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Been talking about this for a while now, apparently coming out Summer time.


Starting to hear whispers of the contents, apparently Death Company themed.


- New Upgrade Sprue

- Jump Assault Intercessors (Not sure how many)

- Brutalis Dreadnought

- New Lemartes Model


Of course this is just part of the refresh, bunch of new characters and units coming.


For anyone interested, made a video on it and other stuff





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Just now, Marshal Rohr said:

If they actually postpone Krieg they’re idiots. 


Thing with releases, most of it does get pushed back we just don't know, hopefully it is out this year. For me, it's not a matter of if now, it's just a matter of when. It will be awesome when it hits :)

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10 minutes ago, Chapter Master Valrak said:

- New Upgrade Sprue

- Jump Assault Intercessors (Not sure how many)

- Brutalis Dreadnought

- New Lemartes Model

I reckon 10 or 15 is a safe best for the number of Jump Assault Intercessors. Does this soft confirm that Death Company Marines/Intercessors will from now on be achieved via the upgrade sprue and the old dedicated kit will be retired?

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So it's a "Battleforce" with a single new model, much like the recently announced Orks and Custodes ones, rather than an "Army Set" with a Codex and multitude of new models like the Kroot or Darkoath boxes. 


Works for me because that, combined with this particular combo of models, makes it an easy skip. Will pick Lemartes up some time in the future.

Edited by Halandaar
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Kroot Box and Deathwing box were both £135. If this box is the following, I think it sounds like a great box:

  • Limited Ed. Codex: £20
  • Upgrade sprue x 2: £42
  • Lemartes (going off dante price): £27.50
  • Jump Pack Intercessors x2: £70
  • Brutalis: £47.50

Total £207 for £135 sounds great. 


All specualtion of course but just my preminary thoughts.

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20 minutes ago, ChapterMasterGodfrey said:

I reckon 10 or 15 is a safe best for the number of Jump Assault Intercessors. Does this soft confirm that Death Company Marines/Intercessors will from now on be achieved via the upgrade sprue and the old dedicated kit will be retired?

It seems very likely to me that the upgrade will have DC centric parts while anything sanguinary guard gets its own kit, mirroring the DA upgrade with its DW-Terminator parts and DW-knights being standalone.

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22 minutes ago, ChapterMasterGodfrey said:

Does this soft confirm that Death Company Marines/Intercessors will from now on be achieved via the upgrade sprue and the old dedicated kit will be retired?


Maybe not confirm, but it certainly seems increasingly likely. If DC lose their access to special melee weapons and pistols, I hope they will get a big price drop as they will be weaker than VanVets if the majority of the squad are just stuck with bolt pistol and chainsword. Van Vets get S5 and special pistols or a Storm Shield. Without wargear, DC are significantly weaker and a 6+++ does not compensate for that.

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12 minutes ago, Karhedron said:


Maybe not confirm, but it certainly seems increasingly likely. If DC lose their access to special melee weapons and pistols, I hope they will get a big price drop as they will be weaker than VanVets if the majority of the squad are just stuck with bolt pistol and chainsword. Van Vets get S5 and special pistols or a Storm Shield. Without wargear, DC are significantly weaker and a 6+++ does not compensate for that.

Yeah I agree coupleed with the fact DC (all flavours) got a nerf on the number of attacks they output.  Chainsword guys doing 6 attacks each would be a good start.

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46 minutes ago, Chapter Master Valrak said:


Thing with releases, most of it does get pushed back we just don't know, hopefully it is out this year. For me, it's not a matter of if now, it's just a matter of when. It will be awesome when it hits :)

Hopefully this year

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7 minutes ago, Xirix said:

Welp, time to buy some more Death Company before the box inevitably dissapears then.


Yup, anyone who wants Blood Angels parts for modelling would do well to stock up on DC and Assault Terminators now.

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2 hours ago, Chapter Master Valrak said:

- New Upgrade Sprue

- Jump Assault Intercessors (Not sure how many)

- Brutalis Dreadnought

- New Lemartes Model


The inclusion of a brutalis and a quick browse of the webstore had me thinking; What if the upgrade includes dreadnought parts?


Because this



Looks very similar to this


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Using their upgrade sprue to cover a lot of the Death Company eccentrics seems like the way to go. 


