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Every face looks like they just smelled a fart.



Other than that, looks great to me. I can barely tell the difference from the metals on some of them.

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Look like a nice evolution from the metal/finecast version. The leader model with the Cloaker shield thingamabob is really creepy... love it.

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1 hour ago, Scribe said:

Hmm. They lost something coming from the metals, for me.

I actually agree, but can't put my finger on what it is. Perhaps the hair hiding the faces? Could also simply be the paint job?

I like the addition of the swords and especially the klaive, but also feel it would have been more appropriate to have more knives.

I do like that there are some more feminine bodies in there.


The shadow effect does _not_ work on the bottom right guy for me - and I actually liked the warcry shadow guys. Did they say any of the others were specialists of some form?

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Having recently completed a commission for 10 of these in Finecast, I'd never wish that one anyone. They've really nailed the aesthetic of the old ones with these new ones, they look like they would sit right beside those old models and not look out of place at all.

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21 minutes ago, Orion said:



Not really a fan of the new cloth sculpts.


I guess they increase hair volume/mass on the models to maybe create a more spooky-oriental ghost/shadow effect. Faces are more hidden now in all the models.

They are less muscular, they have more lean bodies.

They change the flames effects and the tattoos, weapons and gowns are pretty much the same.

I need some time to understand/look better the new models but at the moment they are not something great nor bad. Surely some other, more grim colour scheme could change greatly the general effect of these model.

Shadow effect is a miss for me and not really well integrated with the rest of models. 


P.S. sadly the piece of terrain looks another generic, we-already-seen-it-a-million-times model. Could we please have something different with a little of originality? For Emperor's sake, just use the awesome artwork we saw for KT as reference!

Some windows of a corridor/gallery of a space ship, rooms with battle damage/alien signs/demonic mutations? new stairs like necromunda? Something like zone mortalis? The possibilities are endless.


Edited by Alby the Slayer
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4 minutes ago, Alby the Slayer said:

P.S. sadly the piece of terrain looks another generic, we-already-seen-it-a-million-times model. Could we please have something different with a little of originality? For Emperor's sake, just use the awesome artwork we saw for KT as reference!

Some windows of a corridor/gallery of a space ship, rooms with battle damage/alien signs/demonic mutations? new stairs like necromunda? Something like zone mortalis? The possibilities are endless.


Looking at the last couple of Warcry scenery bits the Kill Team stuff is pretty laughable. 

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Hmm, nothing obvious jumping out as a KT specific specialist here, so will be interesting to see how the rules designers approach this.


I was initially very down on the Blades of Khaine team (another obviously designed for 40k, not KT model release), but I thought the rules for the aspect techniques was a great way to get around having no specialists - just have any model have a specialist ability for a turning point. We'll see if mandrakes get something similar, or some other cool alternative.

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I'm happy enough with these; I think it's one of those where they had a fairly narrow path to tread in terms of what they could add without really changing the feel of the unit, and I think they got it pretty much right. Agree on the shadow effect though; don't think it works here at all, despite the fact that I actually liked it on the Warcry Khainites.


1 hour ago, Fire Golem said:

Looking at the last couple of Warcry scenery bits the Kill Team stuff is pretty laughable. 


The new Warcry box is an auto-buy for me just for the massive frog head!

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I do think they could have added plenty for kill team variant while the original unit was still as it is now... if it was made specifically for kill team. While they dont photograph them often the made for kill team kill teams have relatively normal unit builds as well. They are just much more volumous sprues.


This one seems to be 2x 5man kit made for 40k ( like aspect warriors ) with an added upgrade sprue, wich does limit the options especially with the big shadow thing ( and I think the reason its  not such a flawless fit might be because its designed around the body.)




I think those are the options that come from the small size upgrade sprue, and wont appear double in the kit.

Those might also represent the operatives,

Head with bones in hair.  <--- maybe just aesthic, maybe some juju operative

Big two handed blade. <--- Obviously the bruiser

Bodyparts necklace + more crafted blade, maybe the head too.   <--- ? leader ?

Two handed magic spell effect, blade on backside.   <--- likely a more far ranged operative ?

Big shadowspell effect, more shard like dagger.

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It's definitely a 2x 5-man kits with each base model having a couple of different build options (which has the bonus of meaning the weird shadow-arm is optional). There's only 5 body shapes here:




Don't think there's necessarily an upgrade sprue there, the models are small enough by themselves that the optional builds would comfortably fit on the base kit.




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13 minutes ago, Halandaar said:

It's definitely a 2x 5-man kits with each base model having a couple of different build options (which has the bonus of meaning the weird shadow-arm is optional). There's only 5 body shapes here:




Don't think there's necessarily an upgrade sprue there, the models are small enough by themselves that the optional builds would comfortably fit on the base kit.





Eldar 5man kits are 3 smaller sprues ( half the size of 5 man marine kits 3 / sometimes 2 sprues ), and these have volumous hair that covers the upper body on all sides. The basic options likely take as much space as the howling banshees do, wich is a efficient full kit. while howling banshees have the dynamic poses that take some extra space, these have more massive skirts.


but apart from that I mostly doubt it because if it was made for kill team it likely wasnt a 2x5.

Also remember even some of the other dedicated kill teams used the KT sized upgrade sprues for some reason ( at this moment I can only think of krieg, traitor guard and the novitates.) I think there are even more that do than those that dont. ( there Im only 100% certain of the corsairs, the kroot and the arbites )


36 minutes ago, Blindhamster said:

This is the leader based on the article


The article doesnt say the shadeweaver is their commander, but that the shadeweaver has command over the shadows... more a sorcerer kind of thing ( like all eldar weavers that are not a vehicle ) rather than a leader.

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