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Deathwatch: Murderers in Black (OOC Thread)


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45 minutes ago, Lysimachus said:

Are you meaning for use while still in narrative time/ transit? Yep, sure! :thumbsup:


It will have to go back before the next Structured Time, obviously... unless you want to steal some of the 22 Req that is still unspent? :tongue:


Yes, just for the narrative travel period.


Uraloth needs every opportunity for kit. :thumbsup:


22 minutes ago, Necronaut said:


Behave, you maniac! :biggrin:

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On 7/19/2024 at 7:27 AM, Lysimachus said:



OOC: Hopefully it is reasonably clear what is what in the pic.


The AdMech outpost is built around the cave entrance, which is located in an L-shaped canyon that runs through more mountainous terrain.


This canyon runs 1km westward in from the open plains in the east (the ‘landing field’ is basically just the edge of the plains) towards the cave entrance. It then turns 90 degrees and continues northwards for maybe 300m where the gap between the canyon walls narrows and eventually closes entirely (hence why the main Skitarii base is by the east exit and there is only a small guard post to the north).


Obviously, the landing field is intended for much (much!) larger bulk transports. Your Stormeagle could easily land at any of the open areas within the canyon - and would have done so the first time it came here - as could the Aquilas/other dropships that the rest of the Inquisitorial force will use. (For scale, the overall length and width of the Sabre is probably about the same as the box showing the promethium tank?)


Is the roof of the Command Centre/Skitarri Barracks flat or slanted? I can’t quite tell from the picture. If we can land on that then that might be a good starting point to secure a defensive position inside.  


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Posted (edited)

Hmm, I hadn't thought of that, but it's a good idea!


Pic looks like it's flat to me, though it's probably a tight fit for the Stormeagle dimensions? Probably more intended for slightly smaller flyers, Land Speeders or Ornithopters (or whatever the Admech flyer is called?)


Therefore, if you decide to do that, I'll require a Difficult (-10) Pilot: Space Craft test from Bekkar to successfully land on the roof, though he will get +30 for the Stormeagle's Manoeuvrability so it shouldn't be too difficult for him?

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Azadth has rappelling gear and I can see a couple of drop sites with good angles for cover. The high scarp on the top left is possibly the best position. I can cover the eastern approach roads, intercept reinforcements, cover the north and south quarters, and with sufficient height to cover all rooftops, hilltops and elevation will whittle down hiding places and blind spots.


With the drop harness I could also dismount to the cave entrance quite quickly.

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OK, these all seem like reasonable options. Is everyone happy with that overall plan?


So, feel free to post what you're each going to do IC.


Bekkar will just need to hover in place for a few seconds while the early jumpers dismount, so he won't need to roll anything for that.


Then Azadth will need to include a Climb test to abseil out, and Gerhardt and Asterius will need to roll Personal Pilot tests to leap out without fouling their packs on the hatches. All of these will be fairly simple tasks, so Routine (+20). If you are planning to check the roof for dangers before the Sabre lands, that will also require a Challenging (+0) Perception test.


Then Bekkar can include a Pilot: Spacecraft if he wants to land atop the Command Centre. As mentioned, that will be -10 for Difficulty, but also +30 (for Manoeuvrability) and +20 (for his Pilot+10 and Talented Pilot) for a total of +40.


Once you're down, the rest can look into accessing the Command Centre if you wish?

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Visible enough, comets from heaven, the two assault marines fell to the ground shortly after his own hasty deployment, and the Iron Sabre slashed toward the LZ



Here point order @Mazer Rackham Gerhardt is a Tactical Marine!






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Gerhardt is LARPing as an assault marine mainly because he can sort of get away with it and to provide tactical support to Asterius while he participates in manly CQC (and I spent the 100xp on Pilot (Personal) so why not). I would love to make a proper Doom Eagle (or similar) Assault/Tactical hybrid character sometime.

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13 hours ago, Necronaut said:

Gerhardt is LARPing as an assault marine mainly because he can sort of get away with it and to provide tactical support to Asterius while he participates in manly CQC (and I spent the 100xp on Pilot (Personal) so why not). I would love to make a proper Doom Eagle (or similar) Assault/Tactical hybrid character sometime.




Gerhardt is a Tactical Marine playing at being, whilst Asterius is cool with the attention.


Proper insertion with flair.


Style with a Superhero Landing.




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Ok, with Bekkar's successful roll you are safely landed!


So if anyone (Zidemi I think mentioned it?) wants to try to access the interior, it will require a Hard (-20) Tech Use or Security test to open the door from the landing platform?

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As an aside, both Electro Graft Use and MIU grant Zidemi +10 to Tech-Use Tests if the item is compatible with either "function", but I'm becoming confused as to what exactly gives me that ability.


Does the Electro Graft Use need a Mechadendrite or other tool/cybernetic?

Or is it it's own thing? (ie I have the Talent, therefore I have the ability) And it's assumed I have an appropriate mechadendrite/implant to allow myself to use the Talent.

Is the MIU then an extension of my Electro Graft Use? (ie MIU bonuses are cumulative with the Electro Graft Use Talent).


Technically, the only mechadendrite I have (and trained for) is the Servo-Arm.




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To the best of my understanding, the Electro Graft bit means he has the data plug included with the Talent/Trait so gets +10 on his Tech Use, and the MIU is in addition to that for another +10 (because in both cases the cogitator would be a device able to be connected?)


He could also use his potentia coil to provide more power to the unit?

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1 hour ago, Lysimachus said:

To the best of my understanding, the Electro Graft bit means he has the data plug included with the Talent/Trait so gets +10 on his Tech Use, and the MIU is in addition to that for another +10 (because in both cases the cogitator would be a device able to be connected?)


He could also use his potentia coil to provide more power to the unit?


It's in Traits, which is why I was getting confused. So the Electro Graft can be a cable/plug that comes out my skull or my finger, but is not a mechadendrite in itself.


As for the test on the cogitator, I was going to Assist Ulfurbur with my Tech-Use (as she had called Zidemi over before the test).

But how permissable are we with Assistance here, since it has already been rolled?


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