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About this blog

I have started this journey under a kind of "New Year / New Army" challenge. This was 2+ years ago.

In this BLog I manage al the topics related to this development, rescuing old entries and feeding it with the latest ones. SOmeday I may even have a compelt game with this force! Who knows...


For the moment I hope you will enjoy my modeling and painting progresses.

Entries in this blog

Weapon swaps and customization

Hi Folks,   While waiting for the primer to dry on my Dwarves for the World that Was, I used the free time I had (due to rainy weather) on swapping weapons on some Magi I have for my AdMech.   Customization and small kitbashes are a nice way to add some subtle differences for these highly standardized models. And it is far easier now that they are in plasteic rather then in lead or white metal... Ahh, nostalgy. of drilling with my first Dremel like tool, 20 years ago...


Bouargh in Renforcements inbound

Welcome Flat Gulch - A Marshal never rides alone

Hi Folks,   As a star bearing Marshal never rides alone, he comes down to town with his mobsters. A gang of black trench coated cyborgs fitted to sting you with their dart blasters.     The kit bashed Marshal has been painted as per my now standardized paint scheme so that he (it?) fits in the aesthetic of the rest of the army.   The Secutarii Peltasts were on my rooster for a while now. I took the opportunity of a big hole in my schedule in order to build


Bouargh in Renforcements inbound

A new Marshall in town

Hi folks,   After a while developping my AdMech Aemy, I've reached a point where I can consider that the mustering is now completed. It means that I am now entering in the cycle of Blobbing the army: buying more stuff that I do not necesary need but that I need for FOMO. Or, as an excuse anyone can believe, in order to get more options in order to gain flexibility and align new units adversary are not used too.   A typical example might be 3 Armingers instead of 1l Styrix Kni

What if HH Mechanicum units stepped into Indomitus era? - Part 3

Hi Folks,   A third fantasy for the "What-if HH minis were introduced in the 40K SKitarii setting" game series. Thsi time with the Axiarch, a Secutarii leader that will probably prove to be of little to no use in most 40k era game setting.       It is still a Marshal but with some extra buff, it looks like more to a SM Captain in Terminator armour, so set him tentatively at 95 pts, as the SM Captain...   What do you think of this USO (Unidentif


Bouargh in House Rules

Crawling reinforcements inbound

Hi Folks,   After a small painting break due too flu (it hits hard this year...) I finally resumed some work that was on the bench since a few weeks.   Here comes some reinforcments for my Admech:   A Dragoon, reaching my number to 3 of these lads A third Dune crawler (and last)   The Dragoon will either reinforce the 2 other ones to go full hitting force, especially useful againts Superheavies and big knighty stuff, or be wandering on his own. 


Bouargh in New Year/New Army 2023

What if HH Mechanicum units stepped into Indomitus era? - Part 3

Hi Folks,   As a continuation of my previously home cooked Datasheet for HHE era units that I would see in the Era Indomitus setting, here comes 2 additional contributions. The Abeyant The Krios   in a previous instalment of this blog, I short listed these 2 as potential candidate for basically 2 reasons: existenc of illuestrations that may suppoirt the inclusion of the Abeyant and statement in the HH rules that the Krios bariants were seen as part of the Skitari


Bouargh in House Rules

What if HH Mechanicum units stepped into Indomitus era? - Part 2

Hi Folks,   As fantasied in a previous instalment of this blog, I tried to play to the "What-if HH minis were introduced in the 40K SKitarii setting" game.     I short listed the potential candidates, and, after cooking some rules adaptation I reached a point where some custom datasheet can be shared. Without pretention.   The design process has been anything but playtested. I indeed started with a kind of rule of 3, leading to start from the diferencial perfi


Bouargh in House Rules

What if HH Mechanicum units stepped into Indomitus era?

