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Okay guys, like I promised, here's the next update: After adding somme extra rubble to the base and stipling some Liquid GS texture on those woefully smooth plastic basing parts, everything was ready for painting:




So that's what I did yesterday. And here, without further ado, is the finished Contemptor:














And here's a closer look at the base:








The last picture also shows off the piece of rubble pinning the Ultramarine down a bit better.


Now back when I visited Augustus b'Raass in Amsterdam last summer, he was awesome enough to magnetise my first Contemptor's gun arm. And while I am totally ignorant when it comes to magnetising stuff, it was easy enough to add something readily magnetic to the second Contemptor's right shoulder. So now I get to do fun stuff like swapping in a new gun...




...or changing the angle of the gun:




And, just to reiterate, there's also that freehand ;)




So yeah, that's the finished model! And here are "the twins":




As always, let me know what you think! :)

Cheers for the feedback, guys! And very glad to hear you like him!


Indeed, both Contemptors are based on the somewhat awkward - and painfully vanilla - plastic Contemptor from the Betrayal at Calth set. Call me crazy, but the model is a ton of fun to convert, precisels because it's so underwhelming ;)


Even if you want to keep things really simple, like me, without using any GS, splicing in Sentinel upper legs or what have you, the plastic Contemptor is easy to improve via just two or three small cuts:




1. Carefully cutting the body apart at the waist allows for a more interesting pose (plus you could even magnetise that joint to allow the torso to swivel permanently.


2. The really invaluable step, however, is to cleanly separate either of the legs (or both) from the pelvis area with a clean cut, then reattach them at a different angle to either make the pose more open and less pidgeon toed (as I've done on my first Contemptor) or approximate a walking/running position (as I've done on the second model).


And that's not even getting into the extra posability (and customisability) you get by carefully cutting off the weapons immediately beneath the shoulder. Anyway, hope this helps! :)

I. Love. It! That Ursus Claw is amazing KS, if it's not too much trouble could you provide a break down of the bits used? The head swap works brilliantly too and really helps to give the Contemptor a World Eaters vibe :D



@ Nemac Vradon: Hey mate, no trouble at all! Here's the bitz breakdown, at least as much as I remember:


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That is a truly stunning start to the year mate the whole thing gels together treat 





@ Mechanist: Haha, exactly right: There's a special kind of frustration in rushing off to post something you're super happy with -- then having it completely ignored. Bonus points if people then start commenting on the model you posted last week and wanted them to comment on then :wink:

I feel that, - goes to plog and posts 4th post in a row without any comments....

Cool dread, great cinematic base, love the dead-ish Marine trying to reach the melta-bomb! 

The only thing I´m not totally cool with is the tip of it´s harpoon-thing, overweise very cool!

Cheers, gents! :)


@ Nemac Vradon: I'm sure you will, mate ;)


@ Mechanist: Thanks a lot! Also, the message has been received. Heading over to your thread ASAP ;)


@ LordVelype: There was a real temptation to make the tip of the harpoon more chaos-y and vicious, but since it's a Heresy era model, I restrained myself and created a weapon that seems a bit more utilitarian.


@ ElDuderino: Haha, making those big decals fit the leg armour is always such a nerve-wracking thing, but it's also always worth it ;)


@ marine73120000: Absolutely! Like I said, Augustus magnetised the original gun arm for me, and it took him all of five minutes. He is crazy fast, though, so yeah... ;)

Thanks a lot, Kierdale! It's such a small thing really, but both the reactor and the mechanisms of the Ursus Claw seemed like areas that warranted a little extra attention -- safety first, and all that :wink:



In the meantime, I have come up with a small background piece for my latest Contemptor. Nothing spectacular, but it'll let you know who he is. What's more, it's a bit of a tradition for me to immortalise fellow hobbyists who have contributed to my hobby life in a meaningful way by naming models after them (our Augustus alone gets about three shout outs in my 40k World Eaters army, come to think of it :wink: ), and I decided to do the same this time, using a part of the Contemptor's name and a tiny bit of his background as a bit of a shout out to a fellow forumite who did me a really good turn last year -- let's hope he notices :wink:


Anyway, here goes:





Kelok Raud

"The Hunter"

Contemptor, XII Legion Astartes


Long before his interment into a hallowed Ironform, or even before his transformation into an Astartes, Kelok Raud was already a consummate hunter, slaying the monstrous rad-beasts that stalked the West-Yropan flatlands. After his induction into the XII Legion, this predilection for hunting fearsome game saw Raud gravitate towards the role of a heavy assault specialist, and many were the beasts and tech-horrors he brought down during the Great Crusade, before finally falling under the claws of a towering xenos beast.


Before the last spark of life left his shattered body, however, the Techmarines of the 4th assault company interred him into a Contemptor ironform, as his prowess in battle had long made him eligible for a service beyond death.


Bestriding the battlefield clad in layered Adamantium of ancient Mechanicus ingenuity, Kelok Raud now hunts as a true avatar of war. His breastplate proudly proclaims his motto „Venatio Supra Omnia – the Hunt above all else“ in High Gothic lettering, and where he used to hunt mutant beasts with spear and lance, he is now armed  with a Dreadnought-sized version of that most vicious of World Eaters weapons, the monstrous Ursus Claw harpoon.

Edited by KrautScientist

Just not to be mean r anything but shouldnt there have been a ddead xenos on the base instead of a marine?
As in your little lore thingy his prefered enermy seems to be xenos?
But change it now its awesome!
Do you know what rules you are gonna use for the awesome harpoon? or are you not planning to play a game with you 30k force?

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