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The Unofficial Alpha Legionaire's Tactical Primer


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i havent posted here in a while,


you really cant not give the alpha legion culists melta bombs, they are just to good to be tru, move through cover as well is good especially if it means

that they can get to hidden tanks quicker

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I never bother with melta bombs on my Cultists. They simply die too fast to make it worth while and being on foot can easily be left in the dust.

Consider your average cultist is T3 with a +6 (might as well not even exist) armour save.


A unit of 20 with melta bombs, MoCU and a champion will run close to 200pts.


While I love my Cultists, they're simply too weak to make a major offensive move on their own and survive. Templates and rapid fire weapons will cut through them like wet toilet paper. What they do well however if act as a good defensive platform for summoning demons without exposing your Alpha Legionnaires to undue danger as well as a good stop sign unit for slowing down enemy units to be counter assaulted. They are fun to use since theres so many of them.


But some AL generals are of the opinion that demons are of questionable value in an Alpha Legion force...it's up to personal preference I guess. With the way I roll summoning rolls Im really losing faith in demons.

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Hey folks!


I'v been sitting around thinking about what to do with my IW army I have had lying around since the new codex came out. And I thought why not repaint it and do something cool with it. I think this is a pretty effectiv army that will be fun to play with and hopefully against. I'm thinking about changing the 2 Lt's for a Lord and some champs with gear. But right now I think the Lt's would work very well. The general idea is to have them skipp around in the Cultist units providing Ld10 with re-roles fore panic tests from shooting. And then speed out on there own. Also hiding them 12" away from the enamy and then charging them on turn 1 to keep shooting units tied up would also be a good use for them! One question only can I summon the deamons from there Icons? Would help out alot! Also I opted for some deamonetts since 6 of them can really turn the tide in a game by taking out veachels or putting the hurting on a marine squad.


To round the army off I included 2 Havoc squads that should provide some range suport, mostly anti-tank stuff. And a Chosen squad totting a Power Fist Champ and 3 Plasma Guns to add a multi-task unit that can help out where it is needed.


What do you guys think? Is it worth the effort to take time out of my whfb painting to do this army, and would you have fun playing against it?



1 Chaos Lieutenant, MoCU, Infiltrate, Pair of Lightning Claws, Frag, Melta-Bombs, Spiky Bits, Personal Icon, Daemonic: Strength, Mutation, Speed. 151 Pts


1 Chaos Lieutenant, MoCU, Infiltrate, Pair of Lightning Claws, Frag, Melta-Bombs, Spiky Bits, Personal Icon, Daemonic: Strength, Mutation, Speed. 151 Pts



9(8) Chosen, MoCU, Infiltrate, Icon of Chaos Undivided, 3 Plasma Guns. 252 Pts

1 Aspiring Champion, Power Fist, Bolt Pistol, Bionics, Daemonic Visage.



20(19) Chaos Cultists, MoCU, Icon, Assasins. 155 Pts

1 Cult Champion, Power Weapon


20(19) Chaos Cultists, MoCU, Icon, Assasins. 155 Pts

1 Cult Champion, Power Weapon


18 Chaos Cultists, MoCU, Icon, Assasins. 126 Pts


6 Daemonette. 90 Pts


6 Daemonette. 90 Pts


6 Daemonette. 90 Pts



8 Chaos Havocs, MoCU, Infiltrate, Tank Hunters, 4 Autocannon. 232 Pts


8 Chaos Havocs, MoCU, Infiltrate, 4 Missile Launchers. 208 Pts


Models in Army: 103

Total Army Cost: 1700


/Johan R

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You can only summon deamons off of the icons in the cultist units, that's it


otherwise the list is interesting, sort of a infiltrating cultist/daemon bomb army. Personally I like to seem some more marines , cultist are hardly durible, and damons are fickle creatures

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I really like the deamons and cultists. Without them this is just another CSM list :D


And since my chosen is totting the bound deamons banner my cultists would be fearless when within 6" iirc.


Lets see, dropping the icons, bionics of the PF champ and visage I can include a cult champ with PW in the last squad also :D

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Cultists need cover to survive, Marines not as much. Demons are unreliable.


