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The Unofficial Alpha Legionaire's Tactical Primer


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HQs: Since your whole army will have infiltrate, it "MAY" (i'm not saying you have to) try and have a power house daemon prince...then again it might cost 20% of your armies points but once again if you deploy him/her in front of a ..... say space marine tactical squad, you are bound to kill alot of them......I tested this on one of my friend's armies , Dark templars and i cracked open his "crusaider" ,predator and a squad of tactical marines..
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As modelling tips are within the purview of this topic, I've got a question for those of you who field large squads of cultists: Which models do you use?


In my opinion, Steel Legion models would make brilliant cultists but there are very few that have a pistol/ccw configuration. There are a few other models that I can think of that would also make great cultist figures... but when I total up the cost to even make one squad of 20 it makes my head (and wallet) hurt.


Any tips that you experienced Alpha Legionnaires have would be most helpful.

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it aint built in but it costs 1 point a model. and does not count towards maximum number of vet skills.


my haves have :4meltas. 1 bolter. MOCU infultrate, and Tank Hunters.



set up so close to a land raider or other heavey tanks this can earn it points back so very early in the game (note dont set up 18 away from a bezerker tank lol. i did this and failed to kill any one inside the rhino because i was in 12 inches of the squad i got asulted pretty quicky )


i am hoping to get another squad with 4 heavy bolters to slay lesser armoured unit.




i use as many scaly bitz i can find mosts DELVES and GOBLINS my lord has a converted back pack from salamanders chaplain




i was considering making a deamonic steed for a new lord out of the DELF hydra thing , havent got round to it.



i have been playing alpha legion since the new chaos codex was released and will be posting frequently on this topics

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Right now Im in the process of actually making my models for the AL (instead of my proxies). At the present time I have been using raptors with 2 flamers. My question is for an assaulty raptor unit would it be a good idea to model the 2 flamers or a flamer and a melta gun just so that they are a little more versitile. Keep in mind I use them for assaults, the unit is 7 strong with a mean Champ leading them.


Also while on the subject what do you all equip your champs with? My standard is either pf, spikes, mutation or pw, str, mutation, spikes. Theya re excpensive but very deadly.

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Hi all, Im new here, glad to have finally found an Alpha Legion forum area! (I've searched along time. To find one)


I started playing Alpha Legion about 6 months ago, I too choose Alpha Legion for their obscurity and their fluff (I love the mysteriousness and deception). This is my current list (which has been retweaked a few times) I present....



Demon Prince

(Dread Axe, Demonic Stature, Flight, Essence, Armour, Furious Charge, Spiky Bitz, ccw) MoU (Mark of Undivided), Teleport Homer).


10 Chaos Marines (Autocannon, Plasma,MoU)

10 Chaos Marines (H.Bolter, Plasma, MoU)

20 Cultists (Assassins, champ, MoU)

20 Cultists (Scouts, champ, MoU)


7 Raptors (champ w/pf,infiltrate, furious charge, MoU)


6 Havocs (2xlascannon,1xmissile, infiltrate, MoU)


5 Terminators (2xpf, 1xchainf, 1xReaper, 2x pw, 1x combi-flamer, Icon of Undivided)



Ive had great success with the Alpha Legion, and my enemies have learned to respect Cultists. You gotta love the amount of pistol shots and close combat attacks that Cultists can put out (20 Assassins on the charge can potentially make 60 S4 attacks!). Also, the Icon of Undivided is great, my Terminators advance amoungst mobs of fearless Cultists to slay the enemy.


Infiltrating Havocs (for flank shots on armour) and Raptors (better cover & assault positions).

The Demon Prince is the shock unit/character killer. Only downside is he draws alot of attention.


The Termies have been a mixed bag, they make the Cultists fearless with the Icon, but often dont make up their points cost as they cannot pursue. On the plus side, I have only lost them once in the dozen or so games I have played with them.

I am thinking of adding some demons to the mix just for something new.


Infiltrate is one of the ALs greatest strengths, but with the new Alpha/Gamma/Omega rules, you cannot count on it to win battles for you. As a result, I don't give my tactical Chaos Marines infiltrate as they dont really need it, they're there for shooting and are better behind the Cultists.


Modelling: For my Cultists I used WHFB Chaos Marauders as the base model. I used an assortment of bitz to make them look more 40K-ish. Assassins have chainswords, scouts have knives/axes/swords (more stealthy), assorted autopistol/laspistol sprues, some Catachan heads, some Marauder heads, a couple helmeted Cadian heads, White Wolf (WHFB Empire knights) heads. lots of grenades, ammo pouches/belts. I think they look pretty good! Dont have a cam tho (sorry). Picture a motley group of hive gangers, deserted Guardsmen, feral hunters, etc.


My marines all have the metal Alpha Legion shoulder pad and some have their bolters fitted with bayonets (as per WD276-pg55)- good for taking out sentries quietly ;)


I'd love to hear about any other cool Alpha Legion armies. What else to you guys use?



~Serpent Company~

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You misread what I wrote. I give my Havocs and Raptors infiltrate, but not my shooty marine squads. I use these squads as my decoy units, they are armed with long ranged weapons and bolters, on most maps they are already within range. In their case I dont want to get too close and have my shooty squads assaulted.


They will deploy in an area of the board while my real intention is to stack the other end with my infiltrating units (cover which my opponent has ignored).


Infiltrate is good but you cant rely on it to win battles for you. Some missions will not allow infiltrate. When I utilize assault squads (close combat or melta/flamer oriented) I give them infiltrate as I want them to get in close. Consider that in say a mission without infiltrate and you've got 50+ models with infiltrate. Well thats 50+pts you've already lost...


