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The Garren Project

Astartes Consul

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Err... This is not Rogue Trader Era... Space Marines do not sire children. So, no 'son' to rule after a fallen leader. Space Marines are 'Brothers' in that they all share a common set of Gene-Seed. They are taken at pre-puberty age after some sort of trial(s) to get the toughest ones, and implantation of the organs and gene-seed begins. Over the course of about a dozen years, and lack of rejection of organs in each step, the prospective marine gains all the organs of a full Marine and the basic training needed to be a Battle Brother.


A stint of service in the Scouts company (usually the 10th company), and the Marine is examined for his talents. Some have talents for Techmarine skills and are forwarded to Mars for Techmarine training. Some show signs of being stealthy and stay in the scouts to become snipers. Other show other skills and end up serving their chapter in various manners, such as: Assault Marines, Devestators, Tactical Marines, Apothecarys, etc.


After many years, usually several decades and up to a century of experience, the Marine might be promoted to the ranks of the Veteran Company and be available as a member of a Command Squad, or Veteran Squad.


Now, I reiterate all this for your enlightenment, and so that you may correct your 'fluff' to reflect the realities of Space Marine Chapters. If you choose to have Marines sire children, you WILL have the wrath of the ][ upon you, and you'd do best to NOT be a part of this Crusade.


I do NOT write all this as a 'slap' at you. I merely want to make sure that you write 'good' fluff, and that your chapter does not end up being hunted along with the rest of the traitors and heritics we are resolved to cleanse from this multi-system area known as the Garren Cluster.


Just my thoughts,



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Inquisitor Kuo finally completed the circuit of the astropath chambers. All was quiet. By his count, 700 astropaths were...installed here. But everything was quiet.


Hundreds of feet above the inquisitor, things were not so quiet. Lt. Celruda was directing his men in a desperate fight. Dozens of sickly green, powerarmored troops were approaching. Celruda was directing the few heavy weapons to open fire on them, but even so, the toll was alarmingly low.


"Fix bayonetts" cried Lt. Celruda. A cacophany of quiet clicks could be heard between the bursts of heavy bolter fire and the scream of lascannons charging.


On charged the Chaos Marines of the Death Guard. A miasma of flies buzzing around them, even in the subzero temperatures. From the injured marines spilled worms and maggots, only to be frozen moments later. As the Chaos Marines reached the range of thier bolters, they were met with a rain of coherient light from the lasguns of the Planetary Defense Forces. Several of the armored giants fell unnoticed. Like a arms of a massive milipeed, they raised thier bolters and fired. For every 4 shots fired, 3 guardsmen fell. In three bounding leaps, the green armored warriors reached the walls of the outpost, only to have the ground beneath them errupt. Six more of the armored giants fell. The next line of marines did not hesitate. They stepped on the remains of the dead marines and placed small round devices to the wall before running 10 paces and hitting the ground. Two more of the sickly green marines fell to lasgun fire.


A small sun emerged from the wall of the outpost. When the light faded, there was only molten metal and men where a 20' section of the outpost wall was a second ago. :P

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*winces* Outch, Rlyehable, teh cool guy died :P !!!!


Any way,


@deamonhunter: Rymeer is right, not trying to put you down but there are a few wholes in the story, replace Son with Brother, because it isn't unknown for brothers to sever together, and erm, Iron Warriors gene-seed? Atraitor legion, again immpossible fluff wise unless they are traitors.Hope that helped.





Dark sky, dark night, dark woods, dark world, Dark Blade. All of Iziha's world was dark, and the creture holding the blade was darker than night. It chuckled

'You had your choise Iziha, you didn't go the right way'


'You were the one who took the wrong choice' replied the young scout, eyes burning with hatered


'So, you will not turn, so be it, Iziha my......', the creatyre never finished, a pyhcannon bolt smached into it's head, throwing it back, it screamed and turned it's eyes to Iziha as it's body started to disapear, it's eyes burnt eith malace and hate,

'You will die........' ot said in a harsh whisoer as it vanished.


'Take him away' shouted a cliped, hard voice, 'he is corupted'


'We don't know that' replied the first vioce, calmer and soothing, 'test him'

The first grunted, Grey Knight brother Terak, sweep the area, Joshain, get the marine inside. Iziha's head loled and strong hand picked him up and he was carried into a rino.




