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The AM, Mars, the Void Dragon, and Necrons

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Information about the Outsider:

He was the first of all C'tan who started to eat other C'tan, the Deciever told him to.(laughing god) And he ate most of them. Then he went in some kind of prison, because he became mad.

And nothing about what he look like.

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Deciever told him to.(laughing god)


From that, it looks like you're saying the deciever and the laughing god are the same thing - they aren't. The laughing god convinced him to eat his own, and also lured him into the warp - which was what drove him mad IIRC.

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Deciever told him to.(laughing god)


From that, it looks like you're saying the deciever and the laughing god are the same thing - they aren't. The laughing god convinced him to eat his own, and also lured him into the warp - which was what drove him mad IIRC.


that is also the version I've heard (at my Local GW..) that the Outsider was tricked by the Laughing God to go into the warp and went mad because of it..




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From that, it looks like you're saying the deciever and the laughing god are the same thing - they aren't. The laughing god convinced him to eat his own, and also lured him into the warp - which was what drove him mad IIRC.

Into the warp? I've not heard that before. Where did you hear this from?


My understanding of the fight was that the Outsider and some of his fellow Yngir were confronted by Cegorach (the Laughing God), so Cegorach made each of the Yngir appear to be him, and the Outsider ate them. When they had all been killed, the fragments of the Yngir drove it insane, and he collapsed into his sphere (Lyriax).

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that is also the version I've heard (at my Local GW..) that the Outsider was tricked by the Laughing God to go into the warp and went mad because of it..


sorry man, but i wouldnt take the GW locals too seriously. i was told by one guy in a local store that the tyranids were created by the necrons (look at my earlier post for my rebuttal of this!), amongst other things that are just speculation.


i have read everything i could lay my greedy little mits on as of concerns to necrons (except any FW stuff), and i think they have elaborated on that a little too much. sure there is the eldar myth of the laughing god tricking the outsider into consuming its fellows, but no evidence to it going into the warp. however this would make sense, though i doubt it would be true (it would take a lot for GW to get him out again fluffwise!)


another thing is not to get confused with the laughing god and the deceiver. while it is possible they are the same being it is unlikely due to the fact harlequins are highly psychic. when a solitare dies the laughing god fights slaanesh for the soul as a solitaire doesnt wear a soul stone. normally slaanesh wins "unless the laughing god can somehow trick him of his prize" (real quote from 2nd ed codex eldar).


one reason the deciever is often confused with the laughing god is because people not reading the fluff fully. (no offence). it says the laughing god tricked the ousider into eating its kin, while the deceiver "convince" the nightbringer into doing the same. to similar events but with different purposes and protagonists.

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I can be wrong... But the text about the Outsider and laughing god is on page where the Deciever is based in Necron codex.


Couldn't find ANY information about Tyranids as Necron creration.


that is also the version I've heard (at my Local GW..) that the Outsider was tricked by the Laughing God to go into the warp and went mad because of it..
- never heared about such thing.


It could be my fluff is some cutversion. Where can i find 100% full fluff?

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that is also the version I've heard (at my Local GW..) that the Outsider was tricked by the Laughing God to go into the warp and went mad because of it..


sorry man, but i wouldnt take the GW locals too seriously. i was told by one guy in a local store that the tyranids were created by the necrons (look at my earlier post for my rebuttal of this!), amongst other things that are just speculation.


The guy in question is a full-timer at GW Copenhagen.. but even they have been proved wrong sometimes (for instance: I have had to inform them that Tzeentch wasn't spelled Tzeetch.. they quickly removed the sign that time..




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I can be wrong... But the text about the Outsider and laughing god is on page where the Deciever is based in Necron codex.


yeah that is the common confusion. it is just a coincidence i think, though i could be wrong and they are intended to be the same being, but i dont think so for the reasons i set out earlier!

