Pearson73 Posted January 21, 2019 Share Posted January 21, 2019 The banner is a nice piece with the candles and trinkets, I really like how you've done the pose too. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
apologist Posted January 23, 2019 Author Share Posted January 23, 2019 (edited) The banner is a nice piece with the candles and trinkets, I really like how you've done the pose too. Thanks! Adding the trinkets to the banners is a nice way to bring a bit of the new school to the retro theme. After all, the underlying concept is 'what would 40k have looked like if it had been released with today's technology?' Plus I got to put a trussed-up bird on the Librarian's banner. What's not to like? +++ + Devastators – and the last of the line troops + These two mark the final outstanding members of the line infantry for the army; leaving just the Chaplain and Medic to build. Pleased with how they came out; and glad I decided to listen and use regular boltguns. The heavy bolter gunner is clutching a scope; giving his free hand something to do. Note the purity seals on the boltgun-armed marine. The metal heavy bolter fits surprisingly well; requiring only a little trimming and the extension of the handle. Even that could have been avoided by altering the angle of the wrist instead. +++ ... and just to demonstrate how much of a glutton for punishment I am, the Mark VI cabling and detail is present on the bolter-armed marine; it's just completely covered up! Edited January 23, 2019 by Apologist Honda, Brother Tyler, firestorm40k and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lionofjudah Posted January 23, 2019 Share Posted January 23, 2019 using the primaris and cutting the knee pad trim and the ankle ‘knuckles’ off is looking great for that mkvi vibe! I love the Libby and am wondering what helmet he’s sporting?- BA?? It’s glorious;) I spent 3 hours last night going through my bits and project boxes. Organizing 10 years worth of hobby collecting was a blast from the past and I’m looking forward to finally getting my alien wars project going. Will consist of imperial pdf forces (made from the lovely Elysian/cadian haz blend and dkok dudes), biggerized marines and some inquisitorial and mechanical influences. Your stuffs been inspiring my hobbybrain for years bro! Many thanks:)!! apologist 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
apologist Posted January 24, 2019 Author Share Posted January 24, 2019 Thanks lionofjudah; very kind! The Librarian's head is indeed a Blood Angels one, from the HH upgrade pack. Looking forward to seeing your Alien Wars regiment. Any thoughts on their faction/loyalty? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lionofjudah Posted January 25, 2019 Share Posted January 25, 2019 :)... a BA head for a BA Libby... doh;) I’ll be building an Imperial Fists detachment with a super heavy with CHOOM, supporting elements of imperial army and pdf forces... there will be a mechanicum element as well in the form of knights and a warhound. apologist 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PowerHungryMonkey Posted January 26, 2019 Share Posted January 26, 2019 Great use of the classic 'giant, shoulder-mounted bolt pistol.' Fond memories Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
apologist Posted February 5, 2019 Author Share Posted February 5, 2019 (edited) Curious xenos emerge... +++ The so-called 'locust fleets' of the Horsehead Nebula have descended upon a number of rimworlds in the Galactic East. These strange creatures seem to be nomadic; relying upon unusual and apparently biologically-derived technology. Sorties against them have brought little in the way of usable intelligence. Responding to distress beacons lit by Neomechanicus forces, the Blood Angels Third host respond, deploying onto the civilised world of San Cremato. Deploying to support a nervous local Defence force, the Angels' lexmechanics identify a suspicious docking shipment. The Guardsmen cautiously advance, buoyed by the arrival of the Emperor's Angels. Ymgarli genethieves! Either the emergent threat of Locust has allied with this insidious foe, or the nomadic fleets are part of a broader petty empire – perhaps as large as two or three systems. Visuals confirmed – the shipment was corrupt. The Ymgarli have managed to deploy some form of bio-infector to the surface. [+Combat engagement value+] TRUE The Ymgarli are an unusual variant – lacking the more familiar leech-like heads, these seem fiercer and more directed. Perhaps some form of specialised combat form? 