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deathspectersgt7 last won the day on June 8 2014

deathspectersgt7 had the most liked content!

About deathspectersgt7

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  • Location
  • Interests
    fishing since I live on a lake, reading, history,weight traing(300lb press)
  • Faction
    Death Spectres & More

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  • Armies played
    Excoriators, Deathspectres , angels of vengeance angels of redemption , angels sanguine, carchardons, flesh tearers

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  1. Today in the hobby . I logged in after a long absence from the hobby. RL & health issues.
  2. Ha ha ha!!! Can see all the new Chinese 3d start ups coming soon.
  3. I hear you on that Mate. I still love the universe but something's sour it abit. Pricing and some of the changes in the game. But dam will miss seeing your projects for awhile.
  4. Go to the Blog and you will find out who they are. Very interesting background.
  5. TITH put together my 20th assualt Intercessors. Have 20 more regular Intercessors to do . 6 more bladeguard 5 more Gravis melta boys and outrders Chaplain and Mech boy.
  6. Looking Great. Love the Crimson Tear . With combat knife and bayonet.
  7. Cool. Doing something similar. But with a few added twists.
  8. Friggin Sweet.
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