The great deamon's soul boiled with hate, he was near. The long years were over, he had been forced to leave twice now, but not this time. It snarled and beat it's wings, setting of through the ruined city, justas it saw the Warriors of Vengance drop pods coming to earth. It's soul grined wickedly, revenge was always sweet.




Iziha felt the deamons fealings clearly in his own soul, he doubled up in pain as he felt the boiling rage, directed at him.

'Chaplain you have command, may the Emperor guide your hand'


'I know why you go, may he bless your hunt' replied the Chaplain, voice filled with concern.


Iziha thumed his jet pact, he could see the intire battle feild. Tanks and men, his eagle eyes picking out individuals in the mass of troops. He looked around in the sky, to his right he saw a shape, huge and winged, it's great Dark Bladed sword shinning, it grined. Iziha drew hie own sword, tiny compaired to the deamons. He started chanting,


Hate the deamon

purge the deamon

with fire and sword

with bolter and chainsword

abhore the deamon

thward it with these words

be pure in hear and mind.

Protect me great Emperor.


Over and over he chanted, the deamon closed on him and stoped,beating it's wings.

'Your corpse god wont save you Iziha'


'If mine wont your never will Hector'


'Ah, I disagree, my gods will see you riped limb from limb'


'You fantasise' snarled Iziha, he jeted forwards.


The deamons sword came down, he raised his own and the blades met. With a crash of steel and hell metle, the force riped and tear in the fabric of reality but Iziha stood ferm. The deamons visage leared and if swept again, this time Iziha dodged, jeting forward and slashing a whol in the deamons gut, drawing black blood from black flesh. He lept back just in time to parry another blow, he could fell his sword breaking up. Another blow came his way, this time as he parried his sword broke, leaving only 5 inches frim the hilt, the deamon laughed an struck again, sending Iziha spining down to earth. He found himself, for the second time in his life, staring into the deaomn's eyes, it's hand wraped round his throat.

'Who was right?' he snarled, relishing Izihas pain


'Me' chocked Iziha as he fire all the phycannon round in his bolt pistol into it's head, the same place there was another phycannon wound.

It fell screatching and Iziha fell to, clinging to it's neck, stabbing as they fell. The gaint deamons body smashed into the hard concreat groung, cracking the oavement and killing the battleing force beneath it. Still it survived, but Iziha stood up, clambered into it's chest and riased what was left of his sword.


'You were saying about my death?' Said Iziha


'My....my....m.....b....Brother, forgive me...' stutered the Deamon, 'only now I see why I was wrong'


Iziha raised his sword, 'Deep in my heart there may still be love for you, maybe I'm showing it now' he said, and plunged the sword down. The deamons life drained away,

'Thank you..Brother' it said as it died.

'So ends Hector Reduzan, self styled Deamon prince and Traitor, absolved by his Brother' whispered Iziha Reduzan as his world blackened, 'may the Emperor save him'

His world whent black, he was still on top of the deamon, sword imbeded in it's chest when the first Warriors of Vengance found him.




PHEW.... alot of stuff there, what do you guys think?



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(( Well since to me it seems that Master Asiroan Fel has dissapeared, i think i may just have to ditch our co-op fluff thing and go ahead and write up my own fluff. Im sure you guys are sick of people dropping like flys, and i dont want to be one of those flies, so you'll soon have more fluff from the Guardians of Bifrost ))
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Brothers, I Apollogise for the lack of fluff, but good news, my warriors have clashed with the followers of the Prince of Pleasure; the Emperor's Children, The Traitors resistance to justice was strong and the furiosity of their deamon-women was staggering but The Emperor's will is Enevitable, and the enemy force was all but destroyed.


I've just signed up into the newest gaming league in my area and my second battle was against Emperor's children, it was largely a long-range fire fight, which i came out in the end; he only had two chaos marines, 3 deamonettes and his leutenant left, i'll be basing the stories from here on in against Emperor's Children and Thousand Sons (i owe these two guys who jointly collect 1kSons a game..).


Fluff WILL be coming, i swear!


Till Then...


The Emperor Protects,

Brother Lucas

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@deamonhunter: Rymeer is right, not trying to put you down but there are a few wholes in the story, replace Son with Brother, because it isn't unknown for brothers to sever together, and erm, Iron Warriors gene-seed? Atraitor legion, again immpossible fluff wise unless they are traitors.Hope that helped.

