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Task Force Armageddon


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Brother Cpt. Koyote! Please do not dis the noble SHP because of their poor depiction in those, far less than deserving, novels. By all means, pass by the unit in your own games if you so choose but not the concept itself.


I haven't dismissed the use of the "noble SHP" outright. I feel that they make perfectly good loot counters. ^_^


This is one of three loot/objective counters I made a few years ago for a Seattle GT.


Enjoy. :)







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Lovley! I copy and pasted those tutorials and got $150.00 worth of Blood Angels coming in (Birthday). What sort of brushes do you use Koyote? I have a combat squad for the porpouses of test marines; so I am going to attempt various styles.


Chaplain Jacob: I buy all of my brushes at local craft and fabric stores. GW and hobby stores gouge you on brushes. I've seen brushes go for as much as $7 each -screw that! The brushes that GW sells are of no better quality than those that craft stores sell to old ladies who paint little ceramic bunnies and gnomes.


When you make your purchase, just make sure you get a variety of sizes (see my tutorial) and brushes that look like they hold a good tip.


Most of the brushes I use have synthetic bristles.

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Here's another loot counter from that event. Can you figure out my theme yet? ^_^




These are my WIP loot counters. From left to right: downed Imperial pilot; Imperial officer in trouble; downed Tau Air Caste (my buddy plays Tau); plague sword; and ammo cache.



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Looky looky, most of my Veteran Sergeants are finally WYSIWYG -finished the new shoulder pads last night. ;)


Smashy-killy guys.



Shooty-killy guys.


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The more of this rmy i see the better it gets! I especially like the middle shooty killy guys knee pad marking! Looks like a scotland flag!!


Thanks, but the knee pads are squad badges as per codex Blood Angels.

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I have added a second Death Company Veteran Sergeant to my army.


I have been playtesting my army for the last month or so and on occasion I found myself coming up short on Death Company. Never a huge fan of the metal Death Company models, I just couldn't bring myself to paint another one, so instead I dug through my boxes of unused models and pulled out one of the new metal Space Marine Veterans. He seems to have made the transition from grizzled veteran to power weapon swingng lunatic quite nicely. :)



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  • 7 months later...
There are NO blonde Blood Angels in MY 40K Universe.

well, in the official 40k universe, I think they're ALL blonde :)


maybe your guys dye?


My dark haired Angels have finally been exonerated! :wub:


"His long black hair was pressed down by the weight of the shawl of gold chain he wore across his head. The edges of it framed his solemn features. He had marked his cheeks with grey ash in mourning.


An attendant stood by with ink pot and brush to paint the ritual tears of grief on his cheeks, but Primarch Sanguinius shook his head, making the chain shawl clink. 'I have real tears,' he said."


Horus Rising -Dan Abnett



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"His long black hair was pressed down by the weight of the shawl of gold chain he wore across his head. The edges of it framed his solemn features. He had marked his cheeks with grey ash in mourning.


An attendant stood by with ink pot and brush to paint the ritual tears of grief on his cheeks, but Primarch Sanguinius shook his head, making the chain shawl clink. 'I have real tears,' he said."


Horus Rising -Dan Abnett


what the? did Dan Abnett just dismiss every piece of fluff there is a bout sanguinius and suddenly say he got black hair?



Abnett must... be neutralized.

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what the? did Dan Abnett just dismiss every piece of fluff there is a bout sanguinius and suddenly say he got black hair?


Abnett must... be neutralized.

Horus Rising is a terrific read and Dan's brief portrayal of our Primarch did much to remove the stain on our Chapter's honor inflicted by James Swallow's depiction of the Blood Angels in Deus Encarmine and Deus Sanguinius.





I just finished painting my first assault squad and their helmets are horrible... may I have the recipe of your yellow ones? they are amazing!

The recipe is simple:


-Basecoat the helmet with white primer(I found it easier to paint the helmet separate)

-Paint Sunburst Yellow (two thin coats work better than one thick coat)

-Apply orange ink

-Paint over the flat surfaces with several coats of thinned down Sunburst Yellow. The ink will show through the first few coats so if you apply successive coats to increasingly smaller areas, you get a blending effect. Let the ink show through the coats painted the closest to the recesses but not in the area further from the recesses.



The yellow helms in Task Force Armageddon were painted in a style reminiscent of the Blood Angel army painted in the 2nd edition Angels of Death codex.






If you want a more up-to-date look, substitute the orange ink for brown ink. You can take this process one step further by adding a thin highlight of Sunburst Yellow & Skull White to the edges.


You can see what the brown looks like on the ruined Imperial Fist shoulder pad on base of my newest project:





I know... I know... :jaw:


Please keep the shouts of heretic and traitor to a dull roar. B)

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Please keep the shouts of heretic and traitor to a dull roar. B)


The power of the darkside as consumed you.


HERETIC!!!! :jaw:


J/K looks good.


I just couldn't resist, IW I have special place in the angry part of my heart. Mainly because I have played against a ton of them, and they have always been the same army, the same game. Suprisingly I have never lost against IW. Strange how I dislike what I can beat....


Hopefully you are building a more unique IW force.

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hey Koyote!


i was wondering, could we please have the recipe for that beautiful, beautiful blue? pleeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaase?

if you have already posted it somewhere before then i am very sorry :ph34r:

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