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1 hour ago, Taliesin said:

I see Valrak is also suggesting on video that a Scouring series seems to be coming and to be announced from what he hears.

Details soonish then, we assume.

I wonder whether it will be branded in the same way The Primarchs was?


ie now sort of an era/setting...


The Horus Heresy

The Scouring



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3 hours ago, DukeLeto69 said:

I wonder whether it will be branded in the same way The Primarchs was?


ie now sort of an era/setting...


The Horus Heresy

The Scouring



I’m confident for commercial reasons it will be branded ‘The Horus Heresy: The Scourging” or perhaps they’ll do away with ‘The Scouring’ entirely and think of a new name for the events.  Either way, it’ll likely be under The Horus Heresy still.  

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It'd be quite neat for the tabletop game to expand into The Scouring as well. I'd love to see the battles fleshed out, with maps of what happens and the battle orders, I'm such a sucker for that stuff.


If they do a scouring series, I'd be interested to see the scope and the timeline. Would it take us through the Slave Wars, right up to the founding of the Black Legion?

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Continuing the storyline into the Scouring era was an obvious money spinner For GW/BL, as is slapping a HH prefix on it to try and suck in followers of that series.


From my perspective, I’d prefer a different series prefix instead (like Imperium of Man) to show a distinct line between the end of the HH Imperium and the post heresy Imperium that begins its rise after losing the guiding light of the Emperor and the rise of the High Lords.

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On 1/29/2024 at 3:51 AM, Nagashsnee said:

If this is true that it more brilliantly symbolic then anything i could dream up.  

Are you new to how supply-demand and a unregulated market works? Like What they are doing is capitalism 101 and is the goal for most business/people.  Minimize risks/costs, maximize profit.  


I am all for combating scaplers, but making them out as some kind of uber evil group of bad human beings, when we are both probably typing this on devices made possible by child/near enough slave labor is craaaaaazy.  Its just very very very easy money. And funnily enough a pretty victimless 'crime'.  



Commiting fraud on a mass scale isnt a business model its called theft and racketeering along with the emotional abuse these people cause to fans. To me its rather the principle of the matter that crime shouldn't be tolerated big or small.  What these people have done essentially is like going to a retail store, hiring a bunch of thugs to keep people out, then buying up all the stock and reselling it in the parking lot at a 1000% mark up. GW is not a wholesaler so i dont buy your argument of this being a victimless crime.  Its really more an aspect of the internet not being properly secured or not a safe marketplace to buy and sell goods rather than an aspect of supply and demand or capitalism it really shows off that the means of distribution are not secure, that it shows the best route is really cash in hand, product in the store, thats the way its worked since people have been writing on clay tablets. 


To me its really about the principle of the matter, im a legitimate customer, someone stops me from buying a product I want to buy and is then trying to sell me the same product the same day on another website, I look at that as a crime.  The fact people are conspiring to use technology to their advantage as a means of contending against me is a form of assault if you look at say DARPA and their definition of what is a weapon, these scalpers using bots to flood a website and stop me from engaging in my life or what I intend to do is assault. The fact that people dont perceive this matter properly is a matter of ignorance in my view that they cant abstract what violence or use of force is when its not directly physical.


This is not a victimless crime, its rather an issue of criminals getting away without being punished because there's a lack of enforcement and a lack of proper perceptions. Having no principles in your business dealings is not capitalism its called being a criminal. 


taken from Wikipedia

Automated scalping bots

In recent years, fraudsters have started to use more complex methods by which they obtain tickets for resale on the secondary market. Similar to the technology used to snatch up rare shoes and sneakers,[6] automated bot attacks have become a common way to acquire large numbers of tickets only to resell them for higher profits. Fraudsters will deploy thousands of bots from untraceable IP addresses in a brute force attack as soon as a venue or ticket seller first makes them available for sale. In 2017, one of the largest online ticket sellers Ticketmaster filed a lawsuit against Prestige Entertainment for their continued use of scalper bots despite paying $3.35 million to the New York Attorney General's Office just a year prior.[7] Ticketmaster claimed that Prestige Entertainment was able to lock up 40% of available tickets for performances of the hit Broadway musical Hamilton, as well as a majority of the tickets Ticketmaster had available for the Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao fight in Las Vegas in 2015. In an effort to curtail such behavior, Congress moved to pass the Better Online Tickets Sales Act of 2016, more commonly referred to as the BOTS act.[8] The legislation was signed into law in December 2016 by then President Barack Obama. The BOTS act enforces several penalties and fines for parties found guilty of using bots or other technology for undermining online ticket seller systems with the hopes of selling them on the secondary ticket market.





