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Quick note with regards to the Last Minute and Overtime badges:


Last Minute: 31/01/24 1400 UTC - 01/02/24 1400 UTC

Overtime: 01/02/24 1400 UTC - 03/02/24 1400 UTC

  • PST 0600
  • EST 0900
  • GMT 1400
  • CET 1500
  • EET 1600
  • MSK 1700
  • JST/KST 2300
  • AEST 0000 (Grotsmasha's timezone)
  • AEDT 0100 (next day)




Participants: 27

Models Pledged: 152

Models Completed: 186



@andes (Artificer, Overtime)

@Boc (Artificer, Seriously)

@Bouargh (Artificer, Seriously)

@Brother Argent (Artificer, Speed Daemon, Seriously)

@Brother Captain Arkley (Artificer, Seriously)

@Brother Christopher (Artificer)

@Cleon (Artificer, Seriously, Last Minute)

@Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch Lenoch (Artificer)

@Dwango (Artificer, Seriously)

@gaurdian31 (Artificer)

@Grotsmasha (Artificer, Speed Daemon, Last Minute)

@Halandaar (Artificer, Seriously, Last Minute)

@Kennyjapan (Artificer, Speed Daemon, Last Minute)

@Jolemai (Artificer, Seriously, Overtime)

@lokkorex (Artificer, Last Minute)

@Lord_Ikka (Artificer, Seriously, Last Minute)

@Paladin777 (Artificer, Seriously)

@_Saracen (Artificer, Seriously)

@ShortCircuit (Artificer)

@SnorriSnorrison (Artificer)

@Trokair (Artificer, Seriously)

@Tyriks (Artificer, Seriously)

@WrathOfTheLion (Artificer, Seriously, Last Minute)




@Llagos_Tyrant (Next Month)

@Madao (Next Month)

@Skidman (Next Month)

@terminator ultra (Next Month)




Kicking 2024 off strong with many great choices for my pick for Favourite, but Brother Argent's fantastic Redemptor Dreadnaught has claimed the January Favourite Badge.



Edited by Grotsmasha

Skip to a month...



The following award badges are up for grabs this month,



There is also a badge for those who wish to make a pledge for years end, a slow burn model or project to work on through out the year,


and for those who don't complete their pledge this month,


There are Bronze, Silver, and Gold versions of these badges to be awarded to those who earn the same badge multiple times. There is also a Platinum version of each badge available to anyone who earns the same badge for all 12 months, even the Next Month badge :wink: .