'Marvellous strange...' The first of the Locust xenos are identified. Vis-captures are requested by the Librarius. These creatures fight fiercely, but they are too few to stand before the Blood Angels – though to their credit, more than five Astartes are brought down; two permanently. We will remember. The artificer master-crafted boltgun Pericles Song proves to be the undoing of two of the Locusts; its gold-chased ammunition detonating amidst leathery organs and pulping them handily. The threat apparently extinguished, Tycho leads his forces warily in a final firesweep before handing back operational control to the nervous Defence Force Monitor... +++ The Ymgarli are noted to be in the galactic region; and the predatory Locust fleets are marked as Xenos horribilis: limited level-threat. Low priority. A sweep is ordered for nearby space hulks; in case of further Ymgarli infestation. + CONTINUED?/// + Edited February 6, 2019 by Apologist Bryan Blaire, Brother Pheidias, Bjorn Firewalker and 13 others 16 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Markus_ Posted February 5, 2019 Share Posted February 5, 2019 What a treat! apologist 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Commissar Molotov Posted February 5, 2019 Share Posted February 5, 2019 I really like your use of dramatic irony here! Beautiful work as always! apologist 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
apologist Posted February 6, 2019 Author Share Posted February 6, 2019 Ta both; these pictures came from a game at the weekend, which has very much got my champing at the bit to get painting again. Thanks also to Bob Hunk, whose awesome Tyranids prove there ain't nothin' like a classic. He's working on an Index: Ymgarli for the blog, so I'm looking forward to that. +++ Unrelated to the game, I realized I hadn't posted a picture of the glasscrete windows in my Rhino: It's a simple case of using PVA to glue in some small squares of blister-pack plastic after priming. Cadmus Tyro, Captain_Krash, Grotsmasha and 4 others 7 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
apologist Posted March 15, 2019 Author Share Posted March 15, 2019 + The Chiron Anomaly and the emergence of the Ordo Chronos + It is said that time waits for no man. Fortunately, as the more observant of my colleagues will have already gleaned, I am no man. – attr. Inquisitrix Barbari Kills, during her hearing before the Chronos Coven of Eight The Chiron Anomaly is a radiation-bathed region of wilderness space on the very borders of the galactic rim; both a memorial to the ancient warfare of the Great Heresy and – so it is whispered – a vision of a dark millennium yet to come. + The Chiron Cabal + Long quarantined by the Adeptus Mechanicus, the Nova Terra Interregnum saw the picketing Ark Mechanicus Assertive Denominator and its attendant fleet drawn to assist in the conflict over the Nova Terran outpost Jin Gi. With its guardians absent, numerous rogue traders, pirates and other opportunists were quick to descend. None emerged unchanged. The divided Inquisition also sent a number of agents to investigate the Anomaly; resulting in the formation of the Chiron Cabal; a group of Inquisitorial servants dedicated to the investigation of the Anomaly. The Chiron Cabal were subsequently (at least, as far as such a term can be used of the group) to form the core group of the Ordo Chronos. +++ + Torans + The Anomaly itself permanently affects two star systems; neither with inhabited planets in the current period (M35); owing to the constant projection of mereolgical ejecta. This has a matter-dilating effect that – from space – causes the surfaces of the planets to be a nonsensical soup of quantum contradictions. Further out, the unpredictable waxing and waning of the Anomaly's effect occasionally touches a third system, which contains the planet of Solemnace, intermittenly inhabited by hardy frontiersfolk and time-miners. + Solemnace is inhabitable only in certain regions; those within the influence of the chthonic toran structures that predate colonisation. Beyond their reaches, the planets are bombarded with hard radiation remaining from an exterminatus-event executed during the Great Heresy. What garbled records remain are closed on who precisely executed the planets, but it is clear that at least one Astartes Legion was involved. The torans themselves are speculated to be of xeno origin; with some comparing their time-dilation effects to the technologies of the noxious hrud; though the gateways bear little similarity to other structures known to be 'constructed' by these aliens. Whatever their origin, the toran's effects on the planet are unmistakable; creating temporary localised regions of normalised space-time. Their cycling is relatively predictable, allowing the nomadic inhabitants to move to another pocket before the region winks out of stability. It is within these unstable regions that the Ordo Chronos – and others – delve, as they potentially allow a sufficiently briefed and trained operative to experience – and, so the theory goes, potentially affect – different periods of time. Thus, a number of different Ordos have brought their elite forces to the world; hoping to force their way through to change the past. Some aim to send word to distant regions; others to find an instantaneous method of galactic communion; prevent the rise of Nova Terra; or to expand the breakaway Empire's influence. The most ambitious – or insane – attempt to dive further back or forward in time, gathering tools and weapons to conquer a future galaxy, or prevent the Emperor's death. Of course; so the theory goes. In practise, most chronoagents are driven irrevocably insane, killed by timedisplacement, or otherwise lost forever. The planet has become a near-infinite mass of petty temporal skirmishes, with ever-escalating warbands reporting the appearance of new forces dating from pre-Imperial timelines to strange glittering warriors. Isengrin and Honda 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marshal Rohr Posted March 15, 2019 Share Posted March 15, 2019 Nice work on the map Apologist! