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The AM, Mars, the Void Dragon, and Necrons

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The first Pariah was made from an Imperium Assassin. That's a fact from GW.

Tau are what we can see now just because of Imperium mistake. When Imperium fist found them Tau where in stone age. Then the Dark times begins. And Imperium FORGOT about them.

In Necron codex you can find lots of information. Ctan went to stassis 60 million years ago. There were no Imperium or even humanity. So the Void Dragon is on Mars. What it meens? Just one thing - not lucky humans!

Before stassis Necrons under command of Ctan destroyed the Old Ones. But not all of them.The last blow to the Old Ones was made by Eldar. And Chaos was made by Eldar. BEFORE the Humanity apeared.

I think that GW is saying just one thing - "If you don't stop Necrons you all are dead." One of the oldest Eldar even said that the only way to stop Necrons with Ctan is ALL races to fight against them TOGETHER.

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Tyranids and the Old Ones? Can't be - the Old Ones are DEAD. That's a fact.


Mabe Tyranids avoided Outsider because they sens no life i him? They are hunting for DNA. And there is some information that Tyranids avoided ALL planets on wich later were found necron tombs. Interestins isn't it?

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(please note this is not supposed to be a belligerant ignorant post, just factual)


no no no no no no! its just rumour and wishful thinking! i am a necron player and fan, and i have read everything i can lay my hands on regarding official fluff, and there has never been a mention of there being any more than 4.


more importantly, please people, tyranids have nothing to do with necrons! iv heard so many people say the tyranids were created by the outsider to scour the life from the galaxy, even a member of GW staff has said this to me! its just not possible in the fluff. i will explain why:


1) i can see how people come to the conclusion, there is a similarity in a destroyed world the tyranids have been responible for and the necron tomb worlds, but remember this is where the connection ends. remember that many races/factions scour planets of life from planets.


2) the tyranids are a psychic race. c'tan have absolutly no ability to influence the warp, except by creating barriers and voids the warp cannot exsist in (plyons and pariahs). a race of psychic creatures is inconceivable to the c'tan, they have no prescence in the warp and no ability to manipulate it. period.


this is why part of their "great work" includes separating the material universe from the warp and destroying the agents of chaos. kinda good in a way.


3) creating life is not what the c'tan are about, thats the old ones. the c'tan have millions of necrons and unrivaled technology, they have no need for biologic engineering. they got a plan for the humans (who fit the criteria) to become new additions to their minions, but are giving up their flesh for metal.


4) the tyranids are a threat to the galaxy. therefore they are a threat to the food source of the c'tan. basically a big male lion has just started to encoach on the resident big male lions prey and territory. nature programs show us what will happen between the lions when they meet...


oddly enough, we have another moment of necrons helping the rest of the universe by beating off the extra galactic menace. unfortunatly, that would mean they have secured their prey for themselves...




from what Luther - the fallen said abouth the thought of the oldones sending the tyranids to us to scour life from the galaxy so they can start again is interesting, if a little too inter-linked to the necrons. scary thought though.

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from what Luther - the fallen said abouth the thought of the oldones sending the tyranids to us to scour life from the galaxy so they can start again is interesting, if a little too inter-linked to the necrons. scary thought though.


I'm good at making those (scary thoughts, not tyranids :) )


hope it felt good to get it out Idaho.. ;)

you've convinced me (even more than I already was) that the Tyranids and Necrons have nothing to do with each other apart from being beaten up by my Black Crusade ^_^ (se my blog for info on that..)




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"If you don't stop Necrons you all are dead." One of the oldest Eldar even said that the only way to stop Necrons with Ctan is ALL races to fight against them TOGETHER.

lol ok that would be totaly un precidented and how in the emperor's holy name are we supposed to get the tyranids to fight the necrons too

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they got a plan for the humans (who fit the criteria) to become new additions to their minions, but are giving up their flesh for metal.

anyone thinking the AM would be the ideal human choices ? what about tau i mean they are "blanks" of sorts might not the C'tan consider then due to their nature towards the warp ?

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actually i was thinking about that myself. the tau would be just as good for "initiation" to the ranks of the unliving!


but im not sure how the GW are continue this story, they could go anyway really.


as for uniting to defeat the necrons, its easier than one might consider. the big galaxy powers wouldnt have to actively work together, just not fight each other and concentrate on the necrons. the necrons themselves will probably start hostilities against the tyranids to protect their interests, which is the perfect time for other races to take advantage of...

