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  On 6/7/2019 at 10:42 PM, t-dog1996 said:

Had a slightly unpleasant experience today. Played a game against Orks. On the whole I was pretty pleased with how the game went; I ended up losing on points, but came within a hair's breadth of tabling my opponent at the end which, considering he was running a list containing three 30 man Boy squads I was pretty pleased with. This was also despite losing first turn. Unit of the day on my side went to the Death Company - my 10-man squad jumped down with Lemartes, deleted a squad of 6 bikers then withstood a charge of 30 ork boys, fighting their way through in 3 turns to wipe them out with half the squad still standing. In the end I couldn't get line of sight on his last model, a painboy, before the game ended with him in the lead, but there were plenty of positives to take away so I didn't mind too much.


The thing that made it unpleasant was my opponent. One of the most smug, self satisfied... people... I've ever come across in the hobby. Not friendly at all, even though it was a friendly game arranged on the fly. He had a habit of laughing at everything that went his way or went wrong for me, but not in a genial way, much more in a snide way. He also tried to imply that he knew the Blood Angels better than I do, despite never having had a Blood Angels army (I've played them without interruption for 9 years through four editions), which was more funny than annoying but still left a bad taste in my mouth. All in all, although the game was useful in developing my army as a close match against a tough opponent, I wish I hadn't played it, or at least found a more pleasant opponent. What was even worse was that when I got to my FLGS to play the match it turned out that a good friend of mine with an excellent army happened to be there anyway and could have played me, but I'd already arranged the game with the other guy. It's a shame because usually I love playing 40k win or lose, and I found it hard to have fun today even when things were going my way.

Ooooooooof, that's awful. That Guytm is always the worst to run into. I judge people by their That Guytm-itude when I play them.

@t-dog I've had my ups and downs with bad players and with those stretching the rules to the thinnest.


Attitudes in this hobby come in spurts. I've had opponents get mad at my dice more than me, I've also had conversations that made me think, man I don't want to play against them anymore. Just chalk this one up and find the silver linings.


I once played a fellow that called his Necrons KNEE-crons. And he was serious. I thought he was kidding a la monte python and the holy grail, and he had the robot knights that said Nii. But he wasnt and it was downhill from there.

Yeah I won’t be playing him again. Normally I arrange games within a set group of friends but I had been unable to get ahold of any of them so I put a message out on my FLGS Facebook group and he was the first to respond. I vaguely knew him by sight before the game but I didn’t know anything about him. Well, lessons learned in any case.
  On 6/8/2019 at 2:00 PM, t-dog1996 said:

Yeah I won’t be playing him again. Normally I arrange games within a set group of friends but I had been unable to get ahold of any of them so I put a message out on my FLGS Facebook group and he was the first to respond. I vaguely knew him by sight before the game but I didn’t know anything about him. Well, lessons learned in any case.

Well most of my group are all cut throat ITC players. I've been trying to set up a campaign for months. And so it goes sometimes. le sigh.


On a side note everyone, I'm in the process of building a full company of Carmine Blades for a defense of Baal//Urban conquest campaign. I just wish 92 marines + 4 rhinos wasn't almost 2k points before upgrades. 

Edited by Dont-Be-Haten
  On 6/8/2019 at 2:18 PM, Dont-Be-Haten said:

I just wish 92 marines + 4 rhinos wasn't almost 2k points before upgrades.


Well hey look on the bright side, Apocalypse is coming in the summer, so that should make it easier to do things like that!

I fear you can't. Thanks anyway, though. Picking up some Chaos soon (to represent the Fallen Sixth) and since their paint jobs are so similar to the Crimson Knights (because they kept their old colors as a big middle finger to the Crimson Knights), I might finish up my ETL vows when I start the Fallen Sixth.

  On 6/8/2019 at 2:18 PM, Dont-Be-Haten said:


On a side note everyone, I'm in the process of building a full company of Carmine Blades for a defense of Baal//Urban conquest campaign. I just wish 92 marines + 4 rhinos wasn't almost 2k points before upgrades. 



Oh look at mister fancy with his almost 100 models. I only get to have 51 models with almost 2k points due playing Primaris. :D

Today I got some hands on time with the new contrast paints. I thought the BA frater would like to see how it looks without any zenithal or airbrush work. The one on the right is over a grey seer base, and the left is over wraithbone. You can also see from the marine on the left that playing around with how you apply it you can prevent the pooling and brushstrokes that have a been a big concern. The second pic is a bit more potato quality, but it does show apothecary white on the right pauldron and arm of the wraithbone based marine, and there's been a severe shortage of that.



In total the finished marine took about 15 minutes.

  On 6/8/2019 at 10:14 PM, Dolchiate Remembrancer said:

I must say...I don't "see" what the big deal about contrast paints is...

Basically it’s a time-saver. If you don’t need your miniatures to look perfect and you need to paint a lot of them in a short space of time then it’s great. The traditional method will still produce superior results but contrast will save you time if you’re not a keen painter.


One thing that does concern me is that people will be introduced to painting through contrast, which means they won’t be taught a lot of the key elements of normal painting like thinning paints, using a palette, layering, highlighting, shading etc.


So if and when they progress to using normal paints, perhaps to paint a centrepiece figure for their army, they will be disappointed by the results as it will likely end up looking much worse than contrast as they were never taught the fundamentals. I have experience here as I was never taught how to use paints properly when I started out and this put me off painting for years because my models looked crap. Duncan was my saviour there; his videos taught me basics I’d simply never learned. My painting improved pretty much overnight about 2 years ago and I really enjoy it now.

  On 6/9/2019 at 1:03 AM, Zephaniah Adriyen said:

I generally dislike painting, and I would LOVE to get ahold of some Contrast paints of the colors I use. I'd probably only use the red and the black, myself.


Set small goals and reward yourself when you reach them.


Vince has a video maybe it will help?


  On 6/9/2019 at 3:26 AM, Silas7 said:


  On 6/9/2019 at 1:03 AM, Zephaniah Adriyen said:

I generally dislike painting, and I would LOVE to get ahold of some Contrast paints of the colors I use. I'd probably only use the red and the black, myself.


Set small goals and reward yourself when you reach them.


Vince has a video maybe it will help?


Thank you so much for sharing this - excellent advice in there! :thumbsup:

So after 1st week in the ETL VII we have:
- a nice average vow value (only Tau and AoD forces have it higher)
- Second higher number of points pledged in our faction, and 3rd overall

We need to increase the number of participants though :) Join the fray Fraters!

I like the concept of the contrast paints, especially for someone like me who struggles with the traditional methods of highlighting. My main concern was how difficult it would be to fix mistakes on the paint job, lets say for example that I splash some gold onto the red, how do I fix that? I addressed this issue on one of the warhammer TV vids and the official response I got was pretty much that you can buy the new spray primers in a pot, use it over the stain and re apply the contrast paint, which Im pretty sure will show in the final result. That and the fact that I doubt I can achieve the same colour as the one I already have on half of my models will keep me away from them for now. Maybe if I start a new army at some point, I might give them a try.

  On 6/10/2019 at 8:16 PM, Spagunk said:

Felt like just posting some stuff I've worked on the past couple of weeks. IDK why but just felt like I should.


You know we love seeing you work Spagunk and the weathering on there is particularly excellent :smile.:

If I may, have you something small in mind for the ETL this year?

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