the-betrayer Posted July 23, 2005 Share Posted July 23, 2005 The com-net came to life with the voice of Captain Xerian, the sounds of battle could clearly be heard behind him * don't worry Grandmaster, I have two!*, a smile broke across Uriels face *good man* he thought as he turned and walked out of the bridge. The Grandmaster activated the vox-castor in his ear as he walked and said *Sergeant Raphael this is Grandmaster Uriel, gather the remaining assault squads and meet me in the drop bay in five minuets, it Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bloodwraith Posted July 24, 2005 Share Posted July 24, 2005 Lord Ectothrix and his retinue looked around as they materialised inside the walls of the Basilica at the heart of Garren Prime. throughout the holy structure several other squads of plague marines materialised. "Kill and burn all you find, defile this unholy testament to the corpse god, let none enter." Ectothrix ordered. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
the-betrayer Posted July 25, 2005 Share Posted July 25, 2005 Message from fuzzball, all those writting, keep from brakeing through till quite late, i think fuzzballs got a plan for us. Â Peace :rolleyes: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
the-betrayer Posted July 25, 2005 Share Posted July 25, 2005 nothing to see here move along....... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lucas Van Gallieon Posted July 26, 2005 Share Posted July 26, 2005 the Guardians of Bifrost and he Blades of Deliverance will drop on the left, Â Ok, whoever owns the Guardians of Bifrost, drop me a personal message. Â Fuzz - Are we drop podding? also, is the left side any different from the rest of the volcano? I'll need some information about this so the Guardians and i can have some common ground to work from together. Â Also, i'm waiting for a brief of what graphics you want done, i'm back at tafe now, with tuesdays off, so i can use my course's equipment. Â At the moment, i'm thinking of illustrating the volcano assault, and acouple of my chapter's expoits, people should talk to me if they want something of their chapter done, i'll need info such as what the marines are doing in the pic, and any detail information that i'll need... Â The Emperor Protects, Brother Lucas Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Astartes Consul Posted July 27, 2005 Author Share Posted July 27, 2005 Hi all  Ok guys, please sent a pic or discription of your chapter symbol to Lucas van Gallieon, quickly if possible.  Right:  Xerian ran, he sprinted towrads the enemy lines, las and bolt shots whipped past him. Some cliped his shoulder guards, but he wasn't worried about this, they couldn't hurt him. The area cleared by the vindicators streched before him, fragments of wire pertruding from the ground at random angles, reminding him of stakes.  He was near the enemy lines when he had a sudden, dredful thought. His marines, plus the other attacking marines were in a small conpressed area, and the enemy had thousands of artillery peices, he swore. Before he could even warn his squad leaders, the first shells arced his way, he dived as one expolded to his left. 'All Sqad leaders' he roared into his mike, 'get moving, we need to get out of here', he changed the channle, 'ordanance, silence the artillery!' By now he was at the lip of the trench, he hated to abandon his men, but he had to take the trenches. He jumped in, activating his power sword.....  +++++++++++  Ok guys, I'm away from tomorow for a week, so thets try to stay in the trenched till I get back.  cheers Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
the-betrayer Posted July 27, 2005 Share Posted July 27, 2005 Uriel dragged his blade from a traitor Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Astartes Consul Posted August 4, 2005 Author Share Posted August 4, 2005 I'm back guys! Â Well, whats more to say, ore fluff once I've had some food :wub: Â cheers Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Astartes Consul Posted August 4, 2005 Author Share Posted August 4, 2005 Hmmmmmmmmmm food,  Anyho:  Xerian decapitated the first heretic with his glowing blade as the first shells landed, marines were thrown high into the air as the high explosive projectiles urpted from under the earth. But Xerian didn't have time to worry, killing two with one blow he fought on, stabing and hacking through the mass of traitors and heretics. His armour was already dirtyed and splashed with blood when he came to the first bunker, crushing the human who stood in his way with his pistol, he kicked down the plasteel door and entered.  Inside he saw somthing that made him gasp, he had seen many horrors but this was the worst yet, the bunker's wall were many coloured, constantly shifting, mouths and limbs streched out of them, giggling and groping. At the end stood a doorway, or what looked like one. The portal shimmered, unchanging save for a single rune, hovering in mid air, the icon shifted, changed and warped, moving like it was alive.  Xerian backed out, as he left the bunker his vox flared into like, it waas the Chaplain of the Yel Vipers, 'I have the lance my lord' 'Godd' replied Xerian, 'I have found the entrance, come quickly, The Emperor Protects' Then he turned back to the killing.....  +++++++++++++  There you go  Kobrakai will know what I'm talking about...........  cheers Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bloodwraith Posted August 5, 2005 Share Posted August 5, 2005 Slime dripped from the walls, Ectothrix ran his gloved gauntlet lovingly down the slime soaked walls and they shuddered at his touch. The basilica was his, anyone who entered would die a truly horrible death. A sound caught his attention and he looked up with a grin, it seemed the cavalry had arrived. The pathetic brainwashed submissives of the corpse god had finally arrived, the reckoning would soon commence and death would come to all who opposed father nurgle  ~~~~~~  Fuzz i don't have a chapter symbol, the only symbol i use is a number seven on one pad. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Astartes Consul Posted August 5, 2005 Author Share Posted August 5, 2005 Hmmmmm, ok well, tell Lucas that, he's creative, I think.. Â cheers Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherKael Posted August 6, 2005 Share Posted August 6, 2005 Muhahhaha Let me deal with delivering the lance Fuzzball just set the scene :D  Apothacary Balar and his attendents moved around the room rushing between the many injured space marines, Darius and Kael walked through the overrun Apothecarium Darius  Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Astartes Consul Posted August 6, 2005 Author Share Posted August 6, 2005 Oh dear, I've started Kael off........ Oh dear, Right, an explanation for those of you not in the know: Â Â Kreil looked our over the Matropolis, or what had once been one. The Space marines were pushing at the gates, hastily erected siege works were pounding the walls as they stormed the trenches. Imperial guardsmen swarmed inside the city, they had used a disused Oil pipe to creep in, however, scince then they had been cut off, soon they would die, the Loxatl he had hired were doing well, stalling the Guardsmen for a time. Â The death Guard had retaken the basilica. Kreil didn't care what they had done to it, it was no use to him anyway. But even with all off this, he wasn't happy, his chest heaved as me dry wreched, the deamon was struggling to get out, since he had brought the thing here, and harnised his power it had constantly struggle to espace, Kreil didn't want that to happen untill he was ready, it was safe in the crypt, for now. Â What worried him more was the Vipers, he had tricked them into thinking he was still loyal, they had got the lance, but now they presumed him dead, he was to far on the path of Chaos to look like the kreil they had know, but not far enough to shift his shape to change into tha shape a trick them. The lance could make him or break him, he must have it. He turned and signled to Faustus, Lord Faustus, commander of the Dread Legion of chaos marines had served him well, blinded by greed, he couldn't see what would happen to him when Kreil became fully powerful. Â 'Faustus', Kreil croaked, struggling with the deamon, 'My Lord' came the reply, Faustus bowed low as he said so, averting his eyes from his master. 'Bring me the Elixer, then deal with the Yel Vipers, bring me the lance, I want it undamged!' 'At once Sire', Faustus turned and marched off, shouting orders to his men, Kreil turned to admire the veiw....... Â ------------------------------ Â Fire surged over the lip of the vonlanoe, sheilded gantrys were like un touchable domes in a sea of fire, thousands of feet up, the great Arms factory on top of mount Orakarm churned out it's deadly load, but was practicly deserted. That suted the figure perfectly, he sliped inside the protective dome of the nearest sheilded wlak way as another lava wave struck. He stroke on, purposeful and sure, he knew what he was doing. Â Captain Iziha, of the Lego Bolter and Chainsword was in the hellinsh factory for a reason, that reason of Kreil........... Â Â +++++++++++++++ Â more breach storming soon............... Â Â cheers Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BrotherKael Posted August 7, 2005 Share Posted August 7, 2005 Don't worry Fuzzball you've got plenty of time I've still got alot to post between now and when they get there, probably by the end of the week. As for Imperial Literatus I don't know :mellow: we'll see ;) Â Marcus and his new squad mates landed in the middle of the road between two hab blocks higher up near the breach. The few cultists in firing positions who responded quickly enough were blown apart by bolter rounds. Absorbing the incoming fire easily the space marines were out and battle ready before most of their enemies new what hit them. Despite being outnumbered and surrounded the Yel Vipers easily established fire superiority. The Expunger dreadnought Orilious had landed further down the street and was blasting apart barricades easily. Marcus was having trouble with his bionic eye which was overlapping an electronic image with his good eye. Angrily he closed his good eye and sighted along his boltgun blasting open one of the cultists pathetically trying to stop them. Using the anger he drove himself harder he would prove himself fit enough to fit alongside his battle brothers some of which were also carrying injuries. Every capable warrior was needed for this mission. Â The under