Alongside the elite Skitarii regiments, whose allegiance and command was owed ultimately to Mars, and the Collegia Titanica, which comprised the planet-shattering Titan Legions, both of which organisations operated separate military traditions of their own, the Taghmata formed the great trinity, the ‘Triad-Magna’, of the Mechanicum’s power during the Great Crusade. Besides these three there stood the ‘lesser’ independent and allied divisions of the Mechanicum such as the Knight Houses, the Ord


Bouargh in House Rules

Allied Freeblade - Part 5

Hi Folks,   With torso done and legs done, it was only a matter of (little) time for these to part to be united in the holy forges of Mars.     The big boy is now standing, only missing some finiching touches. While heraldry guide for Freeblades (or Dreadblades) leave a lot of room to the pilot to customize its steed, some stuffs can be seen as usual features: - No or low amout Imperium marks - the 2 headed eagle is seldom in general - No household m


Bouargh in Freeblade

Allied Freeblade - Part 4

Hi Folks,   The W.E. (stands for Week-End, not World Eaters), has been calm enough to complete the lower part (a.k.a. legs) of the Styrix. After some tape masking and one or two small corretions, the armoured legs of the Styrix were maked-up in the same combination of Eshin Grey and Wraithbone as the paultrons. Plus some added red stripes, as on the illustration taken as a guiding model. Main difference is that panel colours are inverted in order to fit to the Heraldry guide


Bouargh in Freeblade

Allied Freeblade - Part 3

Hi Folks,   Asmall update as a third installment of this WIP series of posts. The upper part of the Styrix is now close to completion. Paultrons have been painted and I only have left their mounting into place, or rather their glueing as they can be fairly easily be mounted "dry". The wepons, carapace... are alredy assemblied and fixed.   I planned getting this torso unglued to the legs, in order to get transport easier, but it will not happen: the mini is too heavy


Bouargh in Freeblade

Allied Freeblade - Part 2

Hi Folks,   As a second installment of this WIP journey, let´s talk paint scheme a little bit. I planned to use this Freeblade mainly as a boost for my Skitarii. From here comes the selection of the model, based on its look and not on its rules. I wanted something AdMechiest to be integrated into the overall vibe of the force. The Styrix had a better touch to my taste, even if I find its head a little bit disapointing - the Maegara one is better.   While thinking AdMech


Bouargh in Freeblade

Allied Freeblade - Part 1

Stomp Stomp... Styrix incoming...   This big guy was in my plans for a while, and some months passed since I listed its aquisition into the TITH thread (Today´s in the Hobby - See Amicus Aede sub-Forum).   It was high time to strat working on this machine. I initially thought about enlisting it as a Plodding along, but I rather keep this pledge for some kitbashed vehicles waiting to be finished and painted for years (a quarter or 2 before I suscribed to this forum). And havin


Bouargh in Freeblade

Boarding Patrol Complete

Hi Folks,   It has been a while since I published in this blog. Not so long but longer than the weekly puvlishing rate I defined as a target of mine in January. Anyway, volume does not necesarilly means quality. And as far as quality is concerned, I am still struggling to raise the level of my contents...   This blog´s purpose was to follow up the cleaning of my Pile of Shame. Yet it looks like tha, recently, the Pile grew up mopre than it shrinked down. Too much stuff b

More Kataphrons. And I swear these will be the last ones...

(... Except if some more come on bargain inside miniature bundles.**)   Hi Folks,   Yes, these are going to be the last Kataphrons I include in my army on purpose. This addition will raise my count to a fourth unit: one unit of 3 Destroyers with grav cannon and flamer one unit of 6 Destroyers with plasma culverin and blaster one unit of 3 Breachers with arc gun and hydraulic claw and as the latest addition this unit of 3 Breachers with arc gun and a

Grass hoppers ahead!

Hi Folks,   I considerably slowed down my painting rhythm lately. It could be a kind of hibernation syndrom. Or the fact that I am close to ending up with my 40k Pile of Shame and that it is a final step I, in an unconcious way, do not want to pass. Or that I am a little bit bored.    Anyway, slowing down does not mean not doing anything. After a glorious series of 5 models painted in 2 months or so, I duplicated this number last WE by adding to my AdMech Biinaric force


Bouargh in New Year/New Army 2023

Getting HtH into my AdMech gunline... Where should I head to?