Oh crap! I always mix up the names! It's Iron Hands. I screwed up. They aren't a traitor legion. BTW, the son was a clone on which I needed to include.

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BTW, the son was a clone on which I needed to include.

Er, how to say this, without getting a Frater even more angry?


Space Marines do NOT have cloning tech.


They recruit 11-12 yr olds, just before puberty, and then begin the implantation and indoctrination processes. After about 10-15 years of this, the Marine (should he survive all that) is inducted into the Chapter. Usually as a Scout at first.


No sons, no clones, no children by the Marine.


You might want to concider that the 'son' as written, is actually a distant relative of the Marine... perhaps a Grand-Nephew, or Great-Grand-Nephew, since Marines live (If they are not killed in action) upwards of 250+ years (there have been many long threads on the maximum ages of Marines, but most agree to the 250-300 year average).


Once a Marine is inducted into a Chapter, his loyalties all lie with the Chapter. His previous life as a human, and his family, will be only distant and fond memories, if even that. Space Marines are totally devoted to the Emperor and their Battle Brothers in the Chapter. That leaves prescious little time and inclination to follow one's dimly remembered childhood memories of being a human boy in a human family.


Please note that it is NOT uncommon for a family to have, over the course of several centuries, multiple children taken as prospects for inclusion into the Chapter. Each such child chosen would be a source of pride and wonder to the family lineage and the clan/tribe/etc as a whole. So, having a semi-distant descendant of one's family also become a Marine in the Chapter probibly isn't THAT uncommon. Rare, yes. Uncommon and unheard of? I doubt it.


A Chapter Master would not select an heir of his own lineage, unless that Brother showed uncommon skill and aptitude, earned many battle honors, AND was the best selection for the job. Anything else would be a 'bone of contention' amongst the bretheren of the Chapter as a whole, with the spectre of 'favoritism' rearing it's ugly head and running rampant through the Chapter Monestary's halls.


A few more points to concider,




P.S. : Again, this is NOT meant as an attack upon you, or the fluff you have worked hard on creating. It IS meant to help you concider the current 'fluff rules', and aide you to concider alternatives that, hopefully, will make your fluff even better.

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Rymeer is again right, in theory there could be a clone, but the only marine(s) ever thought to be cloned are Horus from the emperor and mabbey abaddon from horus. I personaly think brother should be used, but hey thats just me.....

I've changed it to brother. Now that's all finished (thank god!). Moving on, how old do the Iron Hands usually live?

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I've changed it to brother. Now that's all finished (thank god!). Moving on, how old do the Iron Hands usually live?

I mentioned that in a previous posting... Most space marines live between 250 and 400 years, with a few exceptions living as long as 600 or 700 years.


Dreadnoughts, are an entirely different thing, since they are entombed critically wounded marines. These marines are only 'awakened' for battle when they are re-installed into their dreadnought body. When not in combat, they are housed in the Chapter's Venerable Brothers Shrine, or Temple of the Fallen, and tended by Techmarines, special servitors, and Chaplains. Such a Brother, being only awakened to be prepared for battle, combat, and then put to sleep again, might last the whole 10,000 years since the founding of the Imperium (provided the chapter is one of the First Founding Chapters).


In the case of my DIY Chapter, the Crusading Lions, there are such Brothers but few of them. The most Venerable of them being as old as the chapter itself (about 600 years to date).




Crusading Lions History File *deleted date stamp*


The Most Venerable Brother Janos was the First Chapter Master, and a most feared and excellent warrior in the Great Lion's service. But after only 150 years of service to HIM upon the Throne of Terra, Brother Janos was mortally wounded in the Battle of the Twins. A hasty battle with Chaos forces on the planet Geddi Prime, fought in the High Pass of the Twin Peaks to deny the main body of the Chaos forces it's best and fastest route to the rich plains of Demi-Hive Elysian.


Chapter Master Janos fought alone for many hours against the best the Chaos Commander could send against him, awaiting reinforcement by the rest of his Chapter's forces after his Land Raider was destroyed, and his Terminator Command Squad was slain. Brother Master Janos fought alone in the tight confines of the High Pass and slew all those that attempted to pass his stubborn resistance. Master Janos was engaged in single combat with a Chaos Prince Daemon when he was mortally wounded by the Evil Blackblade the Daemon carried. Even thus wounded, Brother Master Janos fought on, slaying the mighty beast with repeated attacks with his Blessed Lightning Claws, and trusting in the waning power of his suit and Admantine Mantle to protect him from outright death.


