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4 minutes ago, Triszin said:

Votann miss the mark by a mile.


They're supposed to look like Hernkyn on foot.

They look like Hernkyn on foot.

Job well done imo.


2 minutes ago, Tokugawa said:

New cadian kits + new GSC heads?


Looks like an upgrade sprue tbh.

If it was a bespoke kit, I doubt the guns would still have Aquila's on them

Edited by Indy Techwisp

Glad for GSC Brood Brother Guardsman in Killteam. I could definitely see myself playing a Killteam of these guys as I've no inclination of playing a full army but still love GSC lore and models 

A thought:

Could this team be a test-run for the return of Commanders to KillTeam?


KT18 had them, but the rules were all over the place.


On a different thought:

Not a single army has exited "compendium only" (or graduated to even having a team) in all of Season 3 so far.

It's all been teams for factions who already have bespoke teams.


So with one kit left to go and a potential extra Ashes-of-Faith style "bonus box" to go before the assumed next edition of KT arrives, TSons, Mechanicus and Harlequins are White Dwarf only, Death Guard, Chaos Daemons, Custodes, Tyranids and Grey Knights are Compendium only and World Eaters, Imperial Knights and Chaos Knights don't have a KillTeam at all (there's been enough speculation about what a "Knights" KT would look like anyway...)


That's quite a lot of factions who are still waiting for their update.

Hopefully they do actually get teams before KT24 obliterates whatever balance KT has...

I assume this is going to replace the previous GSC upgrade sprue I'm a bit disappointed we don't see more gasmask heads. I like the new kit, but one has to wonder if such an effect could of been had by combining the Cadians kit with leftover Neophyte Hybrid bits.


I find the inclusion of the Cult command pretty odd. I assume it'll be similar to the Traitor Guard team, where the  command choices cost you in bodies.


The Votann guys are fine. I'm not a dward guy but they have some fun sculpts here. The robot wearing a jacket is great

Edited by sitnam

Having got myself all the models for the WD Wyrmblade cult team but yet to have painted them or the Votann from ITD, I was a little disappointed to see the two factions come round, certainly the Votann feels a bit soon when there are other factions that could have got a full release.


On the other hand, I love them both! 


The Brood Brothers take me back to hybrids having Imperial Guard arms and weapons and I think they so deserve a wider release outside of a Kill Team box. Because I'm sure you'd want more than 10 in a 40k force. 


Is this just me though?



Coats open - looks great! I love these guys!

Coats close - looks weird

Overall I like them but the Ironkin with the shotgun is certainly the best looking of the bunch, sniper and team leader are great too. 

Brood Brother look good too, the colour scheme really works on the new Cadians, I'd agree with others that there is a lack of gas masks.

Love the dwarves in trenchcoats. Funnily enough, I tried homebrewing rules for a Patriarch for a narrative campaign a while back, although I never got it to feel quite right.


I don't know how I feel about the idea of Commanders as a whole coming back - the Patriarch makes sense to me flavor-wise, but I don't know that, say, a space marine captain would add much to the game.

9 minutes ago, grailkeeper said:

Are the brood brothers just an upgrade sprue for Cadians, or new models which could be converted into loyal sons of Cadia?


They're an upgrade sprue similar to the old upgrade sprue GSC have for Guardsmen. It's got some extra guns and arms etc for Killteam though

Pretty much every GSC player already has the brood coven leaders and these are two of the less popular factions. I don't think demand will be very high for this box on the secondary market... Not entirely sure how I'm supposed to get the brood brothers kill team now? I want the kill team but don't want another set of the brood coven. It feels like wasted plastic when a lot of the target audience of the product, already has a significant portion of the product. Conceptually the kill team is fine, but in practice it's an awkward sales proposition, should have just given us new stuff. 

5 hours ago, Indy Techwisp said:

A thought:

Could this team be a test-run for the return of Commanders to KillTeam?


The Space Marine Heroes team had a Captain in it - so there's definitely some precedent already for proper HQ-type models in kill teams. 

The Necron Kill Team also had a Cryptek in it as their leader, come to think of it.


So... maybe? :sweat:

At first I was surprised at them including a whole Broodcoven, but then I remembered there's probably a warehouse full of them gathering dust from people picking it up for pennies after the Custodes vs GSC box the other year. Between that and three varieties of Cultist kits in Ashes of Faith, I wonder if the KT devs get a memorandum to make certain, unpopular kits move. 


I do kind of wish the Brood Brother upgrades went further, but that might be because I stared at my Blooded too long and see a fair bit of overlap with the 'other Traitor Guard team'.


The Rangers Yaegirs (NO I DON'T WANT THAT) look quite okay, although I wish they'd have less 'yelling faces' on Votann as they always look kind of weird, but that's a nitpick on my part. Those man-buns are definitely getting the snip. What are they, elves? Pah. Overall I think they're... fine. They are just Pioneers On Foot, which is a brief they clearly stuck to. Hopefully we get an option to give them all shotties, as I'm not big on the handgun/knife pose they seem overly fond of with Votann kits.


Edited by Lord Marshal
1 hour ago, Castellan Wulfrik said:

It feels like wasted plastic when a lot of the target audience of the product, already has a significant portion of the product. 


Aside from the fact that this logic only works if you presume that the "target audience" for a Kill Team supplement is in fact 40K army collectors rather than people who want to play Kill Team, you could make this argument about basically any bundle release at all.


Why would I buy the new CSM battleforce, I already have terminators and legionaries? Why would I buy the other one? I already have cultists and a Daemon Prince. Why would I buy the new Cities of Sigmar Spearhead box when I already have Steelhelms and Cavaliers? Why would I buy anything when I already have one or more of the things in it? Etc


The inclusion of the Broodcoven isn't going to push the price of the box up relative to Nightmare and Salvation, so it's just extra value. Even if you personally don't want/need them, just sell them; NOS Broodcovens have gone for £30 apiece in the last month on eBay, so even after fees you're making back nearly a third of the cost of the box. There's demand for the Patriarch model from Tyranid players too because it's a superior model to the Broodlord GW sells as a standalone mini in that range.







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