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=] 12 Months of Hobby 2024 [=

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The following award badges are up for grabs this month,



There is also a badge for those who wish to make a pledge for years end, a slow burn model or project to work on through out the year,


and for those who don't complete their pledge this month,


There are Bronze, Silver, and Gold versions of these badges to be awarded to those who earn the same badge multiple times. There is also a Platinum version of each badge available to anyone who earns the same badge for all 12 months, even the Next Month badge :wink: .



Vowed, No pic

Vowed, with pic



List of Participants

  • andes: 1x Kroot Carnivore (vowcompletion) (Artificer)
  • Boc:  5 Assault Intercessors (vow, completion(Speed Daemon), 1 Chaplain, 1 Bladeguard Ancient, Asmodai, 4x Inceptors (completion), 4x Inceptors (Artificer, Overtime, Seriously)
  • Bouargh: 10x Secutarii Hoplites (vowcompletion), 20x Eldar Guardians, 2x Guardian Weapon Platforms (vow, completion) (Artificer, Seriously)
  • Brother Argent: 1x Outrider of the Interdictors (vow, completion), 10 Guardsmen (vow) (Artificer) 
  • Brother Captain Arkley:  
  • Brother Carpenter:  
  • Brother Christopher: 3x Centurions, 2x Initiates, 1x Librarian and 1x Techmarine (vow, completion) (Artificer, Seriously)
  • Cleon: Inquisitor Kyra Draxxis (completion(Stubborn), 6x Scouts (vow, completion), 4 LI Leman Russ' (completion), 3 LI Astartes Infantry Bases (completion), 1x Ruin, 5x Jump Palatines, 1x Consul, 6x Scouts (Artificer, Last Minute, Overtime, Seriously)
  • Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch:  
  • Dwango: 3 Outriders, 1 ATV, 1 Repulsor, 1 Redemptor, Azrael, Lazarus (vowcompletion), 1x Chaplain (vow, completion), 10x Grey Knights (completion), 2x Chronomancers, 1 Heavy Destroyer (completion), 1 Ancient (Stubborn) (Artificer, Overtime, Seriously)
  • gaurdian31: 1x Master of Possession (vow, completion), 5x Terminators, 1x Master of Executions (Stubborn) (Artificer)
  • Grotsmasha: 1x Chibi Grey Knight (completion), Orikan the Diviner (completion), 1x Tech-Priest Dominus (completion(Artificer, Last Minute, Speed Daemon)
  • Halandaar:   1x T'au Ethereal (vow, completion) (Artificer, Last Minute)
  • Jolemai: 1x Venerable Dreadnaught (completion), 5x Breacher upgrades, 1x "chibi" Rhino (vow, completion), 2x Tarantula Sentry Guns (completion(Artificer, Overtime, Seriously)
  • Kennyjapan: 1x 1x Invictarii Standard Bearer (vow, completion), 1x Invictarius Sergeant, 1x Guardsman Sergeant (vow, completion) (Artificer, Last Minute)
  • Llagos_Tyrant:  
  • LokkoRex: 1x Iron Warriors Consul-Armistos (vow, completion) (Artificer, Last Minute)
  • Lord_Ikka: 18x Bullgryns (vow, completion(Artificer, Seriously)
  • madao:  
  • Mr. Oddity: Necron Combat Patrol (Overlord, 10 Warriors, 3 Scarabs, 3 Skorpekh, and Doomstalker) (vow)
  • Paladin777: 6x Firstborn Bladeguard Veterans (vow, completion) (Stubborn)6x kitbashed Firstborn Blade Guard Veterans (vow, completion), 5x Fire Dragons (vow, completion) (Artificer, Last Minute, Seriously)
  • Rhavien: 1x Brutalis Dreadnought (vow, completion(Artificer, Seriously)
  • _Saracen: 10x Traitor Guardsmen (vow, completion), 1x Traitor Command Squad (5) (Artificer, Overtime, Seriously)
  • ShortCircuit: 1x Deathguard Terminator (vow)
  • Skidman:  
  • SnorriSnorrison: 1 Land Raider Redeemer (vow)
  • terminator ultra:  
  • TheArtilleryman: 1x Apothecary Biologis (vow, completion) (Artificer, Speed Daemon)
  • Trokair: 1+ character for 40K RPG (vow, completion) (Artificer)
  • Tyriks: 5x Incubi (vow, completion), 1x Archon (vow, completion) (Speed Daemon) (Artificer, Seriously)
  • WrathOfTheLion:  



