about the 9000 point mark of built models and started painting about 3000 points at this current stage.

I have still been committed to the vision and rules I set out at the beginning of this project  and am happy to admit I haven’t slacked.

I will be featuring these bad boys in a Battle Report soon on Cinderfall Gaming.  


if you’d like to check it out feel free to click here


You may have seen these floating around on some of the Private 30k FB groups so if you have; hello fellow gamers!



So update summary;

Where are we at?

Well here’s the 3000 Point List currently.

Right of War (The Unbroken Vow)

Corswain & 10 Deathwing Companions in Land Raider > WiP

Terminator Centurion Paladin of the Hekatonystika > Completed

5 Inner Circle Knights in Landraider > Completed

4x 10 Despoiler Squads in Rhinos > Completed

Heavy Support Squad with Lascannons > Completed

Leviathan Dreadnought > Completed

Sicaran with  Punisher Cannon > WiP

I’m looking forward to posting these finished pieces but in the
 meantime some sneak peaks of what we’re still working on.




still wip but I guarantee this will look amazing once it’s finished.


Ive also been getting a few practice games in after years away from the game relearning how to make the dice break my own heart.




They look great - that red really does pop, and the bases are really nice. :smile: 


It looks like you've got a pretty well-stocked set of shelves of inspiration :wink: 

  • 2 weeks later...

So after 2 weeks away with work I’m home and have a small update;


I decided the smartest way to keep myself on track is to take photos and upload as I progress.




finishing basing the Heavy Support Squad and getting more transports up to the same stage.


Upon returning home my order was missing the next Landraider and Rhino so replacements have been sent (lesson learned don’t order a good 60 individual loose paints because the person packing the order will forget the models )


I also have a Campaign in December to attend so I’m looking at the Deathwing Companions and Corswain on my desk thinking god I still have to paint all this.


so hopefully next week I’ll have something more to post like finished squads with transports.




  On 10/25/2024 at 2:46 PM, Firedrake Cordova said:

They look great - that red really does pop, and the bases are really nice. :smile: 


It looks like you've got a pretty well-stocked set of shelves of inspiration :wink: 



yeah I’ve sort of decided to drift away from the straight black of most 30k Dark Angels I personally think from a distance people can’t tell if your playing blackshields Ravenguard Iron Hands or Dark Angels so this should hopefully immediately draw the eye and be like ahh yes the First Legion.


still have pigment powders to apply but for consistency sake was going to finish the core of the army before doing so.



Next Update;


We’ve got some solid stuff lined up for the weekend so I’ll snap some finished pics and do some more lore write ups.


but the collection grows with yet another haul today.



I can finally for the first time ever have a fully finished based and painted force.


so back to the grind :cry: pray for me as I start the production line yet again.

  On 11/6/2024 at 11:22 AM, GhostMalone said:

so back to the grind :cry: pray for me as I start the production line yet again.


Those who are about to paint, we salute you :tongue: (yes, I know it's not the right line :wink:)

Ohh snap I remembered to update!


My deadline for my first tournament is looming and with work and fatherhood I’m trying to power my way to minimum tabletop ready.


So whats been done this week.





big thanks to Ikarus Pattern for this bad boy, I’ll be utilising this Land Raider for my Knights Cenobium.




We have the Final Despoiler Squad built and ready to be based.




and finally we have the Heavy Support rolling in to hopefully handle any mass infantry Squads.






so I’ve had to change the list up a little as I’ll be participating in the ZM and 1v1 missions. 

Next Campaign I’ll hopefully have a LoW and a Knight Household ready for Deployment, now it’s time to get priming and base coating.


till next update.

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