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17th November preview event

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So no Flail of Absolution for the Knights? That's disappointing.


I find it funny that you can see that Asmodai is Primaris because the Mk X kneeguards poke trough the cloth, which would make it rather weird for him to walk.


No info on Belial or the upgrade kit for normal Terminators so something tells that either the Knights weren't planed for this event or they are saving Belial and the upgrade kit for the Supplement.


Also, yeah, not an actual Codex but a Supplement, so it's like in 8/9th, Dark Angel players will need both the main Marine book for the generic models and the Supplement for the Chapter specific stuff, which makes me wonder if we'll see the Codex compliant chapters algo get a Supplement.

Edited by mecanojavi99
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Wonderful reveals.


Asmodai is impressive. The Deathwing Knights are a worthy upgrade of the old kit.


The Necromunda range continues to grow and is really wonderful. I actually wish a lot of the models in it were part of 40k proper.


Great to see the MKVI assault squad for Heresy also. 

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59 minutes ago, mecanojavi99 said:

I find it funny that you can see that Asmodai is Primaris because the Mk X kneeguards poke trough the cloth, which would make it rather weird for him to walk.

i thought it was funny he is obviously primaris but the article does not acknowledge or mention that or the rubicon at all. :laugh:

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While I'm generally a fan of turning classic Mark Gibbons art into minis, Asmodai did not translate well. Worst out of all the named characters who've been upgraded to Primaris IMO. Sword in the helmet is daft, his own helmet looks like a dog face, flaps of cloth covering the shoulders does nothing for the classic Astartes silhouette and the less said about the smoke from the backpack the better, at least you can leave it off!


As for the Knights, they feel a lot more restrained than the old ones which is good in some respects and bad in others. They look like they'd be easier to convert for other chapters, but lack some of the character the previous iterations had. That said I do prefer the new mace design and I like that there's a sword option.

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Assault Marines are fantastic.  Subtle, no outrageously adorned armour, and thank the allfather, NO tactical rocks to be seen anywhere.....Im delighted with them.


The rest is a mixed bag...FEC are fantastic models, but i dont, and wont likely collect them, DA are traitors by any other name, Nightlords are try hards and Im disappointed with Orikans pose....I know he is old, but his pose all curled up just makes him look enfeebled.   The Venator is fantastic....why werent they doing these sorts of sculpts for the Imperial Guard....its seriously good and far outdoes the taurox.  I dont play ash wastes necromunda.....I like my necromunda in a hive rather than out in a desert.  If they do bring out an elysian plastic guard army anytime, and include this type of sculpt Im all in.

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2 hours ago, DarkChaplain said:

I was extremely happy with the Night Lords, Orikan getting a refresh (Trazyn next?) and Asmodai going big. But then I saw Ushoran and the full-line refresh for FEC, and whatever 40k/HH have gotten tonight, it's AoS that stole the show imo. For me, it's impressive enough that I feel the itch to actually collect them now, which is rare enough of an experience these days.


They could've shown at least some more Dark Angels kits, surely. Some Ravenwing to go with the Deathwing Knights, for instance. Or.... Risen?

You're assuming there are more. The rumours only said there would be a box with deathwing knights and "terminators" which Valrak has said could be a different deathwing unit/assault terminators/upgrade sprue and wasn't 100% sure.


Personally, in a world where DA continue to be marines but with more stuff and options, I want to see less. Make it so IF, WS, RG, IH get some actual units and stop just being "vanilla" due to fewer options. You'd need fewer unique units in the other chapters to balance it.

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2 hours ago, Alby the Slayer said:


They didn't even mention a new box. It appears the NL will come alone but I don't think that's the case. Or maybe I missed it.



I did'nt see the show but I assume they will be following the established precedent of one faction (Night Lords) getting an upgrade sprue and one faction having new models (Mandrakes).


Guess we'll find out in the LVO preview.


(Night Lords looking great btw.)

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I do like the reinforced chests on the assault marines. Jury is out on the jump packs, but I'll probably turn half of them into despoilers anyway. Winter was also supposed to have the command squad, right? So I presume we'll see those at some point.


The Night Lords are a worthy successor to the ancient finecast kit - now what are the odds WB and IW get some too? 

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Would have been nice to get normal backpacks with the Assault marines to build Despoilers since I can't print any but I guess they want to sell the resin arms.

I guess in 15 years when they release Mortalis Destroyers/Destroyer Assault Squads they will have both options and then I will be able to swap them around

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8 minutes ago, tinpact said:

I do like the reinforced chests on the assault marines. Jury is out on the jump packs, but I'll probably turn half of them into despoilers anyway. Winter was also supposed to have the command squad, right? So I presume we'll see those at some point.


The Night Lords are a worthy successor to the ancient finecast kit - now what are the odds WB and IW get some too? 

WB has high chance, if not 100%. But no one knows how many years is needed to wait.


IW…don't know. If an IW upgrade sprue is designed, I feel it wouldn't be for legionnaire kits.

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I hate modelled smoke so instantly disliked Asmodai until I saw it was optional. Looks good now :biggrin:. Knights look great, the previous ones were too OTT for my simple tastes. 


Was hoping for a hint of what the Ork book will bring, maybe in the Christmas/New Year sneak peaks they tend to do. Not a lot of Orky rumour engines though, so maybe they’re not getting much.


Great to see the HH assault squad, they look brilliant. I sold off the bits of HH I did buy to fund LI but I loved building all the HH plastic kits I bought - they keep knocking it out of the park with those and long may it continue.


Oh and those FEC look amazing. 

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4 hours ago, WrathOfTheLion said:

That's the winter solstice, where winter actually begins.

The winter solstice is the year's shortest day, also called midwinter. It's not when winter begins (although with the crazy weather theses last couple of years, who can tell?).

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My key takeaway is that, once again, AoS is where all the real creativity is. 


Don't get me wrong, I like a fair few of the 30K/40K bits, but almost everything is a re-hash or minor update of an existing design. AoS is where the mini design team seem to be able to really go crazy.


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Overall I'm pretty happy with the preview, I had no great expectations going in or at least not up until the Deathwing Knights were leaked and though we didn't see much else for Dark Angels I was happy getting a better look at the Knights. Lots of other cool things shown off like the enforcer buggy and Orikan. The big winners were probably Flesh eater Courts with a fantastic new model line.


3 hours ago, El_Dicko said:

Dang those Nightlords are great. And the big boss AoS Ghoulking would make a fantastic Daemon Prince.

I need to stark collecting Nightlords just so I can do this.

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17 minutes ago, Halandaar said:

My key takeaway is that, once again, AoS is where all the real creativity is. 


Don't get me wrong, I like a fair few of the 30K/40K bits, but almost everything is a re-hash or minor update of an existing design. AoS is where the mini design team seem to be able to really go crazy.


Yeah, I sort of think that's the nature of the beast at this point. I honestly don't really think there's any potential for a lot of good new ideas for 40K/30K. I mean, 30K is basically a "historical" setting, so they can't really come up with anything truly new, whereas Warhammer 40.000 is at a point where the only real possibilities seems to be more/bigger guns, unless they start in on a new xenos faction or decide to really shake things up with Daemons.
The way I see it, it's not necessarily bad, but it does mean that a setting like AoS is where they are more truly free to come up with wild new ideas.

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