Vowed, No pic

Vowed, with pic


List of Participants

  • andes: 5x Fire Warriors (Stubborn) (vow, completion) , 2x Ork Trukk, 1x Boomdakka Snazzwagon (vow, completion) (Artificer, Seriously)
  • Boc: 1x Skullmaster (vow, completion), 1x War Dog Karnivore ,1x Master of Executions, Haarken Worldclaimer, 1x Chaos Lord, 1x Aspiring Champion, 5x Possessed, and 3x Dark Commune (completion(Artificer, Seriously, Last Minute)
  • Bouargh: 1x Adeptus Mechanicus Tech Priest Dominus (vow, completion), 1x EPIC Reaver titan (completion), KT Fronteris Terrain Set (9) (completion(Artificer, Seriously)
  • Brother Argent: 1x Tomb Blade (Stubborn) (vow, completion), 1x Canoptek Wraith (vow, completion), 1x Neurotyrant and 2 Neurolids, 6x Neurogaunts (vowcompletion), 5x Neurogaunts (completion(Artificer, Speed Demon, Seriously, Last Minute, Overtime)
  • Brother Captain Arkley: 5x Ultramarines Intercessors (Stubborn) (vow, completion), 5x Consecrated Blades Intercessors, 1x Lieutenant (vow(Artificer, Seriously)
  • Brother Christopher: 1x Firstborn Judiciar (vow, completion) (Artificer, Last Minute)
  • Cleon: 1x Vindicare assassin, 1x Ruin, 2x Barracades (vow, completion), 2 LI Sicarans (completion(Artificer, Seriously)
  • Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch: 1x Outrider (Stubborn) (vow, completion) (Artificer)
  • Dwango: 10x Striking Scorpions, DWA: Belial, 1x Terminator Librarian, 5 DW Knights, 10 Terminators, 7 Terrain pieces (vow, completion(Artificer, Seriously, Last Minute)
  • gaurdian31:  1x Judicar (vow, completion) (Artificer)
  • Grotsmasha: 1x Eversor Chibi, 1x Pink Horror (vow, completion), Makari (completion) (Artificer, Stubborn, Last Minute)
  • Halandaar: 5x Terminators, 1x Terminator Chaplain (vow, completion) (Artificer, Seriously)
  • Jolemai: 1x Baal Predator (vow, completion) (Artificer, Seriously, Overtime)
  • Kennyjapan: 1x Horus Heresy Apothecary (vow, completion) , 2x Horus Heresy Apothecary repaint (vow, completion(Artificer, Last Minute)
  • Llagos_Tyrant: 1 Command Barge (Stubborn) (vow, completion), (vow) 1x Ultramarines Lieutenant, 1x Apothecary, 1x Ironclad Dreadnought base (completion), 5x Ultramarine Scouts (shoulder icons and finish bases) (completion),1x Ultramarines Ancient, 1x Ultramarines Honour Guard, 1x Ultramarines Lieutenant, (Stubborn), 1x Ultramarines Captain, 5x Ultramarine Terminators (Artificer, Seriously)
  • LokkoRex: 1x Leviathan Dreadnought (vow)
  • Lord_Ikka: 1x Imperial Fists statue (Speed Daemon) (vow, completion), 3x Wraiths, 1x Heavy Destroyer, and 5x Triarch Praetorians (vow, completion), 1x Necromunda Guilder (vow, completion(Artificer, Seriously)
  • madao:  
  • Mr. Oddity: 1x Warrior of Tomb World Concordia (vow, completion) (Artificer, Last Minute)
  • Paladin777: 3 Windriders (vow, completion(Artificer, Seriously, Last Minute)
  • _Saracen: 1x Ghostkeel Battlesuit, 1x Rvarna Battlesuit (vow, completion), 1x Riptide Battlesuit, 8x BFG Adeptus Mechanicus Cruisers (Artificer, Seriously, Last Minute)
  • ShortCircuit: 1x Tech-Priest Dominus,10x Skitarii rangers (vow, completion(Artificer, Seriously, Last Minute)
  • Skidman10 Iron Warrior Legionaires, 2 Banner Bearers (Stubborn)(vow)
  • SnorriSnorrison: 
  • terminator ultra: 
  • TheArtilleryman: 1x Grey Knight with psycannon (vow, completion(Artificer)
  • Trokair: 6x Warp Spiders (vow, completion) (Artificer, Seriously, Last Minute)
  • Tyriks: 1x BFG Eldar Wraithship (vow, completion), 10x Striking Scorpions, 3x BFG Eldar Wraithships (Artificer, Overtime)
  • WrathOfTheLion:  5x Sons of Horus Tactical Squad Legionaries (vow, completion), 5x SoH Legionaries, 1x SoH Praetor, 1x SoH Contemptor Dreadnought (vow) (Artificer, Seriously)


Plogging Along Pledges for 2024

  • Bouargh (vow)- 1x Fronteris Killzone (9) (completion(FEB),1xMoroch set, 1x Necromunda Market, 1x Bheta Decima set and 1x Ork Workshop
  • Brother Argent (vow) - 1x Warpsmith (completion), 1x Redemptor Dread (completion(JAN), 1x Neurotyrant and 2 Neurolids, 6x Neurogaunts  (complete), 5x Neurogaunts (complete) (FEB), 1x Screamer Killer, 1x Psycophage, 10x Termagaunts (vow), 1x Maulerfiend, 1x Deffdread, 10x Ork Boyz, 1x Slaver, 2x Deffkopta's, 1x Repulsor, 1x Repulsor Executioner (vow), 1x Triach Stalker, 3x Battle Sisters, 1x Sister Repentia, 1x Flagellant, 4x Thermic Plasma Conduits
  • Cleon: Legions Imperial (vow) - 3x Predators, 1x Rhino (completion), 4 Infantry Bases (completion) (JAN), 2x Sicarans (completion) (FEB), 4x Leman Russ, Space Marine infantry from 1 sprue (minus dreadnoughts), 4x Kratos, 4x Baneblades
  • Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch (vow) - Imotekh the Stormlord (completion(JAN), Szarekh the Sanguine, 2x Phaerons
  • Dwango (vow- 2 Fuel Tanks (completion(JAN), 4 Generators, 3 Furnaces (completion(FEB) Zone Mortalis board & terrain
  • Grotsmasha (vow) - Grimdark Chibis (10): Blood Angel (completion(JAN), Eversor Assassin (completion(FEB), Militaurm Scion, Militarum Commissar, AdMech Skitarii, Sororitas Superior, Crimson Fist Captain, Grey Knight, Ultramarine, Inquisitor,  PLUS any 2+ of the following; Ghazghull Thraka (completion) (JAN) and Makari (completion) (FEB), Supreme Grand Master Azrael, The Lion, Bayards Revenge, Ephrael Stern and Kyganil, Sister Amalia Novena, Kal Jericho and Scabbs, Imotekh the Stormlord, Marneus Calgar and Victrix Guard, Operative Umbral-Six, Uriel Ventris, WH+ Cadia Unbroken, Belial, Leviathan Captain & Librarian, Deathwing Terminators (vow)
  • Halandaar (vow) - 10x Aeldari Striking Scorpions, 10x Aeldari Dire Avengers, Aeldari Asurmen, Aeldari Hornet, Aeldari Prince Yriel, 10x Aeldari Corsair Voidreavers, 10x Aeldari Corsair Voidscarred
  • Jolemai (vow) - 2x Leviathan Dreadnought, 1x BA Dreadnought, 1x Contemptor Dreadnought, 1x Ironclad Dreadnought, 1x Venerable Dreadnought
  • LameBeard (vow)1000 points of Titancius Legio Defensor, 1000 points of 30k Alpha Legion, 1000 points of 30k Blood Angels, 1000 points of Legions Imperialis
  • LokkoRex (vow)4 Scorpius Missile Tanks, 4 Predator Tanks and 4 Sicaran Tanks
  • TheArtilleryman (vow) - 1x cadre fireblade, 5x pathfinders, 5x drones, 2x crisis battlesuits, 1x Stormsurge with both big gun options
  • Trokair (vow)build, convert and paint round about a 1,000p for 7th Rhûnish Dragoon



