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17th November preview event

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7 hours ago, DarkChaplain said:

They could've shown at least some more Dark Angels kits, surely. Some Ravenwing to go with the Deathwing Knights, for instance. Or.... Risen?


My Spidey-senses tell me they were not even planning on showing the Knights until those got leaked.


Updated Ravenwing Black Knights do seem like a no brainer though. Such a cool unit.

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They’ve been coming up with new ideas since 2015 and they have only just now really landed on a faction that is generic fantasy but in a way that works like space marines (cities of Sigmar). Maybe if they spent a little less time throwing darts at a board to see what sticks we’d have less Desolators and Centurions. This isn’t to bash AoS, I’m just pointing out the amount of energy they spend trying to make AoS into something besides League of Legendhammer the more time they could spend making 40K not feel so shallow. 

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1 minute ago, phandaal said:


My Spidey-senses tell me they were not even planning on showing the Knights until those got leaked.


Updated Ravenwing Black Knights do seem like a no brainer though. Such a cool unit.

To be fair, they teased dark angels reveal on Thursday with their "1 day to go" being obviously dark angels, and that was before the leak.

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40K is an entire galaxy brimming with possibilities, but what we get is an endless parade of incremental updates to existing units or minor variations on the same old designs. I'm not saying the old kits don't need updates, very often they do. But it feels like the ambition to do something different, or even just to take an existing concept and really run with it*, just isn't there in 40K like it is in AoS.


*What I mean by this is that In AoS a lot of the factions have been spun out from single miniature or unit concepts from Fantasy; Dark Elf Witch Elfs, Dwarf Slayers, Black Orcs,  Wood Elf Dryads and Undead Tomb Banshees have all been successfully expanded into entire armies, and now the same is happening with Ghouls.


There are similar jumping off points in 40K that could be expanded upon; Vespid, Sslyth, Ur-ghuls, Jokaero, the Ynnari, Zoats to name a few. Then there are factions/races we know to exist in the lore that have yet to be explored as model ranges; Exodites, the Dark Mechanicum. The opportunities are there to do something that feels fresh and exciting, but what we get is almost always "Space Marines, but a different colour" or "Striking Scorpions, for the 4th different time"

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Am I the only one feeling underwhelmed by the reveal show?


the primaris deathwing terminators seem generally uninspired and bland compared to their predecessors, and it has me concerned the mediocre SG will get even more bland and uninspired when they get the same treatment.

Edited by Inquisitor_Lensoven
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1 hour ago, Inquisitor_Lensoven said:

Am I the only one feeling underwhelmed by the reveal show?


the primaris deathwing terminators seem generally uninspired and bland compared to their predecessors, and it has me concerned the mediocre SG will get even more bland and uninspired when they get the same treatment.

This was the best preview event of the year. Of course that's because I'm a FEC fan

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3 hours ago, Inquisitor_Lensoven said:

Am I the only one feeling underwhelmed by the reveal show?


the primaris deathwing terminators seem generally uninspired and bland compared to their predecessors, and it has me concerned the mediocre SG will get even more bland and uninspired when they get the same treatment.

I thought the deathwing knights were pretty great, just the right amount of bling. They seem to have a reasonable amount of build options too so I feel the opposite about SG. I tend to prefer my models to have some bling but not be over the top and the more recent marine designs have been more along those lines, even looking at things like the new sternguard too.


I feel like the Asmodai model is probably the weakest of all the reimagined character sculpts personally though.


Overall the event previews were "fine" but didn't light me up with excitement, but thats because I don't do any of the factions involved (though I've consodered Palanite Enforcers a few times)

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I can see that some people aren't as enthused by the new reveals as they might be.

I think that as long as GW are focused on simply updating things that already exist, there will be an element of feeling "underwhelmed" with any reveal.


Love them or hate them, the Primaris gave us some exciting new unit archetypes. Some worked visually, others did not. Some worked functionally, others did not. They were, however, a fresh take that could lead in a new direction. They also created a lot of excitement, discussion, and passion (both good and bad).


Of course they can't just keep releasing new designs forever. And I feel that an extremely vocal element may have swayed GW's direction even further.


