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As someone who only does skirmish games, how good does the Kroot Rampagers melee seem?

2 hours ago, Mr. Oddity said:

Krootox Rampager - T6 6+, melee is 3+ A4 S6 Ap1 D2 with Sustained 1 + rider (3+ A3 S4 Ap1 D1) and lance

im pretty uneducated in big 40k but that seems pretty good for a faction that had nothing before lol

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1 hour ago, TrawlingCleaner said:

Looks like the codex is starting to leak too, so the Mont'ka Detachment rule is:



Currently the "opposite" to the Kauyon detachment (Sustained hits from T3 onwards)


1 hour ago, Mr. Oddity said:

Three turns of lethal and all-game assault for guided units? That'll be nice for sure!

I wonder if Kauyon will get a similar, secondary effect on Guided units. maybe ignore cover?

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7 hours ago, TrawlingCleaner said:

From the WH+ battle report:

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All the Kroot units seemed to have a Scout move,

Karnivores have Stealth


That line breaker rule looks insanely OP, if I’m reading it correctly. So let’s say you have a unit of 10 that charges. Assuming all get into combat that’s an average of 5 x D3 mortals (50% chance to trigger), so about 10 mortal wounds on average before the fight even starts, equivalent to wiping a 5-man intercessor squad without making any actual attacks. That seems a bit excessive.

Edited by TheArtilleryman
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7 minutes ago, TheArtilleryman said:

That line breaker rule looks insanely OP, if I’m reading it correctly. So let’s say you have a unit of 10 that charges. Assuming all get into combat that’s an average of 5 x D3 mortals (50% chance to trigger), so about 10 mortal wounds on average before the fight even starts, equivalent to wiping a 5-man intercessor squad without making any actual attacks. That seems a bit excessive.

It's only for Rampagers, which will most definitely be 6 big birds max. 

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5 minutes ago, TheArtilleryman said:

That line breaker rule looks insanely OP, if I’m reading it correctly. So let’s say you have a unit of 10 that charges. Assuming all get into combat that’s an average of 5 x D3 mortals (50% chance to trigger), so about 10 mortal wounds on average before the fight even starts, equivalent to wiping a 5-man intercessor squad without making any actual attacks. That seems a bit excessive.

What unit was the Linebreaker ability on? If it is something like a 3/6 man unit (Ravagers?) then it isn't so bad- it is roughly equivalent to a Knight's Tank Shock and if that is the only ability the unit has it seems an even trade (1CP strat vs ability).

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5 hours ago, TrawlingCleaner said:

Looks like the codex is starting to leak too, so the Mont'ka Detachment rule is:



Currently the "opposite" to the Kauyon detachment (Sustained hits from T3 onwards)


If you advance can't be guided right now. Awesome rule.

After the twin linked fusion on the unit with full reroll to wound veicles and monster I can't wait to see next, reroll to hit on flamers?

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13 minutes ago, TheArtilleryman said:

Oh is that the new cavalry? Makes more sense then I guess, although they are still gonna do an average of 6 mortals on the charge, which is quite nasty.


Which means they may well get used a distraction carnifex to take the pressure off higher value units like suits (points permitting of course).

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54 minutes ago, TheArtilleryman said:

That line breaker rule looks insanely OP, if I’m reading it correctly. So let’s say you have a unit of 10 that charges. Assuming all get into combat that’s an average of 5 x D3 mortals (50% chance to trigger), so about 10 mortal wounds on average before the fight even starts, equivalent to wiping a 5-man intercessor squad without making any actual attacks. That seems a bit excessive.

Only models in engagement count, not all the models in the unit. And the rampagers have big base diameter and max unit size of 6, it's difficult to deliver broken high number of MWs.

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OK so don't get buck fever and go out  buying triple(or more) units of Rampagers... GW is notorious for giving great rules to something new then after a bit when it sells really well but opponents are complaining they will get nerfed :laugh:. I'll stick to one unit for now!


I'm loving Mont'ka :wub:  But I'm going to be realistic here and guess that Kroot won't be given "T'AU EMPIRE" 

Excitement for T'AU Building!! :cool:   

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5 hours ago, Indy Techwisp said:


Isn't Kauyon's "when guided" effect to upgrade Sustained Hits 1 to Sustained Hits 2?

I thought that was only on turns 3 and onward? I was reading the Mont’ka rule as one effect for the early turns and one effect, when Guided, all game.

