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I am not dead...  Well, I am dead inside but that is a different thing entirely.  One Outrider completed:



The orange isn't that dirty looking in real life.  I have always loved space marine bikes but, for some reason, the Outriders just don't do it for me like the old bikers.  I need to add transfers but thinking I will do that when I complete the squad.  


I have come to a realization that part of the reason I am loosing interest in painting is that my skills have seemed to stagnate.  If anything I am getting worse.  I don't know if its because I am producing more and more of the same army and so I am not pushing myself or what.  I have always struggled with edge highlights and I think that is a big part of my problem too.  Anyway I'll keep pushing through and maybe, somewhere along the way, re-find my passions.  At least I am painting again so that is a win.


Anyway, today is ANZAC Day.  The day we commemorate the Australian and New Zealand soldiers whom have given their lives in conflicts throughout the world.  Most notable during the Great Wars.  Thus it feels appropriate to me to pledge for the month of April a squad of my New Eden Rifles, a regiment based (loosely) of the ANZAC's.


I, Brother Argent, vow to paint for the Month of April 10x Guardsmen of the New Eden Rifles in honour of the soldiers whom gave their lives under the Australian Flag.



Managed to do one of the two over the last few evening, overall happy with how she turned out, though with hindsight the yellow inner cloth might have been better as something more neutral.







14 minutes ago, Rhavien said:

Wait, what? Is that a Templar.... Psyker? I think someone has some something to confess. 


It's all fine, he's sanctioned by the not-Emperor who joined my Crusade. And since this powerful and not at all suspicious warp entity said it's okay, who is but a humble Marshal to question His word!


... rr I just want to have the option to use a psyker when I don't feel like using BT rules or playing a game of OPR.





Gonna try to bang this out really quick. I vow to paint this Archon by the end of the month:


Forgot to take a full before picture, but oh well. I am not fond of this model but I need an archon painted for my combat patrol and the others I have arent primed.

I've had my April vow basically complete now pretty much since the beginning of the month expect for the backpack and base. I really haven't felt the urge to paint them and I think i've been dragging my heels because its a faff to set things up to just paint a backpack. So, my thinking is if I start another vow I have more reason to get stuff out and paint.. maybe.... hopefully... 


So! I, Kennyjapan, vow to to complete 1 more Invictarii (InvictariiLeader/Sergeant/SeniorBodyguard) and 1 Imperial Guard Sgt by the end of April






Finished my Archon. The base is still wet (and the texture still a bit soft) so no grass yet, but that will just take a second. I didn't want to add any teal parts because that wouod take longer than I feel this model warrants so I did his horns differently to make him more noticeable among the squad. I'll be glad to get a better conversion primed and painted, though, I keep noticing more I wish I had done differently when I built him.




For May I'll probably have to do some more Raiders and Venoms, but I think I'll try to add a pain engine if I can. I need to plan ahead a little more this time!

On 4/28/2024 at 3:50 AM, Dwango said:

I'm nearly done with the necrons and grey knights but I thought I'd post my dark angel completions now. 














All of this looks awesome, but I especially love that Repulsor. Great work!

56 minutes ago, Tyriks said:

All of this looks awesome, but I especially love that Repulsor. Great work!

Cheers @Tyriks it was really fun to do. My kids helped too, with that and the dread. 


The grey knights are done, apart from the base rim which I've just noticed. Crons next. 


I'm not going to complete my pledge this month. The combination of being busy at work, some health-related things (getting old sucks, I recommend against it) and Planet Crafter sealed my fate. At least I finished the Kroot test model to file as a completion... I'll carry the rest forward.

Well I completed the Master of Possession for this month. A lot of not great RL butted into this month and didn't leave me with much time or energy to do hobby stuff. I do like how he came out though. I'll be vowing the rest of this months stuff for May and will hopefully get them all completed, but we will see as RL has become rather hectic.






1 hour ago, Paladin777 said:

Vow complete!



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1 hour ago, Tyriks said:

How'd you do that yellow? I really like it!

I did a Khorne Red basecoat on the entire models, drybrushed on Evil Sunz Scarlet to taste, then drybrushed Fire Dragon Orange, and lastly drybrushed the heads with Averland Sunset to get them that Yellow color. 