I could be wrong about this completely, but my anecdotal observation gives me the feeling that the warhammer community moves like a herd (Someone call Dr Grant). I see a lot of regurgitation of opinions, and things that are incorrect or misguided are perpetuated.


For example: People hate the Ultramarine for their lore transgressions. Those transgressions really only take place in the 5th edition codex, written by Ward. A lot of hobbyists today don't have experience with that codex, but they continue to echo the negative sentiments because they inherited them from loud voices in the community. The Space Wolves, as an example, have more plot armour than the Ultramarines could dream of.


Another example, albeit a positive one, is the survey GW did a few years ago in which a lot of people voted in favour of the Black Templars getting more support. From the way people voted, you would assume that Black Templars are the most popular Marines, but I don't see them anywhere near as often as the Ultramarines, Blood Angels, Dark Angels, etc. And yet they now have the biggest range? The zeal of the BT community drove the wider GW community to demand more Black Templars lol.

Edited by Orange Knight
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3 minutes ago, Blindhamster said:

I feel like the Asmodai model is probably the weakest of all the reimagined character sculpts personally though.


Overall the event previews were "fine" but didn't light me up with excitement, but thats because I don't do any of the factions involved (though I've consodered Palanite Enforcers a few times)


Agreed on both. I feel Asmodai has been a miss twice in a row now.

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The creativity in 40k is sorely lacking. It's felt very constrained by what they've created for years. The narrative is moving but it's largely the same stuff/ bigger/ updated. It is quite stale.

The only super new stuff are votann and that wasn't groundbreaking.


AoS had the advantage of a brand new world to be created and it's reaped the benefits. The AoS ranges are brilliant and the creativity fab.


I love 40k but after 30 years it feels very "meh" which considering how much I enjoy 30k is an odd stance I guess. 

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Just now, 01RTB01 said:

AoS had the advantage of a brand new world to be created and it's reaped the benefits. The AoS ranges are brilliant and the creativity fab.




Sigmarines are brilliant and creative??


Almost every faction is a slight twist on WHFB and what could have or should have existed already in Fantasy.


GW absolutely feels like its coasting right now however, but I think we quickly just forget when they really knock one out of the park, like the Lion.

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To be fair, when GW tried to be creative with marines, there was a revolt lol and frankly the game already has too many factions, that said there's a huge opportunity to do cool things with the Tau empire seeing as its made up of so many subservient species. I'm shocked we still don't have Tau human models for example, plus there's the vespid and they could easily add others too.


As others mentioned, they could do Eldar Exodites. But, IMO they should sort out the main eldar range first. They're making some better progress on that, but still too slowly.

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8 minutes ago, Blindhamster said:

To be fair, when GW tried to be creative with marines, there was a revolt lol


This, 100x this.


If I have learned anything over the past 6 years, it's not to fall into the trap of being a grumpy grognard...

And that GW should ignore people that do lol

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13 minutes ago, Scribe said:




Sigmarines are brilliant and creative??


Almost every faction is a slight twist on WHFB and what could have or should have existed already in Fantasy.


GW absolutely feels like its coasting right now however, but I think we quickly just forget when they really knock one out of the park, like the Lion.

Howay, strongly disagree.


Well done for naming one faction and ignoring everything else they've done. With regards stormcast their narrative is interesting even if you don't like the minis.


The hedonites range is stunning, the steampunk dwarfs awesome, updated FEC superb. CoS maybe archetypal humans but it's been beautifully executed. Nighthaunt, bonereapers are tasty deep dives into different aspects of death.


You can argue they're developments of what was/ should have been but the point is, it didn't exist and now does. 


The lion is a stunning mini but single minis, games, ranges and narratives they don't make. The fact they're bringing back long lost loyalist primarchs just feels like they've run out of ideas.


I had no issue with primaris but ultimately, they're marines and a development to enable a huge range refresh and selling of more toy soldiers. Regardless of people's views on AoS, 40k has become stale. Even 10th is a variation as it's "another" nid invasion.


The return of the Silent King could have been fully fleshed out but is yet to be. 