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I'm realy not sure that Eldar mentioned Tyranids or Chaos. He surely mentioned Imperium, Eldar(not dark), Tau. "ALL" was not the right word. Hmm... Necrons defending their prey? Interesting... But why Tyranids avoiding Necrons anyway?
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i would think its because of the "null zones" the necrons create with their pylons on their worlds. the soul cant exist in these areas, and the warp is cut off from the material realm. this means the hive mind cannot exist, therefore the tyranids cannot function.


the big powers of the universe would be the ones to fight the necrons. tau, eldar and the imperium would combine might, with perhaps orks directed/maniplulated to fight on tomb worlds by eldar meddling. that should cause some problems for the necrons, especially if the hostilities coincide with a necron engagement with tyranids or chaos.

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Just imagine... an army with faith of humanity, wisdom of Eldar, technology of Tau and population of Orcs. Looks like a problem for Necrons.


If Necrons can cut off warp and disable Tyranid's global mind... Tyranids won't be a big problem for Necron.

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theres a problem there though. if the warp is cut off completly the eldar will suffer badly and probably couldnt function, the orks would probably be unable to combine their collective energy in a waaaagggh, the humans would lose faith as they would be disconnected to their very souls, leaving just the tau. what the alliance would need to do is strike after a proportion of the warp is cut off, thereby having the eye of terror closed (necrons are attempting it thanks to the plyons) and the tyranids defeated, but before the necrons can harm the "younger" races.


difficult, but makes for a real epic!


Just imagine... an army with faith of humanity, wisdom of Eldar, technology of Tau and population of Orcs. Looks like a problem for Necrons.


a fearsome armed force! the imperium and orks combined would to me be enough to conquer the galaxy, but with the other atributes of the fish faces and pointy ears there would be no stopping them!

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Or combine the attributes in an other way, The Perfidiousness of the Tau, The Rashness of the Orks, The Arrogance of the Eldar, and the Ignorance of Humanity. A recipe for disaster!


And if I recall correctly, the Tau have souls, just dim ones, they wouldn't be totally unaffected by the Ultimate Necron Achievement.

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I just skipped most of the thread to toss my own theory out there. No offence intended if its already been mentioned, or if its similar to anyone elses theories.


Ok the C'Tan are adept at manipulating underlings. Well if there are C'Tan under this Void Dragons control, and find they've had worshippers for the last 33 thousand years while he was asleep then it would seize the oppertunity to control the humans as well. This can go either way depending if the god is merciful or harsh to its underlings. Either way the adept mechanicus will succumb to its will, since much of their tech is imbued with the power of the machine spirit. The Void Dragon.


This could cause a civil war but hence the worshipping of the Machine God was allowed even within the imperium where the 'god' is the Emperor, this could be further extended to the fact the god had risen. Because of the major reliance on the adept mechanicus, the Imperium would have no good reason to turn against it, even at the state the Imperium is in now.


The connection could be made that indeed the Void Dragon is a star god, a vampire god, a C'Tan. That would make little differance if the Void Dragon showed mercy to its followers and allies, to overturn the other C'Tan and consume them, becoming the one and only C'tan left without fear of destruction. Turning the known necrons into allies, or even replacing them altogether with the already made human empire.


The C'tan will try to control the stronger foe, and since humans are like beasts shooting eachother with little or no reason, there alot of souls to be reaped without even trying. If humans control the galaxy, and the only direction their souls would turn is to the Void Dragon, then the VD C'tan would have no reason to push for a harvest. A large steady supply is better then running the supply dry, then going to sleep waiting for a new harvest some time later. Best secure your assets now rather then consume it and leave it dwindling and weak, capable of annihilation.


Because Eldar, Orks, The Warp and old ones are the enemy of the C'tan during the Necron wars eons back, they would be primary enemies if the Void Dragon controlled the human empire.

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Most likely when the void dragon wakes up half of the adeptus mechanicus would fully become machines as it would'nt take that much convincing to do so.


Heres the thing about the pylons, the eye of terror was created along time before the c'tan started to wake up and since they can't use the warp then how did they know to place the pylons there?


Or could they be left there since the war in heaven as the eye of terror is where the heart of the eldar empire used to be and they were used to dim the eldars psychic potential.

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hard to say about the pylons. its could be a GW error. after all, the eye of terror has only been around for 10,000 years and the c'tan went into status 59 million years ago! who created them? maybe your right about the eldar thing, but why wouldnt they destroy them?


its a GW gap me thinks.

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