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Warhammer Preview - NOVA Open 2023

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Wow, I'm really not a fan of the jump assault kit, even more so, after WHC claimed that these models are some of their best sculpted models in motion. Seriously, it's basically the Assault Int poses put on rocks and struts. Yeah, right.


But poses aside, while the jump packs look nice, the new boot wings/panes and the bulbous vents on the legs are a ridiculoous addition. Because they say that marines lost their old versatility. Space Marine, the video game, showed, that a jump pack kan easily be strapped onto MK7 power armour, it was just a harness that the marine slipped into. You could drop it and continue on foot once your fuel ran out. Now marines use a special MK X plate to jump. 


I'm gonna stick with what I originally planned to do and what was shown so aptly by brother JayJapan above - use some of the abundant Assault Int minis I got and stick old jump packs to them. There you go, basically the same kit. Put them on some rocks and struts and call it a day.


And while I'm ranting: The WHC article mentions that the new jump pack captain will have special rules for jump pack infantry. Does that mean this will be yet another non-sensical captain data card? What was that about decluttering 10th? Also, that captain was easily kitbashable from several other kits along with the new jump infantry.


I'm also not loving the new MK3. The helmets look somehow weird with the spike and all and the rest of the armour has lost that knightly/medieval look it used to have. That combined with the reuse of the MK6 poses is just not at all attractive to me. I can't help but feel that old heresy firstborn kits were superior to these newer variants. Might just be me, tho.


On the other hand and to stop the negativity, I really love that new command kit. That ancient with the banner looks sooo cool. :) 

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https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/08/31/nova-open-previews-suck-at-blood-and-not-blood-bowl-with-the-drakfang-thirsters/ the vampires can be used as Inquisition henchmen or in Necromunda, and the thralls would be great as Blood Angels servents or wound markers


4 hours ago, Indy Techwisp said:

The only other EC unit in 40k with a mini is Lucias and his mini isn't available anymore and the Noise Marines are an upgrade sprue to basic marines.

To be a besserwisser, there are two Noise Marines upgrade sprues, and one Noise Marine model.

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10 hours ago, Daylight said:

Thought about the scouts -  we’ve heard rumors that the next kill team box will be scouts vs striking scorpions. Each box has generally had a bespoke team and a team of existing models with a new sprue, and before this reveal it seemed like both teams would be brand new models. With this reveal it seems the scouts will be the team with the new sprue; makes the rumors seem even more likely IMO

I'm pretty sure the sniper guy is made from bits from a kill team upgrade sprue. He's the only thing that doesn't fit in a generic new scout kit.


6 hours ago, appiah4 said:

The Assault Intercessors are laughably bad.. They all look like they tripped over something and are about to fall over any moment.  They remind me very much of Captain Titus revealed not long ago.  Whoever was part of the team that worked on Titus was also part of the team that worked on the Assault Intercessors.  Really facepalm stuff..


Also, time to 3D print a lot of old  style jumppacks from GW China, the new ones look really ugly compared to the old design.

Yeah they make Zephon look pretty great. Well at least they don't have jump harnesses anymore and I do have a 3-d printer and a bunch of assualt intercessors.

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Overall good models, nice updates to older versions (even if they are now in primaris style).


However, I do not like the poses of the Assault Intercessors. The old Assault Marines showed a clear forward charging motion. They looked aggressive and bulky-yet-fast.


These look more like they are casually jumping or landing in a low gravity environment instead of charging. They've lost a lot of the feeling of forward momentum and aggressiveness that were so iconic to the old models.

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Great models, although I think the Jump Intercessors will benefit from seeing other angles.


So what exactly is left to be primarised at this point? Other than characters, that is.


Maybe some more Repulsor based vehicles like a new Whirlwind and an actual Rhino replacement, but other than that the roster seems like it has been fully primarised.

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3 hours ago, MegaVolt87 said:


Two kits that can easily be primaris vs the recent firstborn legends and discontinued in no way means firstborn are staying. We now have primaris vanguard, command squad and assault marines. The next firstborn assault squad will be for HH. The debate will end when either firstborn have been phased out of 40k completely or GW makes it very clear 40k firstborn will stay in the setting by new 40k firstborn releases of discontinued units returning. 

They are pretty much phased out at this point. We are only clinging to tacticals, devastators, centurions and a few tanks and they'll be gone by next edition. Time to move on as much as it sucks not all of them will find replacements. The debate really ended with 10th when we saw primaris sternguard, terminators etc everything going to legends. There's just no debate at all really anymore. Although I still have hope for one firstborn unit coming out in the near future the Risen.