I don't have the answers but I can comfortably say that it's lost it's charm. 

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45 minutes ago, Blindhamster said:

I thought the deathwing knights were pretty great, just the right amount of bling. They seem to have a reasonable amount of build options too so I feel the opposite about SG. I tend to prefer my models to have some bling but not be over the top and the more recent marine designs have been more along those lines, even looking at things like the new sternguard too.


I feel like the Asmodai model is probably the weakest of all the reimagined character sculpts personally though.


Overall the event previews were "fine" but didn't light me up with excitement, but thats because I don't do any of the factions involved (though I've consodered Palanite Enforcers a few times)

I may not play DA, but I get hyped about their stuff typically.


for me it’s not about the bling, it’s the poses. They’re really boring and static positions.

Terminator melee experts imho should have some awesome poses.

same expectation for the SG. But they’ll probably all be on tactical rocks…

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To each his own I guess.  I loved the Knights and Asmodai.  Asmodai looks like the classic art pose.  Love it.


And Night Lords!  Good grief.  I’ve been doing Iron Warriors and Black Legion for the last year and now I have no choice but to get at least a kill team of Night Lords.  I was trying not to spend as much money next year!

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Kill team has been the saving grace of 40k for a few years now.


The last few 'new' 40k factions have been a bit lacking IMO. The votann don't look as good as the necromunda squats, the world eaters don't look as good as that khorne daemonkin artwork they keep re-using, new tyranids are lacking major stuff like shrikes/biotitans we were expecting, and there's a lot of primaris shovelware. Overall it's been a bit dull recently, with a few bright spots like The Lion.


Kill team has consistently given us cool squads for a variety of factions including out-there stuff like beastmen, long-awaited stuff like striking scorpions or greatcoat guard, and just great niche stuff like night lords.

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As for the previews. ( as far as i can analyse things on my older phone) 


But in summary, quite a big showing for such an event, with very little i have strong emotions about either way ;) 


Orrikan.. looks weird, not good or bad weird, have to see it on a bigger screen on monday... but tbh i expected more of an overhaul like szeras got.


Venator.. did not expect it to be plastic... we get more and more racer candidates for speedfreaks, maybe they can make that 40ks underworld game :p 


Asmodai... is Asmodai alright and for my taste the knights are a downgrade and lack the charm of the old ones... it seems most dark angel fans are happy and thats the important part. I had just wondered if the new DA would join the few marines i love/want ( the lion, bladeguard and BT sword brethern/characters mostly ).. wich they do not.


Nightlords is a nice upgrade kit, lots of questions and speculation rise up for me, but this is not the place.  

Sadly no mandrakes yet.


But horus heresy truelly stole the show for me, who would have thought the mystery army was ruinstorm daemons after all.... 


Edited by Tyriks
removed aos
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18 hours ago, 01RTB01 said:

The only super new stuff are votann and that wasn't groundbreaking.


Votann are a significant departure from the old Squat aesthetic. Also, they have some of the Imperial design cues in their weapons, but are very different from other 40k armies. 


So they are not groundbreaking in the sense that they were not a 100% new concept, but their execution did add something new to the setting.

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5 minutes ago, phandaal said:


Votann are a significant departure from the old Squat aesthetic. Also, they have some of the Imperial design cues in their weapons, but are very different from other 40k armies. 


So they are not groundbreaking in the sense that they were not a 100% new concept, but their execution did add something new to the setting.


Generally agree with that, although not completely new, Votann were a good addition and they did change fairly significantly from their Squat iteration. The last thing that felt a bit left-field for me was Vashtorr which to be fair wasn't that long ago.


But it's worth pointing out that the last time a brand-new faction (as in no previous rogue trader references to call back to) was added to 40K was Tau, and that was now over 20 years ago.

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40k fans as an anonymous mass do not reward innovation, the most profitable thing to do is endless variations of space marines, which the creatives fight against (rightly) but its a both the source of 40k's success and a millstone around its neck (even more so in 30k arguably) that stops things being too different. People still feel Tau are "new" and they are what, 20 years old at this point? Madness :P 

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