Hi Folks,  No painting progress ythis week. I have been kept busy by a challenging professionnal agenda and barely touched a brush. Just made some preliminary test of yellows on Micromachiens from Epic era, which turned out to be, well, no so convincing, but, hey, let´s talk about that in a future entry.   So, my New Year/New Army 2023 project is now mature enough not to be considered anymore as such in a couple of weeks. But I will not commit any other New Year/New Army project f


Bouargh in New Year/New Army 2023

Painting by parts - so obvious I regret not having realized it was a way to go sooner...

As most, or even all, hobbyists than want to end before they even took the time to think out how proceed wisely, I used to have built hundreds of models before painting them. Thousands in facts. And I end up with stuff taht sometimes was impossible to paint in a "satisfying" way because many parts of the model are uneasy to access to. and so paint can be applied except at high cost of contortions, stains and retouching. Which most of the time is worse than the issue it is meant to solve.  


Bouargh in New Year/New Army 2023

AdMech Patrol #2 - Kataphron Destroyers Complete

The Series continues with the finished Kataphrons taken out of this second Patrol Box. I should say from this ooP (or soon to be) Patrol Box as anew one has been announced.   BTW, what are we goint to find in this new Patrol box?: One Manipulus Five Pteraxii Three Serberys One battleline squad of Skitarii.   I already commented in the forums that it is IMHO a significant change into the structure of the "Patrol" type of content vs. the previous one


Bouargh in New Year/New Army 2023

AdMech Patrol #2 - Progress report

Blog entries pass and sometimes look like very similar to some previous ones. It is one of the issues when dealing with army building on base of multiples buy outs of the same Patrol Box...   Yet we might eventually expect some variation if the models are fitted in different fashion, ain´t we?   The Onagre DuneCrawler as already been spoiled in the FOrums, but it has been the major progress of the past week so I will "proudly" republish it there. It is also an unhonorable  wa


Bouargh in New Year/New Army 2023

Like a painter in the wind

Since all the plans for this week end have been affected by the Ciaran storm, what can I do nbut stay at home and wait for the wind to fall? Which leaves some time for painting some stuff.   The prep for the Kataphron ended with the track units assemblied and wainting for their first dry brushing (boltgun metal on tracks). But the bases are done. The sad aspect of these bases is that I clipped some skulls from CSM bitz in order to use them as scenic alements, but I completly forgot usi


Bouargh in New Year/New Army 2023

Painting my AdMech Combat Patrol - Planning stage and first moves

Now that my Patrol box has been delivered, it is time to plan for the painting.   There are 4 units to be scheduled and designed, and I will start by the one that will be painted last: Skitarii. Why would I keep it for the last may you ask? Well, mainly because I wish I could have an eye on the AdMech Codex before closing my choices. I do not necesary expect changes but it might be that the Battle line units undergo some adjustments vs. the Index. Afterall, I did not expect any ch


Bouargh in New Year/New Army 2023

Kataphrons completed

After a few days away I finally completed the final steps of assembly of my 2 Kataphons´ Units from my Extermination Maniple - one Destroyer and one Breacher.   The Breachers scheme is finally not as convincing as I initially thought. Getting armour plates reds and tracks grey makes that the visual impact of the armour is a little bit too present I feel. On the other hand they are quite in synthony with the rest of the army, especially the Priests and Robots, but I do feel lak there is


Bouargh in New Year/New Army 2023

Going back to my New Year / New Army Project (sort of)

While summer was passing by, I spent most of my time painting for the Call to Arm 2023 Challenge, tooking the opportunity of it to repaint oldies, paint Aeldarii left in a box for almost 20 years and an even older Squat trike.   Spent the summer painting, AND waiting for delivery of some ordered goods for my Admech Army. First an ooP Extermination Maniple, left forgotten in a remote FLGS. This box was supposed to be completed by a Combat Patrol; but it never showed off. It is still lis

! Breaking news ! - Delivery completed (or almost)

After waiting during some 44* days of anxiety, my order has been delivered ! Hurrah !  (Can you hear angels and sailors singing? Either for joy or booze)   Well, in fact the FLGS decided to stop waiting for the pending item to be sent from GW warehouse to his store and proceeded to a partial shipment. So, my epic and entusiatic tone should be eventually lowered as only 50% of my order is now at home**.   But what a 50%! a Whole Extermination Maniple forgotten since Januar


Bouargh in New Year/New Army 2023

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