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lionofjudah Posted March 16, 2019 Share Posted March 16, 2019 apologist 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
geordie Posted March 16, 2019 Share Posted March 16, 2019 Fantastic work as always. Have followed your work on the B&C & your blog for ages but, to my eternal shame have never really commented. Your work has been and continues to be a massive source of inspiration. Very interesting narrative involving the Order Chronos. Love the potential for a paradox. Remember reading something in a codex about how warp travel sometimes goes wrong and a fleet could turn up in a system decades after they were called in for support rather than months and consequently the battle is long. Conversely they could arrive in system years before the SOS was even sent. Looking forward to further updates. apologist 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
steamius Posted March 16, 2019 Share Posted March 16, 2019 Beautiful blood angels Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
apologist Posted March 26, 2019 Author Share Posted March 26, 2019 + Anatomy of the enemy V: Ymgarli + + [guestinloadID: Bob_Hunk] + When we think of the Enemy Within, our minds often turn to the secret servants of the Ruinous Powers; the mutant, the witch and the heretic. Yet there is another threat – just as insidious – that worms its way along the trade arteries of the Imperium like a cancer of the blood. I speak, of course, of the Ymgarlii. De Rerum Xeno - Master Algernon Traegus of the Crimson Fists +++ + Abstract + The 'Cult of the Ymgarli' is the name given to the the product of the Ymgarli gene-curse; a hideous network of alien subversion that infects and undermines the domains of human and other xenos alike. + First contact + Once believed to be endemic to the moons of Ymgarl, from which the species takes its name, the exact date of first contact with the Ymgarli is lost in the mists of time. The Ymgarli's parasitic nature further complicates a hard date, and it is possible that a number of minor xenos – and abhuman groups –identified as new forms were, or are, in fact hybridised Ymgarli. + A combination of psychic domination, and agitprop presenting forbidden concepts such as 'equality', 'democracy' and 'salary' allow Ymgarli to infiltrate and influence unwary members of Imperial society. [accreditation: Bob Hunk]+ The tireless research of xenoarchaeologists indicates that the Ymgarli have in fact been an ever-present xenos threat during the Age of the Imperium; lurking in the shadows, waiting for the time that Humanity lowers its guard. Indeed, there is evidence to suggest that Ymgarli were amongst the myriad alien threats that contributed to the fall and enslavement of man during the Age of Strife. Certainly, Ymgarli forces seem to have been encountered by advancing Expedition Fleets during the Great Crusade. The xenos-biologists of the day did not understand the Ymgarli in the level of detail that we do today, but reference can be found in Legion records to 'wyrm-faced xenoforms' who held their human subjects in 'hypnotic bondage'. + Ymgarli biology + The germinal or 'pure' form – if such a term can be applied to such abominations – of the Ymgarli is a six-armed bipedal nightmare, able to dart from the shadows on two swift legs to tear apart its prey with four preternaturally strong limbs. Two of these arms terminate in razor-sharp claws, the other two in blasphemously human-like hands that allow them to operate basic mechanisms like levers and door handles, should the need arise when they are stalking their prey. Even this pure form is seemingly subject to numerous variations – some exhibiting taloned limbs, muzzles ending in probosces, waving masses of tendrils or split jaws. Some are seemingly blind, while others bear multiple sets of eyes. A number of examples have been identified with adaptation to aquatic environments, and it is possible there are further specialised populations that inhabit environments inimical to man. Whether there is an underlying stability, or these represent different clades of related species, is unknown. Further populations must be studied. Common to almost all Ymgarli germinals is their tough, leathery skin supplemented with a chitinous exoskeleton. This tough outer carapace functions