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Sorry if this has already been posted but what about the talismans of vaul. They are mentioned in codex: Eye of terror as being the only defense against the stargods (c'tan). It seems reasonable to think thes are the blackstone fortresses because there is a conversation between Eldrad Ulthran and an Exarch about how some of the talismans have fallen to Abaddon. Possibly if on the next black crusade Abaddon took all of the blackstone fortresses both the outsider and the dragon would be released? Just a thought.
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you are correct, the talismans of vaul are indeed the blackstone fortressess, and all bar one has been destroyed i think, though it may be all bar 2, have to do some digging to refresh my necron brain.


as for when the other 2 c'tan come alive, abbaddon already has the only 2 blackstones still in existance. the others destroyed mysteriously after the gothic war. was almost definitly the deceiver who arranged that. but the other 2 star gods could be waiting for the last 2 to be destroyed of before their reawakening. we will just have to wait!

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This void dragon, is he a dragon?he C'tan phad Does he look like one? Also, just because he is a C'tan does not mean that his troops (if any) are necrons/"normal" necrons. About tthe C'tan phase swords, as most items in the imperiumc'tan are of very old design, they could be precieved by man as a brand/place that created them, not of necron/star god. I think we should add a new weapon to the deathwatch list, a combi-bolter/C'tan phase launcher. So it is a bolter and a very expensive one shot ranged weapon that ignores inv. and armor saves, and has a med-high strength. Another thought is that the void dragon is not trapped in a stasis thing, but is very crippled for some reason. In this idea, the void dragon is being repaired/healed by the AM, but they do not know what he truly is capable of because he is surpressing most of his power as not to be attacked in his weak state.
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whoa, so many questions in one paragraph! i will try my best! (in no particular order, just how it spills out of noodle)


Another thought is that the void dragon is not trapped in a stasis thing, but is very crippled for some reason. In this idea, the void dragon is being repaired/healed by the AM, but they do not know what he truly is capable of because he is surpressing most of his power as not to be attacked in his weak state.
right here we go, i will start from the begining of the dragons fluff so its clearer:


the vaul moon could be anywhere, not just mars. it could be an old eldar version of a forge world, or a tau industrial moon, or really is mars! thats a matter of debate. remember that the talismans of vaul were an eldar gods creation (old one perhaps?) to defeat the necrons, and they have nothing to do with mars. it is however commonly accepted that the dragon is on mars, which come about from the eldar stating he is on the "vaul moon", and a short passage of fluff where abbaddon sees something hidden on mars, and finds it very amusing! this is reinforced with a necron attack on mars, which wasnt really an attack but an attempt to and on the planet with 5 light cruisers.


now the problem is, he could have seen anything the necrons left there. he could have been deceived by the daemon who showed him (it didnt like abbaddon, it refered to him as abbaddon thrice-cursed and mentioned his soul being feasted on by the flesh hounds!).


so in short, maybe the dragon is being "repaired" by elements of the adeptus mechanicus, but also maybe not. if he is on mars or a forge world, its not definite that hes got loyalists among the mechanicus, but very probable. we just dont know for sure whether hes on there.


This void dragon, is he a dragon?he C'tan phad Does he look like one? Also, just because he is a C'tan does not mean that his troops (if any) are necrons/"normal" necrons


again who knows. i doubt he does for modeling purposes, rather its his metaphoric name of old that suits his personality. as for necrons servants, its probable he has them as the necron race was pretty much given over to servitude into 4 parts (once the other c'tan had been scoffed) so there should still be "regular" necrons on his payroll.


your ideas of bolter/phase weapon may have merit, but thats for a different thread i think. i agree, i think the deathwatch should have numerous alien weaponary, though as for weapons that arent even owned by the necron armylist itself perhaps this would be a little unfair on the necron players. (im a necron player, and i would kill to have such a weapon as you mentioned that ignores armoursaves from range - the bane of all necron armies!)

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Sorry about the too many questions. I do not have the necron or chaos codex handy, so was basing my thoughts on this thread's info. About the DW weapon i mentioned, it would be a good one for them, but only fair as a one shot per game deal. The Necron list kinda basic on the star gods - I mean that they are both profiled and not customizable. Which would be fun. Also, a new necron model would be fun, like a WBB dread. You could fluff it by saying it was in stasis or the god as their controler was.
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Sorry about the too many questions.
nah, i was only messing! just try to put each question in a different paragraph for clarity. :D


About the DW weapon i mentioned, it would be a good one for them, but only fair as a one shot per game deal.


a great idea, i was just saying that i would like to see the necrons get such a weapon before the DW get it!