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1 hour ago, Krelious said:

Commiting fraud on a mass scale isnt a business model its called theft and racketeering along with the emotional abuse these people cause to fans. To me its rather the principle of the matter that crime shouldn't be tolerated big or small.  What these people have done essentially is like going to a retail store, hiring a bunch of thugs to keep people out, then buying up all the stock and reselling it in the parking lot at a 1000% mark up. GW is not a wholesaler so i dont buy your argument of this being a victimless crime.  Its really more an aspect of the internet not being properly secured or not a safe marketplace to buy and sell goods rather than an aspect of supply and demand or capitalism it really shows off that the means of distribution are not secure, that it shows the best route is really cash in hand, product in the store, thats the way its worked since people have been writing on clay tablets. 


To me its really about the principle of the matter, im a legitimate customer, someone stops me from buying a product I want to buy and is then trying to sell me the same product the same day on another website, I look at that as a crime.  The fact people are conspiring to use technology to their advantage as a means of contending against me is a form of assault if you look at say DARPA and their definition of what is a weapon, these scalpers using bots to flood a website and stop me from engaging in my life or what I intend to do is assault. The fact that people dont perceive this matter properly is a matter of ignorance in my view that they cant abstract what violence or use of force is when its not directly physical.


This is not a victimless crime, its rather an issue of criminals getting away without being punished because there's a lack of enforcement and a lack of proper perceptions. Having no principles in your business dealings is not capitalism its called being a criminal.

I mean sure, if you ignore 90% of the most successful and profitable companies on earth.  Don't mix up morals and business they don't go together.  Profit is the NAME of the game, and if breaking the law (morals were broken the min they got into the big money making opportunities) makes you more profit then it incurs penalties you are NEVER going to guess what happens. 


But to get back on topic and not walk into the BEAST of a discussion modern capitalist economics would bring about. Bots and scalpers are not the same thing. If i walk into warhammer world to buy a book and then go straight home and put it on ebay i am a scalper.  The people who showed up at warhammer world at stupid o clock were not bots, just people wanting to do what we all want to do, make quick and easy money. If anything waiting outside warhammer hq for 5-6 hours in the dead of night is probably the most work anyone has ever done physically to scalp BL books. 


Dont get me wrong, i missed Echoes of Eternity by about 20 seconds, i got in my backset, got to paying and when i hit the final button it did not go thru because it was out of stock, and ebay was full of them, i refuse to go the prices being asked for it since,  i KNOW the feeling.


But calling the people who bought to resell Bl decency as human beings into question is ludicrous.  They are applying the most basic of all market principals to make some easy money.  But as we all type and read this stuff while wearing our child labour made clothes, on our electronics whose minerals are mined in sub human conditions in the third world to be assembled and sold to us in Chinese slave factories and drinking our Nestle drinks,  while we debate if buying and re selling a book about imaginary toy soldiers in the far future truly makes a person guilty of  'greed based insanity that I dont think translates well into having a happy life or positive human relationships' i would respectfully ask you to take a breath, put things in perspective, and realize that for some people the ability to make 300-400-500 pounds super duper easily is not only hugely significant but also as close to actually being a part of the real money making economy as they are going to get. 



The fact that scalping these books became so profitable the big boy bot using scalpers got in on it says more about the community then anything else. 


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6 hours ago, WrathOfTheLion said:

If they do a scouring series, I'd be interested to see the scope and the timeline. Would it take us through the Slave Wars, right up to the founding of the Black Legion?

They certainly should!

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5 minutes ago, Nagashsnee said:

I mean sure, if you ignore 90% of the most successful and profitable companies on earth.  Don't mix up morals and business they don't go together.  Profit is the NAME of the game, and if breaking the law (morals were broken the min they got into the big money making opportunities) makes you more profit then it incurs penalties you are NEVER going to guess what happens. 


But to get back on topic and not walk into the BEAST of a discussion modern capitalist economics would bring about. Bots and scalpers are not the same thing. If i walk into warhammer world to buy a book and then go straight home and put it on ebay i am a scalper.  The people who showed up at warhammer world at stupid o clock were not bots, just people wanting to do what we all want to do, make quick and easy money. If anything waiting outside warhammer hq for 5-6 hours in the dead of night is probably the most work anyone has ever done physically to scalp BL books. 


Dont get me wrong, i missed Echoes of Eternity by about 20 seconds, i got in my backset, got to paying and when i hit the final button it did not go thru because it was out of stock, and ebay was full of them, i refuse to go the prices being asked for it since,  i KNOW the feeling.