strength Yel Vipers command squad scanned the dissipating dust cloud around them as the inevitable counter attack came. Urzul co-ordinated the combined Yel Vipers/Expungers force through his com net. Â Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bloodwraith Posted August 7, 2005 Share Posted August 7, 2005 Bolter fire erupted from the broken stain glassed windows of the basilica. Colonel Stravis of the imperial guard Garren Rangers ducked down into the foxhole. The basilica loomed in front of them, it was like nothing so much as a fortress, belive impregnable. Stravis laughed mirthlessly if it was so fraggin impregnable how did the plague marines get inside. The basilica had changed, it weeped obscene colour slime and seemed to almost breathe. The concussive roar of the demolisher beside him snapped him back to his senses. Another sheet of bolter fire strafed overhead. He heard the dull wet impacts of those who were too slow diving for cover. What they really needed were the Adeptus Astartes. Stravis knew if he had to take that building alone it would be a suicidal charge. The demolisher beside him rocked on its tracks as if it had been hit. The crew inside were screaming. Suddenly the screams cut off with a liquid gurgle. There was dull explosion and the tank spurted blood and viscera reduced to the consistency of syrup out of the barrels of the weapons. Stravis heard his guardsmen retching all around him and only through iron will did he keep his rations in his stomach. This war with its unconventionals weapons and horrific enemies would test everyones sanity. Â Stravis drew in a deep breath and retched, the most awful mind numbing stench assaulted his nostrils and he turned looking for the source. It was like a thousand latrines had spilled there waste and had formed the vast hulking creature of nightmare. All across the trenches the guardsmen fell down gibbering insanely. Stravis felt sanity flee at this walking tower of excrement. The vast greater daemon slopped over several guardsmen, when it moved on the guardsmen were gone, absorbed into the creature. He saw the faces of the guardsmen writhing under the daemons skin as it made its way along the trenches. It stopped as several guardsmen opened fire. Its mouth distended and it breathed a stream of noxious corruption over them drowning them in filth. Â Stravis looked up into the eyes of death and death grinned at him, then it bent down its tongue snaking around him, he looked down to see smaller effigies of the daemon crawling up his legs. The greater daemon squeezed and Stravis screamed. One of the nurglings took the opportunity to crawl into Stravis mouth and down his throat infecting his body. A swarming carpet of nurglings crawled over the dying guardsmen. What was once Stravis feel to the ground, disease running rampant through his body. Then it rose slowly, painfully. All around it the other former guardsmen rose. The nurglings cavorted obscenely around the newly summoned plaguebearers and the great unclean one chuckled liquidly, watching the cavorting nurglings. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Astartes Consul Posted August 7, 2005 Author Share Posted August 7, 2005 *shudders* Â Ugh, Bloodwraith, how the hell are we gona fight that, I mean, ugh, your writing gives he the creeps, but keep it up, great reading(albeit incredibly freaky) Â Â cheers Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bloodwraith Posted August 8, 2005 Share Posted August 8, 2005 Muahaha, i am a servant of the plague god, its my job to be freaky. As to how to fight it, like i'm going to tell you imperial lapdog :D I can be worse then that lol, i was going for a real horrific feel as i figure thats what nurgle is. It'll get worse, trust me, the great uncle unclean one has taken to the field with his army of plagubearers. All shall be disease and pestilence. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Astartes Consul Posted August 8, 2005 Author Share Posted August 8, 2005 +Edit+ Removed IG material, sorry about that+Edit+ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aurelius Rex Posted August 8, 2005 Share Posted August 8, 2005 I love writing about guardsmen, so fun, I've got another plot line already. cheers <{POST_SNAPBACK}>  If you want to write about Guardsmen, then you will have to take this elsewhere.  Power armoured board, remember. :D  Please keep it on-topic, or I will have to close the thread. ^_^ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Astartes Consul Posted August 9, 2005 Author Share Posted August 9, 2005 arg, sorry Aurelius,*cowers* Â Right, out they go, no more guard, just 7 foot suprehumans with big scary guns. Â cheers Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bloodwraith Posted August 10, 2005 Share Posted August 10, 2005 Unless we just want the guard as cannon fodder or daemon fodder in this case :tu: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rogue Trader Posted August 10, 2005 Share Posted August 10, 2005 Unless we just want the guard as cannon fodder or daemon fodder in this case ^_^ In which case, you should be writing about the IG from the viewpoint of the daemons (or marines) for whom they are providing targets. :tu: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Astartes Consul Posted August 10, 2005 Author Share Posted August 10, 2005 Hi  Ok, thet vape the guardsmen, once I've done this the posts gets edited, mistake on my behalf(obviously), not tied in with marines enough.  