To be honest, 99% of the classic specialized Blood Angel kits are pretty well represented in terms of vibes. The Gladiator Reaper is very much an analogue for the Baal Predator in the same way the Brutalis is an analogue for a Furioso. If the upgrade sprue managed to fit a magna grapple and flamer sponsons/flamestorm cannon in it, I'd be pretty satisfied as a BA collector. 


The only clear cut "this needs a new kit ASAP" is Sanguinary Guard.

Edited by Wispy
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Since Dark Angels and Black Templars got the same treatment we are looking at:


2 Boxes

An Upgrade Sprue

Variable Number of Characters


The rumors right now are aligning with that, so I imagine Valrak will get word of a Death Company box soon. 

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20 minutes ago, Wispy said:

Using their upgrade sprue to cover a lot of the Death Company eccentrics seems like the way to go. 


To be honest, 99% of the classic specialized Blood Angel kits are pretty well represented in terms of vibes. The Gladiator Reaper is very much an analogue for the Baal Predator in the same way the Brutalis is an analogue for a Furioso. If the upgrade sprue managed to fit a magna grapple and flamer sponsons/flamestorm cannon in it, I'd be pretty satisfied as a BA collector. 


The only clear cut "this needs a new kit ASAP" is Sanguinary Guard.


Sanginor is looking a little dated too, tbh.

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44 minutes ago, Wispy said:

Using their upgrade sprue to cover a lot of the Death Company eccentrics seems like the way to go. 


To be honest, 99% of the classic specialized Blood Angel kits are pretty well represented in terms of vibes. The Gladiator Reaper is very much an analogue for the Baal Predator in the same way the Brutalis is an analogue for a Furioso. If the upgrade sprue managed to fit a magna grapple and flamer sponsons/flamestorm cannon in it, I'd be pretty satisfied as a BA collector. 


The only clear cut "this needs a new kit ASAP" is Sanguinary Guard.


I'd like to see another unit that's got a bespoke kit (DA got Knights and ICC, BT got Crusaders and Sword Bretheren), and as our second unit, I think I'd like something in the terminator slot as well (Since we are not going to get a BA bespoke assault terminator kit any time soon to replace our old assault terminator kit that was just drippy as hell).

I'm gonna guess that we get a specialist Dread though, considering how many we have, and I would hate to lose the Librarian Dread.

So our release would be (Versus their DA/BT Counterparts)

Sanguinor (The Lion)
Astorath (Grimaldus, Asmodai)

Lemartes (Helbrecht, Belial)

Sanguinary Priest (No DA alternate which surprises me, feels like Interrogator could've gone here, Castellan)

Sanguinary Guard (Sword Brothers, ICC)

Special Dread (Crusader Squad, DWKnights)

+Upgrade sprue (Hopefully closer to BT style Upgrade sprue than DA style, if I'm honest)

At least feels SORTA similar, without being cookie cutter.

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honestly wouldnt be sad if they just killed off lemartes, the current model is one of the best (amusing as his previous one was the worst lol), but he's really ready to be put to rest, tycho already is dead and whilst he remains one of my favourite BA characters, I wouldn't be too sad to see him dropped from the codex.

Personally id rather have astorath and a new priest than lemartes and one of those two.

Lemartes got a lot less interesting when he had to go into stasis IMO

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46 minutes ago, Rhavien said:

You mean something like my own conversion :biggrin:IMG_20231212_164343_edit_1885901229016390.thumb.jpg.db028f9010feb52329e9f5390a3a682d.jpg


Yours was definitely inspiration!!!

1 hour ago, Scribe said:

Oh and the obligatory primaris update, for a guy already insane and kept in stasis?




Doesn't have to be a Primaris. The Castellan for BT wasn't given the Primaris treatment (At least at release), so it's not unprecedented.

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48 minutes ago, Blindhamster said:

honestly wouldnt be sad if they just killed off lemartes, the current model is one of the best (amusing as his previous one was the worst lol), but he's really ready to be put to rest, tycho already is dead and whilst he remains one of my favourite BA characters, I wouldn't be too sad to see him dropped from the codex.

Personally id rather have astorath and a new priest than lemartes and one of those two.

Lemartes got a lot less interesting when he had to go into stasis IMO

According to the vid you'll get all three :biggrin:

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2 minutes ago, DemonGSides said:

Doesn't have to be a Primaris. The Castellan for BT wasn't given the Primaris treatment (At least at release), so it's not unprecedented.


lol come now. While technically correct, its the Primaris show, this is known.

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