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8 hours ago, Handsome Fred said:


If you advance can't be guided right now. Awesome rule.

After the twin linked fusion on the unit with full reroll to wound veicles and monster I can't wait to see next, reroll to hit on flamers?

Where does it prevent you from being guided if you advance? Also they haven't said they are twin linked "twin fusion blaster" can simply mean 2.

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14 minutes ago, Mogger351 said:

Also they haven't said they are twin linked "twin fusion blaster" can simply mean 2.

Agreed, the re-roll to wound appears to be coming from the unit's special rules, and applies only to monsters and vehicles, not anything on the gun itself. They're not going to put the same re-roll on the guns, so even if they don't have 'two guns' and its instead just a larger number of shots on a single profile it still wouldn't have the twin linked rule. 

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1 hour ago, Mogger351 said:

Where does it prevent you from being guided if you advance? Also they haven't said they are twin linked "twin fusion blaster" can simply mean 2.


To be guided you need to be elegible to shoot, if you advance and haven't any assault weapont you can't be ets.

So if you haven't assault weapons you can't get assault.


If the don't change the wording of fttg (likely in shooting phase select a unit to be guided instead "Each time you select this unit to shoot, if it is not an Observer unit, it can use this ability.")


Then about the crisis, in tau wording "twin-gun" are always twin linked in the codex.

After the Ad Mech and DA codexs my faith in gw good rules is once again 0.


So if they can mass with their own rules...it will happend.

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15 hours ago, sitnam said:

As someone who only does skirmish games, how good does the Kroot Rampagers melee seem?

im pretty uneducated in big 40k but that seems pretty good for a faction that had nothing before lol


Their melee seems pretty good especially when combined with the detachment ability they're do work. They're always getting the +1 to hit when they charge (because you're doing MW, making the enemy unit under starting strength) which is really nice. The riders have Lance so can push some wounds through too. They'll die to a light breeze though but the detatchment has a stratgem that makes one unit untargetable outside of 12" which is definitely something you'll want to use.


They're a really cool unit and a Kroot only army definitely seems like a fun and flavourful choice! :happy:

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2 hours ago, Handsome Fred said:


To be guided you need to be elegible to shoot, if you advance and haven't any assault weapont you can't be ets.

So if you haven't assault weapons you can't get assault.


If the don't change the wording of fttg (likely in shooting phase select a unit to be guided instead "Each time you select this unit to shoot, if it is not an Observer unit, it can use this ability.")


Then about the crisis, in tau wording "twin-gun" are always twin linked in the codex.

After the Ad Mech and DA codexs my faith in gw good rules is once again 0.


So if they can mass with their own rules...it will happend.

Yeah you're right on the assault part, I hadn't stopped to consider it because the intent of the rule is so clear that I didn't stop to think it wouldn't be able to be implemented.


Regards the twin fusion blasters, I might be wrong but still pretty sure it won't be a 1 shot twin linked fusion blaster, that would be... odd.


Regards AdMech and DA, you'll need to define good. If you mean "not underpowered at launch" then sure, if you mean "not functional" then not sure I'd agree. 

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11 hours ago, MithrilForge said:

OK so don't get buck fever and go out  buying triple(or more) units of Rampagers... GW is notorious for giving great rules to something new then after a bit when it sells really well but opponents are complaining they will get nerfed :laugh:. I'll stick to one unit for now!


I'm loving Mont'ka :wub:  But I'm going to be realistic here and guess that Kroot won't be given "T'AU EMPIRE" 

Excitement for T'AU Building!! :cool:   

I don't think Rampagers will be relevant outside of Hunting Pack, you'll loose out on a 5++ vs ranged, Lone Op strat and whatever of the 3 strats left are solely for mounted/krootox which there is a high probability of being a thing.


Without Hunting Instinct, their ability to tackle tough units (T7-11) drops off considerably. With Linebreaker and the Riders up top, they put 8 damage on average vs a 2+ save T7-11 target, for most tanks and monsters that's now below half unlocking +1 to wound which puts the krootox on 4s to wound, which when they get 24 hits on average (+1 to hit sustained 1), that's 12 wounds that need to be saved, that's 8 damage or against something with AoC, 4. Either way that's a dead tank. 


That goes outside of Hunting Pack, I doubt kroot or even mounted will get stratagem love in the other 4 detachments. They'll be a staple of Hunting Pack armies but not seem anywhere else, not with a shockingly bad 6+ save. 

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