Breach Storming Fun:  Shots whistled past Xerian's ears as he ran, ducking into a small shelter dug into the side of the trench, he primed a grenade and tossed it towrads the fire. The dull crump of the explosion filletered through the noise of battle moments later, the fire stoped. Rising, he continued down the comunicaton trench, snaping off shots at those who stood in his path , chanting as he went, he was the firt of the marines to reach the second trench.  Fear filed the cultist's eyes as he came, some ran, others fell to their knees. It didn't matter, he slew them all, cuting them apart with swift thrusts and swipes of his sword, behind him his brothers came on, bolters chattering, voices chanting out litanies if hate. Xerian felt a momant of pride them supresed it, he had seen, first hand, what pride could do to the greatest marines, no being was above emotions. He sliced a heretic in half as he continued his blood adbance down the trench. Over the com-link he reports flew to him, a break through here, a withdraw there. He could here the forst situation requests of the latest marines to land, the other chapters were here, now was the time. Killing a man with each stride, Xerian made his way to the next comunication trench. Whe he reached the mouth of the trench he opened the link to artilery command. 'Mater Jintos' he siad 'My Lord' 'You have my co-ordinates, the streach of wall ahead of me please' 'At once' Xerian steped back, turning and slaying another heretic witha shot from his postol. Momnets later he was thrown forwards by an invisible force. Turning he sawfire blosoming over the walls nearest to him. The bright glow of the sheilds started to fade as thousands of tonnes of explosives rained down onto it, the sheil flickered and died, seconds later the first salvoes hit the walls. Chucks of masonry shhowered off in all directiona, showereing the comabtants in the trench with shards of rock. Xerian stood up, and looked behind him, his men were with him, no one could stand before them. Climbing onto the earth above the trench he looked at his company, his enhanced eyes survaying them, and the bodies of those slain cultists. 'Space marines' he roared, 'the Emperors angle of death, my brothers! We have fought and died together here, and now oyr eforts come to a head, we have suprised our foes, soon his walls shall fall. But now we must destroy him utterly. Many of out number will go the Imortal Father this day, but we will still fight on. Will you folow me?' The marines roared there aproval, 'Then, warriors of the Imperium, Charge!' and with that, Xerian charged ihto the the battle smoke towards the walls, and as one his me folowed him, do death and glory...   +++++++++++++++++++++   Ok Bloodwraith, It's time for a show down, you know were I am, lets see who's commander wins this time, (even though we all readta grred who wins)  cheers Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bloodwraith Posted August 11, 2005 Share Posted August 11, 2005 Forgive me Fuzz but i gotta write from the point of view of your marines for the start of this and i have an excellent idea, so if you give me a couple of days and some room to write i'll write you a really awesome ending to what has been a fantastic story. Â ~~~~~ Xerian and his marines moved carefully down the hallway, not knowing what lay around the next corner made them cautious. Entrails and ropes of intestine spurted from the walls, wrapping themselves like morbid pythons around the nearest marine. Xerian's blade flashed and he cleaved one of the writhing tendrils in two. A terrible shriek echoed through the building and Xerian heard the slow heavy tread of shambling creatures. Down the corridor he caught sight of a horde of plague daemons, and in their centre leaving a trail of viscera in its wake like some giant perverse slug came a greater daemon itself. Â "Run" Xerian yelled "we cannot hope to face that thing and prevail." He pulled up his locator and found the nearest entrance into the catacombs under the basilica where they would find what they sought, the chaos lord who had started this and they find what he was seeking. The daemons moved with the slow gait of the diseased as if they had all the time in the world. Xerian unclipped a meltabomb. This should slow them down. He pulled the handle and lobbed the meltabomb halfway down the corridor, collapsing it. "Brother Zaneris, i require your melta." The marine handed over his melta without question. "Follow me brothers" Xerian ordered. He turned the melta on high setting point it at the floor and cut around himself. The floor section dropped, carrying Xerian with it. He landed without difficulty and moved away from the hole as the other marines dropped into the hole. The time for this to end, was nigh. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Astartes Consul Posted August 11, 2005 Author Share Posted August 11, 2005 Over to you BW, just PM me when I can write about my guys again. Â cheers Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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