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Task Force Armageddon


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Here you go Morticon:



1850 points Blood Angels Space Marine Army GT




Master of Sanctity

two lightning claws, grail, jump pack, frag grenades, rosarius; 3+D3 death company, bolt pistol and ccw, jump packs, frag grenades = 286 points





10-marine Tactical Squad

mulit-melta, melta gun, bolters; vet sgt, power fist, auspex, bolt pistol = 202 points


10-marine Tactical Squad

mulit-melta, melta gun, bolters; vet sgt, power fist, auspex, bolt pistol = 202 points


10-marine Scout Squad

bolt pistols and ccws; vet sgt, power weapon, melta bombs = 158 points


6-marine Tactical Squad

lascannon, plasma gun, bolters; vet sgt = 130 points


6-marine Tactical Squad

lascannon, plasma gun, bolters; vet sgt = 130 points


6-marine Tactical Squad

plasma cannon, plasma gun, bolters; vet sgt = 135 points



Fast Attack


10-marine Assault Squad

2 plasma pistols, bolt pistols and ccws, frag grenades; vet sgt, power fist = 260 points


2-Attack Bikes

heavy bolters, twin-linked bolters = 100 points



Heavy Support


10-marine Devastator Squad

4 missile launchers, bolters; vet sgt, auspex = 247 points

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It's not a bad army list. Aside from the grail, there isn't anything too beardy in my army -six troop picks, only one HQ, and five of my eight squads are maxed out.


I suspect that I lost most of the points because one of the Composition scoring categories asked if the army had a "clear theme." Since I didn't bother to build a cookie cutter Blood Angel army or contrive some ridiculous story to explain my army's background, I lost those two points in each of the five rounds. Next GT I will amend this.



Besides, what are you doing posting in the middle of the day? I didn't know you had internet access at the Steel Mill. :P

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  • 4 months later...

In October, Task Force Armageddon is heading to Las Vegas for the Ironman XI Warhammer 40K RTT... At least I hope so. :D


In the meantime I have been modifying my list to fit the... unusual comp-guidelines. To meet the recommended 30% HQ I have decided to drop my Scouts and my Attack Bikes and add a Codicier and an Honor Guard to my list. I gave the squad a test run today against both Sisters and Nids. They performed adequately, but the jury is still out. More play testing required. ;)






If this squad makes the list, I plan to spruce them up a bit with more purity seals and scrolls of devotional script. I also have plans to finally highlight all of the bolters in my army and add terminator honor shoulder pads to my veteran sergeants.

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*Reads all 4 pages in shame. Looks at own 5 yr old models who've been through about 5 different paint schemes. Notices very few paints and very few brushes*


All well. At least I'm inspired now.


Brilliant work, plz, a detailed guide to ur painting, we crave for it like undead for carcasses. Blaaarrrgghhh.....



Use ur life well, ur dead a long time


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Nice work, if a bit cartoony for my personal tastes (fine for Eldar & WFB elves, but I was more of a gritty WFB Dwarf painter ^_^ ). One thing though: the helmetless heads' eyes. Either the pupils are too small or the eye whites are too big (probably the latter; combined with the cartoony feel of the rest of the models, it's all very anime)... I'm reminded of something John Blanche wrote many, many years ago about not making your models' eyes look like fried eggs :D


If I had to remake this (assault) squad from scratch, I would be more mindful of the poses and mix in a few standing legs to depict models landing or preparing to jump.

That's what I'm doing with mine... otherwise it looks like synchronised skipping :D

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Brilliant work, plz, a detailed guide to ur painting, we crave for it like undead for carcasses. Blaaarrrgghhh.....
You can find a quick guide to my power armor technique here. You can also read my basic painting tutorial here.



I would be interested to know how the libby with honour gaurd performed in your match's? As i am in the process of building a squad just like that! Will they be foot slogging or mounter in a rhino?


My Codicier and Honor Guard are deployed on foot.


In my first game I played against a Sisters army. Aided by a few survivors from my Assault squad, my Codicier and Honor Guard chewed through a Seraphim squad, 2 Battle Sister squads, and an Inquisitor. My second game was against Nids. In that battle my Codicier and Honor Guard, aided by fire support, hacked down the survivors of a 20 strong brood of Hormagaunts and a 20 strong brood of Gaunts.



best damn army ive ever seen and just like min[e]all infantry could give us a guide to how u play?


Thanks. I play a lot of 'denied flank deployments. I usually form a good solid fire base and I prefer to assault enemy squads with overwhelming force. Why attack an enemy squad with a single unit of Blood Angels when you can attack it with two squads? I am also a huge fan of the Grail (best artifact in the game). Above all else, it is important to know your opponent's army's stat lines, special rules and capabilities so you can prioritize your targets correctly and know who to attack and who to stay away from.

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Koyote: the Ironman XI tournament isn't recommending 30% HQ choices, just that the comp guidelines say no more than 30% HQ.


No less than 40% troops, and more troops choices than any one other choice on the FOC, and no more than 15% wargear.