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1 hour ago, Kenzaburo said:

Wow, I'm really not a fan of the jump assault kit, even more so, after WHC claimed that these models are some of their best sculpted models in motion. Seriously, it's basically the Assault Int poses put on rocks and struts. Yeah, right.

That is precisely what I was about to say. Absolute joke of posing and a 5-man kit for $50 probably? I'll get discount bin Assault Intercessors and slap Firstborn jump packs on them for the same or even better result.

The terminators, the sternguard look OK, I guess? I mean, they're the same as the starter box, just with additional options. They're not different enough in posing and main pieces to have multiple sets of along with the starter ones - very unfortunate IMO.

The TDA Chaplain is a huge disappointment, he looks like something I could kitbash in an afternoon. Very generic. I understand that the previous sculpt was overly busy, but the void at the waist, the general lack of ornamentation aside from a few spikes and "ribcage", the stiff posing of the Crozius Arm... It's a pass.

Another huge disappointment are the Scouts. No chainswords, so useless for my Crusader Squads. Apparently only one sniper dude? What the heck is this about? At this point, I can just as well keep using my 20+ metal Scouts with knives and bolt pistols.

And Fulgrim... don't even get me started. Somebody copied notes from the Morathi sculpt, hard, only forgot they were casting this in resin not hard plastic. Good luck to the poor soul buying it and breaking those wingtip claws off the first time it goes into transport or on a table, between terrain and other models. 

I've been looking forward to this reveal and along with the crawling death of the Firstborn, this was greatly underwhelming.

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Can't really speak for 40K (other than the Assault Intercessors looking awful) but...


The new MK III is gorgeous IMO.  Lovely big space for transfers on the chest and knees. And I love the redesigned helmets, much closer to the Visions of Heresy artwork which is always a good thing. Bolters look a little off to me and was hoping there would be some variety in the upgrade sprue. But, seeing as the poses look very similar to the MK VI and the kit is compatible with existing special weapons sprues, hopefully the Umbra pattern bolters can be slotted in nicely.


Deredeo is the Deredeo. Looks nicely done and clearly very poseable. Probably won't be that much cheaper than the current one though, considering that the resin kit is relatively 'cheap'.


Scouts will make great Pathfinders with an era-appropriate bolter swap. 


And Fulgrim...blimey.

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Really like the new MKIIIs, looking forward to painting them up in HH Dark angels regalia. I'll be really tempted to get the battle group box depending on the price and if not  can't wait to pick a Deredeo when they become available separately.


Terminators looks good but no real surprises, I'll probably wait for the assault variety to pop up before buying any. Captain and Chaplain aren't my thing, just not particularly excited by either of them, I think the Captain in the Leviathan box looks better than the one here. Scouts similarly are as expected, they looks good though. Assault Marines look alright, I like the new design of the jump packs, especially over what Suppressors have but the Captain is very nice and I'll certainly pick up him some time down the road.


Big winner for me though is the Company Heroes set! Really love the look of all these models and really can't wait to get my hands on it. I'll always take a new Ancient sculpt and I love the new captain, really love the pose and I'll probably end up building him as he is seen here for the Ultramraines. Out of everything shown off this morning I'm most excited for this kit. New Sternguard are also a must buy for me. Looks like a lovely kit, I like the look of the Pyrecannon though I'm surprised to see it considering Terminators got a more classic Heavy Flamer. Back banner is nice and I'll certainly include it in one of my squads.


Everything seems as expected for Marines, a surprise would a have been nice but as a Marine collector I really can't grumble about not having more. Overall pretty happy with the reveals even if most of it was predicted.

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Space Marines are cool but I think I've about hit my limit of redo sculpts :biggrin:


Glad to see AoS, Warcry and Underworlds continuing to push the boat out in exciting and new ways. An Forgemaster Ork with a Squig Anvil is so unbelievably cool.

Hopefully 40k gets and injection of that good stuff soon :thumbsup:

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I'm liking what I'm seeing with the jump pack troops, exactly what I expected and I ain't complaining. Will probably pick up 2 boxes at some point down the line (would be even better if they wound up in the next 40k partswork)


Everything else revealed looks good, and I can't wait to see what the community does with Fulgrim.


On a side note, GW have already talked about doing EC for 40k and I'd expect them to drop right before 11th, same pattern as the World Eaters.