3 hours ago, Paladin777 said:


I did a Khorne Red basecoat on the entire models, drybrushed on Evil Sunz Scarlet to taste, then drybrushed Fire Dragon Orange, and lastly drybrushed the heads with Averland Sunset to get them that Yellow color. 


Dry brushing is a blessing...

Skip to a month...



The following award badges are up for grabs this month,



There is also a badge for those who wish to make a pledge for years end, a slow burn model or project to work on through out the year,


and for those who don't complete their pledge this month,


There are Bronze, Silver, and Gold versions of these badges to be awarded to those who earn the same badge multiple times. There is also a Platinum version of each badge available to anyone who earns the same badge for all 12 months, even the Next Month badge :wink: .



Vowed, No pic

Vowed, with pic



List of Participants

  • andes:  
  • Boc: Belial, 1xPrimaris Captain , 2x Librarians, 4x Inceptors, 10x Scouts (vow, completion) (Artificer, Seriously)
  • Bouargh: 2x Windriders (vow, completion), 1x D-Cannon platform (completion), 2x Warlocks, 1x Windrider (completion) (Artificer, Seriously)
  • Brother Argent:  10x Guardsmen (vow, completion) (Artificer, Seriously)
  • Brother Captain Arkley:  
  • Brother Carpenter:  
  • Brother Christopher: 3x Space Marine Bikers (Commander, Ancient, Chaplain) (vow, completion), 1x Flamer Initiate (Artificer, Last Minute, Seriously)
  • Cleon:   
  • Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch:  
  • Dwango:  1x Thanatar, 1x Magos (vow, completion) (Artificer, Seriously)
  • gaurdian31: Master of Executions and Terminator Lord (Stubborn) (vow, completion) (Artificer)
  • Grotsmasha: 1x (not Lego) Dark Angel (completion), 1x Norn Emmissary (completion), 1x Sister Superior Chibi (completion), 1x Castigator, 1x Counts-As Swarmlord (completion), 1x Crimson Fist (completion) (Artificer, Last Minute, Overtime, Seriously)
  • Halandaar:    
  • Jolemai: 1x Deathstorm Drop Pod (vow, completion) (Artificer, Overtime, Seriously)
  • Kennyjapan: 1x Tau Fire Warrior (vow, completion), 1x Horus Heresy Dark Angel (vow, completion)
  • Llagos_Tyrant:  
  • LokkoRex: 1x Iron Warriors Legionnaire (vow, completion) (Artificer, Overtime)
  • Lord_Ikka: 6x Orlock Gangers, 2x Cyber-mastiffs, 2x Hired Guns (vow, completion) (Artificer, Last Minute, Seriously)
  • madao:  
  • Mr. Oddity:  
  • Paladin777: 1x Brutalis Dreadnought (vow, completion)
  • Rhavien:  5x Jump Pack Intercessors (vow, completion), 5x Jump Pack Intercessors (Artificer, Overtime, Seriously)
  • _Saracen: 1x Company Command Squad (4) (vow, completion)1x Field Ordnance Battery (4) (Artificer, Last Minute)
  • ShortCircuit:
  • Skidman:  
  • SnorriSnorrison:  
  • terminator ultra:  
  • TheArtilleryman: 5x Cataphractii Terminators (vow, completion) (Artificer, Seriously, Speed Daemon)
  • Trokair: 1x RPG character (vow, completion) (Artificer)
  • Tyriks: 1x Venom, 1x Cronos, 1x Ravager, 1x Razorwing Jetfighter (vow, completion), 2x Venoms (Artificer, Last Minute, Seriously)
  • WrathOfTheLion:  



