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  On 11/11/2024 at 1:08 PM, Firedrake Cordova said:

Crikey that's a lot of extra detail on the Land Raider :biggrin: 


I thought the first one had detail… this one has made me reconsider this project :blink:


im happy to be on the final stretch for the first stage of this project, by the end of the year I should have the core army painted and can progress into support units and Auxilary pieces.


following that I’ll be able to work on my Dark Mech and my Knight Household (if I can convince the wife a Stormbird)


looking forward to buying a house with a dedicated space for me to work on this project in comfort rather then currently taking over the entire kitchen bench :blush:

Small progress but getting 15 mins of painting time in between my daughters wake windows is still better than nothing.









Another 7 still in que but I’ve been nervous even getting them to here, I keep reminding myself to trust the process but you know how it be sometimes :blink:


next update will hopefully have the Armour completed and Mr Praetor.


  On 11/17/2024 at 11:36 PM, GhostMalone said:

Small progress but getting 15 mins of painting time in between my daughters wake windows is still better than nothing.



I get that dude, mine is the same. It's funny when you load up your brush but before you can do anything they let out a little WWAAAGGGHH! Lol.


Your 1st Legion is looking great, they have a proper grim look to them.

Consider this squad half done… 




Just another 5 to go and I’m very much hit the wall on painting motivation for the week (even though it’s Monday)


  On 11/18/2024 at 12:49 AM, Son of Rawl said:

I get that dude, mine is the same. It's funny when you load up your brush but before you can do anything they let out a little WWAAAGGGHH! Lol.


Your 1st Legion is looking great, they have a proper grim look to them.




i literally had this happen 4 times today and god it’s hilarious cause I now joke with the wife that the second I open a bottle she will wake and cost me 20c in paint.


thanks man I’ve been adamant in recreating the artwork I’ve envisioned and to truly try and make the army different to the usual spray black and add red accent that I see in a lot of Battle reports.


i want them to be recognised easily as dark angels and not iron hands or raven guard.

So small update;


I’ve decided to take the plunge and make an Instagram; why? Because it seems to be the biggest pool of motivation around. Now this doesn’t mean I won’t upload or update this Blog as realistically the B&C was my first love and as much as I see everyone back in the late 2010s has moved on I still want to be part of the community.


Im hoping that this will keep me even more accountable then I already am trying to be with working on stuff and improving my skills (by comparison my skills are lacking) but considering 90% of this is brush work I’m still happy with it being table top standard.


So if you are keen or have any tips on photography (outside of just using a light box) I’d love some input and help on capturing some proper images that aren’t of the average quality I’ve been producing.


If you’d like to throw me a follow it would be much appreciated but otherwise I am 100% on board with lurking. 

 The Unbroken Vow is the Project Name as I think I will primarily be focusing on this RoW for fun.


next 5 companions are inbound as well as some HQ choices with 18 days till the event I’m pumping what I can.

GW did a reasonable photography article, as did Goonhammer - don't know if it's helpful.


The Strobist is a great resource for lighting, and has an article on product photography.

Another 5 Companions finished, which means this Squad is ready to deploy.





till the Weekend update please enjoy.



Edited by GhostMalone
Extra Image

Great to see you back! And yes, I suppose a child is an acceptable reason for a delay.... :sweat:


Fantastic painting though, they look even better now. That Landraider looks crazy good, but also like it'll drive you crazy to paint...


You've got one hell of a lot of painting ahead of you, how do you think you'll paint the Knights, something brighter and more colourful to contrast the Angels?



  On 11/20/2024 at 7:03 AM, Pearson73 said:

Great to see you back! And yes, I suppose a child is an acceptable reason for a delay.... :sweat:


Fantastic painting though, they look even better now. That Landraider looks crazy good, but also like it'll drive you crazy to paint...


You've got one hell of a lot of painting ahead of you, how do you think you'll paint the Knights, something brighter and more colourful to contrast the Angels?





ohh god yes well the knights are right now shelved but I was thinking of pushing forward with an Orange Copper Bronze Black type scheme but I’ve been looking at  ideas and I’m thinking of re theming the force to a Dark Mech aligned Knight Household.


