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This is one of the Asuryani kill teams that I've been waiting for.


Short description (for those that haven't read the Warhammer Community article - link above) - you can mix and match Dire Avengers, Howling Banshees, and Striking Scorpions, with one Exarch from one of those shrines, into a single kill team. This is the Craftworlders' "veteran" kill team (I don't count the Anhrathe/Corsairs as "Craftworlders"). All I need now is a Black Guardians kill team and I'll have my Aeldari trifecta.

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The key to the Black Guardians kill team would be that it would be purely Guardians (Storm/Defender) led by a Warlock - no Aspect Warriors or Rangers. It would be less flexible than the current Asuryani kill team, but the Guardians would be slightly better than their Asuryani kill team counterparts (I'm not sure how that would happen - I'm just speaking to the lore) and the Warlock would change things up quite a bit (and there are many kill teams that have psykers now, so this shouldn't be a huge problem).

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