On Havocs its great! One battle I infiltrated them and a Cultist squad on a flank in a Take & Hold. They dusted two WE Rhinos and a Pred before withdrawing towards the objective. Infiltrating flank shots are great! I just might add another Havoc squad with autocannons.


Any thoughts on da Terminators?


Also, what size Chaos Marine Squads do you use? Most people use 8 (in specific god armies) but in Undivided armies I think the points you save it's worth having 9-10 Marines per squad. You can take a couple casualties and still be in good fighting shape.



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I have run into some problems at the store I play at. Everyone is afraid to play my AL. I pretty much won a game against some Tau tonight with my chosen (flight and talons) and my raptors. So how do you think I should go about changing my list so it dosent scare my opponents. You can see my army list on the first page of the thread, the only changes ive made is I have a Lt with LCs and a unit of chosen as body guard. I have also droped the missile havoc squad.
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Thats the great thing about playing larger armies of Chaos Marines is you can afford to have that extra tricked out unit. Most games I play in are 1500, hard to fit the extra goodies in.


I don't understand your abbreviations (Im new here) what are the LCs with your Chaos Lieutenant? Lascannons?


Tell me more about this Chosen squad with Talons and Flight... are they all Chosen Aspiring Champions? What does this unit cost? How big?



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An Alpha legion thread!


Woo Woo!


I play Tau and Orks, and was looking into starting AL as nobody seems to play them in my area.


While talking about tactics, I was wondering if it wouldn't be better to have a few units not have infiltrating. Why, because with my Kroot or Kommando's I get to infiltrate also. This would allow me to try to "herd" the enemy's infiltraters into a area I would prefer (like father away).

With only two units each for my Tau and Orks, they would be a problem I suspect.


Has anyone had this occur to them on setup?

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Wow, thats one expensive unit!

I wouldn't have a probelm playing that list, Raptors and other elite jump infantry are tough but certainly not invincible. Plasmas, artillery or a well placed battle cannon round could deal with that.


Im surprised the Tau suffered so badly, they're one of the shootiest out there. Although they're like a wet paper bag when faced with assault...


Im adding a unit of Bloodletters to my bag of tricks.


Heres a question for you all, Do Demons summoned by Undivided units still benefit from having the Sacred Number? (Eg 8 Bloodletters summoned by Cultists get +1 to summoning rolls)



~Serpent Company~

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HI fellow AL players.


I play chaos clowns DIY using alpha legion rules


My two HQ usually set up as lts, one (Horrabin) is sorceror with gift of chaos, furious charge, demon st. power weapon, demonic visage, infiltrate, frag, ccw, spiky bits etc. - the other is not a sorceror but is equipped similarly (the Tamer) - they point out to just over 100 pts each (sorcerors 130+) Tamer has up to four chaos hounds modeled as lions to help eat up extra points


my troops all infiltrate and are:



two cultist units - Lts usually travel with these units:


Mimes - made with frateris militia, silencers on all guns, assassins, mocu, meltabombs, icon (missionary conversion) - aspiring champ has a power weapon and demon strength


Freaks - assorted models from the blood bowl chaos mutuant range, chaos dwarves, necromunda, and fantasy conversions - same load out



two shooty units - one in rhino (ex arm, smoke) in case I don't get to infiltrate


Numbskulls - 9Xbolter, aspiring champ with pweapon and dstrength


Buff-foons (Horn Section) - 7 X bolter, 2 X Plasma gun, aspiring champ with pwep and demon strength


two assaulty units


Mardi-gras Boys - 7 cc/bp, 2 meltas, asp with pfist


Rowdies - 7 cc/bp, 2 flamers, asp with pfist



thats the always bring - to round out I have the following:


For fast attack I have raptors (Flying Rearendas)- up to ten, modeled with two meltas, 1 flamer, 1 pfist


FOr elite up to three oblits (Butchers)



For heavy


Defiler (the Big Top)


Dread shooty (Beau Zeau the clown)


Dread CCW (Gacy)


and Havocs 4X ML with TH, inf. up to 8 total - (the Jugglers)



havocs and dreads usually pull their weight


raptors can usually take out their first target but since I only bring 5-6 they don't have much staying power - especially if the get engaged in CCW


having a nice mix of weapons allows the troops to take out literally anything - being able to set up after the enemy is worth about 300 points in my opinion, for which we don't even pay a fraction

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Heres a question for you all, Do Demons summoned by Undivided units still benefit from having the Sacred Number? (Eg 8 Bloodletters summoned by Cultists get +1 to summoning rolls)


They do not gain the +1, this only applies to the World Eaters, Death Guard, Emperors Children and (my favourite)Thousand Sons.

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one thing i find with AL armies is that they have a lot of troops, more than average. i planned one for when i have spare cash and at 1500 points i was out-numbering my housemates IG army. i really like the idea of leaving everything flexable and decentralised. i also like that idea of deploying all 80 troops after your opponent has deployed his entire force ^_^
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Oi, my Alphas got killed by an Ulthwé army on the weekend!

It was a nasty army: 2 WraithLords, Avatar, D-Cannon battery, Farseer Council, Banshees, lots of foot Eldar.


Unfortunately he used the Mind-War pskyer power to single out and kill my Icon Bearers, thus my Demons never made it to the table. Demon Prince and Terminators got D-Cannoned to death. It pretty much sucked.


Any suggestions on how to fight such a monstrosity?


Also where do you keep your Icons in your Cultist squads? I have my Cult Champions carrying the Icons but do you keep them up front or towards the back?



~Serpent Company~

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