I don't really see the point in Chosen Marines, they're really expensive and for what? I would drop the Icon of Undivided (since you cant summon demons from it-read the Alpha Legion page carefully "Only Cultist Icons may summon demons, no other Icons may be taken") and add another Aspiring Champion to the Chosen unit, prehaps one with a power weapon & d.strength.


Those twin Lts. are pretty deadly, they'll do some serious damage.


Alpha Legion are a really fun list! Especially under V4 rules, with 2/3rds of the missions having infiltrate, you get to deploy last and can really swamp one flank of your opponents army (or easily encircle parts or even the whole army!). Hordes of Cultists can really make opposing players panic. Despite the fact the list is assaulty, you must pick your fights. Sometimes it pays off to infiltrate into some heavy cover on one flank, shoot it out and then counter assault. Send in the Cultists first, then commit your assaulty units while the enemy is engaged w/them.


I would shave down that smaller 3rd unit of Cultists, make them Scouts and give them melta bombs. They could easily scout out tanks (maybe make it a unit of 14-15).

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Count me in, I'm a new Alpha-Legion player, converted from Khorne the day after one of my infiltrated squads mauled a guard squad in one turn. (not impressive but damn fun). I reckon I'm gonna just rip the heads off the 'zerkers i got and swap regular ones on. Anyways, for painting, what ive seen on forums and stuff, they look very blue. In the codex and collectors guide, they are almost black. So i was thinking of sprayed black undercoat with green ink and silver. No blue as the ones in the books don't look blue at all. What do you think?
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I recon it would look quite good factionman. However the alpha legion is sort of blue (ultramarines or regal or midnight from the armies that i've seen) however it doesn't matter how u paint em, their alpha legion, its all about disguises too so you can have them in blood angels colours or some other colour scheme as long as you still have our most beautiful symbol on your shoulder pads !
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I fiddled around with almost every colour scheme with my AL. The green ink will give them a Dark Angels colour to them. Have you considered dry brushing a green colour onto the armour? I used the goblin green and really like it, camo might work good too.


Gotta spring for the metal shouldpads tho, they're awesome.

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Are they worth it?! Have you seen a well painted metal Alpha Legion shoulder pad w/ the striking Hyrda head? Im confident in saying they're the best of any chaos marine army.

The decals suck in comparison.


Play around with the colours, but I think the green ink wont work. If you want the blue-green blend but want it to be darker, use a dark blue (regal or midnight) and then black ink it, then give it the green highlights (or green ink over the blue.)


Experimentation is key to finding the colour you want...


good luck

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Have you got any pictures of a "shoulder Pads" army? I will think about it.

I had a good idea for an interesting unit.

Possessed chaos marines. I know that doesn't sound too good as Alpha Legionaires shouldn't be possessed but reading the single page in the codex, Alpha Legion puts great pride in it's field commanders. I thought of making a ragtag bunch of aging commanders and using the possessed rules. Each model in thesquad woulf have a different conversion, sporting trophies from the different campaigns they have fought in. Deamonic Visage would be the upgrade, showing how much they are feared by others for their strength and presence. Then the problem: "may not have any veteren skills".

Is it possible to ignore this in Alpha Legion as the rules say infiltrate can be given to any model in power armour or deamon armour. If this is right I'm definitely making the squad, if not they'll just have to ride in a rhino...

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No veteran skills for Possessed marines regardless of whether they're Alpha Legion or the CSM of a little boy named Kevin.


The Alpha Legion shoulder pads are the best by far. So good in fact you'll find many a nancy-boy "we love the emperor" Salamander marine sporting them too. They're reasonably priced, I equipped 50 marines with them for

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I'm not a fan of the metal shoulder pads for the same reason Pravus states he likes them in his post: even salmanders players are using them. And do you know why? Because the "hydra head" looks exactly (or very close to) like the salamanders logo.


If they had the three headed hydra on them I would definately invest in them, but since they are not unique enough (as in they can be confused with a loyalist chapetr's badge) I will not put them on my models.


But of course, since they are detailed, they will look better than a plain old decal one though!

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Thats not the worst either...

Instead of buying the lizardman carnosaur to make a (chapter approved) imperial Guard megasaur, I bought and converted a wood elves treeman...


