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A bunch of us have got heavily into 30k ever since Calth came out. We were all hobbyists before, mostly 40k/WFB, but branching out into Flames of War and Bolt Action. Calth has absolutely taken over our entire hobby lives. 30k or death! So we'll be posting about that mainly!

My old 40k marines were all upscaled a bit (using a modified version of Veteran Sergeant's technique that I saw on HeresyOnline way back), so I definitely wanted to carry that on to 30k. I refined my version a bit, made them a bit chunkier, and convinced some (not all) of the lads to go in the same direction....

in no particular order we have...

My Iron Warriors


I'm not the best painter of the bunch, but given the volume I've put out (I've got around 3.5k painted since Calth) I'm very happy with them.
I've gone for a fluffy, infantry heavy army, though having just read The Ironfire ROW, I'm going to be adding some artillery soon.

T's Imperial Fists


This photo doesn't really do them justice. Ty is a slow, but excellent painter. These guys are currently WIP, and the bases have come on a bit since this was taken. We decided to unify the basing scheme, to tie all the forces together. He's currently working on 10 terminators.

X's Word Bearers


Xander has an eye for detail. These guys are stunning. He's going for a fluffy, deep-into-heresy look for his lads. His Ashen Circle are something to behold!

L's Alpha Legion


Luke hasn't scaled his guys up, and I think it really works with his AL, the sneaky bastards that they are. His blended armour is really lovely. I'll try to get him to upload some close ups.

R's Salamanders


Rob used to be a terrible painter. I don't know what happened. Maybe he drank some radioactive paint? He's the master of the airbrush, and the painter that I'm in business with. He's also our resident power gamer, and his zooming Storm Eagle precipitated the purchase of many fliers and Deredeos...

Q's Night Lords


For what he lacks in volume, he makes up for in quality. Fighting in the kitchen of our war-torn utopian Palace/Cathedral, his Night Lords are, to a man, stunningly painted. His next project is a trio of contemptors and a spartan, all suitably covered in skulls and chains.

You have succeeded where I failed. I tried to convince the 30k players in my group to jump on the truescale train and ride it all the way to the Battle of Terra, but it wasn't meant to be. Anyway, your armies are looking good. A few close-up would be appreciated, or, better yet, some battle scene pictures. :wink:

You have succeeded where I failed. I tried to convince the 30k players in my group to jump on the truescale train and ride it all the way to the Battle of Terra, but it wasn't meant to be. Anyway, your armies are looking good. A few close-up would be appreciated, or, better yet, some battle scene pictures. :wink:


Those weren't close enough for you?? We'll definitely have some battle scene pics, take a look below!


Everyone in your group has a cool looking force. I am sure it makes for fun games to see those models take the field



Wow true scale and heresy! I'm in heaven!


Thanks guys! It's been great so far. Still a long way to go...


Did you make masters and recast them? Or cut through each set? We've been doing each by hand and every model makes me wanna just cast up a set of masters every time,


Each. One. By. Hand.


I know exactly what you mean, but I love the challenge and the variety. I've started doing commission building of them now, so hand-made is definitely the way forward for me.


Right, so, a little more. Some of the above pics are pretty old, and we've played a few games since... So here ya go!


I figured I should also add some WIP shots of the marines themselves, with some comparisons...
How do you do your mark 3 extensions? For the longest time I was ending up with uneven layers after shaving away the excess plasticard on the backs of the legs, until I started using two sheets of .75 thickness and cutting them down independently before gluing them back together.

Looks like you got in a few fun games and, most importantly, there are no grey marines in sight. Nothing better than two painted armies duking it out. :wink:


Nothing. Better. Our next gaming weekend is the 30/31 July and we're all aiming for 1250 pts painted each (I'm a bit ahead of the curve on 3.5k).




How do you do your mark 3 extensions? For the longest time I was ending up with uneven layers after shaving away the excess plasticard on the backs of the legs, until I started using two sheets of .75 thickness and cutting them down independently before gluing them back together.


All my extensions are the same, 2mm plasticard in the thigh and 2mm at the waist. So mk3's spacer goes in the middle of the thigh plate.


This seems like as good a time as any to share what I did for Ty for his templars...







I built them, Ty painted them.

Nice, they look good. How thick is that GS layer?




On the Mk3s its thin, basically cosmetic to cover up the join. Any thicker and you lose the rim at the top and bottom of the armour plate.



Heresy pattern armor...



Tell me about it! 20 of them! That's enough nobbly bits for the rest of my life...




Everyone is making excellent progress!


We have Q's plastic contemptor conversion










And X has been doing great work on Xardu







Onwards and update-wards!


I finished my test squad for my scars. They're not perfect, but they're quick, gritty and simple.




I also started on the board that will host these mighty armies...




and put together a little tutorial for the waists of my upscaled marines. I'll hopefully get a leg one done next time I put together some marines.





We've also managed to convince a seventh person to join our ranks, so look out soon for Rich's Raven Guard!

Awesome stuff! Do you have any plans to convert the auxilia? Where are you guys based out of? I would love to get a truescale game in if you're in the US


Thanks mate! I don't think Rob has too many modelling plans for the SAux, they're pretty perfect as they are.


We're all in the UK sadly, so no truescale gaming for us (except amongst ourselves.)


I had a look at your blog btw, and those are some badass models! You've done a great and simple thing there.


Update time:  L has been doing some super secret work on his Alpha Legion, which suits them pretty well I guess!





Next up: A finished Night Lord Contemptor and Sevatar!




(...) Next up: A finished Night Lord Contemptor and Sevatar!

A true-scaled Sevatar I presume? It's getting really interesting in here.



Sorry to disappoint... but Sevatar (nor any Special Character) has been scaled up. FW already make them bigger, so we've kept them the same. They work really nicely next to our marines.


those mk5 iron warriors are the bomb man. good stuff!


Thanks pal! I'm glad I never have to paint any again though!



So I lied about Sevatar and the dread...


but we have some lovely Solar Auxilia painted by rob






Woah thats alot of content for one page!!


Youre really lucky to have such a group of gaming friends! The armies look sick.


We are very lucky! We're all building up to a fully painted weekend on a custom made (by me) board at the end of July...


As for an update, we have Sevatar!













Great stuff so far mate, such a simple change really helps make the BaC marine proportions more realistic and heroic. Bravo!


Thanks mate! I really can't handle an unscaled marine now! Just doesnt seem right!


On to an update. As the weekend approaches, it's time for finishing touches... mostly on tanks!














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