I'll see you there :rolleyes:

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Koyote: the Ironman XI tournament isn't recommending 30% HQ choices, just that the comp guidelines say no more than 30% HQ.


No less than 40% troops, and more troops choices than any one other choice on the FOC, and no more than 15% wargear.


The comp guideline recommends that one spend no more than 30% on Heavy Support, Elite and Fast Attack combined, yet an army that spends between 30% to 60% of its total points on HQ is still within the comp guidelines. I consider that

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Heh, it's probably a typo. And the comp guidelines are kind of confusing, on the one hand it says no more than 30% on FA, Elites, or HS, but on the other hand it says 30% on FA, Elites, andHS.


Makes no sense, I'm interpreting it as 30% on each division of the FOC.

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It is a 30% combined for all 3 slots total.


I had a devil of a time putting something together that fit their comp guidelines and that would still have a chance of competing.


I cant wait to see all those 60% HQ picks though.... :tu:


I am sure there will be a few

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No, it's 30% per FOC choice. And 30% for HQ, they just mis-printed.


You can have:


30% HQ

30% Elites

30% FA

30% HS

15% wargear

40% (minimum) Troops


The list I'm bringing has 50% troops (4 choices), 19% HS (3 choices), 17% FA (2 choices), 4% wargear, 15% HQ (1 choice), rounded off.


EDIT: I just checked the LVGC list, they re-did the comp scoring guidelines to make them easier for everyone to understand:


Okay we just re wrote the comp rules a little bit. Sorry all, some

issues where pointed out to us that we needed to fix. I'll try and get

tim to post them to the web site asap but here is the info for you here

and now you'll also see the painting guide we'll be useing to assign

points. Its not very hard to get most of the points for painting so if

your army isn't painted get busy now! ....




* *


1. Are there more troops selections than any other single

category (HQ, Elites, Fast Attack, or Heavy). *+2 Points***


2. Are there more troops selections than any other 2

categories (HQ, Elites, Fast Attack, or Heavy). *+1 point ***


3. Are there more troop selections than all 4 other

categories combined (HQ, Elites, Fast Attack, or Heavy). *+1 point***


4. Do Troop selections make up at least 40% of the total

points of this army*? +2 points.*


5. Do all Troop selections have 6 or more models, don't

forget to count transports! *+1 Point*


6. Do the units and characters have names, designations on

your army list etc? Pretty simple did you name everything? +*1 point*


7. Have you used no more than 30% of their total points on

HQ? *+1 point*


8. Have you used no more than 30% of their total points on

Heavy? *+1 point*


9. Have you used no more that 30% of your total points on

Elite? *+1 point*


10. Have you used no more that 30% of your total points on

Fast Attack? *+1 point*


11. Were no more than 15% of the total points spent on

anything from the "Armory" page? *+1 point*


12. In the Judges opinion your army is the best representation

of its type according to background and codex *+4 points** *

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The confusion over the comp guidelines was based on a reply to an email I sent to the event organizer in which he stated:


"Slight over site on my behalf, 30% is for all three [combined] as stated in sentence 2. Sorry hope that clears it up. Remember these are only the comp guidelines nothing says you have to follow them.


Thanks again!


Robert Scheel"



Regardless, I am pleased that the organizers have decided to change the guidelines. Both the comp guidelines and painting scoring guidelines seem fair to me. Far superior to the last GT I attended. ^_^


It looks like Codicier Faust and his Honor Guard are out and Brother Captain Icarus and my Scout squad are back in.

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Yeah, it caused a big stink on the list, too. 30% combined FA, Elites and Heavy would have led to some really unbalanced armies. I don't understand why troop-heavy armies are considered "balanced", since it says it right there: troop heavy. It's just unbalanced in a different way.


But on the other hand, Ulthwé eldar would have loved those comp guidelines. Can you say Seer Council of DOOM? :D

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I don't understand why troop-heavy armies are considered "balanced", since it says it right there: troop heavy.  It's just unbalanced in a different way.

Well, troops are generally the "ordinary" guys with few special rules... but I can see your point when it goes too far towards the old IG Shooty Army from Hell :D

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egads, don't remind me of the pain that was IG infantry lists. Especially against an assault-oriented army list.


"Do not ask what one angry flashlight can do for you, but rather ask what THREE HUNDRED angry flashlights can do for you!"

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Since Task Force Armageddon represents 7 squads (sometimes 8) of the Third Company, I think it only fitting that I include the new captain of the Third Company in my list -Brother Captain Icarus.



It's not a terribly creative conversion, but I like the pose... and the fangs. :rolleyes:




I need to move the service studs closer together and add a third.



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Brother Sergeant Koyote's broken form was found amongst the carnage near the top of the breach of Hive Tempestora, pinned beneath an enormous piece of archeotech inscribed with the cryptic letters A-C-M-E. Following Brother Koyote's recovery, Chaplain Lemartes renamed the newly promoted veteran sergeant, Brother Sergeant Icarus, with the hope that this name would serve as a reminder for the sergeant to moderate his rash temperament and reckless obsession with his nemesis, the Speed Freak Warlord, Red Runna.



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