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The Aksha'i Cruentes is a warband of Heretic Astartes, originally formed by a zealous conclave of warriors from the World Eaters Legion during the Heresy. They have dedicated every moment of their existence to spreading war throughout the galaxy. Even if they are repelled, the sector they were repelled from is invariably drowned in violence and civil strife for decades to come.


Entries in this blog

Battle 15: 75PL vs Space Marines, Pandemic Locale

25 November, 2022 With Kratus's ascension into the Daemon Prince Arkrath, his forces have been seized with a renewed vigor for bloodshed. No longer caring about the relic bounty hidden beneath the city, the Cruentes have turned their attentions to simply butchering their way through the hordes of mutants and xenos pouring from underground, ordering their fleet to bombard the whole city from low orbit. In their lord's wake, wisps of unreality coalesce into Neverborn allies as the followers o


Cheex in Battle Reports

Battle 14: 75PL vs Genestealer Cults, Weaken the Defences

Or: I really need to make a proper urban-themed board for this narrative campaign that is set in a bloody city...   18 November, 2022 The sharp claws hunting us from the shadows have all but confirmed it: an ancient relic is buried under the surface of Hive Secundus, one that is of particular significance to the World Eaters. Rumour and hearsay had led them to this place, and it is time to claim the prize. The final preparations must be made to bombard this city and reach the relic w


Cheex in Battle Reports

Battle 13: 50PL vs Imperial Knights, Forces in Disarray

11 November, 2022   With news of Hive Secundus housing something powerful, several armies are converging on the city. Kratus, having been thwarted in breaking into the catacombs himself, has resolved to instead locate the weakest crust of the inner city and simply bombard it from space, cracking it open and exposing the bounty within.   The Cruentes believe they have found the perfect position. The only problem is that a strike force of Imperial Knights stand in their way.


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Battle 12: 75PL vs GSC, Let It Burn

This battle occurred a few weeks ago, but real life got in the way. Sorry for the lack of updates! Regular scheduling is to follow.   I've also noticed that the recent formatting change on the B&C has deleted all of my paragraph breaks in previous entries, so I will eventually go back and fix them...eventually.   7 October, 2022   Burning with the power of the warp following his last encounter with the Imperial Knights, Kratus presses onwards through the dust-st


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Battle 8: 50PL vs Necrons vs Imperial Knights, Race to Recover

9 September, 2022 A desperate call has pierced the silence of Hive Secundus. Thought to be a dead city and ignored by the rest of Imperial command, the Space Marines of the Ashen Ghosts chapter dispatched a small detachment to investigate the hive. Now, after weeks of vox silence, an urgent call to arms has been heard all across the world of Janus - even by their enemies - as a facility of extreme importance has been discovered. Several forces now converge on the desolate city, eager to unc


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Battle 11: 50PL vs Imperial Knights, Eldritch Encounter

Or: It's Fistin' Time! 22 September, 2022 After a series of stinging defeats and anaemic offerings to the Blood Father, the World Eaters are eager for a worthy fight. Kratus, in particular, is determined to prove his worth as a successor to the Hand of Khorne. As scattered bands of Cruentes stalk the streets, they encounter a scouting force of Imperial Knights, presenting them with an opportunity to take some worthy trophies. Since the last battle, I used Repair and Recuperate to


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Battle 10: 75PL vs Custodes, Strike for Supplies

Or: Maybe Don't Choose To Go Second Against Custodes Next Time 16 September, 2022 After being surrounded by the foul xenos forces, the World Eaters only manage to fall back thanks to the enemy armies' preoccupation with each other. Returning in force and hoping to catch these enemies off-guard, the Cruentes are surprised to not see Necrons or xenos mutants, but instead the transhuman might of the Adeptus Custodes.  After the last battle, I used the Repair and Recuperate requisitio


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Battle 9: 50PL vs GSC vs Necrons, Opportunity Strikes