But calling the people who bought to resell Bl decency as human beings into question is ludicrous.  They are applying the most basic of all market principals to make some easy money.  But as we all type and read this stuff while wearing our child labour made clothes, on our electronics whose minerals are mined in sub human conditions in the third world to be assembled and sold to us in Chinese slave factories and drinking our Nestle drinks,  while we debate if buying and re selling a book about imaginary toy soldiers in the far future truly makes a person guilty of  'greed based insanity that I dont think translates well into having a happy life or positive human relationships' i would respectfully ask you to take a breath, put things in perspective, and realize that for some people the ability to make 300-400-500 pounds super duper easily is not only hugely significant but also as close to actually being a part of the real money making economy as they are going to get. 



The fact that scalping these books became so profitable the big boy bot using scalpers got in on it says more about the community then anything else. 


The only REAL way to beat the scalpers is fir the fan community to stop buying from them. It won’t happen as some people must have more money them sense and need to feed their addiction!


I would love to see the scalpers stuck with a tonne of stock they can’t shift.

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Upcoming short storied for the BL Celebration in February

  • Painboyz (Mike Brooks) - The cadre of an Ork painboy finds itself learning far too much about what passes for medical practice among the drukhari. It's another look at ork kultur from their point of view, this time as they observe another xenos race. Ork painboy Dok Drozfang and his lackeys descend into the den of a drukhari haemonculus, and end up in a scrap to get out of there with their hides intact.
  • The Reskard Purgation (Jude Reid) - The myriad of faith-testing events leading up to Morvenn Vahl's confirmation as Abbess Sanctorum are the focus of this intriguing short-story. Explore the inner thoughts of someone about to become one of the most important people in the Imperium as a High Lord of Terra. On the precipice of her ascendancy to the role of Abbess Sanctorum, Morvenn Vahl reflects on what has led her to this point and what it may really mean to be a High Lord of Terra.
  • Eradicant (R S Wilt) - An elite Imperial unit is tasked with a desperate rescue mission on a Chaos corrupted planet. Follow the adventures of an elite Astra Militarum unit in a race against time to liberate a key official from a doomed and war-torn world. A squad of Tempestus Scions is deployed on a covert mission to rescue the planetary governor of a planet fallen to Chaos.
  • The Beast of Grey Garden (Guymer) - Gotrek is on the hunt for a mythical creature and, as ever, maybe even his own elusive and glorious doom. Gotrek's in yet more bother in this adventure as he rampages through dark and intimidating tunnels which contain even darker threats. Tun and the Loose Cannons take their new recruit, Gotrek, on a routine patrol of the sewers, only to get dragged into an adventure way beyond their abilities with a hunt for the mythical 'cyclestone cockatrice' and a glorious doom.
  • Cannibal Gate (French) - Cado Ezechiar continues his long journey, but his way is blocked by a powerful foe and their minions. Follow the ongoing adventures of Cado Ezechiar, and the lengths he will go to to achieve his grim purpose. Lone vampire Cado Ezechiar finds his path blocked by the court of a starving Ghoul King. Cado is offered safe passage, but only if he provides this cadaverous ruler with its next meal.






Painboyz (1).jpg

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1 hour ago, Felix Antipodes said:

A solid looking line-up, with only one name unknown to me.  Will be interesting to see what RS Wilt has to offer, although the plot seems similar for some reason.

It’s a rather familiar plot description. ‘Elite band of soldiers deployed to a Chaos world’ has definitely been done before. Switch around a few words and boom, it’s Traitor General. Switch around a few more and it’s Ashes of Cadia. Not that I’m suggesting there’s anything wrong with that. We all like a good trope or two, otherwise we wouldn’t be reading BL.

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Lazarus: Enmity’s Edge is coming March 2nd for preorder, launching on the 16th of March: https://www.fnac.com/livre-numerique/a19535078/Gary-Kloster-Lazarus-Enmity-s-Edge#omnsearchpos=1


It all takes place on a Knight World. Between this, Kingmaker and The Iron Kingdom BL has been doing a good job covering Knight World politics recently. 

A little strange that this is launching the week after the celebration though. Normally I prefer when releases are paced out, which BL adamantly refuses to do, but this is the one situation where putting a bunch of releases out at once is justified. So of course they don’t do that.


Edit: Fnac has updated the release date to March 16th. I think, between the delayed LEs/SEs and the incorrect Fnac/Warcom info, there’s been some sort of significant shipping/distribution delay or schedule change with BL, where everything’s being pushed back 2-3 weeks from what the intended dates were originally.

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8 hours ago, cheywood said:

It’s a rather familiar plot description. ‘Elite band of soldiers deployed to a Chaos world’ has definitely been done before. Switch around a few words and boom, it’s Traitor General. Switch around a few more and it’s Ashes of Cadia. Not that I’m suggesting there’s anything wrong with that. We all like a good trope or two, otherwise we wouldn’t be reading BL.

I think there was a rumour of a tempestus scions release so could be to tie with that a little

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BL Celebration this week.




