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I've done it before with Tamiya clear on the outside and a very bright (runefang) on the inside. Gives a neat reflective effect. Use it on all my dark eldar vehicles.


@ Augusutus - Looking very awesome buddy! Those hell drakes are crazy detailed.

Thanks again Augustus, Thinking about it further I expect it would be best to paint individual pains that are kept level, let it dry turn and repeat, just so it spreads and drys even across every pain.


Or is that overcautious?.


That sounds good Flint13 but I think Im wanting to see the guy (no matter how dark he will be) through the canopy kind of like the red light that goes on when military aircraft enter drop zones and such, having said that when it comes to it and I don't like I'll give your suggestion a blast, ta.

  On 11/14/2014 at 12:14 PM, Flint13 said:

I've done it before with Tamiya clear on the outside and a very bright (runefang) on the inside. Gives a neat reflective effect. Use it on all my dark eldar vehicles.


@ Augustus - Looking very awesome buddy! Those hell drakes are crazy detailed.

Oh that's also a great idea! I'd love to see those DE vehicles. Where can we find them?


  On 11/15/2014 at 8:09 AM, Thrasius said:

Thanks again Augustus, Thinking about it further I expect it would be best to paint individual pains that are kept level, let it dry turn and repeat, just so it spreads and drys even across every pain.


Or is that overcautious?.


That sounds good Flint13 but I think Im wanting to see the guy (no matter how dark he will be) through the canopy kind of like the red light that goes on when military aircraft enter drop zones and such, having said that when it comes to it and I don't like I'll give your suggestion a blast, ta.

I would really advice against painting different plains separately - the paint dries quite thick and I'm not sure what the edges of the plains will end up like if you paint it separately. :tu:


  On 11/15/2014 at 12:00 PM, Noctem Cultor said:

Nice to see some other Abhumans being forced into service for the VIII Legion. Some great painting on those Terminators, I like the skull in its pure white good contrast.

Thanks Noctum! Yeah the abhumans are of course a curse on humanity, but hey, if they instill fear in others, so much the better! ;)




Looks awesome.

I'm sure even you couldn't make the Charcarodons Raven Guard Contemptor look good, though. tongue.png

  On 11/23/2014 at 2:27 PM, MrBear said:

That's an impressive one! Well painted and the pose is very dynamic, really nice work mate!

Thanks MrBear! Always a pleasure to have you stop by here biggrin.pngthumbsup.gif

  On 11/23/2014 at 2:44 PM, Knight of the Raven said:


Looks awesome.

I'm sure even you couldn't make the Charcarodons Raven Guard Contemptor look good, though. tongue.png

Haha thaks mate! I had the same association back when he was still "in resin clad". About the Raven Guard contemptor: I still don't get the dotted stripes, how these are supposedly reminiscent of 'Polynesian art/culture' and why suddenly the raven guard are based on the Polynesian culture... So I'm not going to use that one. The SoH one for sure (already have it), the IW one maybe, but not he Raven Guard one for sure.

Well at least the DA have had clear references to th native americans, with the old terminator kit - which they have completely dropped in favor of the gothic monk style lately. But raven guard as polynesians? Do they do a haka before battle or something?



@sockwithaticket: Thanks Sock! He might have stolen the butcher's cannons too ;)


@Brother Heinrich: Cheers Hainrich, yeah teh butcher cannons setup is the only shooty one I actually field in games. It yields a vehicle kill every turn - except land raiders and super heavies of course - the other day I even shot down one of those big Tyranid flyers with it. Plus it can soak up some decent firepower itself, with AV13 and a 4+ save against glancing hits. But didn't you field on in your latest battle report? How was that?


@hushrong: Haha I can totally relate to that sympathy - deep down we're all big kids :D


@Fulminate: thanks mate! I'd love to play against those sweet DAs of yours too. Europe is a big place though, drop me a PM when you're in the Netherlands, and we'll make it happen :D

  • 3 weeks later...

Today I finished the Chosen squad with plasma guns I vowed for the Call of Chaos VIII event.


Hope you like!







C&C always welcome :D




@JeffTibbetts: Go for it dude! The contemptor is an awesome kit to pose - and you can even stretch it a little without the kit really giving you a lot of trouble. Be warned though: once you go contemptor, you never go MkIV or MkV again.


@Jeremy1391: Haha thanks man. :D


@Midnight Runner: Wow cheers mate! That is quite the compliment. :tu:

The Chosen squad is looking excellent -- and far cooler than any shooty squad should have a right to ;) I do have two small nitpicks, however:


1. Maybe it's just the picture, but it looks like the rebreather guy's facial skin could do with another careful application of wash in the recesses and a couple of simple highlights to give the face a bit more definition.


2. The purity seal on the one plasma gun seems a bit distracting. Sure, it could be explained by the weapon being stolen from loyalists, or maybe the Marine applied it as a way of teasing the loyalists, or maybe he still sticks to the old custom of using oath papers like that, but in spite of all these options, it does stick out like a sore thumb -- mostly because the combination of the red seal and paper just have a loyalist feel -- maybe you could paint the wax seal black or dark grey, and the problem would be solved? Or you could apply a skin wash to the paper itself, making it look more like flayed skin?


Anyway, great job! :)

Hi KSci, thanks for the excellent feedback. I admit I am very inexperienced painting faces, so I will take your advice to heart and fix it tonight. I feel the same way about the purity seal, but it's on the bit itself and I was lazy and didn't cut it away... Your idea of black waz sounds pretty good though. I'll do both things and post pics tomorrow. 

Thanks guys! Yeah, I need to incorporate more MkIII helmets in my army. They just look so rad.

I've also finished the Rhino accompanying this squad today. It has the fantastic trim by Subtle Discord on it, and I'm absolutely in love with this kit. He's on to bigger things right now, even thinking about making a trim kit for the Sicaran Battle Tank, and I'd pray to the four gods to make that happen soon.

I tried some mud splatter technique I saw online somewhere, using a wet brush and plain air from my aribrush. I'll be going back to my usual trick with the old toothbrush though. Now that I see the pics up close, I see a couple mold lines on the bolter, but oh well - too late. Next vehicle will also have a bit more chains, as I found a new supplier for them online.

Anyway, here it is. Hope you like biggrin.png






C&C welcome as always biggrin.pngthumbsup.gif


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