The mound of slain Chaos warrior bodies and that of the great Daemon was such as to block the High Pass itself, and when reinforcements finally arrived, they found the Chapter Master barely clinging to life in his shattered armor. Master Janos was still standing with his lightning claws ablaze, propped up by the simple expedient of leaning back into an un-energized power spear that pierced the clavicle of his left shoulder. So long as he stood thus after slaying the Daemon, none would challenge his position.


The relief force rained down the Lion's Wrath upon the enemy, using all 20 of the Chapter's Whirlwind Missile Tanks with the support fire of the Chapter's Battle Barge and Strike Cruiser in orbit, and the targeting aide of the Chapter's Damocles Command Rhino.


Thus was it recorded that the fallen Chapter Master was retrieved from the battle scene and entombed in the Chapter's first Dreadnought. Brother Janos still lives, entombed in his sarcophagus. Awakened to battle when the Chapter's need is dire.


Upon the anniversary of the Battle of the Twins, Brother Janos' Sarcophagus is removed from the Temple of the Fallen and taken to the Chapter Monastery's Prime Temple of the Lion where he is awakened to participate in Prayers to the Great Lion of Terra.




More on the Crusading Lions battle upon the moon of Curwin soon,



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er.. bump?


btw; to whoever it was keeping a log of all this, Rymeer i think, could i have a copy? ever since my old comp died, i've been struggling to maintain proper records of all this...


Till Then,


The Emperor Protects,

Brother Lucas




Taking the oppertunity to "repost" my IA arcticle, a fair bit has changed in it...




BLADES OF DELIVERANCE:_________________________________________________



Index Astartes; the Blades of Deliverance_________________________________________________________________________


Far out on the eastern fringe, the Blades of Deliverance stand defiant against threats of Tyranid Hive Fleets and other unnamed horrors that dwell beyond the gulf of known space. Descended from the line of the Blessed Rogal Dorn himself, these proud warriors patrol the endless void beyond the eastern fringe and stand ready to answer the call of war from the Imperium, to smite the foes of the Emperor wherever in the Imperium they may hide.



Origins______________________________________________________________ ___________________________________


Very little is known of the exact beginnings of the Blades of Deliverance, the earliest mentions in imperial history of the Chapter can be traced back to approximately 200 years after the death of Rogal Dorn. It begins with the liberation of Cordanus III; the human population had been under invasion from Ork raiders for approximately 50 years prior to imperial discovery.


Cordanus III was a very technologically advanced empire with no knowledge of the Imperium or the Emperor himself, and the population was corrupted by its own greed and ignorance of external threat. The empire had seen very little of war and conflict for many, many years and its armed forces were starting to show the signs of weakness that this age of peace had brought, each military institution was based in the same way as a knightly order, with ideals of honour, and dignity, but, it was thought that each one was slowly dieing out as the populace looked at each one in scorn at what was thought to be needless paranoia.


Records indicate that when the Orks did arrive, many of the military orders collapsed, under manned, under funded and unable to defend against the threat. As each of the remaining battle worthy orders were destroyed by the crushing numbers of the Ork Waaagh! it became apparent that Cordanus would be destroyed in a matter of years, the last remaining order to be recorded; the

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Soryy I haven't been around, my holidays just started and I took the chance to sleep in alot and genraly be incredably lazy, but I'm back!!!


Ok more fluff pending, please someone tell me what you think of my Iziha, deamon duel.



For the laziness, you are scheduled to be a Simba' 'toy' for tomorrow from 3rd watch through 5th watch.


As to the Daemon battle... keep at it. I want to see how that turns out.


I've noticed that no one seems to have commented on the 'smartness' of the Simbas so far. I will let everyone in on something... my Chapter Marines DON'T know that the simbas are that smart. But, 'on the other paw'... I doubt they'd care if they ever did find out. It would just be seen as a manifestation of the Great Lion's blessings upon the chapter.


I -WILL- be continuing the Lunar assault on the moon of Curwin III soon. I've just been swamped at work, and my 'free' time has been taken up with chasing down bill collectors to find out what happened to my credit card accounts, and why. From my viewpoint, it was like someone made an error in one company that just sort of had a domino effect on the others.


Ah well, reguardless of outcome, I will be getting back to my fluff writing soon.



