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Warhammer Preview - NOVA Open 2023

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53 minutes ago, Hungry Nostraman Lizard said:

The bolters look wrong. Why do they look wrong? 

The powerfist, pistol, pouches, vexila, and many of the bareheads are the same as from the mark VI sprue. That's incredibly disappointing. I didn't like the powerfist on mark VI, I don't like it on these either. 

My first reaction to the mark 3 is to pull away and go 'eugh', but I think it might grow on me over time. Dunno. 

Oh also it looks like we lost mono-visors from the mark 3 helms.

I'm feeling the same thing. I can't pit my finger on it... They feel "Off". Like... gangly, spindly, and or much thinner than the premier frontal assault armor MK (other than TDA) should be?


Mayhaps they'll grow on me too. But yeah, "eugh" effect for me too.

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7 minutes ago, Dark Legionnare said:

I'm feeling the same thing. I can't pit my finger on it... They feel "Off". Like... gangly, spindly, and or much thinner than the premier frontal assault armor MK (other than TDA) should be?


Mayhaps they'll grow on me too. But yeah, "eugh" effect for me too.


They look proportionally smaller against the larger armor and they're held in much more "tactical" looking poses. I wonder if they'll do Heavy Weapons upgrades for these guys? They can share the Special Weapons sprues since they only attach the wrists, but most of the other Heavy Weapons have custom arms either to hold the weapon properly or directly molded onto it. It'll be pretty strange if the lightweight stealth armor can handle rocket launchers and shoulder mounted plasma/lascannons, but the big guys can't (or else have to scavenge light weight armor to do so).


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44 minutes ago, Dark Legionnare said:

I'm feeling the same thing. I can't pit my finger on it... They feel "Off". Like... gangly, spindly, and or much thinner than the premier frontal assault armor MK (other than TDA) should be?


Mayhaps they'll grow on me too. But yeah, "eugh" effect for me too.


Look at the boots, that's the issue. They lack the knight style boot of the old mk III and the 40k DG. It's going to be a pain sculpting that back on to look right. How did they miss that design element I'll never understand. 

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1 hour ago, MegaVolt87 said:


Also the lore hasn't caught up yet with the firstborn SM replacement GW is doing. 



Unless you're strictly speaking old models being replaced by nu-models, the Scouts and Terminators should be putting the whole "firstborn replacement" thing to bed, already.

Those scouts are nothing but (as much as I hate when people use this term) "true-scale" or more desirably proportioned scouts. Just look at the ML! It's a classic model kit with some modern flair, that's it! I called it the other day on facebook, that we were going to be see more kits than people readily think staying true to their classic designs. There are somethings that GW is not going to depart from. I look forward to seeing the SM lineup become about "true-scale" (:sick:) models and not about primaris vs. firstborn debating that needs to die already. 

Edited by Bloody Legionnaire
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No more dedicated scout sniper squads then? The article reads "Those who need to sneak heavier firepower onto the battlefield will find options for gunners lugging missile launchers or heavy bolters, as well as a cloaked sniper for picking off enemy CHARACTERS". 


Some great reveals in here. Unfortunately I'm not fond of the jump assault intercessors. The poses, at least on the pics look a bit awkward. 

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3 minutes ago, Bloody Legionnaire said:


Unless you're strictly speaking old models being replaced by nu-models, the Scouts and Terminators should be putting the whole "firstborn replacement" thing to bed, already.

Those scouts are nothing but (as much as I hate when people use this term) "true-scale" or more desirably proportioned scouts. Just look at the ML! It's a classic model kit with some modern flair, that's it! I called it the other day on facebook, that we were going to be see more kits than people readily think staying true to their classic designs. There are somethings that GW is not going to depart from. I look forward to seeing the SM lineup become about "true-scale" (:sick:) models and not about primaris vs. firstborn debating that needs to die already. 


Two kits that can easily be primaris vs the recent firstborn legends and discontinued in no way means firstborn are staying. We now have primaris vanguard, command squad and assault marines. The next firstborn assault squad will be for HH. The debate will end when either firstborn have been phased out of 40k completely or GW makes it very clear 40k firstborn will stay in the setting by new 40k firstborn releases of discontinued units returning. 