as a rudimentary form of natural armour. However, Ymgarli are rarely forced to rely on this for protection, as they have lightning fast reflexes that allow them to dodge most incoming attacks. Ymgarli germinals are found in a range in colours from the green to purple through to black, and this coloration is partially passed to their blasphemous offspring. + Ymgarli apex germinal [accreditation: Bob Hunk] + The most horrifying aspect of Ymgarli biology is their reproductive cycle. This begins with the so-called 'Ymgarli Kiss'. The germinal will pin their chosen victim in place with a hypnotic gaze and implant their germ seed with an ovipositor hidden in their tongue, infecting the host species with a terrible gene-curse. The offspring of the infected creature will be a monstrous crossbreed of the Ymgarli and the host species, the Ymgarli having in effect 'stolen' the genes of its victim. These misshapen Ymgarli half-breeds will grow and mature, flocking together to interbreed, creating – through a process that is little understood – more half-breeds and Ymgarli germinals. The first germinal of its brood to initiate this process will develop to become an apex form of this unclean xenos. Referred to within the brood by paternal nomenclature, apex germinals are powerfully psychic and form the centre of a telepathic web with the brood of hybrids that they have spawned. The 'All-Father' will become like a god to their extended family, a centre of worship that usually takes on a cultic or church-like structure that serves to shroud the germinal forms and give the hybrids license to proselytise. Many confirmed Ymgarli infestations have been found using this subterfuge, hence why the species is commonly referred to as the Cult of the Ymgarli. The most truly heretical aspect of this Cult is that they will often pose as a subdivision of the Ecclesiarchy, cloaking their xenos nature in the benevolent shroud of the Emperor. Once the brood has reached a critical mass, they will erupt from their hiding places, tear down the host society of the city or planet that they are infecting, and claim lordship over the ruins. Ymgarli are opportunistic, and do not limit their infiltration to humanity. There are corroborated records of hybridised/dominated Barghesi, Orks, Thyrrus, Saharduin, Galg, and Q'orl; along with dozens of instance reports of other species manifesting similar or relatable evidence of interaction with Ymgarli. + Posited early-generation Mastokar hybrid: Coomb's World Theatre + +++ + Ymgarli technology + + Lacking military hardware, Ymgarli often utilise re-purposed industrial gear. [accreditation: Bob Hunk]+ Ymgarlii germinals do not use tools or weapons as we understand them. They have little need for weapons though, as their claws are more than capable of rending apart even the blessed plate of an Astartes. They are particularly dangerous in large numbers where they attack in an unstoppable avalanche of limbs that it is impossible to guard against. As for the Ymgarli half-breeds, they are armed in the same manner as the society they are subverting. This can be anything from the crude autoguns and lascarbines of frontiersmen and underhive gangs to the bolt weapons and custom beam-casters of Rogue Trader or the personal lifeguards of a Spire Nobel. + These Ymgarli halfbreeds operated as miners of the Pan-PS Corporation before being exposed. They bear a selection of low-velocity small arms common to void-mining outposts, such as shotguns. + Ymgarli half-breeds that have infected non-human populations demonstrate similar use of the host species' technology: yet another reason for humans to avoid pollution by trading with or interacting with xenos. As with their weapons, so to are the vehicles of the Ymgarli forces taken from the society that they infest. Lacking voidcraft of their own, Ymgarli stow away on the craft of other species. Merchantmen are easier to infiltrate than the strictly controlled craft of the Imperial Navy, so this inevitable draws Ymgarli infiltrators along trade routes. Therefore repurposed commercial and industrial vehicles are common, as are armour unit from Guard forces on both sides of the Nova Terran schism. Although the armour of civilian vehicles cannot compare to a dedicated war engine, it’s ability to blend in and avoid suspicion until too late is almost unparalleled. When the time comes to emerge from hiding, the Ymgarli cults will play to this strength, favouring ambush tactics and guerilla warfare. + Ymgarli domains + Beyond the jungle moons of Ymgarl in the galactic north – believed with a reasonable degree of certainty to be their point of origin – the Cult of the Ymgarli have no domains of their own. Instead they infest and subvert the domains of others. Therefore it is impossible to draw their boundaries on a galactic map with any degree of certainty. The chart below shows a selection of confirmed and suspected domains, along with selected major shipping routes. A notable exception is of course the