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I, Bouargh, vow to paint for the month of May the following:

- 2 Warlocks

- 1 D-Cannon platform

- 3 Windriders inc. one which will be kit bashed to be Illa Darkwind, Clan Leader for my Saim-hann army (Autarch) 





On 4/10/2024 at 7:45 PM, Halandaar said:

Most of my painting interest is in non-board appropriate systems this month, so for April I'll vow a single Tau Ethereal.



Actually did this a while back but failed to post up to now!




Both April vow's Done, not sure im happy with the banner decal so may have to re-do in the future but for now it works well enough

For some reason the photo's this time are significantly worse than previous one's despite being under the same condition, but don't have time today to re-do them 


Invictarii Leader








Invictarii Banner






Random Guard Sgt.





Unfortunately I will not be submitting any models this month, despite a decent start some health complications with my wife came up (she's better now) and my hobby time disappeared. Despite a push to recoup progress I don't have anything but primed models to show for it. I'll be rolling my Combat Patrol forwards into May - hopefully with better results!

This morning I realised I hadn't even started my random model for the month, AdMech.

So I gots to it and dug out my Tech-Priest Dominus courtesy of Imperium and got stuck in,



I'm going to completely fail my April targets, a lack of focus a bit of feeling run down and a general enthusiasm speedbump.


I did get the last of my first LI Imperial Fist sprue done, and I hope to get one squad of scouts finished during overtime though.


Time to go rogue for a month, for May I vow to complete a single test Tau Firewarrior in a paint scheme inspired by the so-horrendous-to-the-eye-it's-kinda-amazing UK 'Berlin' Urban-Camo scheme





Edited by Kennyjapan
moved to spoiler
4 hours ago, TheArtilleryman said:

I, TheArtilleryman, vow to paint for the month of May the following:


5 Cataphractii Terminators, for the glory of Lord Corax and the Raven Guard!







I, Brother Christopher, embark on the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge, and for the month of May pledge to complete 3 Space Marine Bikers (1 Commander, 1 Ancient, 1 Chaplain) and 1 Flamer Initiate by month's end.



My more progressed unit of scouts from April, they need decals and then matting down the decal area, but the gloss won't be free to act on until after overtime ends, so as all the actual painting is done I'm going to claim them.


Some progress for this month of May, with the 2 mundane jetbikes done.




The Warlocks are also in good way, while I started cutting and chopping for the kit bash of a skyrider autarch.

She already has her Exarch Banshee power axe of old. Rest will be from plastic kits, so easy to add...



Welp. That didn't go quite as planned.  To many procrastination days.  But that is part of my return to finding my passion for the hobby.  Not forcing myself to paint all the time if I really don't want too.  I intend on easing back into things in preparation for whatever Grot teased was going on event wise next month.


Therefore I, Brother Argent, vow for a third month in a row to complete the same 10x Guardsmen since March.  They are very close to completion so I am hoping to get them done in the next day or so.


Then I need to increase the productivity a bit but life circumstances have shifted somewhat and I am not finding the time I wanted.


And I need to get back into my own log.  Both my logs really...   Anyway, keep up the good works people.  I love living vicariously through your success...

On 5/6/2024 at 1:34 PM, Grotsmasha said:

So somehow, I forgot to register completion of my third Norn Emmisary in April, so here it is now,



and all three together,


All I have to say is: “Get away from her you :cuss:!”

Edited by Jolemai
Swear filter dodge

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