Participants on the Randomizer List

  • Grotsmasha - Blood Angels (JAN), Chaos Daemons (FEB), HH Vlka Fenrika (MAR), AdMech (APR), White Scars (MAY), Traitor Guard (JUN), HH Salamanders (JUL), HH Night Lords (AUG), Khorne Bezerker (SEP), Grey Knights (OCT), Deathwatch Marine (NOV), Drukhari / Harlequin (DEC)


Edited by Grotsmasha

So, papa nurgle has hit my household with a bit of a domino effect. Starting with my eldest child. If I pushed it I could complete the scorpions but, a I have completed a few already, I'm going to take it easy and bump them to Feb. They, and a load more terrain with be done then. 


I'll make a proper vow in a few days. 

I, Bouargh, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of February I pledge to complete 1 ooP EPIC Reaver titan and 1 Adeptus Mechanicus Tech Priest Dominus











EDIT: Just have to remember where by Russ I left the Reaver´s pauldrons...

Edited by Bouargh
18 minutes ago, Brother Argent said:

Hey @Grotsmasha mate, you missed my completion of my Warpsmith from my Plodding Along in January too ( first thing I painted).  

Corrected :thumbsup:

And done now. I didn't do the decal on the right shoulder, as I want to use some in that generic decal sheet they showed off, which hasn't released yet. I want to make them match some of the images in Betrayal.



Edited by WrathOfTheLion

January vow finished, 15 Cawdor gangers from the Hidden Flame. Terrible pics, will try to get a better one tomorrow.






I wasn’t quite sure what I wanted to do this month, so I had a little dive into the old stuff pile and dug out these six Warpspiders. So I will vow them. First they need a trip into the stripping jar and have a bath. 




Time to jump in for February :)

I, WrathOfTheLion, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of February pledge to complete 5 Sons of Horus Tactical Squad Legionaries by month's end.



Well I did get at least one model done in Jan, but I think I tipped into Overtime for the vow as a whole to complete.




Which means all my owned Knights are done (although some are due a dusting....)- I might at some point get one of the newer Cerastus knights at some point:



I might as well put my Feb pledge up here instead of double posting. I'm going to be busy in Feb so a subdued one and if I have more time I'll just push on with my plodding along LI.

One Vindicare assassin,

One Ruin

Two Barracades



I, Lord_Ikka, vow to paint for the month of February the following:

3 Wraiths, 1 Heavy Destroyer,  and 5 Triarch Praetorians. 




Better pics of the completed Cawdor gang finished for Jan.




I, Boc, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of February pledge to complete a Skullmaster, War Dog Karnivore, a Master of Executions, Haarken Worldclaimer, a Chaos Lord, Aspiring Champion, 5 Possessed, and 3 Dark Commune models by month's end.





Because I'm delusional. 

Edited by Boc

I, _saracen, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of February pledge to complete:

1x Ghostkeel Battlesuit

1x Rvarna Battlesuits

1x Riptide Battlesuit

8x Adeptus Mechanicus Cruisers for BFG

by month's end.




I started two of the battlesuits a while ago and need to get them across the finish line to play with. The cruisers I am hoping to knock out in one go with some batch drybrushing and detail painting.

2 hours ago, Skidman said:

Well I’m going to have to take loss on my January pledge. So I skidman vow for the month of February pledge to complete 10 iron warriors space marines and 2 banner bearers

Just remember the criteria is one model, regardless of what you have pledged, so if just of them are done, post it and it counts as a completion :thumbsup:

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