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3 minutes ago, TrawlingCleaner said:



Space Marines are cool but I think I've about hit my limit of redo sculpts :biggrin:


Glad to see AoS, Warcry and Underworlds continuing to push the boat out in exciting and new ways. An Forgemaster Ork with a Squig Anvil is so unbelievably cool.

Hopefully 40k gets and injection of that good stuff soon :thumbsup:

AoS just fires on more cylinders in every respect. That big Troggoth is fantastic 

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The  Assault intercessor poses are a massive disappointment, yes we KNOW they are jump troops, but they don't all need to be leaping off a little girder.


I'd have liked at least one flat footed fighting stance, and maybe a sprint - If I get these I would have to mix it up with existing stuff and do some conversions I think.


The Jump pack Captain is great apart from the cape - who puts a cape below a jump pack?? Have they not watched The Incredibles? Edna Mole would be fuming



Edited by Cyrox
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11 minutes ago, Redcomet said:

AoS just fires on more cylinders in every respect. That big Troggoth is fantastic 

They really keep making fantastic reasons to leave 40k for greener pastures.

AoD and HH, KT, AT then LI really shine a light on what they are capable of. 

Edited by Interrogator Stobz
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1 minute ago, Sir Clausel said:

Just noticed this line with the terminators "storm bolters, plus a power fist or chainfist for every model"

Do we finally be able put a powerfist/chainfist on the sgt?!?

Probably just so you can buy 2 boxes for a squad of 10 with one Sgt.

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Yes the Space Marine stuff is derivative, but to be honest at this point I don't mind that so much. One-in-one-out replacement of units that hadn't already been moved to Primaris scale seems pretty sensible and if nothing else means we're not adding even more units to an already unwieldy Codex that either step on the toes of existing ones, or have to be weird or OP to differentiate themselves. 


But I can't argue that AoS remains the more interesting of the two main franchises from a design point of view.

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I've already got 15 assault intercessors, so think i'm just gonna buy some of the old jump packs, cut their backpacks off, and magnetise so can use as either. 


Company Heroes looks good but should be able to put together from current stuff I have when I want to run it. 


Sternguard look nice too, but I'm happy just having the 5 from Leviathan - will try and pick up some weapons for them so they can all have combis though. 


Terminators look great - not sure i need another 5 though, will probably wait until assault ones out. 


So everything looks pretty good, and i plan to buy none of it


One thing i would really like is just an upgrade/conversion sprue with various weapons. 

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19 minutes ago, Halandaar said:

Yes the Space Marine stuff is derivative, but to be honest at this point I don't mind that so much. One-in-one-out replacement of units that hadn't already been moved to Primaris scale seems pretty sensible and if nothing else means we're not adding even more units to an already unwieldy Codex that either step on the toes of existing ones, or have to be weird or OP to differentiate themselves. 


But I can't argue that AoS remains the more interesting of the two main franchises from a design point of view.

I wonder if the AoS designers have more freedom than the 40k ones?

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Well I'm happy overall. All the rumours I'd hoped were true were true! (All hail @Chapter Master Valrak)


- Company Heroes: I love the kit. Full of characterful parts and the multi-part captain with options is a very nice addition. I do hope the veterans have melee options but I somehow doubt it.

- Sternguard: My favourite unit is back! Sternguard were my favourite unit starting out back in 5th ed. New kit is more of the lovely unit from Leviathan so I'm happy.

- Terminators: Leviathan's redesigned Terminators were perfect so I'm happy with the Multi-part kit as well.

- Terminator Chaplain: Could have done with a little more ostentation on top but love him overall, and I'm weirdly ecstatic about being able to give a Chaplain a shield at long last.

- Terminator Captain: The only real meh for me. Leviathan one actually looks like a captain to me. This guy is a slightly fancy sergeant.

- Jump Pack Intercessors: I like them but I think community perception will be helped by more angels and seeing how actual hobbyists build the kit.

- Jump Captain: I love it but they really missed a trick by not including a thunder hammer.

- Scouts: Didn't think I'd care much for them but I like the glow up. The seeming loss of sniper squads is a shame but I can see lots of use for five man squad with missile launcher and sniper sergeant in the new edition.

- HH stuff: I'll be getting that big box. Always wanted a Deredo so have been holding out for a plastic one. I prefer the the older MKIII helmet but will happily say bye to it in exchange for bringing the scale in line with MKVI. Plus I have no Tactical Support Squads so having a sprue included is great! Though I'll need more to make some ten man squads.


I'm quite happy I got up at six to watch the playback before everything was spoiled for me.

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