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So as previously mentioned in my other Thread, A friend very easily convinced me to make a 1000pt 10th edition army, with the upcoming release of the Dark Angles and my Love of the Ravenwing I set out to do something incredibly dumb, Will this army function competitively? No idea, Will it function at all? Heck if  know, Will it make my friends face palm Harder that Picard? Absolutely!

Quick disclosure again this is an almost 90% 3d printed project using files found and purchased online, I will not be sharing files, artists or locations due to legal reasons, those artists have been personally thanked and credited on their own respective pages.


Here's the Abomination of a list created in Warhammers App:


Knights Errant (1000 points)
Space Marines
Dark Angels
Incursion (1000 points)

Unforgiven Task Force



Chaplain on Bike (90 points)
  • 1x Absolvor bolt pistol
    1x Crozius arcanum
    1x Twin bolt rifle
  • Enhancement: Stubborn Tenacity


Sammael (130 points)
  • Warlord
  • 1x Bolt Pistol
    1x Master-crafted plasma cannon
    1x The Raven Sword
    1x Twin storm bolter




Outrider Squad (160 points)
  • 1x Outrider Sergeant
    • 1x Astartes chainsword
      1x Heavy bolt pistol
      1x Twin bolt rifle
  • 5x Outrider
    • 5x Astartes chainsword
      5x Heavy bolt pistol
      5x Twin bolt rifle


Outrider Squad (80 points)
  • 1x Outrider Sergeant
    • 1x Astartes chainsword
      1x Heavy bolt pistol
      1x Twin bolt rifle
  • 2x Outrider
    • 2x Astartes chainsword
      2x Heavy bolt pistol
      2x Twin bolt rifle


Outrider Squad (80 points)
  • 1x Outrider Sergeant
    • 1x Astartes chainsword
      1x Heavy bolt pistol
      1x Twin bolt rifle
  • 2x Outrider
    • 2x Astartes chainsword
      2x Heavy bolt pistol
      2x Twin bolt rifle


Ravenwing Black Knights (90 points)
  • 1x Ravenwing Huntmaster
    • 1x Black Knight combat weapon
      1x Bolt pistol
      1x Plasma talon
  • 2x Ravenwing Black Knight
    • 2x Black Knight combat weapon
      2x Bolt pistol
      2x Plasma talon


Ravenwing Black Knights (90 points)
  • 1x Ravenwing Huntmaster
    • 1x Black Knight combat weapon
      1x Bolt pistol
      1x Plasma talon
  • 2x Ravenwing Black Knight
    • 2x Black Knight combat weapon
      2x Bolt pistol
      2x Plasma talon


Ravenwing Black Knights (90 points)
  • 1x Ravenwing Huntmaster
    • 1x Black Knight combat weapon
      1x Bolt pistol
      1x Plasma talon
  • 2x Ravenwing Black Knight
    • 2x Black Knight combat weapon
      2x Bolt pistol
      2x Plasma talon


Ravenwing Command Squad (110 points)
  • 1x Ravenwing Champion
    • 1x Bolt pistol
      1x Master-crafted power weapon
      1x Plasma talon
  • 1x Ravenwing Apothecary
    • 1x Black Knight combat weapon
      1x Bolt pistol
      1x Plasma talon
  • 1x Ravenwing Ancient
    • 1x Black Knight combat weapon
      1x Bolt pistol
      1x Plasma talon




Vindicare Assassin (80 points)
  • 1x Exitus pistol
    1x Exitus rifle
    1x Vindicare combat knife


Exported with App Version: v1.10.1 (38), Data Version: v336


and now for the fun stuff:





The failed leg will probably be replaced with a bionic leg file if I can track one down I like and by like I of course mean Free




I currently have them armed with the spears from the Custodes because of the bolters on the end and to completely sell the Roving knights look i want to convey with this little force, so there is going to be a healthy use of Black Templar parts in the mix.


until next time!


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So made some stout work on Warlord Cavill, filled the gaps, added chains and Capes, I really love the Black Templars lore where they literally Chain their guns to their arms and decided to carry this same Aesthetic over to my Knights.











And I think i've Settled on a paint scheme, going with a red/brown basecoat and a heavy drybrush of Army Painters True Copper with GW Nihilakh oxide in the recesses. 



more updates soon.

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The Painting Has Begun!





6 hours ago, Firedrake Cordova said:

Looks good - I like the positioning of the purity seals around where the chain meets the bike - they give it a sense of motion. :smile: 


Nice greenstuff work on the cape, too :thumbsup:


Thanks, I'm grossly out of practice in regards to creating motion in miniatures as you'll notice some look like he's moving others look like he's stationary, ah well if I wanted Realism in my Fictional toy soldiers, I'd go back to model cars.

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So more Painting on Warlord Cavill (sammael)


Blocking out Black sections and Metals:





Added basecoats of Blue to the shoulder pads, Purity seals and started painting in other colors such as the purity seals





Jumped forward here with the progress, The blues were Highlighted and the seals were finished and started adding some decals. Just noticed too that this chapter and my Drake Legion both have blue pads with gold trim. 







More progress soon, Also started looking into Mechs for a low model count game called Steel Rift. between 3-5 models is awesome

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