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I thought i better jam the pics i have of my Star Lords WIP mk8 armour, i am going for the truer scale look to them.






These have been made larger but lengthening the shins, as im sure you can see. :HS:


A torso:




Rough work at this stage, but torso has been thickened by using a thin sheet of plasticard, and a collar has been attached.


Shoulder pads:





These pads are a nightmare to make but are worth it, as im sure you'll agree. :)




My inspiration for my entire mk8 Star Lords 2nd Company comes from this image from a French GW HQ staff member.







I am currently in the process of making the entire Star Lords 2nd Company, all 160 of them. Each 10 man tactical squad will have 5 running legged marines giving the effect of advancing, and 5 static legged marines acting as cover fire for the advancing marines.


Work project as it stands now is:

  • 100 Tactical marines
  • 20 Devastator marines
  • 30 Assault marines
  • 1 Captain
  • 1 Command Squad - 9 man, although i will obviously only field 5 in a game.


Side projects:

  • Chapter Master and 10 Honour Guard
  • Master of Sanctity
  • Master of the Forge
  • Chief Librarian
  • The other 9 Company Captains
  • 2 Venerable Dreadnaughts


Will post the newist WIP pictures a bit later or tomorrow morning. :FA:


Oh and expect more progress on my truer scale thunderhawk thread found here, to continue soon. :HQ:

Edited by Pulse
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Here are the latest batch of photos, i couldn't remember where i stored them on my PC, lol.





The rivets are quite crude as of now and i will be removing the bottom four rivets i think as i have grown to dislike them.







As you can see here the legs are nearly complete, the things left to do are; touch ups, smoothing of the legs and then the casting for these boys will start next week sometime. B)

Edited by Pulse
  Brother-chaplain Astador said:
may i ask, do you know where the models you posted come from, the torso/legs etc?

The torso is a normal marine torso just with the detailing filed off, and made thicker with plasticard. The running legs are from the Assault squad sprues. :lol:


  Brother-chaplain Astador said:
Sublime GS work on the legs and torso, it looks so cool, its meant to be mk. 8 I know but it has such a pre-heresy feel

Thanks matey, i am not very experienced with GS yet so its still a learning process for me, glad you like them though. ;)



I like your work. Nice ideas and GS.


The only thing i dont like is that you lengthened the shins but not the tighs. They should be (not exactly, but kind of) the same size I think. If you keep them that way the common SM arms will still reach to the knees, which is kind of.... monkey?



Yeh thats true but when they are posed people won't notice, thats my excuse anyway, haha. :lol:


Although if you look they arn't that far off, as the hips start above where the flexi joint is, and then the knees sit behind the knee pads ,it all fits quite well. ;)

Edited by Pulse
  Commissar Molotov said:
Good to see these pictures online. This looks to be a good project, and hopefully the army will look good when it's all together.

Thanks matey, glad to see you have popped in. The project will take a time but i think but its worth it.


  wulfgarr said:
Seeing these WIP pictures are just awe inspiring.The GS work is top notch.Those pads are what GW's should look like.Really love the look of the MK8 armour.Great work.

I am glad that you like the work, as i said i am not that comfortable with the GS yet as this is my first real pop at making anything. ;)


  Zeller said:
Very clean greenstuffing. Your work will be proof the Imperium still has a research and development program. :P In other words I like that the armor is looking more flush and solid looking than previous generations.

Hehe, i agree. I know it sounds a bit odd but i just can't stand that the Space Marines armour as it is. All the different varients makes them look so bodged and ragtag, so i am going for uniformity. Each model will carry plenty of pouches for mags, a side arm and grenades giving the model the look they should have of carrying kit. :lol:


  Ferrus Manus said:
Very nice GSing Pulse. Is the entire aemy going to be MkVIII or just a select few. Good luck with the project!

Thanks matey, the entire company will have mk8 as you see here, the exceptions will be on the honour guard, chaplain, librarian, capain and chapter master as they will have a mk8 feel but will be more ornate.


  Master Toddius said:
I love that armor look. Its better looking than the orginal IMHO. Techy mixed with gothic. Really nice work. I might have to steal some of those ideas. A terminator with the same styling cue would be awesome as well.


Really good work ;)

Thank you, thats a compliment indeed! The orginal is a great model and as its the newest varient of armour and my Star Lords are a young chapter it just made sence to combine the two. A terminator would look good i must admit in mk8 style armour. :)


  Wadey13 said:
Oh crikey!! those are amazing!! please post piccys as soon as you have some more painted :)


brilliant modelling made even better by brilliant paint jobs

I will get around to painting these lads when i get the rest of the models done, so it could be a while. :P


  ImperialTemplari said:
wow Pulse these are looking good, a lot of work in a force that size, they will be very unique. well done.

Much appreciated. *tips hat* :)

  arutha said:
Wonder if you could make some kind of stamp for atleast the shoulderpads. I would think its going to be a nightmare replicating that, 100 times or however many marines you plan on having.

I will be casting them matey, so i wont need to make 100 of each. :pinch:

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