Also, for my Alpha Legion army, I'm planning on painting some beasts of chaos red to make bloodletters and ordering plastic assault marine backpacks to convert normal CSMs to raptors.


Then again, I only make

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Well if the money is tight, skip the metal shoulderpads then. My other gripe is that the Hyrda decal comes in two sizes on the sheet (wierd). I've never had much luck with those shoulder decals, usually mine wrinkle or have loose edges that stick up for some reason, it's quite frustrating.


I'll see if I can borrow my buddies digi-cam next week and snap some photos of my Alphas. They're basically black w/(light)goblin green highlights, I used regal blue for things like topknots and chainsword pommels. Brazen brass on skulls/shoulder icons.


I get alot of compliments on them, but man after about a month of messing around trying to finalize a colour scheme B) , I guess its due lol



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What a coincidence, the freind of mine thats starting space marines at the same time I'm strating Alpha Legion is Starting Salamanders...

I'll have to show him who wears the shoulder pads then, HeHe.

The best part is that he has a fairly good anti-tank capability. Wasted points against AL.

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How freaking ironic that one of my buddies pulls out his Salamanders tonight.

I played him at 1750pts Cleanse mission, we pretty much wiped each other out,

VERY VIOLENT hand-to-hand on one quarter end while the other end was a wild infantry shooting gallery. Eventually his HQ made it through to my flank (4 Thunder Hammers & champ, commander & apothecary :P ).


Great game, this guy took 1st place at two big tourneys with Salamanders at the tourney so hes no slouch by any means.


On a tactical note, I don't think Alpha Legion can reliably field Fast Attack selections. Without any vehicles to use as moveable cover, you're basically at the mercy of the terrain (and a seasoned general knows not to hang around paths of cover). Im going to experiment with pure infantry. More Deep Strikers, Demons and bullets! ;)


You gotta play Alpha Legion very strict, I think just horde style is the way to go.

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The only problem with horde armies is that they are soooooooooo boring.

"Hmmm, what shall I move next? My Marine squad, my Marine squad or my Marine squad?"


I think that while AL should remain mainly horde, a few interesting units should be included, which can also be fluffy.


Termintors, daemons, and Raptors are all fluffy and great fun to use, however not always tactically good...


I am stuck for which unit to choose (expanding from 1500 to 2000), I will definately have a squad of 8 bloodletters for taking on Uber squads: termies, nobs, tyranid things...


From then on I don't know what to choose. I think terminators and raptors are too expensive and don't ever make up their own points, but bikes, oblits, possessed are all unfluffy. Decisions, decisions.

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MoCU is essential.

Just think, you have a squad of daemons off the board, usually totalling around 200 points, if your cultists run away, you don't just lose them, you lose the daemons.


I, at the moment don't plan to have any daemons in my list, but have two squads of cultists. I'm going to make them flexible. They will be assassins, capable of handling low toughness enemies easilly, but each squad will have meltabombs, so, if trapped by a dreadnought/ sentinel etc. they can still do some punishment. This also gives a good distraction from the main assault: marines. You, an IG player have your only leman russ precariously close to cultists with melta bombs. Slightly further away is a CC marine squad. Who are you going to target?


Scouts only work with the right terrain, sneaking a tankbusting squad through to a basilisk your enemy thought was safe... :D

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In my personal experience with Cultists, you've gotta run demons with them or they're dogmeat. 3 squads of Cultists minimum for demon summoning, Im going with 2 units of 20 Assassins and a unit of 15 Scouts with meltabombs.


Definitely take MOCU and a Cult Champion, I've found great weapons to be decent on cultists, power weapons aren't bad either, you could even try a combi-weapon (up to 10pts in weapons ).


My only gripe is that Cultists are dependant on cover and easily outmanuevered.

Without infiltrate-allowed missions they WILL suffer.



On the upside:

Hopefully you get to infiltrate (keep your squads within a foot of each other, close to the weakest spot in the line and charge them in, stick to cover as much as possible.

On the charge...deadly, mine have taken down Berzerker squads in assault.


Massed laspistols can do some serious damage, you can use the massive combats as cover from LOS to enemy infantry. From there, feed squads into those combats, summon demons, deep strikers aren't too bad with Alpha Legion.


I like my Termies but it's difficult to make them work at 1500pts...


My plotting goes on... :D

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