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14 minutes ago, jaxom said:

Interesting that there’s no unique non-character unit. Maybe no updated Sanguinary Guard?


Inner Circle Companions didn't come in the DA army box, so we've still got hope for them.

Considering the absolute abundance of Sanguinary Guard rumors, I think we'll still see them.

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57 minutes ago, DemonGSides said:


Inner Circle Companions didn't come in the DA army box, so we've still got hope for them.

Considering the absolute abundance of Sanguinary Guard rumors, I think we'll still see them.

I was thinking Inner Circle Knights as they’re another pre-existing unit.

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4 hours ago, Casual Heresy said:

If the content rumour pans out I'll be quite happy. I was planning to get 2 to kick start my new Blood Angels force. I want it to be a classic force of predominantly Jump Pack and Chainsword weilding maniacs so more is always good. Plus I'm okay with an extra Lemartes and Astorath to base some epic kitbash characters on.

‘Classic’ force not so much.

thats a much more modern way to build a BA force.

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2 minutes ago, Inquisitor_Lensoven said:

Old dreads are out of the codexes, we’ve already seen it in the main dex. 

Brutalis is the furioso, just like the reaper is the Baal.


"Dreadnought" is a Codex: Space Marines entry, that's why I think they'll survive through 10th, but gone in 11th.

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4 hours ago, jaxom said:

Interesting that there’s no unique non-character unit. Maybe no updated Sanguinary Guard?

Sanguinary Guard is rumoured to be coming with this refresh. 

losing their wings but getting a jump pack similar to the new Dante and reduced to a unit of 3-6 similar to Bladeguard/Inner Circle companions


so i expect a full overhaul of their rules entirely

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9 hours ago, Inquisitor_Lensoven said:

‘Classic’ force not so much.

thats a much more modern way to build a BA force.

You’re of course welcome to disagree, but it’s chainswords, jump packs and highly artifices wargear that spring to mind when some one says Blood Angels. I’ll be leaning into close assault aspects of them that have been prominent since assault squads could be troops and deep striking land raiders were dedicated transports. 

Now back on topic: as this box is supposed to be primarily death company themed I’m curious if there will be Death Company specific bits and shoulder pads on the new upgrade sprue or if it’s a case of build a pretty Blood Angel and paint him black again. I am very much hoping for the former but expecting the latter.

Hopefully there will be a few heads with flowing locks and bared fangs at least. 

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I'm going to wait and see what the character sculpts look like, I don't need any more Assault intercessors and while I could use another set of Jump assault I'm not excited by them and I already have a Brutalis so it really depends if the upgrade sprue inspires me to make more of the basic troops or if there is an interesting death company build with it.

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1 hour ago, Cleon said:

I'm going to wait and see what the character sculpts look like, I don't need any more Assault intercessors and while I could use another set of Jump assault I'm not excited by them and I already have a Brutalis so it really depends if the upgrade sprue inspires me to make more of the basic troops or if there is an interesting death company build with it.

My stance on this is, the upgrade sprue should by all accounts upgrade everything in the box into DC variants. 

similar to the Deathwing assault box, every battle force we’ve had so far has been themed to a specific sub section of its respective army 




Dark Angels > Deathwing Terminators

Tau > Kroot 

Blood Angels > Death Company 


it stands to reason following this trend, Brutalis should have a DC upgrade and both the troops should be Death Company Intercessors and Death Company Intercessors with Jump Packs


With your 2 characters, Lemartes and Astaroth

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7 minutes ago, Alternis said:

My stance on this is, the upgrade sprue should by all accounts upgrade everything in the box into DC variants. 

similar to the Deathwing assault box, every battle force we’ve had so far has been themed to a specific sub section of its respective army 




Dark Angels > Deathwing Terminators

Tau > Kroot 

Blood Angels > Death Company 


it stands to reason following this trend, Brutalis should have a DC upgrade and both the troops should be Death Company Intercessors and Death Company Intercessors with Jump Packs


With your 2 characters, Lemartes and Astaroth

Yet the Dark Angel upgrade sprue has plenty of non-Deathwing upgrades. So it may upgrade what you’ve said, but have a wider application as well.


Personally, I feel like those who fear a “Death Company focused” upgrade sprue may be pleasantly surprised. The firstborn Death Company sprues have a lot of beautiful stuff you can use on other blood angels, it’s not all just saltires.

Edited by LameBeard
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2 minutes ago, Robbienw said:

1 sprue is never enough.

Sprues for the sprue god! Bits for the bits throne!


Based on the DA sprue, we can safely assume there will be 5x each of normal, Phobos, nuTerminator and heavy intercessor pads and 3 each of aggressor/inceptor and bladeguard. As to what the rest will be is anyone’s guess. But it will be less bling than we hope for. Fingers crossed there is more than we fear though. 

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My hope is that the pads do not have sculpted crosses, ideally covering a couple of variations of the chapter symbol and covering assault intercessor style pads.


weapon wise, I’d hope for a few melee weapon options, and ideally a set of sculpted muscle legs and torso. I’d also love to see a variety of bare heads with at least one having mephiston length hair. Despite me not wanting a heavy death company focus, I’d quite like to see some bare heads that are full vampire snarling with fangs.

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DC were the Blood Angels' first unique unit way back in 1st edition so I expect strong representation on the sprue as a given. However, like the DAs, I am expecting there will be plenty of other stuff. Here is some of what I expect to see.

  • Handful of ornate melee weapons
  • Muscle armour to bling out a Captain. 
  • A custom shooting weapon of some sort (Heavy flamer for Primaris maybe?)
  • A few Death Masks
  • A Grail
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