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Before the spots in the eyes of the remaining PDF forces eyes could clear, the Chaos Marines were through the gap and into the outpost. They pushed past the doors and into the stairwell leading down to the bowels of the station.


Deep in the astropath vault, Inquisitor Kou heard the sound of ceramite boots on steel steps. He dashed over to the ancient monitors. The decrepet monitors showed a grainy black and white image of Space Marines decending with as much alarcity as possible.


"Why are the Oracles in such a hurry to get down here?" he asked himself. Then, he noticed the sholderpads. The symbol was not the iconistic, rising comet of the Oracles. These were Chaos Marines. He quickly checed the surface augry. It showed the dead and the 20' breach in the outpost wall. He quickly tapped a long string of codes and was answered by a deep, solid, crack. The chamber was sealed as best it could be sealed.


After a frantic search of several seconds, he found the dust-covered communications panel. He quicly adjusted the controls, breaking some of them in his haste. "Foxglove!" He yelled into the microphone. There was no response. Again, he yelled "Foxglove!". But again the equipment was silent. He toggeled the power off-on, off-on, until the switch broke in the on position.


He was a representative of the Holy Inquisition. But what could one man do against a dozen of the foul, betrayers, that were once the Emperor's finest?

Faith is our shield.

Duty is our life.

Death is our offering.


edited for grammer

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The strike criuser sped through space, sleek and streamlined int's green paintwork scared by war. The image of an angle weilding two firey swords was painter on it's bow, 'Death Bringer' strike cruiser of the Warriors of Vengance carryed onboard a priceless cargo.


In the apothecaratorum, Captain Iziaha lay in a fitfull sleep. Sweat ozzed from every pore in his body and the bed was driping, low moans and grunts escaped his mouth as the feaver took hold. Chaplain Desorum sat next to him, watching him with his soft green eyes, praying. On the back of his chair hung a small bag, insode was something that would change Iziha's life, if he lived.



One week later

The black thunderhawk gunship docked in the strike cruisers lauch bays, elegantly it slid into the docking clamps, thrusters cuting out at the perfect moment, it was abvious to all who saw it dock that it was piloted by one with extream skill. A chaplian and librarian descended from te ship, both their armour was black and seamed to absorbe the light of the bay, they both had the inquisitorial emblem on their left shoulder pad and on their helms was the symbol of a skull and a bolter and a chainsword crossing, they nodded acnolagement to the figure that rushed to great them, they had come for Iziha........



Iziha had been awake for two days know, his wounds healing by the day. Yet he knew in his heart he would never be healed fully, what he had done and what he had seen in his vision had doomed him. He also knew he was leaving the chapter, he knew it the moment the two black figures entered, he could tell they were eying him up, looking for weakness. Chaplian Desorum spoke first,

'Captain, I have some news for you..'


'I know what your going to say' relpied Iziha his voice not showing the emotions he felt, 'I'm leaving the chapter because I disobeyed orders and my actions in killing my own brother will atract the Inquisitors, I'm right aren't I?


Desorum chuckled, 'yes quite right, but your far to talented a warrior to just be exiled', he reached into the bag behind his chair and brought out an archaic bolter, embelished with putiry seals and covered with ingraved litanys.

'You know what this means, don't you?'


'I have been given the chance to join the Legio Bolter and Chainsword' Iziha took the bolter and inspected it, on the main body there were ingraved the words,

Brother-Captain Iziha, Deamon Scourge. Iziha smile and got up,

'You know my answer don't you' he said

Desorum smiled to ans clasped Iziha's hand in a warriors handshake.

'Farewell old freind' he said, as Iziha walked away Desorum turned his back, emotion overwhelped him. For the first time in 300 years, and tear fell from his eye.







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  • 3 weeks later...



It's good to have B&C up and running again, thanks Kurgan.


Now, due to being not able to post for a whil I had some time to get the cteative juces flowing, but it's quite late were I am and I need to look round the new B&C so my new fluff will have to wait till tomorow.





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Hail to Kurgan!


The Emperor's Devine Blessings be upon him for returning the B&C to us all.


On a more serious note, I will be getting back to my portion of the crusade soon. Health, wealth, and family problems have gotten in the way of late, and time was too short to spend it doing creative writing. Things should 'ease up' in the next few days.


I do hope this message reaches you all, and finds you hale and healthy, as well as ready to make the re-newed B&C even better than it already was.