The Necron list kinda basic on the star gods - I mean that they are both profiled and not customizable. Which would be fun. Also, a new necron model would be fun, like a WBB dread. You could fluff it by saying it was in stasis or the god as their controler was.


now you are talking my language! i have always maintained that the necrons are too bland to stay the way they are in the 40k universe. at least for economic reasons the GW should be promoting its diversity to encourage people to join the ranks of the necrons!


and i agree 100% that a big monstrous creature would be great! something more combat capable than a tombspyder, and bigger and tougher!


the fact necrons are essentially created by their own technology means there is no end to the vararity of models that can be made, so GW must be able to come up with something!


but this is all along way off, as the necron 4th edition codex is at least 2 years away and needs much work. shame.

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You could make one or two home grown necron rules/models if you wanted. I heard some one talking about the necrons and converting. They were thinking about a necron dready thing. It would look like a Dread torso with a larger destroyer body. I do not know what weapons/rules they were going to use. I am sure that you could think of something for it. Maybe lower AV, but gains the skimmer rules. Also some form of the WBB rule could be fun.
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Tech-Adept Uvochi

"The ancient ones are Necrons and their living gods. ... ;wewho understand shall venerate them upon their return."

"...I will never be lied to again for i have seen the face of god."

from intercepted transcript of inquisitor. marshal primus Rogal Surr

Necron codex p.49

AM not just know about Necrons, there are some of them that hail Necrons and C'tan!

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yeah it looks like the will almost certainly be a campaign released alongside any model of another c'tan (most probably the dragon will be more influencal with the AM) which may detail the AM factions, as it seems to be an important part of the fluff in the necron codex!


but then, the AM are typical of humans in 40k; there are always a faction that fall to one side or the other! heres another interesting thought, if the dragon did emerge and caused an internal conflict in the AM, would that mean there will be 3 factions to the conflict? or even 4?


in thinking:


the AM as it is (or is supposed to be),

the dark mechanicus (DM for short),

the AM that fall in line with the necrons,

the DM that fall in line with the necrons.


be interesting where the GW will take this.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Right, (excuse me if i'm a little outdated on any of this, or if i've missed anything, but i've be out of the 40K universe for several years now and am just now catching up with things, so feel free to correct me)


Firstly, and i quote:-


he could have been deceived by the daemon who showed him (it didnt like abbaddon, it refered to him as abbaddon thrice-cursed and mentioned his soul being feasted on by the flesh hounds!).


You really think abbaddon gives one iota about his soul? and as far as the thrice cursed goes, third times a charm ;-), besides, he's only got 5 more curses to go until he's got the full damned set (eight pointed star, get it?).


hmmm, damn, i had thought of more, but can't remember any of them now.... bugger.




Right, i remember now.


A question which is a little off topic to start - if the fallen angel cypher has attacked the deceiver (note that he used a c'tan phase knife which was, of course, absorbed) and according to one of the entries here, has visited the outsiders dyson sphere, then why, a) is he still alive (as the callidus assasin that attacked the deceiver was killed) and :devil: why has he not been driven insane? (as all others who have visited the dyson sphere have).


Secondly, i don't think the warhammer fantasy world is inside the Eye of Terror, after all chaos want control of that world and wouldn't it be easier to sent in a legion or two of chaos space marines and get the job done?


Going back on topic now!


I don't believe that the void dragon and the machine god are the same being, ok, the void dragon was supposed to have a greater ability to control the machines around it than the other C'tan, which might give rise to the machine spirit bit, but hey, i'm just an optimist! I don't want to see terra destroyed by some all powerful C'tan. If it's goning to go bye bye then i'd much rather see it go out in a blaze of glory against the likes of Abbadon, who, to be fair, has tried so much harder than anyone else to destroy the imperium!

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Even if Void Dragon is Machine god... I don't think GW can just let C'tan destroy humanity... There is said that C'tan won't kill all. They will kill a lot, but then they'll need slaves =) It is WH 40k! the WAR never ends! Something else will appear and won't let C'tan do everything they want. That's for 100%. I'm realy sure of that. It's interesting HOW they'll do it and by whom?
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