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Supposed info leaks from GW

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I saw this in Hashi's Twitter account (here) and I found this quite strange. This is from 4chan, and are supposed information leaks from GW, via an anonymous source, about the recent and quite surprising movements in AoS. Also there are some extra informations about other ranges, their actual performance and they future. 


My personal opinion? Some of this "leaks" seems quite reasonable, or even more, but a others are between inexact data, wishlist, pure fantasy with no base at all and, even, malicious misinformation. Grey Knights been not an army, just "universal ally option"? Harlequins gone for good? "Wotcification of GW"? Kiskev not coming for WHToW because Ukraine-Russia war? Not remaking Chaos Dwarfs because are "too semitic"? More ranges discontinued totally or partially?


Not sure of this. I just leave this here for your consideration. Link



Edited by Agramar_The_Luna_Wolf
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Yeah the amount of bogus stuff on there makes me dismiss it out of hand. 


Legions Imperialis selling very badly... I mean it sold so well it was almost unavailable for everyone for the past 3 months. The usual "leaks are by the PR team" has been rehashed for what, 10 years now? 


The rest of this stuff seems the usual twitter'esque opinion projecting framed as "this is what the higherups are thinking". 


Edit: to be sure: not intended to be snide at you @Agramar_The_Luna_Wolf, you're just passing the rumours along. Just my take on the veracity of the original rumor creator. 

Edited by Matcap86
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Absolute bunk mixed with their personal observations and long standing rumours, as with all 4Chan leaks :biggrin:


All Resin is disappearing... but they're putting out new ToW, 30k, LI, MESBG models in resin. There's a UK tax introduced in 2022 for plastic packaging but nothing to do with the product itself or even resin

Tomb Kings are why ToW is underperforming but they're also selling better than Brettonia whereas Brettonia has been sold out from Day 1 on recently coming back into stock

ToW and LI are underperforming but they've been out of stock nearly the entire time

Leaks are GW PR? That goes against the entire point of the WHC site as their advertising wing as something you check daily and look at/are enticed by other systems or miniatures. Yesterday's Skaven leak was literally someone who got a Skaven sprue in their Kratos tank, it has their packing slip in the background :laugh:

Chaos Dwarves have been said to be coming from a AoS leaker with a better record than Valrak (Whitefang), I trust that more than random 4chan posters

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Appreciate the share as above, but this doesn't look plausible and outright contradicts itself in numerous places (e.g. TOW underperforming because of lack of 'big villain draw', yet TK sell far better than Brets), as well as contradicting extremely reliable rumours from well-attested sources (e.g. 'Chaos Dwarfs not happening')

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Some of it could be true but I am skeptical.


Grey Knights becoming an ally force does kind of make sense. It's a small range with very limited thematic options. I would not take this direction, however.


In my opinion the Grey Knights and Drathwatch both belong in an Inquisition codex. The armies could be cleaned up, streamlined, and consolidated into a big book that allows you to field a thematic Inquisition war host.

I think the Deathwatch feel kind of awkward in game, and the way they function keeps being modified.


In a perfect world both would be fleshed out more, and updated with a Primaris range, but I don't think this is likely to happen.

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I'm highly doubtful of Harlequins disappearing as they seem perfectly primed for detachment rules. I also think some of the others are vague guesses that have been extrapolated from other things.


Only thing I find really truthful is that GW would be tightening their belts, because that's what big businesses try to do anyway, minimise outgoings to generate more profit for themselves.


Also that last comment seems like it was bundled in with the other stuff for some reason.

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In my dictionary 4Chan = lie. Mixing of real and fake information is much more toxic than 100% fake, since more deceptive. "Wotc -ize" is especially crazy. Do the writer of this know how big the loss Hasbro had in last financial year?

Edited by Tokugawa
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Thanks for posting.


Reading it, there are strange comments I think:


• The Old World undersold due to a lack of villains as Tomb Kings don't do it.


Yet it's sold out everywhere and the rumour goes on to say the Tomb Kings sold well? Huh.


• Legions Imperialis massively underperformed? It's sold out everywhere! How?


• I thought Underworld was selling well? Apparently not eh.


I think Space Marines will see cuts further. Easy prediction. Death Guard cutting? What and why, I'm not sure it's true.

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Death Guard, Admech & Genestealer Cults losing units? Three of the newer, all plastic armies?
They only have 32 and 22 units each respectively. 12 of the Death Guard units are duplicates from Chaos Space Marines (Defiler, Predators, etc.)
Admech only have 30 units as well. What would you even cut from them??

Edited by AutumnEffect
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I was an avid Warhammer fantasy gamer from early on. 


But the thing that's returned is like frankensteins monster:laugh:


and I can totally see, that a mish mash of rules from various eds,


then a mish mash of models from various ed, 


then a mix of resin plastic and metal on top


Will put some people off and some people from returning as well.

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46 minutes ago, AutumnEffect said:

12 of the Death Guard units are duplicates from Chaos Space Marines (Defiler, Predators, etc.)


Maybe it's those older CSM kits that will be getting retired (if any at all)?

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Informed gossip through a game of telephone. GW turning 40K into Magic the Gathering (of models) has been clear for a long time. Legiones doing poorly sounds like normal main studio, anti Forge World inter organizational crap talking. This will turn out to be one of those rumor sets where two or three things are true and it’s none of the dramatic ones. Also, lol at “Shareholders and US consultants” as if GW has ever given even a single [redacted] about what US teenagers find cool. 

Edited by Marshal Rohr
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20 minutes ago, Xenith said:


Maybe it's those older CSM kits that will be getting retired (if any at all)?


I could see that, totally, but phrasing it as 'Death Guard' losing units would be really bizarre imo.

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The base and layers being replaced by contrasts is a big eyebrow raiser for me, and just reeks of nonsense.


1 hour ago, AutumnEffect said:

Death Guard, Admech & Genestealer Cults losing units? Three of the newer, all plastic armies?

I could almost see GSC losing stuff, as they are likely one of the least popular new army (though I think the number of kitbashes based off GSC if very high). But Death Guard is ridiculous 

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I could see Ad Mech losing the weirder techpriests, GSC losing the 3 Character box, and Death Guard losing anything that hasn’t been available outside of a combined sprue. That would match up with the Wotcification. 

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The only units Death Guard might lose would be those that came with the Dark Imperium set and don't have stand alone releases? Isn't it just the guy with the bell on his back?


As for AdMech, why and what would they lose? They only have a few kits, all of them have stand alone releases and all have importance to the range.

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3 minutes ago, Orange Knight said:

The only units Death Guard might lose would be those that came with the Dark Imperium set and don't have stand alone releases? Isn't it just the guy with the bell on his back?


Noxious Blightbringer (guy with bell on the back) is in a 3 character pack with the Malignant Plaguecaster (only way for most to get this model as well) and the plague marine champion. So I don't think that is going.


Doubt the leak is real, but if DG was to lose anything hopefully it's the main chaos dex port overs that GW refuses to make new models for.

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3 minutes ago, sitnam said:

The box that is the sole source of the Patriarch and the Primus, two primary characters for the whole faction?

Maybe the leak is 50% correct, the old ones are going away but there are new ones next edition. 

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Thanks, I didn't realise you could still buy him. 


That makes me think the information is false.


If GW are keen on having players collecting multiple armies, gutting the smaller ranges isn't the way to do that.

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10 minutes ago, Sword Brother Adelard said:

"GW don't like it when employees leave and go on social media to talk about their employment openly."


Well, duh?

Especially because Peachy, Louise, and Rob have all said “there is a manager in marketing that is super toxic” and that person still works there. 

Edited by Marshal Rohr
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