Plogging Along Pledges for 2024

  • Andes - Kroot Hunting Pack Army Box (vow) 1 Kroot Carnivore (completion(APR) 19 Kroot Carnivores
  • Bouargh (vow)- 1x Fronteris Killzone (9) (completion(FEB),1xMoroch set (completion), 1x Necromunda Market, 1x Bheta Decima set (completion) and 1x Ork Workshop (completion)
  • Brother Argent (vow) - 1x Warpsmith (completion), 1x Redemptor Dread (completion(JAN), 1x Neurotyrant and 2 Neurolids, 6x Neurogaunts  (complete), 5x Neurogaunts (complete) (FEB), 1x Screamer Killer, 1x Psycophage, 10x Termagaunts (vow), 1x Maulerfiend, 1x Deffdread, 10x Ork Boyz, 1x Slaver, 2x Deffkopta's, 1x Repulsor, 1x Repulsor Executioner (vow), 1x Triach Stalker, 3x Battle Sisters, 1x Sister Repentia, 1x Flagellant, 4x Thermic Plasma Conduits
  • Cleon: Legions Imperial (vow) - 3x Predators, 1x Rhino (completion), 4 Infantry Bases (completion) (JAN), 2x Sicarans (completion) (FEB), 4x Leman Russ (completion), 3x LI Astartes Infantry Bases (completion) (APR), 4x Kratos, 4x Baneblades
  • Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch (vow) - Imotekh the Stormlord (completion(JAN), Szarekh the Sanguine + Attendants (The Silent King), 2x Phaerons, 1x monolith, 1x Ghost Ark conversion, and 1x infantry unit (vow)
  • Dwango (vow- 2 Fuel Tanks (completion(JAN), 4 Generators, 3 Furnaces (completion(FEB) Zone Mortalis board & terrain
  • Grotsmasha (vow) - Grimdark Chibis (10): Blood Angel (completion(JAN), Eversor Assassin (completion(FEB), Commissar (completion) (MAR)Grey Knight (completion) (APR), Militaurm Scion, Militarum AdMech Skitarii, Sororitas Superior, Crimson Fist Captain, Ultramarine, Inquisitor,  PLUS any 2+ of the following; Ghazghull Thraka (completion) (JAN) and Makari (completion) (FEB), Supreme Grand Master Azrael, The Lion, Bayards Revenge, Ephrael Stern and Kyganil, Sister Amalia Novena, Kal Jericho and Scabbs, Imotekh the Stormlord, Marneus Calgar and Victrix Guard, Operative Umbral-Six, Uriel Ventris, WH+ Cadia Unbroken, Belial, Leviathan Captain & Librarian, 15x Deathwing Terminators (vow, partial completion)
  • Halandaar (vow) - 10x Aeldari Striking Scorpions, 10x Aeldari Dire Avengers, Aeldari Asurmen, Aeldari Hornet, Aeldari Prince Yriel, 10x Aeldari Corsair Voidreavers, 10x Aeldari Corsair Voidscarred
  • Jolemai (vow) - 1x Ironclad Dreadnought (completion) (APR)1x Venerable Dreadnought (completion) (APR), 2x Leviathan Dreadnought, 1x BA Dreadnought, 1x Contemptor Dreadnought,
  • LameBeard (vow)1000 points of Titancius Legio Defensor, 1000 points of 30k Alpha Legion, 1000 points of 30k Blood Angels, 1000 points of Legions Imperialis
  • LokkoRex (vow)4 Scorpius Missile Tanks, 4 Predator Tanks and 4 Sicaran Tanks
  • TheArtilleryman (vow) - 1x cadre fireblade, 5x pathfinders, 5x drones, 2x crisis battlesuits, 1x Stormsurge with both big gun options
  • Trokair (vow)build, convert and paint round about a 1,000p for 7th Rhûnish Dragoon



Participants on the Randomizer List

  • Grotsmasha - Blood Angels Terminator (JAN), Chaos Daemons Pink Horror (FEB), HH Vlka Fenrika Legionaire (MAR), AdMech Tech-Priest Dominus (APR), White Scars (MAY), Traitor Guard (JUN), HH Salamanders (JUL), HH Night Lords (AUG), Khorne Bezerker (SEP), Grey Knights (OCT), Deathwatch Marine (NOV), Drukhari / Harlequin (DEC)
Edited by Grotsmasha
updating vows
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March done! Last Min obviously because we all know Last Min badges are the best and most important of all!


Nemesis Destroyers




Cataphractii Termie's




Locutarus's.... (Locutarii?)
















And finally Forge Lord






EDIT: Added some different shots of the Forge Lord and Hammer-Tarii

Edited by Kennyjapan
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Just made it - really got to stop this developing habit of putting things off until the end. My Initiate is done and represents my first time drybrushing and freehanding a logo - while the Templar cross is simple, I'm quite pleased with how it came out. The process of scaling him up a bit also revealed some additional work I need to do on future Firstborn post-primer, but that's a future me problem to solve. The old monopose sculpts honestly still hold up pretty good!



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I, Mr. Oddity, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of April pledge to complete a Necron Combat Patrol (Overlord, 10 Warriors, 3 Scarabs, 3 Skorpekh, and Doomstalker) by month's end.


This will be doubling up as a very last minute entry to the March for March challenge, with a few conversions along the way. The goal in mind for my Necron force is to emulate a lot of the style and visuals of the early days of the army and their appearance in Dawn of War while making use of newer sculpts and datasheets. To that end my Skorpekhs will either be kitbashed or converted to match the old metal Wraiths, Scarabs will  be the really old metal models, and my Doomstalker will instead be a scratch-built "Doom Obelisk" that takes inspiration from the OG Monolith. A lot more ambitious than my previous two entries, but I believe I'm up to the challenge!



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OMG this was close! Stormsurge completed with about 40 mins to spare:




More photos:




I also painted a bunch of space marines and made some good progress on my plodding along vow.


Edit: added another close-up picture because my daughter told me my “colouring in” went out the lines at the front :laugh:

Edited by TheArtilleryman
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Finished my Possessed, hopefully in time for March completion.




For April I vow the rest of the models I didn't complete for the March for March challenge. 5 Terminators, a Master of Possession and a Master of Executions:





Edited by gaurdian31
Added April Vow
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I, Dwango, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of April pledge to complete a  2x chronomancers, 1 heavy destroyer, 10 grey knights, 1 repulsor, 1 redemptor, 3 outriders, 1 atv, 1 blade guard ancient, Azrael and Lazarus by month's end. Ancient, Tank, dread and knights overspill from march. 


Edited by Dwango
Missed the ancient off..
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OK so in the interest of keeping it fresh, my son has asked me if I will paint his apothecary from the Leviathan set. Seeing as the t’au are in my plodding along and I’ve had enough Sotek Green for the moment, I’ll add this one for this month’s single model.


I, TheArtilleryman, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of April pledge to complete one Apothecary Biologis by month’s end. 


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