The Great Lion's blessing upon you,



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So good to be home! :devil:


I do hope this message reaches you all, and finds you hale and healthy, as well as ready to make the re-newed B&C even better than it already was.

Cheers! i'll drink to that! :)


And for my part of the (somewhat sagging) bargin, i shall be using my next two and a half weeks worth of holidays to return my wargame hobby back to its former glory!


Also, as a question for you fuzz.. can i have necron intervention in my part of the sector? you see.. we have a league campaign running at my local gw, which is based around a necron threat, granted that the fluff of it is back on my side of the imperium, its just that i'd like to use the inspiration, btw; even if their is no necrons allowed, i have a battle against the Night Lords just recently which i was 33 points under the 1000point limit.


It was a "seek and destroy" scenario we rolled, funnily enough, i lost the roll for board edges, out of a bunker/trench complex and a forested hillside to deploy, i was forced onto the bunker complex, which begean to suggest a great narrative for this Crusade!


The bunker was out of my deployment zone, just, and breached, and firelines were abit constricted, but i set up with my Vindicator behind the bunker, and delpoyed the bulk of my force into a gunline along the trenchworks, with Marcus Kotare himself and an assault squad amoungst them to counter the threat of a large forest which blocked LOS to an avenue of attack; a strong attack from there would have seen my flank rolled up across the centre.


The way i saw it, the nightlords attacked a strongpoint in the blade of deliverance line to defend a city, or maybe just a firebase -wateva and despite a heavy bombardment, the BoD's determination, natural talent for siege warefare, and careful planning saw the night lords intercepted, halted by the imperial counter-attack, and then cut down to a man by overwhelming firepower.


A Massare in the name of the Emperor.. and the most bizzare thing we realised is that my only casualty was from my own exploding plasma cannon! :rolleyes:


Well, my fluff is coming along anyway now.


The Emperor Protects,

Brother Lucas.

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i'm sorry for my lack of posts brothers, i have been out of the contry (back packing in New Zealand, it was so, so amazing!!) and sorry for this short post, i've been haveing trouble with creating as of late.


Much has happened to are loyal Angels, wave after wave of cultist had attacked there base of operations, all had been repelled but slowly the casualties had begun to mount, for this was not the war fair the angels favoured. So the decision had been made and the marines had returned to the battle barge where scanners had indicated what seemed to be the centre on the chaotic incursion on the planet, a great chaotic monument had been constructed and was radiating chaotic energy across the planet, and the conclusion was it must be destroyed.

Uriel walked through the massive blast doors into the hanger of the battle barge, there was a hiss followed by a dull boom and the doors closed behind him, he heard Michael before he saw him, and Uriel looked from beneath his hood to see the Chaplain addressing his brothers. * WE ARE THE ANGELS OF LAMENT, WE ARE PURE OF HEART, STRONG OF BODY AND WE NO NOT PAIN OR FEAR!!!!* roared Michael *IT IS ARE DUTY AS THE EMPERORS ANGELS OF DEATH TO BRING RUIN APON THE HEADS OF THESE HERITICS, YOU ARE LORDS OF BATTLE AND DEATH, YOU WILL FACE THE TRAITORS AND YOU SHALL KNOW NO FEAR!!!!!* and with that the marines took to there drop pods, with Uriel accompanying Michael in to there drop pod and with one last cry from all the Angels *FOR THE EMPEROR!!!* the pods were launched

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Ok, i might have posted this before, but i'm doing this again so people have a bearing of what will be happen in the next few issues...




The passenger hold of the command shuttle was dark, with scant, flickering light from thick candles placed about the room casting deep, harsh shadows through the clouds of sweet incense that filled the space about the figure as she scanned the report on the data slate in her hands, her serious expression turning into a deep furrow as she finished the last lines of her acolyte

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Cap F: i'm currently between projects at the moment so is there anything i can do to aid your most awesome project? traitor legion perhaps? if there is anything i can do to add to the fluff let me know, i'd be happy to oblige. If you need a traitor warband then my Intiatus quo Bubonicus would happily take on some of your loyalist scum :o


It would add more authenticity to your story to have some fluff from the chaos point of view and i can write pieces of fluff for each of your chaos chapters if you need it. I've been in one of these before on a different forum where the loyalists fought necrons and it made the story that much better to have stuff from both baddies and goodies point of view. The traitor legion of Obliteration Angels is also waiting in the wings if you need them.

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