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I thought it was a good stream. My rankings of the new marines:


sternguard mpk - love them

terminators mpk - love them

Command squad - think they’re great

scouts - nice to see them updated

terminator chaplain - it’s fine. Skull helmet is a lot better than the rebreather but would have preferred something similar to the old ones. This one is like the new bike chaplain

jump captain - I like it but no storm shield or thunder hammer. Boo! Hiss!

jump intercessors - there are designers at gw who understand weight and movement and they didn’t work on these


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45 minutes ago, Marshal Rohr said:

Great preview. Tons of awesome stuff. Well done GW

Credit where it's due. I rarely get excited by previews but I'm genuinely buzzing from this one.


Hats off. By the way, have I mentioned how amazing Fulgrim is?!?!

@Chapter Master Valrak will you start your iron warriors with the new box of mkiii, land raider and deredeo?! ;) Or is that for foilrak to do?


Keep up the vids dude, genuinely enjoyable.

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Im not sure this preview proves anything yet in regards to the scouts not being a kill team release first, they have the typical dedicated (but not exclusive to) kill team loadup ( CC & ranged loadup for all 10, with a dash of special weapon operatives.. and the focus is heavily on the 40k build in the video its possible there are still KT accesoires that wont have 40k use.) though I would have expected some tease.

If anything they confirm what valrak said; 1 sniper only for example.

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29 minutes ago, acrozatarim said:

So the article on WarCom says the new SM codex will have 93 datasheets. How much is that reduced from what we have in thr current datasheet set?

The current Index cards have 105 datasheets minus the 14 going to legends plus the 3 new kits (Jump pack Intercessors, new Scouts, new Company Heroes, assuming the Jump Pack Captain and Chaplain will just use the existing datasheet)

That makes 94 datasheets. So either one other unit gets cut/consolidated or I just miscounted somewhere

Edited by Matrindur
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25 minutes ago, Matrindur said:

The current Index cards have 105 datasheets minus the 14 going to legends plus the 3 new kits (Jump pack Intercessors, new Scouts, new Company Heroes, assuming the Jump Pack Captain and Chaplain will just use the existing datasheet)

That makes 94 datasheets. So either one other unit gets cut/consolidated or I just miscounted somewhere


Could be the scout sniper squad?

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Well, this is nice! A few models I'm not crazy about, but overall everything looks great.

I can't quite help but think this is what they should've done for the 8th edition launch, though? Would've savde us a lot of nonsense and bickering (although, to be fair, we would probably still have had nonsense and bickering, but it would've been of a different flavour).



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The Assault Intercessors are laughably bad.. They all look like they tripped over something and are about to fall over any moment.  They remind me very much of Captain Titus revealed not long ago.  Whoever was part of the team that worked on Titus was also part of the team that worked on the Assault Intercessors.  Really facepalm stuff..


Also, time to order a lot of old  style jumppacks from GW China, the new ones look really ugly compared to the old design.

Edited by appiah4
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New MK III look good, I'm glad the special weapons sprue works for them.


For the overlapping plates, they don't have trouble with MKIII, but that's basically impossible when it goes all around the leg, like in MKII. So they likely redesigned MKII like that, so they don't have to cast the leg in a bunch of pieces.

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Relatively minor but it looks like we’re not going to get new codex art this edition since they’re using the second 8th Ed codex cover. Personally would’ve preferred they left the 9th cover if they’re recycling the covers

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4 minutes ago, ArielRSA said:

Relatively minor but it looks like we’re not going to get new codex art this edition since they’re using the second 8th Ed codex cover. Personally would’ve preferred they left the 9th cover if they’re recycling the covers


The 10th Ed rulebook cover should have been the SM Dex cover IMO

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It’s almost exactly as rumoured / predicted so no surprises but I can’t help but feel a bit underwhelmed. Mainly because it doesn’t feel like they added anything ‘new’ to the range. Every kit is either a multipart of something that was in leviathan or a replacement for an equivalent firstborn kit, which almost everything the leviathan was anyway. 

I’m pleased that they seem to be reaching the end of their space marine update project, but can’t help that this release was a bit underwhelming and we know from the amount of datasheets there won’t be any other surprises in store. 

models themselves are nice for the most part, chaplain a bit bland and jump packs awkwardly posed. It’s all just a bit ‘seen it before’. 

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Jump infantry - yes

Terminator mpk - yes

Sternguard mpk - yes

Termie and jump characters - yes


Scouts.... huh. Did not expect. Was thinking they'd be kill team only. Are these classic scouts? Boltguns not carbines. Combat knives not chainswords. Need a look at their back.


Scouts are obviously super welcome but I specifically hoped for models that I could use interchangeably with my BT primaris neophytes

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