Or: The One Where I Realised Rhinos Kinda Suck When Forced to Use Strategic Reserves 16 September, 2022 As forces from all factions present on Janus trickle into the Hive Secundus, more engagements break out. The indomitable Necron advance pursues the regrouping World Eaters, however sensors on both sides start pinging with the presence of new enemies... Kratus and his lieutenant, Thrax the Exalted Champion, lead Dreior's Berzerkers and Gorm's Berzerkers, backed by Bardûl the Helb


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Battle 7: 50PL vs Imperial Knights, Tech Hunt

27 August, 2022 With the Cruentes' supply lines well and truly solidified (Warfleet Glory has been at 7 for several games now), Kratus has set about raising as many edifices to the glory of the Bloodfather as possible. However, in this small satellite city of Hive Secundus, a cultist coven has alerted the Cruentes of a hidden cache of Mechanicus artefacts. Eager to add these to his arsenal, Kratus leads a force to recover them - and pile some skulls in the process. Fortunately for his warri


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Battle 6: 50PL Incursion vs Deffskulls

12 August, 2022 Eager to collect as much loot as possible, greenskins have launched an all-out attack on the Cruentes' position in the industrial outskirts of Hive Prime. Our sources tell us that these greenskins call themselves the Death Skulls. This pleases Khorne.   Leading the initial defence is Thrax Gorechosen, the Exalted Champion. He is accompanied by the Berzerker squads led by Validon and Dreior, as well as the Helbrute Xarian the Bloody Idiot and Bardûl the Wretched Foo


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Battle 5: 25PL Skirmish vs Death Guard, Infiltrate the Ring

5 August, 2022 Kratus once again lead a small Combat Patrol against the Death Guard, this time accompanied by his lieutenant, Thrax, Dreior's Berzerkers, and a small mob of Cultists. The mission was to punch through the enemy line to cause as much havoc as possible. For my Agenda, I chose to initiate yet another Blasphemous Ritual to earn some more Glory for Khorne.   Unfortunately, I had been painting Kratus's model and completely forgot to bring him along, so a random Terminator


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Battle 3: 50PL Incursion vs Custodes, Entrapment

29 July, 2022 This was the inaugural battle under Kratus's leadership. He led five Red Butcher terminators, two squads of five Berzerkers in a Rhino, one squad of eight Berzerkers on foot. He was accompanied by Baruda the Dark Apostle and a small mob of Cultists.   My Agendas for this mission were to kill enemy characters for XP and Personal Glory, and sabotage terrain in the enemy deployment zone.   The Cruentes were "ambushing" the Custodes as the latter attempted to l


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Battle 4: 25PL Skirmish vs Custodes, Run Them Down

29 July, 2022 Kratus led this force, backed by Validon and his seven Berzerkers, and Xarian the Bloody Idiot. I chose the Eye of the Gods Agenda again for a little more Personal Glory. Following directly on from the previous battle, the Custodes of the Golden Eagle rallied to chase down the Cruentes. Not wanting to run from a fight, the World Eaters turned to engage.     Seizing the initiative (aka, losing the roll-off and my opponent wanting me to get closer), Vali


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Battle 2: 25PL Skirmish vs Necrons, Cut Supply Lines

22 July, 2022 While hunting for new prey, the Cruentes discovered a cache of useful technology they could secure for bartering with the Dark Mechanicum. As they were securing the site, a Necron force led by Illuminor Szeras attacked their position.   Bardûl personally led this force, and was once more accompanied by Dreior and Gorm's two small Berzerker squads, as well as Xarian the Helbrute. The mission forced me to split my army in two parts, and forced me to deploy my whole arm


Cheex in Battle Reports

Battle 1: 25PL Skirmish vs Death Guard, Survey and Secure

15 July, 2022 The first battle the Cruentes took part in for this Crusade was 25PL against a mate's Death Guard. This was his first 40k game, so we kept the mission to a simple one from Beyond the Veil. I chose the Agenda that would get me Dark God Glory points for performing an action at the centre of the board.   The story behind this mission is that our forces are jointly invading an Imperial world that has until recently been isolated by Warp storms. As Imperial reinforcements


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