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About this blog

A blog showing and showcasing the various models of my collection and pile of shame while I progressively paint/repaint/update them. 


Inc. WIP, completed projects and, I hope, the models in action back on table tops (after a gaming break other the past 3 editions).

Entries in this blog

12 Months of Hobby - Kastelans

Hi Folks,   As a Feb 2025 entry for 12 MoH, I did a speed painting of some Kastelan robots.   "Speed" as I got them ready is something like 4 days or so. Truth is that these lads combine several key advantages or features to reach such a productivity: Big models are always faster to paint My scheme is simple and almost 3 colours only I have already painted something like 3 to 4k pts of AdMechs, so I am trained...   The main risk was to introduce

Volkus Scenery - Part 2

Hi folks.   It has been a while since I completed the first 2 buildings of the Volkus Sceney pack. I prepared these 2 repackaged quick fit buildings as my entry for january into 12 MoH 2025.   In general I am already owning 2 sets alike, which came with the Vertigus boxed set. It was 9th Ed., correct?     When I painted these, I set a more or less stadard PlastCrete colour scheme that I had oportunities to disclose in some early entries of this BLog s

12 Months of Hobby 2024 - a Closing Report

Hi Folks,   As year ends, I keep on going a summary of these 12 past months and their contribution to my Bitz box managment and Pile of Shame reduction. The 12 Months of Hobby Challenge is and has been a great incentive to keep on working on projects on a regular basis, without being too distracted by the "Last-in, First-out syndrom". It helps keeping the momentum on stuff left aside for too long.     Here is the summary:   January The year started o


Bouargh in 12 Months of Hobby

Kabalites for my Ynnari - Unless they ride on their own

Hi folks,   It has been a long time since posting anything there. End of yeqr has been complicated and full of work overload. And 2025 is going to start this a similar tumultous pattern, but this will be discused another time.   After a hiatus of 4 weeks, for flu and then for spending time painting dwarves for the World that Was, I finally resumed the painting of my Kabalite reinforcement for Ynnari. I did the bodies and I had left apart the heads and weapons + the final


Bouargh in 12 Months of Hobby

12 Months of Hobby - November Pledge Completion

Hi Folks,   The week has been a productive one and I finally managed to complete all the pledged items and even a little bit more.   The 2 henchmen could have been enlisted in a éh painting challenge as they were sorted out very fast.     The enlisted Volkus building has also been painted fast. Getting a painrt scheme already well established makes things faster: benefits of being trained upstream I guess. The scheme remains the same as the one I used


Bouargh in 12 Months of Hobby

12 Months of Hobby - November Progress

Hi Folks,   As first progress report for this months entries on mine in 12MoH, here come the Castellax Automatas.   Of course they cannot be fielded as such in 40k setting, but they will be very decent proxies for Phosphor blasters' tooled-up Kastellans. And the model is rather gorgeous, although less bulky than the 40k one...   Building has been rather easy even if long. indeed these chaps are set in numerous bitz. the cut might eventually have been made less


Bouargh in 12 Months of Hobby

The Emperor protects...

Hi folks,   As a tribute for this Orktober 2024, my contribution is of a single grot. But such a Grot! An imperial Grot, with all the glory associated to His status.     OK, not this one, yet the colour scheme is a great source of inspiration, even if green skin does not match with green jacket. But the Napoleon Grot of mine, gift from an Ebay bitz store (I probably spent too much that time. Again), deserved being close of the historical figure.   Cr


Bouargh in 12 Months of Hobby

On the workbench - Some models for October pledge

Hi folks,   Here are some of the stuff that has been slowly but surely been accumulated on my workbench.   I am usually with 2 or 3 projects at the time, in order to get enough variety in order to avoid being bored. changing model, colour pallet and universe helps me keeping the momentum, whle too much batch painting leads to need for disconnection. Whwn I was painting only SW during lock-down, I spent months with The Fang as main colour. When this happens you need a break so


Bouargh in 12 Months of Hobby

A personal insight on Slap Chop applied to scenery

Hi folks,   I tried in the past to use the Slap Chop technique on Aeldari guardians. It has not been that convincing. Lack of practice? Misunderstanding of the basics of the techniques? Lack of talent? (I personaly vote for the 3 of these).  I am anyway a little bit stubborn, so I decided to go back traying to apply it. This time on big models: the KT Plasma Generatorium.   Looked like being a fun idea at principle. This is what I´ve learned.   1. You need a pr


Bouargh in 12 Months of Hobby

12 Months of Hobby - A plodding along completion

Hi Folks,   For this year endurance challenge of 12 months of hobby I enlisted a Plodding Along vow that is now complete     The vow consisted into:   1 x Moroch set 1 x Necromunda Market 1 x ooP Fronteris Killzone 1 x Bheta Decima set 1 x Ork Workshop   The work started with the old KilZone - Sector Fronetris. A bargain at 80€. It defined the main colours for the rest of the stuff as the plan was to develop a compete and