"every year we celebrate the literary heart of our hobby with a week-long extravaganza of book reveals, author interviews, and tantalising teasers. It’s that time again, and there’s an absolute belter of a Black Library Celebration coming your way."



I hope we get some decent stuff (reveal wise), but I am ready for more disappointment

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edit for less salt
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11 minutes ago, DarkChaplain said:

They're seriously celebrating it with two new novels, the rest are just the reissues that had been voted on months ago and foreign language editions you've seen listed on Amazon for almost half a year already. Grand celebration, that.


Nothing but quality events.


That being said if they debut Black Legion 3 I'll eat my words and become the biggest fanboy you folks have seen

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Honestly, the celebration isn’t looking quite as bad as it seemed from the preview article a few weeks back. The loss of the two special editions is a bummer for those of us still masochistic enough to go for them, but it’s nice to see we are still getting an art book and a celebration anthology.

Interesting that they’re calling it a weeklong extravaganza of book reveals and teasers. Neither one of those things has been the case in previous years. It would be awesome if that were the case, but I have strong doubts at the moment. 

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2 hours ago, darkhorse0607 said:

BL Celebration this week.




"every year we celebrate the literary heart of our hobby with a week-long extravaganza of book reveals, author interviews, and tantalising teasers. It’s that time again, and there’s an absolute belter of a Black Library Celebration coming your way."



I hope we get some decent stuff (reveal wise), but I am ready for more disappointment


They are putting some serious emphasis on the reveals, would be ever so nice to actually see some great stuff revealed.


Because as DC pointed out, the new books they are releasing as part of the BL celebration is a new low, this is a lot less new books than they had in previous years' celebrations, certainly 2022 and before.

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15 minutes ago, Taliesin said:


They are putting some serious emphasis on the reveals, would be ever so nice to actually see some great stuff revealed.


Because as DC pointed out, the new books they are releasing as part of the BL celebration is a new low, this is a lot less new books than they had in previous years' celebrations, certainly 2022 and before.


I feel like they need to (which means they probably won't) but


-Most of the stuff they previewed in December is either soon to be out, or delayed due to it's LE being delayed

-The standard series that they lean on to fill the gaps of the other books either don't have announcements (Dawn of Fire), are finished (Heresy), or are just getting up and running in their worlds (Old World), I don't know much about AoS but I don't recall there being any massive things for them either?

-The expected sequels such as Black Legion 3, Watchers of the Throne 3, Spears 2, Lion 2 (presumably) or anything else major haven't been announced



It would do them well to announce something biggish this week but that doesn't mean anything, I just hope it comes to pass

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26 minutes ago, Taliesin said:


They are putting some serious emphasis on the reveals, would be ever so nice to actually see some great stuff revealed.


Because as DC pointed out, the new books they are releasing as part of the BL celebration is a new low, this is a lot less new books than they had in previous years' celebrations, certainly 2022 and before.

It’s mostly been 2-3 entirely new books every year since the celebration started (not including art/lore books). In previous years BL has bulked out the release schedule with things like regular editions of LE novels, so the move away from doing so many LEs makes things look sparser than they are from a new release standpoint. There are also far fewer non-novel items for sale, like dice or bookmarks or whatnot. 

Here’s the release schedule to compare, going off of WarCom’s posts:


2023 - The Iron Kingdom, The End and The Death, Bad Loon rising


2022 - Sigismund, Kragnos


2021 - Swords of Calth, Penitent


2020 - The Regent’s Shadow, Oaths and Conquests, Lion: Lord of the First


2019 - Honourbound, The Buried Dagger, Angron: Slave of Nuceria, Our Martyred Lady (Audio Drama) 


2018 (I think this was the first celebration) - The Magos, Lukas The Trickster, Ashes of Prospero

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9 hours ago, cheywood said:

It’s mostly been 2-3 entirely new books every year since the celebration started (not including art/lore books). In previous years BL has bulked out the release schedule with things like regular editions of LE novels, so the move away from doing so many LEs makes things look sparser than they are from a new release standpoint. There are also far fewer non-novel items for sale, like dice or bookmarks or whatnot. 

Here’s the release schedule to compare, going off of WarCom’s posts:


2023 - The Iron Kingdom, The End and The Death, Bad Loon rising


2022 - Sigismund, Kragnos


2021 - Swords of Calth, Penitent


2020 - The Regent’s Shadow, Oaths and Conquests, Lion: Lord of the First


2019 - Honourbound, The Buried Dagger, Angron: Slave of Nuceria, Our Martyred Lady (Audio Drama) 


2018 (I think this was the first celebration) - The Magos, Lukas The Trickster, Ashes of Prospero

2024 - Pandaemonium, Black Legion 3, Watchers of the Throne 3


Well a boy can dream right?

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