I’ve got the start of a Dark Mech Biologis force beginning but I’m thinking I could just keep it all as is and lean into the same aesthetic…


my brains a little fried from a 30•c day so if my response is a bit incoherent I own it and will mock up some schemes and diagrams to explain this mad vision I have moving forward




I’ll flowchart these ideas and you’ll all realise the ADHD is real.

  On 11/21/2024 at 5:58 AM, GhostMalone said:

And so it begins




Now the Real Question do I need a third :smile:


Of course, you can't have enough LR

So one day off over the weekend and the deadline creeps even closer.

late night painting has been happening so I can try get the HQ done in time.





Still working on him but hey consistent updates are good right?


Also basecoats are down minus the metallics on the next land raider.



im going to bed now so enjoy and ill catch you in the next update.


So being up all night watching over a sick child means….. I did something I wasn’t meant to do just yet.









Still have to figure out the power sword situation across the army, keeping them bare until I decide on a scheme.


Next update should be finished Landraider #2 and the Sicarian

Edited by Firedrake Cordova






Now it’s on to the highlights but I’m happy to deploy it for the Campaign as is.


getting everything to tabletop standard is one thing but none of these models are actually finished.


Now I rest for a bit.



  On 11/26/2024 at 4:08 AM, Son of Rawl said:

Corswain looks awesome, so does the mk6 preator. Both just ooze character.



thanks man, I’m trying to ensure this all cohesively still feels like a Dark Angels Legion force so I’m trying to eliminate anything as generic and make it iconic.

Looks like solid progress. :smile: 


An entire army that's base coated with some units being "upgraded" to fully-painted is more beneficial to immersion than an army which is a mix of fully-painted and un-painted units. :smile: 

Edited by Firedrake Cordova



I have run out of time before the event and realised…. I forgot a rhino :eek:


I’ll get some better photos on the day but here we are 2500 points of Dark Angels.


luckily with Christmas coming up I’ll have some time to decal and do weathering oils and powders.


  On 11/26/2024 at 4:13 PM, Firedrake Cordova said:

Looks like solid progress. :smile: 


An entire army that's base coated with some units being "upgraded" to fully-painted is more beneficial to immersion than an army which is a mix of fully-painted and un-painted units. :smile: 



i think considering I hadn’t painted in 7 years that my above average skills are slowly returning, if I had the old setup I guarantee these would be jaw dropping but for kitchen bench paint jobs I’m pretty happy with it.


  On 11/26/2024 at 8:34 PM, Pearson73 said:

Nice job making the Praetor fit the legion a bit more.



wait till you see the Chaplain and Librarian…

  On 11/28/2024 at 4:05 AM, GhostMalone said:

i think considering I hadn’t painted in 7 years that my above average skills are slowly returning, if I had the old setup I guarantee these would be jaw dropping but for kitchen bench paint jobs I’m pretty happy with it.


Yeah, they look fine before even considering your 7 year gap. :smile: My commiserations on the loss of a great painting area, though - hopefully you get a better area than the kitchen table soon :biggrin: 


The point I was trying (perhaps unsuccessfully) to make, was that by doing what you're doing, working through your army to get paint on everything and then going back to bring them up to your desired standard probably gives the biggest benefit to your opponent in terms of immersion, rather than having an army where some are finished and some not yet started (what I normally end up doing :blush:. :smile: 

Edited by Firedrake Cordova

Dude that's an amazing job after so long a break. Sorry to hear about your workspace, on the bright side, it gives you an opportunity to upgrade what you already have. Using that to help turn mine into my sons room lol.


So still trying to figure out the photography situation; light box is a bit much and distorts the actual colours.


managed to get 4 characters done to tabletop standard in time for next weekend.




Not the biggest fan of the chaplains and may remodel them, the Librarians however I’m relatively pleased with.


running on minimal sleep as always and can not wait for holidays to start.

Two Days till the Campaign; currently working away in the middle of Australia and thought maybe just maybe I could get some hobby done whilst it’s 38•c outside during the day.


I managed to finish the last rhino for the army and got to work on Mardu Serdak.






once again Lighting and Camera are trash but here we are, this weekends update will hopefully have top quality photos.


until then be safe and keep hobbling.

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