Bouargh in 12 Months of Hobby

Necromunda market completed

Hi folks,   After 5 months and a half, I finally completed my Plodding along vow. Last part was the Necromunda market. This set was initially selected in order to represent a sumptown or refugee tents installed among the ruins of the Sector Fronteris that is the core of this table.    I did not enjoy painting this set. Too much small stuff that are not really useful or necesary for a gaming table (Mugs, Mung vases...) except for marking objectives, but hey, Objectives markers


Bouargh in 12 Months of Hobby

The real Doom of the Eldar - selecting a paint scheme

Hi folks,   I am not going to epilogate on this element of Lore that saw a Craftworld assaulted by space Bugs. I will instead focus on a kind of challenge I adressed to myself: try to find some alternative variations for Guardians outfits that will keep on remindind the Saim-Hann scheme while giving a little bit of variations. It is a kind of malediction or Doom as in the end the process I experienced is still unconclusive. Such a disgrace for the one on the Way...   Generall


Bouargh in 12 Months of Hobby

Battle Zone Moroch complete

Hi Folks,   March is coming to its end soon, and I used the days left to build up some old Guardians I ahve since the early 2000. one Defender and one Storm squad. I bought on a budget some platforms on Ebay to complete these chaps and get them aligned with 10th Ed rules.   Meanwhile, I also progressed, up to full completion, on the Moroch set of my Plodding Along vow.   I had left the fences and the landing pad. The former are really really boring to paint. Ge


Bouargh in 12 Months of Hobby

Bheta-Decima Terrain

Hi Folks,   After weeks procrastinating about these platforms that needed to be finished, I final managed to convince myself that it could not stay uncompleted longer. So, I applied a kind of autodiscipline: spend 10 minutes every day applyong the wraithbone colour I selected as main tone for the platforms. It took me 2 weeks to finish, mainly because covering of splashed metallic tones requires more than onne coat and also because there is a lot of small gaps to be painted. I swe


Bouargh in 12 Months of Hobby

Trukks´ Pit stop

Hi Folks,   Still progressing on my Plodding, with this time the Mekboy Workshop done.   Barricades and piles of scrap were already painted in January, and I lately completed the workshop itself. It might be an offense to Mork (or to Gork, I dunno), but I wanted to get rid of some orkiness, so I focussed on a limited colour pallet and did not stressed on too much on icons and mess. I also decided not to install the Ork totem on the bridge so that the model can insert smo


Bouargh in 12 Months of Hobby

KillZone Sector Fronteris: a Plodding Along progress

Hi folks,   Here reporting the first big milestone of my 2024 Plodding Along vow, with the completion of the KT Sector Fronteris environnement set.   After setting up a paint scheme last month, Cleaning up the big chunks of sprues, here comes the complete result.   Overviewing the complete set of walls set on the mat, it leaves little space available indeed. Said thata I was (secretly) maoning that not getting the Ryza Pattern ruins set included (as in Moon Base Kas


Bouargh in 12 Months of Hobby

Ryza Pattern Ruins - colour scheme test

Hi Folks,   While plodding along, one of the challenges I am facing is selecting a paint scheme for the Ryza pattern SCT bunkers and ruins coming with the Moroch box and the Sector Fronteris ooP KillZone. Surfing and lurking around on the internet brought some of the usual suspects: Plain gray scheme, as per Moroch pics, which is a little bit plain Tales of Painter schemes, although they are quite dark and air brush oriented YouTube video tutorial, out of which


Bouargh in 12 Months of Hobby

The Priest and the Machine-God

Hi Folks,   It is not really a post resuming my last year´s "New Year New Army" series, but almost. My February vow for the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge came back in the dominions of the God Machine, focussing on 2 miniatures; a Mago Dominus, from a Boarding Patrol set a ooP Reaver Titan from EPIC 2nd Ed., or at least it was the edition available when I bought it   And here are the happy painted ones:   The Mago is as per my usual paint schem


Bouargh in 12 Months of Hobby

12 Months of Hobby 2024 - a progress report #1

Hi folks,   After some down times in painting activities due to primer shortage, I finally found some Vallejo cans in the last place I would I though: a scrap booking store. The kid went out with some "Paint by numbers" set and I with some cans. And with a 10% discount vs. modeling stores. So, time to resume painting activity.   With all this primer, I have been able to initiate my Feb vow. Both Mago and Epic Reaver were primed and dry brushed in bolt gun metal.  I then


Bouargh in 12 Months of Hobby

Plodding along...

As I embarked in the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge for 2024, I was not really expecting getting a huge volume of projects related to 40k or HH eras. In reality I was planning painting some old WFB stuff (to get them for the Old World for using or selling) and eventually getting one or two stuff for the Space Opera universes.   This was without counting on a combination of external factors suchas Winter sales, Shop closure, stock cleaning, and burning Credit card.  The usual su


Bouargh in 12 Months of Hobby

Embarking into 12 Months of Hobby

Hi Folks,   As I am looking to a good way to maintain my motivation, it looks like the 12 Months of Hobby Challenge is an kind of answer to it.     Getting to stick to monthly objectives, with 12 small or limited projects and the option of 2 big ones might be a good structure to keep on cleaning the remains of my Pile of Shame. Which might eventually, although haviong shrunk a lot lately, start to grow again.   Shall we put it into perspective with what remain


Bouargh in 12 Months of Hobby

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