Plogging Along Pledges for 2024

  • Andes - Kroot Hunting Pack Army Box (vow) 1 Kroot Carnivore (completion(APR) 19 Kroot Carnivores
  • Bouargh (vow)- 1x Fronteris Killzone (9) (completion(FEB),1xMoroch set (completion), 1x Necromunda Market, 1x Bheta Decima set (completion) and 1x Ork Workshop (completion)
  • Brother Argent (vow) - 1x Warpsmith (completion), 1x Redemptor Dread (completion(JAN), 1x Neurotyrant and 2 Neurolids, 6x Neurogaunts  (complete), 5x Neurogaunts (complete) (FEB), 1x Screamer Killer, 1x Psycophage, 10x Termagaunts (vow), 1x Maulerfiend, 1x Deffdread, 10x Ork Boyz, 1x Slaver, 2x Deffkopta's, 1x Repulsor, 1x Repulsor Executioner (vow), 1x Triach Stalker, 3x Battle Sisters, 1x Sister Repentia, 1x Flagellant, 4x Thermic Plasma Conduits
  • Cleon: Legions Imperial (vow) - 3x Predators, 1x Rhino (completion), 4 Infantry Bases (completion) (JAN), 2x Sicarans (completion) (FEB), 4x Leman Russ (completion), 3x LI Astartes Infantry Bases (completion) (APR), 4x Kratos, 4x Baneblades
  • Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch (vow) - Imotekh the Stormlord (completion(JAN), Szarekh the Sanguine + Attendants (The Silent King), 2x Phaerons, 1x monolith, 1x Ghost Ark conversion, and 1x infantry unit (vow)
  • Dwango (vow- 2 Fuel Tanks (completion(JAN), 4 Generators, 3 Furnaces (completion(FEB) Zone Mortalis board & terrain
  • Grotsmasha (vow) - Grimdark Chibis (10): Blood Angel (completion(JAN), Eversor Assassin (completion(FEB), Commissar (completion) (MAR)Grey Knight (completion) (APR), Sororitas Superior (completion(MAY), Militaurm Scion, Militarum AdMech Skitarii, Crimson Fist Captain, Ultramarine, Inquisitor,  PLUS any 2+ of the following; Ghazghull Thraka (completion) (JAN) and Makari (completion) (FEB), Supreme Grand Master Azrael, The Lion, Bayards Revenge, Ephrael Stern and Kyganil, Sister Amalia Novena, Kal Jericho and Scabbs, Imotekh the Stormlord, Marneus Calgar and Victrix Guard, Operative Umbral-Six, Uriel Ventris, WH+ Cadia Unbroken, Belial, Leviathan Captain & Librarian, 15x Deathwing Terminators (vow, partial completion)
  • Halandaar (vow) - 10x Aeldari Striking Scorpions, 10x Aeldari Dire Avengers, Aeldari Asurmen, Aeldari Hornet, Aeldari Prince Yriel, 10x Aeldari Corsair Voidreavers, 10x Aeldari Corsair Voidscarred
  • Jolemai (vow) - 1x Ironclad Dreadnought (completion), 1x Venerable Dreadnought (completion) (APR), 2x Leviathan Dreadnought, 1x BA Dreadnought, 1x Contemptor Dreadnought,
  • LameBeard (vow)1000 points of Titancius Legio Defensor, 1000 points of 30k Alpha Legion, 1000 points of 30k Blood Angels, 1000 points of Legions Imperialis
  • LokkoRex (vow)4 Scorpius Missile Tanks, 4 Predator Tanks and 4 Sicaran Tanks
  • TheArtilleryman (vow) - 1x cadre fireblade, 5x pathfinders, 5x drones, 2x crisis battlesuits, 1x Stormsurge with both big gun options
  • Trokair (vow)build, convert and paint round about a 1,000p for 7th Rhûnish Dragoon



Participants on the Randomizer List

  • Grotsmasha - Blood Angels Terminator (JAN), Chaos Daemons Pink Horror (FEB), HH Vlka Fenrika Legionaire (MAR), AdMech Tech-Priest Dominus (APR), White Scars (MAY), Traitor Guard (JUN), HH Salamanders (JUL), HH Night Lords (AUG), Khorne Bezerker (SEP), Grey Knights (OCT), Deathwatch Marine (NOV), Drukhari / Harlequin (DEC)
Edited by Firedrake Cordova

Time up for more of my ever-increasing pile of Necromunda stuff (just bought a Van Saar gang...). 


I, Lord_Ikka, vow to paint for the month of May the following: six Orlock gangers, two cyber-mastiffs, and two hired guns.






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