Ward of Yiid, a pocket empire in [Redacted] and protectorate of the Imperium for over [Redacted] before the truth of its hidden xenos masters were uncovered. There were many vital lessons learned from this embarrassing incident, the not least of which was [Redacted]. + Dynasts of Yiid + +++ + Ymgarli during the Nova Terra Interregnum + The events of the Nova Terra Interregnum were both a help and a hindrance to the spread of the Ymgarli. As noted earlier in this report, they tend to spread their gene-curse aboard merchant and cargo vessels. The closing of the borders along the Segmentum Pacificus had the temporary effect of limiting this spread. However, as the Interregnum progressed, the Ymgarli were more easily able to spread on board unscrutinised smuggler’s ships that slipped across the boundary unmonitored, and refugee ships fleeing either to or from the breakaway Segmentum. Unfortunately for the Ymgarli – and fortunately for Humanity – the governments of both arms of hte divided Imperium were equally quick to stamp down on internal rebellion during this time period, fearing a spread of the Nova Terra insurrection or counter-revolution. As a by-product, Ymgarli infestations were perhaps dealt with more efficiently during this period than at other times. +++ + The Ymgarli during the Alien Wars + Ymgarli typically demonstrate little ambition towards empire-building. There were no sector-scale outbreaks in the Imperium during this time, just a steady background level of infestation. However, as rebellions in Imperial territory were swiftly and mercilessly put down during this period, it is possible that some Ymgarli infestations may have been mistaken for general insurrection, and misrecorded as purely human heresies. During this time period Ymgarli were just as likely to clash with Astra Militarum garrisons as they were to receive the attention of Astartes intervention. + Astartes engage germinal-forms in void-station shipping; an all-too-common lair of the Ymgarli. + Of course, this is not to suggest that the threat was minimal – indeed, it is proof of a pernicious and insidious threat, well-adapted to remaining beneath the notice of the Imperium's typical instruments for dealing with xenos. Incidents of Ymgarli infestation in Nova Terra domains during this period go unrecorded. + A Scarlet Blade Astartes is engaged by two Ymgarli germinals on Redlaw. + The Ur-Council's relative liberalism took a lax view of xenos mercenaries – particularly those that could pass as abhuman – and a number of Nova Terran Governors may well have worked with them if they saw the benefit. Equally, it may be the case that they mistook Ymgarli rebellions in their territory for Imperial Loyalists and crushed them just as ferociously. +++ + Post Script + Ymgarlii remain a pervasive threat, but nowhere near the level of danger posed by the greenskins or the fey eldar. They are simply another quirky indigenous anomaly of this galaxy’s biome. I have no doubt that, much like a common tick, they will be eradicated in due course. I remain, at your service; Inquisitrix Barbari Kills. Dosjetka, robofish7591, Exilyth and 7 others 10 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bjorn Firewalker Posted March 26, 2019 Share Posted March 26, 2019 Did you modify Tyranid models with LED lights? Impressive work. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
apologist Posted March 26, 2019 Author Share Posted March 26, 2019 That’s the inimitable Bob Hunk’s work. Master of LEDs! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
apologist Posted May 7, 2019 Author Share Posted May 7, 2019 Dosjetka, Tyrannicide, hushrong and 5 others 8 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Atia Posted May 7, 2019 Share Posted May 7, 2019 Love the Genestealers - especially the Patriarch. How exactly where the LED's done? Clear Resin copy of the head, or something else?^^ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
apologist Posted May 7, 2019 Author Share Posted May 7, 2019 (edited) Bob Hunk has a series of tutorials up on his website here: http:// Enjoy! Edited May 7, 2019 by Apologist Atia 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Atia Posted May 7, 2019 Share Posted May 7, 2019 Bob Hunk has a series of tutorials up on his website here: Enjoy! Thanks for the link Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
apologist Posted May 7, 2019 Author Share Posted May 7, 2019 My pleasure – just be sure to wish him luck: he'll be unveiling something very special indeed for Golden Daemon :) Atia 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tyrannicide Posted May 7, 2019 Share Posted May 7, 2019 What have we here? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
apologist Posted May 8, 2019 Author Share Posted May 8, 2019 What have we here? The second Anatomy of the Astartes article will be up soon; just need to copy it across :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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